1.I want you to [cast] off your preconceptions, your preconceived fears and thoughts about reptiles.
我首先希望你们能够 消除对爬行动物的恐惧感,
2.Because that is the only way I’m going to get my story across to you.
3.And by the way, if I come across as a sort of rabid, hippie conservationist, it’s purely a figment of your imagination.
另外,如果你们觉得 我是一个疯狂的嬉皮自然保护主义者, 那只不过你们自己的幻想罢了。
4.(Laughter) Okay. We are actually the first species on Earth to be so prolific to actually threaten our own survival.
(观众笑) 事实上,我们是地球上 第一个威胁到自己生存的物种。
5.And I know we’ve all seen images enough to make us numb, of the tragedies that we’re perpetrating on the planet.
我们看到过很多关于地球生态遭到破坏的图片, 多到足以使我们麻木。
6.We’re kind of like greedy kids, using it all up, aren’t we?
7.And today is a time for me to talk to you about water.
8.It’s not only because we like to drink lots of it, and its marvelous derivatives, beer, wine, etc.
这不仅仅是因为我们喜欢喝水, 还有那些奇妙的衍生品,比如啤酒,红酒等等;
9.And, of course, watch it fall from the sky and flow in our wonderful rivers, but for several other reasons as well.
当然我们也喜欢看着它从空中降落, 在河流中流淌, 也会有一些其他原因。
10.When I was a kid, growing up in New York, I was smitten by snakes, the same way most kids are smitten by tops, marbles, cars, trains, cricket balls.
当我在纽约,还是个孩子的时候, 我对蛇十分着迷, 就好像很多孩子着迷于陀螺、弹珠、汽车、火车和板球。
11.And my mother, brave lady, was partly to blame, taking me to the New York Natural History Museum, buying me books on snakes, and then starting this infamous career of mine,
我的母亲,一位很有勇气的女士, 对此也算负有责任吧。 是她带我去纽约自然历史博物馆, 给我买关于蛇的书, 使我踏上了这条职业道路,
12.which has culminated in of course, arriving in India 60 years ago, brought by my mother, Doris Norden, and my stepfather, Rama Chattopadhyaya.
后来甚至 把我带到印度,那是在60年前, 这就是我的母亲,多丽·丝诺登, 和继父,拉玛·查托帕迪亚雅。
13.It’s been a roller coaster ride.
14.Two animals, two iconic reptiles really captivated me very early on.
两种标志性的爬行动物 从一开始就深深地吸引了我。
15.One of them was the remarkable gharial.
16.This crocodile, which grows to almost 20 feet long in the northern rivers, and this charismatic snake, the king cobra.
这种生长在北部河流中的鳄鱼 可以长到近20英尺长; 另一个是气度非凡的眼镜王蛇。
17.[The] purpose of [my] talk today really is is to sort of indelibly scar your minds with these charismatic and majestic creatures.
我今天的演讲实际上 是想要用这些魅力十足而威严的生物 在你们的脑海中留下一个永久的印记。
18.Because this is what [I hope] you will take away from here, a reconnection with nature, I hope.
因为这就是我希望你们能从今天的演讲中所得到的, 一次和自然的亲密接触。
19.The king cobra is quite remarkable for several reasons.
20.What you’re seeing here is very recently shot images in a forest nearby here, of a female king cobra making her nest.
你们现在看到的是最近 在附近森林里拍到的一些影像。 一条雌性眼镜王蛇正在筑巢,
21.Here is a limbless animal, capable of gathering a huge mound of leaves, and then laying her eggs inside, to withstand 5 to 10 [meters of rainfall],
没有四肢的动物,居然可以把这么多树叶聚集起来, 并在里面产蛋。 这个巢能够承受5到10米的降雨量,
22.in order that the eggs can incubate over the next 90 days, and hatch into little baby king cobras.
而蛋将在未来90天内孵化, 最终孵出小眼镜王蛇。
23.So, she protects her eggs, and after three months, the babies finally do hatch out.
这条母蛇保护她的蛋, 3个月后, 小蛇就孵出来了。
24.A majority of them will die, of course. There is very high mortality in little baby reptiles who are just 10 to 12 inches long.
它们当中的大部分都会死掉,这是当然的, 10到12英寸长的小蛇死亡率是很高的。
25.My first experience with king cobras was in ’72 at a magical place called Agumbe, in Karnataka, this state.
我第一次接触眼镜王蛇是在72年, 在一个叫阿古比的神奇地方, 位于卡纳塔克邦境内。
26.And it is a marvelous rain forest.
27.This first encounter was kind of like the Masai boy who kills the lion to become a warrior.
这次邂逅 就好像 马赛传说中男孩杀死狮子成为勇士的故事,
28.It really changed my life totally.
29.And it brought me straight into the conservation fray.
30.I ended up starting this research and education station in Agumbe, which you are all of course invited to visit.
我于是开始了这个研究项目, 并在阿古比建立了教育站, 我很欢迎你们来参观。
31.This is basically a base wherein we are trying to gather and learn virtually everything about the biodiversity of this incredibly complex forest system,
基本上这算是一个 我们用来收集和研究 这片不可思议的森林的 生物多样性的基地。
32.and try to hang on to what’s there, make sure the water sources are protected and kept clean, and of course, having a good time too.
我们努力保持它的原貌, 确保水源得到保护, 当然,我们在这里过得很愉快。
33.You can almost hear the drums throbbing back in that little cottage where we stay when we’re there.
你甚至能听到 从我们住的小木屋里传出击鼓声。
34.It was very important for us to get through to the people.
35.And through the children is usually the way to go.
36.They are fascinated with snakes. They haven’t got that steely thing that you end up either fearing or hating or despising or loathing them in some way.
他们被蛇深深吸引, 并不像成年人那样, 对蛇不是害怕就是厌恶。
37.They are interested.
38.And it really works to start with them.
39.This gives you an idea of the size of some of these snakes.
40.This is an average size king cobra, about 12 feet long.
41.and it actually crawled into somebody’s bathroom, and was hanging around there for two or three days.
它爬到了某户人家的浴室里, 在那里呆了两三天。
42.The people of this part of India worship the king cobra.
这一地区的印度人 崇拜眼镜王蛇。
43.And they didn’t kill it. They called us to catch it.
44.Now we’ve caught more than 100 king cobras over the last three years, and relocated them in nearby forests.
我们在过去3年内 已经抓了100多条眼镜王蛇, 并把它们在附近森林里放生。
45.But in order to find out the real secrets of these creatures [it was necessary] for us to actually insert a small radio transmitter inside [each] snake.
但是为了发掘它们的秘密, 我们必须在它们身上 植入微型无线发射器,
46.Now we are able to follow them and find out their secrets, where the babies go after they hatch, and remarkable things like this you’re about to see.
这样我们就能够跟踪它们,并发现它们的秘密, 比如小蛇孵化之后会去哪里, 还有你们即将看到的不可思议的画面。
47.This was just a few days ago in Agumbe.
48.I had the pleasure of being close to this large king cobra who had caught a venomous pit viper.
我很高兴能够靠近这条巨大的眼镜王蛇, 它抓到了一条剧毒的蝮蛇,
49.And it does it in such a way that it doesn’t get bitten itself.
50.And king cobras feed only on snakes.
51.This [little snake] was kind of a tid-bit for it, what we’d call a “vadai” or a donut or something like that.
这算是它的点心, 就好像是我们的甜甜圈。
52.(Laughter) Usually they eat something a bit larger.
(观众笑) 它们的猎物通常比这个大一些。
53.In this case a rather strange and inexplicable activity happened over the last breeding season, wherein a large male king cobra actually grabbed a female king cobra,
接下来看到的难以解释场景 发生在去年的繁殖期, 一条雄性眼镜王蛇抓住了一条母蛇,
54.didn’t mate with it, actually killed it and swallowed it.
55.We’re still trying to explain and come to terms with what is the evolutionary advantage of this.
我们仍然在试图 从进化的角度解释这种现象。
56.But they do also a lot of other remarkable things.
57.This is again, something [we were able to see] by virtue of the fact that we had a radio transmitter in one of the snakes, this male snake, 12 feet long, met another male king cobra.
这一次, 借助在一条蛇身上植入的无线放射器, 我们看到这条12英尺长的公蛇遇到了另一条公蛇,
58.And they did this incredible ritual combat dance.
59.It’s very much like the rutting of mammals, including humans, you know, sorting out our differences, but gentler, no biting allowed.
就像哺乳动物发情, 只是更加温柔,没有撕咬。
60.It’s just a wresting match, but a remarkable activity.
这是一场摔跤比赛, 但是与众不同。
61.Now, what are we doing with all this information?
62.What’s the point of all this?
63.Well, the king cobra is literally a keystone species in these rainforests.
眼镜王蛇实际上是 这些森林中最重要的物种。
64.And our job is to convince the authorities that these forests have to be protected.
我们的工作是说服权威部门 来保护这些森林。
65.And this is one of the ways we do it, by learning as much as we can about something so remarkable and so iconic in the rainforests there,
我们所采取的一种方式, 就是通过 学习和研究森林中这些标志性的生物,
66.in order to help protect trees, animals and of course the water sources.
来保护森林和动物, 当然还有水资源。
67.You’ve all heard, perhaps, of Project Tiger which started back in the early ’70s, which was, in fact, a very dynamic time for conservation.
你们可能听说过“拯救老虎计划”, 该计划始于70年代, 在一个保护自然理论非常盛行的时代。
68.We were piloted, I could say, by a highly autocratic stateswoman, but who also had an incredible passion for environment.
我们由 一位专制的女政客领导, 她对自然有着难以置信的热情。
69.And this is the time when Project Tiger emerged.
70.And, just like Project Tiger, our activity with the king cobra is to [focus on] a species of animal so that we protect its habitat and everything within it.
和这个计划一样, 针对眼镜王蛇, 我们致力于 保护它们的栖息地和里面所有的一切。
71.So, the tiger is the icon.
72.And now the king cobra is a new one.
73.All the major rivers in south India are sourced in the Western Ghats, the chain of hills running along the west coast of India.
印度南部的主要河流 都起源于印度西海岸的 西高止山脉。
74.It pours out millions of gallons every hour, and supplies drinking water to at least 300 million people, and washes many many babies,
每小时有上百万加仑的水从山上流下, 可以供至少3亿人饮用, 给很多婴儿洗澡,
75.and of course feeds many many animals, both domestic and wild, produces thousands of tons of rice.
给很多家养 和野生的动物们喝, 用来生产上千吨的大米。
76.And what do we do? How do we respond to this?
77.Well, basically, we dam it, we pollute it, we pour in pesticides, weedicides, fungicides.
基本上,我们建造大坝,污染河流, 倾倒各种杀虫剂和除草剂。
78.You drink it in peril of your life.
79.And the thing is, it’s not just big industry.
80.It’s not misguided river engineers who are doing all this; it’s us.
不仅仅是大型工业和被误导了的河流工程师在污染河流, 我们也是其中一分子。
81.It seems that our citizens find the best way to dispose of garbage are in water sources.
人们似乎觉得处理垃圾最好的方法 就是往水里丢。
82.Okay. Now we’re going north, very far north.
83.North central India, the Chambal River is where we have our base.
北部的昌巴尔河, 我们在那里建有基地。
84.This is the home of the gharial, this incredible crocodile.
85.It is an animal which has been on the Earth for just about 100 million years.
长吻鄂在地球上生存已有 1亿多年了。
86.It survived even during the time that the dinosaurs died off.
87.It has remarkable features.
88.Even though it grows to 20 feet long, since it eats only fish it’s not dangerous to human beings.
尽管它们可以长到20英尺长, 但由于它们只吃鱼,因而对人类没有威胁。
89.It does have big teeth, however, and it’s kind of hard to convince people if an animal has big teeth, that it’s a harmless creature.
它们有巨大的牙齿, 人们似乎很难信服, 长有硕大牙齿的动物却是没有威胁的。
90.But we, actually, back in the early ’70s, did surveys, and found that gharial were extremely rare.
在70年代的时候, 我们做过调查, 发现长吻鄂已经十分稀有。
91.In fact, if you see the map the range of their original habitat was all the way from the Indus in Pakistan to the Irrawaddy in Burma.
如果你查看地图。 它们的原本栖息地 从巴基斯坦境内的印度河 一直延伸到缅甸的伊洛瓦底江。
92.And now it’s just limited to a couple of spots in Nepal and India.
而现在只剩下 在尼泊尔和印度的几个栖息点。
93.So, in fact at this point there are only 200 breeding gharial left in the wild.
事实上, 目前世界上仅有200多条成年长吻鄂。
94.So, starting in the mid-’70s when conservation was at the fore, we were actually able to start projects which were basically government supported
在70年代, 当自然保护运动刚刚兴起的时候, 我们得到政府的支持, 展开了一个项目,
95.to collect eggs from the wild from the few remaining nests and release 5,000 baby gharial back to the wild.
从野外仅有的几个栖息地收集鳄鱼蛋, 成功孵化了5000条小长吻鄂, 并把它们放归自然。
96.And pretty soon we were seeing sights like this.
97.I mean, just incredible to see bunches of gharial basking on the river again.
看到成群的长吻鄂在河边晒日光浴, 感觉真是太棒了。
98.But complacency does have a tendency to breed contempt.
99.And, sure enough, with all the other pressures on the river, like sand mining, for example, very very heavy cultivation all the way down to the river’s edge,
河岸边的众多活动, 如采砂作业、大量的耕作 给河流带来很大压力,
100.not allowing the animals to breed anymore, we’re looking at even more problems building up for the gharial, despite the early good intentions.
使得野生动物无法正常繁殖。 我们看到 还有更多的问题在威胁长吻鄂, 光有最初的努力是不够的。
101.Their nests hatching along the riverside producing hundreds of hatchlings. It’s just an amazing sight.
成百条小鳄鱼从河边的巢中孵化出来, 这场景令人赞叹。
102.This was actually just taken last year.
103.But then the monsoon arrives, and unfortunately downriver there is always a dam or there is always a barrage, and, shoop, they get washed down to their doom.
但是, 下游总是会有水坝或者堰堤, 当季风来临, 它们就被冲向灭亡。
104.Luckily there is still a lot of interest.
105.My pals in the Crocodile Specialist Group of the IUCN, the [Madras Crocodile Bank], an NGO, the World Wildlife Fund, the Wildlife Institute of India, State Forest Departments,
我和那些在鳄鱼自然保护联盟专家小组、 马德拉斯鳄鱼银行——一个非政府组织、 世界野生动物基金会、 印度野生动物研究所、国家林业部
106.and the Ministry of Environment, we all work together on stuff.
107.But it’s possibly, and definitely not enough.
108.For example, in the winter of 2007 and 2008, there was this incredible die-off of gharial, in the Chambal River.
举个例子,在2007和2008年冬天, 昌巴尔河里的长吻鄂惊人地大批死亡,
109.Suddenly dozens of gharial appearing on the river, dead.
110.Why? How could it happen?
111.This is a relatively clean river.
112.The Chambal, if you look at it, has clear water.
113.People scoop water out of the Chambal and drink it, something you wouldn’t do in most north Indian rivers.
人们直接从河里舀水喝, 大多数印度北部的河不可能是这样的。
114.So, in order to try to find out the answer to this, we got veterinarians from all over the world working with Indian vets to try to figure out what was happening.
为了找出原因, 我们从世界各地找来兽医, 和印度本地的兽医一起寻找真相。
115.I was there for a lot of the necropsies on the riverside.
116.And we actually looked through all their organs and tried to figure out what was going on.
我们检查它们的内脏, 试图找出原因。
117.And it came down to something called gout, which, as a result of kidney breakdown is actually uric acid crystals throughout the body,
最后我们发现祸根是痛风病, 由于肾功能衰竭, 体内尿酸结晶,
118.and worse in the joints, which made the gharial unable to swim.
尤其是在关节处, 最终导致长吻鄂不能游泳。
119.And it’s a horribly painful death.
120.Just downriver from the Chambal is the filthy Yamuna river, the sacred Yamuna river.
昌巴尔河的下游 是神圣但却肮脏的亚穆纳河。
121.And I hate to be so ironic and sarcastic about it but it’s the truth. It’s just one of the filthiest cesspools you can imagine.
我不想讽刺什么, 但这是事实。这是你能想象的最脏的河了。
122.If flows down through Delhi, Mathura, Agra, and gets just about every bit of effluent you can imagine.
它流经德里,马图拉和阿格拉, 受到各种污水的污染。
123.So, it seemed that the toxin that was killing the gharial was something in the food chain, something in the fish they were eating.
杀死长吻鄂的毒素 似乎来自于食物链, 来自一种它们猎食的鱼。
124.And, you know, once a toxin is in the food chain everything is affected, including us.
大家都知道,一旦毒素进入食物链, 所有生物都会受到影响,包括我们。
125.Because these rivers are the lifeblood of people all along their course.
126.In order to try to answer some of these questions we again turn to technology to biological technology, in this case, again, telemetry, putting radios on 10 gharial,
为了解答这些疑问, 我们再次借助科技, 这次是生物科技。 我们在10条长吻鄂装上身上遥测无线电,
127.and actually following their movements. They’re being watched everyday as we speak, to try to find out what this mysterious toxin is.
记录它们的行踪。 我们监视它们来找出 这些毒素的真面目。
128.The Chambal river is an absolutely incredible place.
129.It’s a place that’s famous to a lot of you who know about the bandits, the dacoits who used to work up there. And there still are quite a few around.
这个地方很出名, 因为曾经有强盗和土匪在这一带出没, 直到今天还有一些。
130.But Poolan Devi was one [of them]. Which actually Shekhar Kapur made and incredible movie, the Bandit Queen, which I urge you to see.
普兰·黛维就曾是其中一员, 她的故事被谢加·卡普尔拍成电影——《土匪女皇》,我强烈建议你们去看一下。
131.You’ll get to see the incredible [Chambal] landscape as well.
132.But, again, heavy fishing pressures.
133.This is one of the last repositories of the Ganges river dolphin, various species of turtles, thousands of migratory birds, and fishing is causing problems like this.
这里已是 恒河海豚、 各种乌龟, 和无数候鸟最后的家园了, 但是渔业带来了众多问题。
134.And now [these] new elements of human intolerance for river creatures like the gharial means that if they don’t drown in the net, then they simply cut their beaks off.
人类对长吻鄂这类河流生物的不宽容 导致了 它们不是被困死在渔网内 就是被砍去嘴巴。