
1.You’ve all seen lots of articles on climate change, and here’s yet another New York Times article, just like every other darn one you’ve seen.
大家都读过很多有关气候变化的文章, 现在给大家展示的这篇文章源于《纽约时报》, 和你们之前看到的大同小异。
2.It says all the same stuff as all the other ones you’ve seen.
3.It even has the same amount of headline as all the other ones you’ve seen.
4.What’s unusual about this one, maybe, is that it’s from 1953.
5.And the reason I’m saying this is that you may have the idea this problem is relatively recent.
我之所以这么说 是因为你们以为气候问题只是最近才提出来的。
6.That people have just sort of figured out about it and now with Kyoto and the Governator and people beginning to actually do something,
人们这些年才开始意识到气候变化这一问题, 而且,人们开始真正采取行动,比如签订《京都议定书》,以及加州州长(施瓦辛格)的环保倡议,
7.we may be on the road to a solution.
8.The fact is: uh-uh.
9.We’ve known about this problem for 50 years, depending on how you count it.
10.We have talked about it endlessly over the last decade or so.
11.And we’ve accomplished close to zip.
12.This is the growth rate of CO2 in the atmosphere.
13.You’ve seen this in various forms, but maybe you haven’t seen this one.
大家已经看过各式各样反映二氧化碳含量上升的表格, 但是你们可能还没有见过这样的一个表格。
14.What this shows is that the rate of growth of our emissions is accelerating.
15.And that it’s accelerating even faster than what we thought was the worst case just a few years back.
而且,增加的速度甚至比我们 前几年想的最坏情况还要快。
16.So that red line there was something that a lot of skeptics said the environmentalists only put in the projections to make the projections look as bad as possible.
红线显示的是很多怀疑论者所持的观点,他们认为 环境学家提出这些问题 是想把问题弄得看起来尽可能糟。
17.That emissions would never grow as fast as that red line.
18.But in fact, they’re growing faster.
19.Here’s some data from actually just 10 days ago, which shows this year’s minimum of the Arctic Sea ice, and it’s the lowest by far.
这里有一些10天前的数据, 这些数据显示了今年北冰洋的最小冰量,这也是有史以来的最小值。
20.And the rate at which the Arctic Sea ice is going away is a lot quicker than models.
21.So despite all sorts of experts like me flying around the planet and burning jet fuel and politicians signing treaties, in fact you could argue the net effect of all this has been negative
尽管各行各业的专家像我一样成天飞来飞去, 飞机也耗了不少油,政治家也在签署各项条约, 实际上你们可能发现最终结果是负面的,
22.because it’s just consumed a lot of jet fuel. (Laughter) No, no! In terms of what we really need to do to put the brakes on this very high inertial thing — our big economy — we’ve really hardly started.
因为我们浪费了很多飞机燃料。(笑) 不,不!我们现在真正要做的是把刹车片放到 我们庞大的经济体上——这个家伙惯性很大——我们过去就几乎没有真正启动过。
23.Really, we’re doing this, basically. Really, not very much.
24.I don’t want to depress you too much.
25.The problem is absolutely soluble, and even soluble in a way that’s reasonably cheap.
26.Cheap meaning sort of the cost of the military, not the cost of medical care.
27.Cheap meaning a few percent of GDP.
28.No, this is really important to have this sense of scale.
29.So the problem is soluble, and the way we should go about solving it is, say, dealing with electricity production, which causes something like 43-or-so percent and rising of CO2 emissions.
问题是可以解决的,我们要解决的问题,比如说 是发电 发电产生的二氧化碳占到了43%左右,也导致二氧化碳排放量的上升。
30.And we could do that by perfectly sensible things like conservation, and wind power, nuclear power and coal to CO2 capture, which are all things that are ready for giant scale deployment and work.
我们解决这一问题的方法很多也很完美,比如说节约、 利用风能、核能,从而降低因烧煤而带来的二氧化碳。 但是上述的方法都需要调配大量的人员和安排大量的工作。
31.All we lack is the action to actually spend the money to put those into place.
32.Instead we spend our time talking.
33.But nevertheless, that’s not what I’m going to talk to you about tonight.
34.What I’m going to talk to you about tonight is stuff we might do if we did nothing.
35.And it’s this stuff in the middle here which is what you do if you don’t stop the emissions quickly enough.
如果你们不很快地停止排放 那中间显示的就是大家可以做的。
36.And you need to deal — somehow break the link between human actions that change climate, and the climate change itself. And that’s particularly important
大家要解决的就是——如何打破造成气候变化的人类活动与 气候变化本身的联系。这一点非常重要,
37.because of course, while we can adapt to climate change — and it’s important to be honest here — there will be some benefits to climate change.
与此同时我们也能适应气候变化。 老实说——气候变化也会带来一些好处。
38.Oh yes, I think it’s bad. I’ve spent my whole life working to stop it.
39.But one of the reasons it’s politically hard is there are winners and losers — not all losers.
40.But of course, the natural world, polar bears.
41.I spent time skiing across the sea ice for weeks at a time in the high Arctic.
42.They will completely lose.
43.And there’s no adaption.
44.So this problem is absolutely soluble.
45.This geo-engineering idea, in it’s simplest form, is basically the following: You could put signed particles, say sulfuric acid particles — sulfates —
答案就是地球工程学的思想,简单地说,就是如下的观点: 你们可以把带电粒子,比如说硫酸粒子——硫酸盐——
46.into the upper atmosphere, the stratosphere, where they’d reflect away sunlight and cool the planet.
放入较高的大气层,也就是平流层, 在平流层这些粒子可以反射阳光,帮地球降温。
47.And I know for certain that that will work.
48.Not that there aren’t side effects, but I know for certain it will work.
49.And the reason is: it’s been done.
50.And it was done not by us, not by me, but by nature.
51.Here’s Mount Pinatubo in the early ’90s, that put a whole bunch of sulfur in the stratosphere with a sort of atomic bomb-like cloud.
这是90年代初的皮纳图博火山喷发,产生了有一中类似原子弹爆炸的云 把大量的硫带入了平流层。
52.The result of that was pretty dramatic.
53.After that, and some previous volcanoes we have, you see a quite dramatic cooling of the atmosphere.
自从那以后,加上之前的一些火山喷发,你们看 大气层温度惊人的下降。
54.So this lower bar is the upper atmosphere, the stratosphere, and it heats up after these volcanoes.
下面这根线代表较高层的大气层(平流层)的温度 火山爆发后平流层温度上升。
55.But you’ll notice that in the upper bar, which is the lower atmosphere and the surface, it cools down because we shielded the atmosphere a little bit.
但是请注意上面这根线,代表底层大气的温度 也就是地球表面的温度下降了,因为我们稍微遮盖了一下地球。
56.There’s no big mystery about it.
57.There’s lots of mystery in the details, and there’s some bad side effects, like it partially destroys the ozone layer — and I’ll get to that in a minute.
虽然细节上有很多谜团,也有一些负面影响, 比如说可能会部分破坏臭氧层——我待会儿会讲这个问题。
58.But it clearly cools down.
59.And one other thing: it’s fast.
60.It’s really important to say. So much of the other things that we ought to do, like slowing emissions, are intrinsically slow because it takes time
这非常重要。还有很多其他事情我们应该行动, 比如说减少排放量,这本来就是一个很慢的过程
61.to build all the hardware we need to reduce emissions.
62.And not only that, when you cut emissions, you don’t cut concentrations.
63.Because concentrations, the amount of CO2 in the air, is the sum of emissions over time.
因为浓度的定义是空气中CO2的总量, 是长期排放的总和。
64.So you can’t step on the brakes very quickly.
65.But if you do this, it’s quick.
66.And there are times you might like to do something quick.
67.Another thing you might wonder about is does it work?
68.Can you shade some sunlight and effectively compensate for the added CO2, and produce a climate sort of back to what it was originally?
真的可以遮挡阳光并且有效地抵消额外的CO2, 而且可以产生一种气候条件去补偿它本来的来源吗?
69.And the answer seems to be yes.
70.So here are the graphs you’ve seen lots of times before.
71.That’s what the world looks like under one particular climate model’s view with twice the amount of CO2 in the air.
在这样的一种特定的气候模式的观点下,世界看起来总是一样 因为我们的空气中有两倍的CO2总量。
72.The lower graph is with twice the amount of CO2 and 1.8 percent less sunlight, and you’re back to the original climate.
下面的表格显示的是两倍的CO2和不到1.8%的阳光, 现在大家回到了最原始的气候状态。
73.And this graph from Ken Caldera. It’s important to say came because Ken at a meeting that I believe Marty Hoffart was also at in the mid-’90s —
这张表格来自肯-卡德拉。说明它的来源非常重要,因为 那是在90年代中的一次会议上,马丁·霍弗特也在
74.Ken and I stood up at the back of the meeting and said, “Geo-engineering won’t work.”
肯和我站在会议室后面说, “地球工程学不能解决问题。”
75.And to the person who was promoting it said, “The atmosphere’s much more complicated.”
然后他又对推广地球工程学的人说, “大气层远比我们想的复杂。”
76.Gave a bunch of physical reasons why it wouldn’t do a very good compensation.
77.Ken went and ran his models, and found that it did.
78.This topic is also old.
79.That report that landed on President Johnson’s desk when I was two years old.
81.That report, in fact, which had all the modern climate science — the only thing they talked about doing was geo-engineering.
实际上那份报告已经包含了所有现代气候科学知识—— 他们实际上说的唯一一个问题是地球工程学。
82.It didn’t even talk about cutting emissions, which is an incredible shift in our thinking about this problem.
甚至没有讨论减排, 这是我们在考虑解决这一问题上思想上难以置信的转变。
83.I’m not saying we shouldn’t cut emissions.
84.We should, but it made exactly this point.
85.So in a sense, there’s not much new.
86.The one new thing is this essay.
87.So I should say, I guess, that since the time of that original President Johnson report, and the various reports of the U.S. National Academy —
所以我想我应该说,自从约翰逊总统桌上放了那份最初的报道以来, 美国国立研究院的各种各样的报告——
88.1977, 1982, 1990 — people always talked about this idea.
89.Not as something that was foolproof, but as an idea to think about.
90.But when climate became, politically, a hot topic — if I may make the pun — in the last 15 years, this became so un-PC we couldn’t talk about it.
但是当气候成为政治上的热门话题——请允许我用这个双关语—— 在过去15年,气候问题变得不政治正确了,我们不能谈及这一问题。
91.It just sunk below the surface. We weren’t allowed to speak about it.
92.But in the last year, Paul Crutzen published this essay saying roughly what’s all been said before: that maybe given our very slow rate
但是在去年,保罗·克鲁岑发表了这篇文章, 文章的大概内容和过去大体相同:遮挡的方法可能会让我们在
93.of progress in solving this problem, and the uncertain impacts, we should think about things like this.
解决问题时速度放慢,而且有不确定的影响, 但是我们应该从这个角度来考虑这一问题。
94.He said roughly what’s been said before.
95.The big deal was he happened to have won the Nobel Prize for ozone chemistry.
96.And so people took him seriously when he said we should think about this, even though there would be some ozone impacts.
所以当他说我们应该思考这个问题的时候很多人开始重视了, 即使这对臭氧层有所影响。
97.And in fact, he had some ideas to make them go away.
98.There was all sorts of press coverage, all over the world, going right down to “Dr. Strangelove Saves the Earth,” from the Economist.
过去全世界有各种各样的新闻报道, 比如说《经济学家》的“奇爱博士拯救地球”。
99.And that got me thinking — I’ve worked on this topic on and off, but not so much technically — and I was actually lying in bed thinking one night.
那篇文章让我思考——我断断续续研究过这个话题, 但是不是非常专研——实际上我就躺在床上想了一晚上。
100.And I thought about this child’s toy — hence, the title of my talk — and I wondered if you could use the same physics that makes that thing spin ’round
我也考虑过 小孩的玩具——因此,这就是我演讲的题目—— 我在想我们能不能用那种可以让物质在小孩子的辐射测量仪中旋转起来的同样的物理学原理
101.in the child’s radiometer to levitate particles into the upper atmosphere and make them stay there.
把粒子送入高层大气, 并且让粒子一直待在那儿。
102.One of the problems with sulfates is they fall out quickly.
103.The other problem is they’re right in the ozone layer, and I’d prefer them above the ozone layer.
另外一个问题是他们就在臭氧层, 我更愿意他们是在臭氧层之上。
104.And it turns out, I woke up the next morning, and I started to calculate this.
105.It was very hard to calculate from first principles. I was stumped.
106.But then I found out that there were all sorts of papers already published that addressed this topic because it happens already in the natural atmosphere.
但是后来我发现已经有各种各样发表了的论文 就是要解决这个问题,因为问题已经在自然的大气层中产生了。
107.So it seems there are already fine particles that are levitated up to what we call the mesosphere, about 100 kilometers up — that already have this effect.
似乎已经有细微的粒子 升到了我们所说的中间层,大约100千米以上—— 而且已经有了这种效应。
108.I’ll tell you very quickly how the effect works.
109.There are a lot of fun complexities that I’d love to spend the whole evening on, but I won’t.
这里面有很多很有趣的复杂理论 我可以花整个晚上来讲这个问题,但是我没有那么多时间。
110.But let’s say you have sunlight hitting some particle and it’s unevenly heated.
111.So the side facing the sun is warmer, the side away cooler.
112.Gas molecules that bounce off the warm side bounce away with some extra velocity because it’s warm.
暖和的一面反射大气分子, 因为那面要热一些,速度又会更快。
113.And so you see a net force away from the sun.
114.That’s called the photophoretic force.
115.There are a bunch of other versions of it that I and some collaborators have thought about how to exploit.
我和其他合作者还想了很多其他版本的解释 我们思考过如何开发出来。
116.And of course, we may be wrong — this hasn’t all been peer reviewed, we’re in the middle of thinking about it — but so far it seems good.
当然,我们可能错了—— 这些都还没有完完全全审核过,我们还在思考—— 但是到目前为止看起来还不错。
117.But it looks like we could achieve long atmospheric lifetimes — much longer than before — because they’re levitated.
但是看起来我们已经可以延长环境寿命了—— 比过去长很多——因为他们被送上了大气层。
118.We can move things out of the stratosphere into the mesosphere, in principle solving the ozone problem.
我们也可以把这些物质从同温层送到中间圈, 理论上可以解决臭氧空洞的问题。
119.I’m sure there will be other problems that arise.
120.Finally, we could make the particles migrate to over the poles, so we could arrange the climate engineering so it really focused on the poles.
最后,我们可以让微粒移动到极地上空, 这样的话我们就可以把环境工程的问题集中在地球两极。
121.Which would have minimal bad impacts in the middle of the planet where we live and do the maximum job of what we might need to do —
这一举措会对我们居住的地球中部地区产生最小的副作用, 因为地球中部是我们主要生活和工作的地方。
122.which is cooling the poles in case of planetary emergency, if you like.
123.This is a new idea that’s crept up that may be, essentially, a cleverer idea than putting sulfates in.
这个一时心血来潮想出来的办法, 或许比放硫酸盐还要好。
124.Whether this idea is right or some other idea is right, I think it’s almost certain we will eventually think of cleverer things than just putting sulfur in.
不管这个办法或者是其他的办法是否行得通, 我认为我们最终肯定能 想出比放硫更好的办法。
125.That if engineers and scientists really turned their minds to this, it’s amazing how we can affect the planet.
如果工程师和科学家致力于此, 我们将会奇迹般地改造我们的地球。
126.The one thing about this is that it gives us extraordinary leverage.
127.This improved science and engineering will, whether we like it or not, give us more and more leverage to affect the planet.
无论我们喜欢与否,先进的科学和工程学会 提供给我们越来越多的机会去改变我们的地球。
128.To control the planet.
129.To give us weather and climate control — not because we plan it, not because we want it, just because science delivers it to us bit by bit,
让我们控制天气和气候——这不是因为我们打算这么做, 也不是因为我们想要这么做,只是因为科学一步步地在把掌控权送到我们手中。
130.with better knowledge of the way the system works and better engineering tools to effect it.
当然也少不了对系统工作原理的深入了解 和更好的工程学工具的帮助。
131.Now suppose that space aliens arrived — maybe they’re going to land at the UN headquarters down the road here, or maybe they’ll pick a smarter spot —
大家试想一下外星人来了—— 他们可能打算在联合国总部着陆, 他们也有可能降落到一个更高明的地方——
132.but suppose they arrive and they give you a box.
133.And the box has two knobs.
134.One knob is the knob for controlling global temperature.
135.Maybe another knob is a knob for controlling CO2 concentrations.
136.You might imagine that we would fight wars over that box.
137.Because we have no way to agree about where to set the knobs.
138.We have no global governance.
139.And different people will have different places they want it set.
140.Now I don’t think that’s going to happen. It’s not very likely.
141.But we’re building that box.



2024-3-18 14:43:44



2024-3-18 14:45:17

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