1.My big idea is a very, very small idea that can unlock billions of big ideas that are at the moment dormant inside us. 我的绝妙想法 实际上看似微不足道 但是却能够激发 层出不穷的绝妙创意 这些想法雪藏于酣睡时我们的大脑中。 2.And my little idea that …- 123
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1.What do you guys think? 一位大学教授。 2.For those who watched Sir Ken's memorable TED Talk, I am a typical example of what he describes as "the body as a form of transport for the head," 看…- 121
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1.I would like to talk today about what I think is one of the greatest adventures human beings have embarked upon, which is the quest to understand the universe 今天我要讲的是 我认为的最伟大的一项冒险 是人类有史以来 为了探求宇宙 2.a…- 84
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1.I will start by posing a little bit of a challenge: the challenge of dealing with data, data that we have to deal with in medical situations. 我首先给大家展示一个难题, 一个处理数据的难题, 处理这些 医学数据的难题。 2.It's reall…- 104
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1.I would like to tell you all that you are all actually cyborgs, but not the cyborgs that you think. 我想告诉你们大家 你们其实都是半机器人, 不是你们想象的那种半机器人。 2.You're not RoboCop, and you're not Terminator, but…- 103
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1.So I'm here to tell you that we have a problem with boys, and it's a serious problem with boys. 我在这儿是想告诉大家 我们的对男孩的教育有问题, 男孩子的教育是个严重问题。 2.Their culture isn't working in schools. 在学校,男孩…- 85
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1.Now, I want to start with a question: When was the last time you were called childish? 首先我要问大家一个问题: 上一回别人说你幼稚是什么时候? 2.For kids like me, being called childish can be a frequent occurrence. 像我这样的小孩, 可…- 93
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1.I'm here today to show my photographs of the Lakota. 今天,我给大家展示我拍摄的拉科塔人照片。 2.Many of you may have heard of the Lakota, or at least the larger group of tribes called the Sioux. 拉科塔人对于在座的许多人应该不陌生了…- 95
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1.I have 18 minutes to tell you what happened over the past six million years. 在接下来的18分钟里,我要向你们讲述 过去六百万年内发生的事情。 2.All right. 开始吧。 3.We all have come from a long way, here in Africa, and converged in t…- 90
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1.You know, when Chris first approached me to speak at TED, I said no, because I felt like I wasn't going to be able to make that personal connection, you know, that I wanted to. 当克里斯第一次联系我邀请我在TE…- 104
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1.Being a child, and sort of crawling around the house, I remember these Turkish carpets, and there were these scenes, these battle scenes, these love scenes. 还是小孩时,在家里爬来爬去, 我记得这些土耳其地毯, 还有这些景象:打斗的景象、恩…- 93
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1.One of the problems of writing, and working, and looking at the Internet is that it's very hard to separate fashion from deep change. 从事互联网工作和研究的一个常见问题是 有时很难分辨一个新兴事物,究竟是短暂的潮流,还是根本性的变革 2.And so …- 84
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1.I have a big impact on the planet to travel here by plane. 由于我是坐飞机到此的, 我已对地球造成甚巨的影响。 2.I emitted, in the atmosphere, nine tons of CO2. 我已在空气中排放了九吨二氧化碳。 3.That is the weight of two elephants. 这与两只大象相…- 99
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1.I became an inventor by accident. 我能成为一个发明家, 纯属偶然 2.I was out of the air force in 1956. No, no, that's not true: I went in in 1956, came out in 1959, was working at the University of Washington…- 92
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1.I've always wanted to be a cyborg. 我一直想成为一个半机械人。 2.One of my favorite shows, as a kid, was "The Six Million Dollar Man," 我小时候最喜欢的电视剧之一是“无敌金刚”,它的造价是六百万美元。 3.and this is a little bit cl…- 91
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1.You know, culture was born of the imagination, and the imagination -- the imagination as we know it came into being when our species descended 文化来自想象。 这些想象 当人类一代一代传承时这些想象逐渐形成, 2.from our progenitor …- 86
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1.You know, one of the intense pleasures of travel and one of the delights of ethnographic research is the opportunity to live amongst those 对我来说 在世界各地旅行 和从事人类学研究的生涯中 最大的乐趣之一莫过于 2.who have not forgott…- 83
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1.I'm going to talk about a technology that we're developing at Oxford now that we think is going to change the way that computer games and Hollywood movies are being made. 我想谈谈一个我们正在牛津开发的技术…- 113
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TonyRobbins_谈论我们行为背后的 “为什么”【中英文对照】
1.(Applause) Thank you. I have to tell you I'm both challenged and excited. (掌声) 谢谢。我必须告诉你们我同时感到挑战与兴奋。 2.My excitement is: I get a chance to give something back. 让我感到兴奋的是,我有一个付出回馈的机会。 3.My challe…- 87
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1.John Hockenberry: It's great to be here with you, Tom. John Hockenberry:很高兴见到你,Tom. 2.And I want to start with a question that has just been consuming me since I first became familiar with your…- 77
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1.I am a vicar in the Church of England. 我是一名英国圣公会的牧师。 2.I've been a priest in the Church for 20 years. 我做牧师已经有20年了。 3.For most of that time, I've been struggling and grappling with question…- 87
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1.This is Tim Ferriss circa 1979 A.D. age two. 这是公元1979年的提姆·费里斯,两岁。 2.You can tell by the power squat, I was a very confident boy -- and not without reason. 从这个强力深蹲看得出,我是一个很自信的小孩 这是有原因的。 3.I had a ver…- 91
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1.I'd like to start tonight by something completely different, asking you to join me by stepping off the land and jumping into the open ocean for a moment. 今晚,我想以一种截然不同的方式作为开始, 请你们和我一起暂时离开陆地, 跳到广…- 98
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1.I don't know your name. (Audience Member: Howard. Howard.) Thom Mayne: Howard? I'm sitting next to Howard. I don't know Howard, obviously, 你叫什么来着。(观众:霍华德,霍华德。) 汤姆·梅恩:霍华德?我正坐在霍华德旁边。显然…- 72
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