
1.About 15 years ago, I went to visit a friend in Hong Kong.
2.And at the time I was very superstitious.
3.So, upon landing — this was still at the old Hong Kong airport that’s Kai Tak, when it was smack in the middle of the city — — I thought: If I see something good, I’m going to have a great time here in
所以,在飞机降落之前–那还是在香港的旧机场, 那是Kai Tak,它当时正好在市中心– 我当时想:如果我现在看见一些好的东西,那么我将会在香港的这2周过的十分快乐。 two weeks. And if I see something negative, I’m going to be miserable, indeed.
5.So the plane landed in between the buildings and got to a full stop in front of this little billboard.
之后飞机降落在一些楼的中间, 并停在了这个小广告牌的前面。
6.(Laughter) And I actually went to see some of the design companies in Hong Kong in my stay there.
笑声(WINNER:胜利者) 实际上,我当时是去参观一些香港的 设计公司。
7.and it turned out that — I just went to see, you know, what they are doing in Hong Kong.
但结果却是– 我本来只是想去看看他们在香港正在做什么设计项目。
8.But I actually walked away with a great job offer.
9.And I flew back to Austria, packed my bags.
10.And, another week later, I was again on my way to Hong Kong still superstitions and thinking: Well, if that “Winner” billboard is still up,
一个星期后,我又踏上了飞往香港的旅程, 我仍然迷信的想:好的,如果那块“Winner”(胜利)的广告牌还竖在那里的话,
11.I’m going to have a good time working here.
12.(Laughter) But if it’s gone, it’s going to be really miserable and stressful.
笑声 但是如果它不在那里的话,我在香港的时间将会很不幸,很痛苦。
13.So it turned out that not only was the billboard still up but they had put this one right next to it.
但结果是,不仅那块广告牌还竖在那里, 有人还将这块牌子放在了它的旁边。
14.(Laughter) On the other hand, it also taught me where superstition gets me because I really had a terrible time in Hong Kong.
笑声(Double Happiness:双重快乐) 另一方面,它也让我明白了迷信不可信, 因为之后我在香港真的过很糟糕。
15.(Laughter) However, I did have a number of real moments of happiness in my life — — of, you know, I think what the conference brochure refers to
笑声 但是,在生活中我确实有过一些真正的快乐时刻– 就像你们知道的,这个会议宣传册上所提到的, moments that take your breath away.
17.And since I’m a big list maker, I actually listed them all.
18.(Laughter) Now, you don’t have to go through the trouble of reading them and I won’t read them for you.
笑声 现在,大家并不需要担心去阅读这些条款, 我也不会在这里将他们一一念出来。
19.I know that it’s incredibly boring to hear about other people’s happinesses.
20.(Laughter) What I did do, though is, I actually looked at them from a design standpoint and just eliminated all the ones that had nothing to do with design.
笑声 但是,我要做的就是从设计的角度去看待他们 并且将一切与设计无关的条款都移除。
21.And, very surprisingly, over half of them had, actually, something to do with design.
22.So there is, of course, two different possibilities.
23.There’s one from a consumer’s point of view — — where I was happy while experiencing design.
一种是从消费者的角度看– –即当我体验设计时的快乐。
24.And I’ll just give you one example. I had gotten my first Walkman.
25.This is 1983.
26.My brother had this great Yamaha motorcycle that he was willing to borrow to me freely.
这是我兄弟当时的雅马哈摩托车, 并且他很乐意随时将它借给我。
27.And The Police’s “Synchronicity”
这是那时候“The Police”发行的名为“同步”的
28.cassette that had just been released and there was no helmet law in my hometown of Bregenz.
专辑磁带。 在我的家乡Bregenz没有规定骑摩托车要带头盔的法律。
29.So you could drive up into the mountains freely blasting The Police on the new Sony Walkman.
所以你可以骑到山上, 自由大声地用新索尼随身听播放Police的音乐。
30.(Laughter) And I remember it as a true moment of happiness.
笑声 我记得那是我真正的快乐时刻。
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31.You know, of course, they are related to this combination of at least two of them being, you know, design objects.
当然,这种快乐与他们中的至少这两种东西的同时存在的的结合有关, 即两种有设计的产品。
32.And, you know, there’s a scale of happiness when you talk about in design but the motorcycle incident would definitely be, you know
并且你知道,当我们谈论设计的时候是有一个关于快乐的衡量标准比例的, 但是对于摩托车这种小事将会
33.situated somewhere here — right in there between Delight and Bliss.
34.Now, there is the other part, from a designer’s standpoint — — if you’re happy while actually doing it.
现在,还有另外一部分,从设计师的角度看– 当你做设计的时候,你是否快乐。
35.And one way to see how happy designers are when they’re designing could be to look at the authors’ photos on the back of their monographs?
也许有一种方法可以看到设计师们在从事设计的时候到底有多高兴– 看他们专著封底的作者照片。
36.(Laughter) So, according to this, the Australians and the Japanese as well as the Mexicans are very happy.
笑声 所以,据此,奥地利以及日本 还有墨西哥的设计师们 都非常快乐。
37.(Laughter) While, somewhat, the Spaniards …and, I think, particularly, the Swiss (Laughter) don’t be doing all that well.
笑声 然而,西班牙的设计师们有点, 我看,尤其是瑞士的设计师们, 笑声 并不是那么快乐。
38.(Laughter) Last November, a museum opened in Tokyo, called The Mori Museum in a skyscraper, up on the 56th floor.
笑声 去年十一月,有一个博物馆在东京开放,名为Mori博物馆, 它在一栋摩天楼的第56层。
39.And their inaugural exhibit was called “Happiness.”
40.And I went, very eagerly, to see it, because — Well, also, with an eye on this conference.
那么我就带着非常渴望的心情去参观,因为, 当然此行的目的也着眼于此次会议。
41.And they interestingly sectioned the exhibit off into four different areas.
42.Under “Arcadia,” they showed things like this, from the Edo period — — a hundred ways to write “happiness” in different forms.
在“阿卡迪亚”展区(意为古希腊或世外桃源),他们展出了类似这样的作品,来自于日本江户时期– –用一百种不同的造型书写快乐的方法。
43.Or they had this apple by Yoko Ono — that, of course, later on was, you know, made into the label for The Beatles.
他们还展示了Yoko Ono 的苹果–当然,之后 你知道,他成为了披头士的标签。
44.Under “Nirvana” they showed this Constable painting.
45.And there was a little — an interesting theory about abstraction.
46.This is a blue field — it’s actually an Yves Kline painting.
这是一块蓝色的区域–它实际上是Yves Kline的绘画。
47.And the theory was that if you abstract an image, you really, you know open as much room for the unrepresentable — — and, therefore, you know, are able to involve the viewer more.
这个理论就是,如果你将一个图像抽象化,那么你可以, 为这种非代表性打开许多空间– –因此,可以使观众更多的参与进来。
48.Then, under “Desire,” they showed these Shunsho paintings — — also from the Edo period — ink on silk.
在“欲望”的展区,他们展示了这些Shunsho的绘画– –同样来自于日本江户时代–油墨印在丝绸上。
49.And, lastly, under “Harmony,” they had this 13th-century mandala from Tibet.
50.Now, what I took away from the exhibit was that maybe with the exception of the mandala most of the pieces in there were actually about the visualization of happiness
那么,我从这个展览中得到的是, 除了曼陀罗这个特例以外, 展览中的大部分作品实际上都只是给人视觉上的快乐
51.and not about happiness.
52.And I felt a little bit cheated, because the visualization — — that’s a really easy thing to do.
并且我觉得有点被欺骗的感觉,因为视觉化– –那真的是很容易做到的事情。
53.And, you know, my studio — we’ve done it all the time.
54.This is, you know, a book.
55.A happy dog — and you take it out, it’s an aggressive dog.
56.It’s a happy David Byrne and an angry David Byrne.
这是快乐的David Byrne 和愤怒的David Byrne 。
57.Or a jazz poster with a happy face and a more aggressive face.
58.You know, that’s not a big deal to accomplish.
59.It has gotten to the point where, you know, within advertising or within the movie industry, “happy” has gotten such a bad reputation that
在广告行业界,有一种说法, 或者在电影界,就是“快乐”拥有一个非常不好的声誉,以至于
60.if you actually want to do something with the subject and still appear authentic, you almost would have to, you know do it from a cynical point of view.
如果你真的想做与这个主题有关的一些事情 并且是原创的话,那你将不得不 从愤世嫉俗的观点角度切入。
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61.This is, you know, the movie poster.
62.Or we, a couple of weeks ago, designed a box set for The Talking Heads where the happiness visualized on the cover definitely has, very much a dark side to it.
这是我们在几周前,为“说话的头”设计的包装, 当然快乐的概念在封面上得到了视觉化的体现,
63.Much, much more difficult is this, where the designs actually can evoke happiness and I’m going to just show you three that actually did this for me.
更加困难的是,如何让设计激起人们的快乐, 我将展示三个真正激起我快乐的设计。
64.This is a campaign done by a young artist in New York, who calls himself True.
65.Everybody who has ridden the New York subway system will be familiar with these signs?
每个曾经做过纽约地铁的人应该 都对这些标识很熟悉吧?
66.True printed his own version of these signs.
67.Met every Wednesday at a subway stop with 20 of his friends.
68.They divided up the different subway lines and added their own version.
69.(Laughter) So this is one.
笑声 这是一个。
70.(Laughter) Now, the way this works in the system is that nobody ever looks at these signs.
笑声 实际上并没有人会去看原来的这些标识系统。
71.So you’re (Laughter) you’re really bored in the subway, and you kind of stare at something.
所以 笑声 当你十分无聊的在坐地铁的时候,你会盯着某些东西看,
72.And it takes you a while until it actually — You realize that this says something different than what it normally says.
然后你花了一定时间直到你意识到– 这些标识和以前正常的标识表达的内容并不一样。
73.(Laughter) I mean, that’s, at least, how it made me happy.
笑声 我意思是,这至少让我快乐。
74.(Laughter) Now, True is a real humanitarian.
笑声 “真实”是一个真的人道主义者。
75.He didn’t want any of his friends to be arrested.
76.So he supplied everybody with this fake volunteer card.
77.(Laughter) And also gave this fake letter from the MTA to everybody — sort of like pretending that it’s an art project financed by The Metropolitan Transit Authority.
笑声 并且给了他们每个人这封假造的,来自于MAT的信– –使其看起来有点像是一个由 地铁部门资助的一个艺术项目。
78.(Laughter) Another New York project.
笑声 另一个来自纽约的项目。
79.This is at P.S. 1 — a sculpture that’s basically a square room by James Turrell, that has a retractable ceiling.
这位于P.S.1–一个基于一个正方形房间的雕塑, 设计者为James Turrell,这个设计有着可伸缩自如的天花板,
80.Opens up at dusk and dawn every day.
81.You don’t see the horizon.
82.You’re just in there, watching the incredible, subtle changes of color in the sky.
83.And the room is truly something to be seen.
84.People’s demeanor changes when they go in there.
85.And, for sure, I haven’t looked at the sky in the same way after spending an hour in there.
当然,我在那里呆了一个小时后并没有 以同样的方式观察天空。
86.There are, of course, more than those three projects that I’m showing here.
87.I would definitely say that observing Vik Muniz’ “Cloud”
我可以确定的说,几年前在麦哈顿观察Vik Muniz设计的“云”项目
88.a couple of years ago in Manhattan for sure made me happy, as well.
89.But my last project is, again, from a young designer in New York.
90.He’s from Korea originally.
91.And he took it upon himself to print 55,000 speech bubbles — — empty speech bubbles stickers, large ones and small ones.
他主动印了55,000个卡通造型的语言留言板– –空的卡通留言贴,有大型号的和小型号的。
92.And he goes around New York and just puts them, empty as they are, on posters.
93.(Laughter) And other people go and fill them in.
笑声 其他人走过并填写这些空的留言贴。
94.(Laughter) This one says: Please let me die in peace.
笑声 这张写着:请让我安静的死去吧。
95.(Laughter) I think that was — The most surprising to myself was that the writing was actually so good.
笑声 我想这个是– 让我最吃惊的是,这些文字都很漂亮
96.This is on a musician poster, that says: I am concerned that my CD will not sell more than 200,000 units.
这是在一个音乐海报上面的留言,写着: 我担心我的CD将不会卖到超过200,000张,
97.And that, as a result, my recoupable advance from my label will be taken from me.
那么结果将是,我将不会再有自己的 唱片。
98.After which, my contract will be cancelled, and I’ll be back doing Journey covers on Bleecker Street.
在这之后,我的合约将会被取消, 之后我将会回到Bleecker街(在夜店酒吧)翻唱别人的歌。
99.(Laughter) I think the reason this works so well is because everybody involved wins.
笑声 我想这个项目可以达到使人快乐的原因是每个人都获得了一些东西。
100.Jee gets to have his project; the public gets a sweeter environment; and different public gets a place to express themself; and the advertisers finally get somebody to look at their ads.
Jee做了这个项目; 公众获得了一个更亲切的环境; 以及不同的人获得了一个可以表达他们自己的地方; 并且登广告的人最终获得了一些人去关注他们的广告。
101.(Laughter) Well, there was a question, of course, that was on my mind for a while: You know, can I do more of the things that I like doing in design
笑声 当然,在我的思想中有个问题存在了一段时间: 你知道,我可以在设计中做更多我想做的事,
102.and less of the ones that I don’t like to be doing?
103.Which brought me back to my list making — — you know, just to see what I actually like about my job.
这个问题又将我带回了我的这张列表– –去看看到底我喜欢我工作的那些方面。
104.You know, one is: just working without pressure.
105.Then: working concentrated, without being frazzled.
106.Or, as Nancy said before, like really immerse oneself into it.
107.Try not to get stuck doing the same thing — — or try not get stuck behind the computer all day.
试着不要总是固定的做相同的事– –或者试着不要总是成天躲在电脑后面。
108.This is, you know, related to it: getting out of the studio.
109.Then, of course, trying to, you know, work on things where the content is actually important for me.
还有就是,当然,试着设计一些东西, 他们的内容是非常重要的。
110.And being able to enjoy the end results.
111.And then I found another list in one of my diaries that actually contained all the things that I thought I learned in my life so far.
除此之外,我在我的记事本上还找到了另一个列表, –到目前为止在我生命中所学习到的所有东西。
112.And, just about at that time, an Austrian magazine called and asked if we would want to do six spreads — design six spreads that work like dividing pages between the different chapters in the magazine?
并且就在那时,一个奥地利的杂志社联系我并问我 是否愿意设计六张杂志广告–设计六张 可以将杂志内不同章节分开的杂志广告?
113.And the whole thing just fell together.
114.So I just picked one of the things that I thought I learned — — in this case, Everything I do always comes back to me — — and we made these spreads right out of this.
所以我在其中挑选了一条我认为我已经学到了的东西– 那就是,我常常想起我做的每件事情– –并且我们的这个设计就源于此。
115.So it was: Everything I do always comes back to me.
所以这就是:所有 我做的 常常 回 到 我这里。
116.A couple of weeks ago, a (Laughter) French company asked us to design five billboards for them.
几周前, 笑声 一个法国公司邀请我们为他们设计五块广告牌。
117.Again, we could supply the content for it.
118.So I just picked another one.
119.And this was two weeks ago.
120.We flew to Arizona — the designer who works with me, and myself — — and photographed this one.
我们飞去亚利桑那(美国一个州)–我自己以及和我一起工作的设计师们 –并且我们为这个项目摄影。
121.So it’s: Trying to look good limits my life.
这就是: 装出来的 好看 反而局限了 我的人生
122.And then we did one more of these.
123.This is, again, for a magazine, dividing pages.
124.This is: Having — This is the same thing — — it’s just, you know, photographed from the side.
这是:有–(Having) 这是同样的物体– –只是从侧面的角度拍摄。
125.This is from the front.
126.Then it’s: guts Again, it’s the same thing — “guts” is just the same room, reworked.
然后这是:勇气(guts) 这是同一个物体–“勇气”,将它修改了后放在同样的房间里。
127.Then it’s: always works out Then it’s “for,” with the light on (Laughter) and it’s “me.”
这是:经常(always) 解决(works out) 然后是for,这是打了灯看到的效果 笑声 这是“我”(me)。
128.Thank you so much.



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