1.So I’m going to talk about two stories today.
2.One is how we need to use market-based pricing to affect demand and use wireless technologies to dramatically reduce our emissions in the transportation sector.
一个是我们如何通过基于市场的定价去影响需求, 并且使用无线技术减少在运输环节的 汽车排放物。
3.And the other is that there is an incredible opportunity, if we choose the right wireless technologies, how we can generate a new engine for economic growth
另一个就是我们面临着史无前例的机遇, 如果我们能选择最合适的无线技术, 我们将会给的经济发展增添新动力,
4.and dramatically reduce C02 in the other sectors.
5.I’m really scared.
6.We need to reduce C02 emissions in ten to fifteen years by 80 percent in order to avert catastrophic effects.
因为我们需要在10到15年里减少80%的二氧化碳排放量, 以避免灾难性的后果。
7.And I’m astounded that I’m standing here to tell you that.
8.What are catastrophic effects? A three-degree centigrade climate change rise that will result in 50 percent species extinction.
那些灾难性后果都是什么呢?全球气候升温3摄氏度, 将导致50%的物种灭绝。
9.It’s not a movie. This is real life.
10.And I’m really worried, because when people talk about cars — which I know something about — the press, and politicians, and people in this room are all thinking,
我很担心,因为人们谈论汽车的时候 ——我对此比较了解—— 媒体、政客,包括在座的诸位都会想,
11.”Let’s use fuel-efficient cars.”
12.If we started today, 10 years from now, at the end of this window of opportunity, those fuel-efficient cars will reduce our fossil fuel needs by four percent.
如果我们现在开始做,从现在起做10年,那么,在这段最佳时机之后, 这些高效燃油小轿车就会使人们对化石燃料的需求降低四成。
13.That is not enough.
14.But now I’ll talk about some more pleasant things.
15.Here are some ways that we can make some dramatic changes.
16.So ZipCar is a company that I founded seven years ago, but it’s an example of something called carsharing.
七年前我建立了ZipCar公司, 其实是汽车共用的一种尝试。
17.What ZipCar does is we park cars throughout dense urban areas for members to reserve by the hour and by the day, instead of using their own car.
ZipCar在人口稠密的城市地区拥有很多会员和他们的车辆,会员可以按小时或者天 来进行汽车预定服务,用以替代使用他们自己的车子。
18.How does it feel to be a person using a ZipCar?
19.It means that I pay only for what I need.
20.All these hours for a car sitting idle, I’m not paying for it.
21.It means that I can choose a car exactly for that particular trip.
22.So here’s a woman that reserved MiniMia, and she had her day.
23.I can take a BMW when I’m seeing clients.
24.I can drive my Toyota Element when I’m going to go on that surfing trip.
25.And the other remarkable thing is that I think it’s the highest status of car ownership.
26.Not only do I have a fleet of cars available to me in seven cities around the world that I can have at my beck and call, but heaven forbid that I would ever maintain
只需要一个招手或者是一通电话, 我就可以在全球的七个城市里任意使用我想要的车子, 而且不需要担心车子的维护和维修,
27.or deal with the repair or have anything to do with it.
28.It’s like the car that you always wanted, that your mom said that you couldn’t have.
29.I get all the good stuff and none of the bad.
30.So what is the social result of this?
31.The social result is that today’s ZipCar has 100,000 members driving 3,000 cars parked in 3,000 parking spaces.
事实是,ZipCar已经拥有10万多会员, 他们拥有停放在3000个停车场里的3000辆汽车。
32.Instead of driving 12,000 miles a year, which is what the average city dweller does, they drive 500 miles a year. Are they happy?
现如今平均每一个城市居民驾车的行驶里程达每年1万2千公里, 而ZipCar会员的平均行驶里程仅为每年500公里,他们能不高兴吗?
33.The company has been doubling in size every since I founded it, or greater.
34.People adore the company and it’s better, you know? They like it.
人们喜欢这个公司,公司就会发展得越来越好。 人们很喜欢它。
35.So how is it that people went from the 12,000 miles a year to 500 miles?
36.It’s because they said, it’s 8 to 10 dollars an hour and 65 dollars a day.
37.If I’m going to go buy some ice cream, do I really want to spend 8 dollars to go buy the ice cream? Or maybe I’ll do without?
如果我想去买冰激凌, 我会愿意再花费额外8美元的费用吗?或者有什么方法省掉这8美元?
38.Maybe I would have bought the ice cream when I did some other errand.
39.So people really respond very quickly to it, to prices.
40.And the last point I want to make is, ZipCar would never be possible without technology.
41.It required that it was completely trivial, that it takes 30 seconds to rent — to reserve a car, go get it, drive it.
ZipCar需要处理很多琐碎的事情,因为人们希望在30秒内租到想要的车子 ——从上报预定汽车开始,到得到车子,并驾车前往目的地。
42.And for me, as a service provider, I would never be able to provide you a car for an hour if the transaction cost was anything.
对于我,作为一个服务提供商, 如果交易成本是很高, 我就不能在一个小时内给客户提供一辆汽车。
43.So without these wireless technologies, this as a concept could never happen.
44.So here’s another example. This company is GoLoco.
45.I’m launching it in three weeks.
46.And I hope to do for ridesharing what I did for carsharing.
47.This will apply for people across all of America.
48.Today 75 percent of the trips are single-occupancy vehicles.
49.Yet 12 percent of trips to work are currently carpool.
50.And I think that we can apply social networks and online-payment systems to completely change how people feel about ridesharing and make that trip much more efficient.
我想我们可以通过完善社会网络通信系统以及在线支付系统 来实现座位共享, 让我们的行程更加高效。
51.And so when I think about the future, people will be thinking that sharing the ride with someone is this incredibly great social event out of their day.
我所设想的未来场景就是, 人们通常会认为和某些人拼车 是他们社会体系里不可或缺的一部分。
52.You know, how did you get to TED? You went with other TEDsters.
53.How fabulous. Why would you ever want to go by yourself in your own car?
54.How did you go food shopping? You went with your neighbor, what a great social time.
55.You know it’s going to really transform how we feel about travel.
56.And it will also, I think, enhance our freedom of mobility.
57.Where can I go today and who can I do it with?
58.Those are the types of things that you will look at and feel.
59.And the social benefits.
60.The rate of single-occupancy vehicles is, I told you, 75 percent; I think we can get that down to 50 percent.
单人出行的概率是75%; 我觉得我们可以将之降低到50%。
61.The demand for parking, of course, is down, congestion, and the CO2 emissions.
62.One last piece about this, of course, is that it is enabled by wireless technologies.
63.And it’s the cost of driving that’s making people want to be able to do this.
64.The average American spends 19 percent of their income on their car.
65.And there’s a pressure for them to reduce that cost, yet they have no outlet today.
66.So the last example of this is congestion pricing, very famously done in London, when you charge a premium for people to drive on congested roads.
最后一个例子是关于高峰期行车收费,在伦敦已经做得相当不错, 当你在高峰路段行驶的时候需要额外收费。
67.In London, the day they turned the congestion pricing on, there was a 25 percent decrease in congestion overnight.
在伦敦,白天的时候需要征收额外的高峰路段费用, 晚上的时候就会有四分之一的降价。
68.And that’s persisted for the four years in which they’ve been doing congestion pricing.
69.And again, do people like the outcome?
70.Ken Livingston was reelected.
71.So again, we can see that price plays an enormous role in peoples’ willingness to reduce their driving behavior.
因此,值得注意的是,价格在人们考虑削减自驾出行的过程中 充当了极为重要的角色。
72.We’ve tripled the miles we drive since 1970 and doubled them since 1982.
73.There’s a huge slack in that system.
74.With the right pricing we can undo that.
75.Congestion pricing is being discussed in every major city around the world and is — again — wirelessly enabled.
全球几个重要的城市都探究过拥挤定价的问题, 当然,借助的是无线技术。
76.You weren’t going to put tollbooths around the city of London and open and shut those gates.
我们不会在伦敦的周边建立收费站, 通过开启和关闭这些出口来控制拥挤的交通。
77.And what congestion pricing is, is that it’s a technology trial and a psychological trial for something called road pricing.
高峰期行车收费是一项技术测试和心理测试, 也就是通常耳闻的道路收费。
78.And road pricing is where we’re all going to have to go.
79.Because today we pay for our maintenance and wear and tear on our roads with gas taxes.
当今社会中,政府通过征收汽油税进行 道路的维护和保养。
80.And as we get our cars more fuel-efficient, that’s going to be reducing the amount of revenue you get off of those gas taxes, so we need to charge people by the mile that they drive.
如果我们能降低汽车的油耗, 就会相应的减少你所需缴纳的燃油税, 因此我们需要按照驾驶人实际行驶的里程进行征税。
81.Whatever happens with congestion pricing is that those technologies will be happening with road pricing.
与道路收费相关的最多因素就是那些 将会用之于道路收费的技术。
82.Why do we travel too much?
83.Car traveling is underpriced and therefore over-consumed.
84.We need to put this better market feedback.
85.And if we have it, you’ll decide how many miles to drive, what mode of travel, where to live and work.
如果我们能将这个设想实现,你就可以自主决定行驶的里程数、 旅行的方式以及居住地和工作地等。
86.And wireless technologies make this real-time loop possible.
87.So I want to move now to the second part of my story, which is, when are we going to start doing this congestion pricing? Road pricing is coming.
现在我想开始介绍我故事的第二部分, 就是,我们该在什么时机开始 高峰期行车收费呢?道路收费已经濒临。
88.When are we going to do it? Are we going to wait ten to 15 years for this to happen?
我们该什么时候开始着手呢?我们是否需要 再等待个15年呢?
89.Or are we going to finally have this political will to make it happen in the next two years?
90.Because I’m going to say, that’s going to be the tool to turn our usage overnight.
91.And what kind of wireless technology are we going to use?
92.This is my big vision.
93.There is a tool that can help us bridge the digital divide, respond to emergencies, get traffic moving, provide a new engine for economic growth
有种工具可以帮助我们弥合数字鸿沟, 应对紧急情况,使交通畅顺, 为经济增长添加新引擎,
94.and dramatically reduce CO2 emissions in every sector.
95.And this is a moment from “The Graduate.” Do you remember this moment?
96.You guys are going to be the handsome young guy, and I’m going to be the wise businessman.
你们将会是年轻帅气的年轻人, 而我则是一名聪明的商人。
97.”I want to say one word to you, just one word.”
98.”Yes, sir?” “Are you listening?” “Yes I am.”
99.”Ad-hoc peer-to-peer self-configuring wireless networks.”
100.(Laughter) These are also called mesh networks.
(笑声) 被称为多跳网络。
101.And in a mesh, every device contributes to, and expands, the network, and I think you might have heard a little bit about it before.
在一个多跳网络中,每一台设备都是网络的组成单元,从而使得网络得以扩张, 大家之前对此一定有所耳闻。
102.I’m going to give you some examples.
103.You’ll be hearing later today from Alan Kay.
104.These laptops, when a child opens them up, they communicate with every single child in the classroom, within that school, within that village.
这些笔记本电脑,当一个小孩子启动它时, 同一个教室里的电脑之间就会相互链接并开始发送和接收信息, 范围可以扩展到整个学校,甚至整个乡镇。
105.And what is the cost of that communication system?
106.Zero dollars a month.
107.Here’s another example. In New Orleans, video cameras were mesh-enabled so they could monitor crime in the downtown French Quarter.
这是另一个例子。在新奥尔良, 监视器之间被用无线网络链接在了一起, 因此,人们就可以监视在市中心的法国区的社会治安状况。
108.When the hurricane happened, the only communication system standing was the mesh network.
当飓风来临时, 仅存的通讯系统就是这种多跳网络。
109.Volunteers flew in and added a whole bunch of devices.
110.And for the next 12 months, mesh networks were the only wireless that was happening in New Orleans.
在接下来的一年当中, 多跳网络将会成为新奥尔良地区唯一的无线网络。
111.Another example is in Portsmouth, UK.
112.They mesh-enabled 300 buses. And they can speak to these smart terminals you can look at the terminal and be able to see precisely where your bus is on the street,
人们将300辆公交车用无线连接起来。人们可以和那些智能终端对话, 你可以看到智能终端上的信息, 并从中获知你所要乘坐的公交车的位置。
113.and when it’s coming, and you can buy your tickets in real time.
114.Again, all mesh-enabled. Monthly communication cost: zero.