1.The anger in me against corruption made me to make a big career change last year, becoming a full-time practicing lawyer.
腐败对于我的触动 使我于去年经历了一场 巨大的职场变动,我成为了一名专职执业律师。
2.My experiences, over the last 18 months, as a lawyer, has seeded in me a new entrepreneurial idea, which I believe is indeed worth spreading.
自过去的18个月以来,我作为一名律师的 经历使一种新型创业想法 深深植入我心, 我相信这的确是 值得传播的。
3.So, I share it with all of you here today, though the idea itself is getting crystallized and I’m still writing up the business plan.
因此我想将此想法与你们一同分享, 即使此想法已具体成形 但我仍力图使之精益求精。
4.Of course it helps that fear of public failure diminishes as the number of ideas which have failed increases.
当新的想法不断涌现时, 它们会减弱公众对之前的失败 而引出的负面印象。
5.I’ve been a huge fan of enterprise and entrepreneurship since 1993.
自从1993年以来,我已 成为企业及企业家精神的俘虏。
6.I’ve explored, experienced, and experimented enterprise and capitalism to my heart’s content.
我曾用心体验、经历 以及试验企业和资本主义 是怎么样的。
7.I built, along with my two brothers the leading real estate company in my home state, Kerala.
我伙同我的两位兄弟 一并于喀拉拉邦,我的家乡,创建了领头的房地产公司。
8.And then worked professionally with two of India’s biggest businessmen, but in their startup enterprises.
紧接着和两位印度最成功的 商人一起工作, 不过只是在他们的新兴企业中工作。
9.In 2003, when I stepped out of the pure play capitalistic sector to work on so-called social sector issues, I definitely did not have any grand strategy
于2003年,我步出了纯粹的资本主义市场 然后我迈进了所谓的社会问题领域, 我的确没有任何雄心壮志
10.or plan to pursue and find for-profit solutions to addressing pressing public issues.
也无志于寻找 营利性解决方案 以处理紧迫的社会问题。
11.When life brought about a series of death and near-death experiences within my close circle, which highlighted the need for an emergency medical response service in India,
当命运和你开了 一系列的生死 玩笑时, 我意识到 印度需要紧急医疗事故处理服务,
12.similar to 911 in USA.
13.To address this, I, along with four friends, founded Ambulance Access for All, to promote life-support ambulance services in India.
为了解决此问题,我和我的四位朋友, 一起创建了 Ambulance Access for All, 以促进印度的生命援助救护车服务。
14.For those from the developing world, there is nothing, absolutely nothing new in this idea.
那些从发展中国家来的人, 此设想对于你们来说,是毫不出奇的。
15.But as we envisioned it, we had three key goals: Providing world-class life support ambulance service which is fully self sustainable from its own revenue streams,
不过当我们为止展望时, 我们得出了三个主要目标: 提供世界级的救护车服务 并且要是自给自足的,
16.and universally accessible to anyone in a medical emergency, irrespective of the capability to pay.
以及是随处可及的, 向所有有需要的人提供服务, 还有不论价钱。
17.The service which grew out of this, Dial 1298 for Ambulance, with one ambulance in 2004, now has a hundred-plus ambulances in three states,
此项服务正是基于此三个目标而建立的, Dial 1298 for Ambulance(组织), 于2004年时只有一辆救护车, 岂知现在已有逾百辆救护车分布于三个邦,
18.and has transported over 100,000 patients and victims since inception.
而且我们至今已输送 逾十万名伤患至医院。
19.The service is — (Applause) fully self-sustainable from its own revenues, without accessing any public funds and the cross-subsidy model actually works,
此服务是— (鼓掌) 自给自足的, 不需要任何公共资金的援助 而且这中交叉补贴模式的确有效,
20.where the rich pays higher, poor pays lower, and the accident victims getting the service free of charge.
富人支付更多的钱而穷人则少付, 事故的受害者们则完全免费。
21.The service responded effectively and efficiently, during the unfortunate 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.
此项服务于11/26 孟买恐怖袭击时 作出了有效而 迅速的反应。
22.And as you can see from the visuals, the service was responding and rescuing victims from the incident locations even before the police could cordon off
正如你们从视频中得知, 这项服务于警察封锁现场前 就到达了酒店处 并且当即救助于事故中
23.the incident locations and formally confirm it as a terror strike.
受伤的受害者们, 警察随后就确认此次袭击为恐怖袭击。
24.We ended up being the first medical response team in every incident location and transported 125 victims, saving life.
我们是于此次袭击中是 第一个反应过来的医疗团队 并且输送了125名受害者至医院 以使他们存活下来。
25.(Applause) In tribute and remembrance of 26/11 attacks over the last one year, we have actually helped a Pakistani NGO, Aman foundation,
(鼓掌) 为了悼念和回忆 去年的11/26 恐怖袭击事件, 我们携手一所巴基斯坦非政府组织, Aman Foundation,
26.to set up a self sustainable life support ambulance service in Karachi, facilitated by Acumen Fund.
一同于卡拉奇创建了一自给自足的救护车服务企业, 同时 Acumen Fund 也向我们伸出援助之手。
27.(Applause) It’s a small message from us, In our own small way to the enemies of humanity, of Islam, of South Asia, of India, and of Pakistan,
(鼓掌) 我只想用我们微薄的力量 来传递一小小的信息 至那些泯灭人性 与伊斯兰、南亚、 印度和巴基斯坦为敌的人,
28.that humanity will continue to bloom, irrespective of such dastardly attacks.
人道主义不会因这些卑劣的手段 而停止发光发热。
29.Since then I’ve also co-founded two other social enterprises.
30.One is Education Access for All, setting up schools in small-town India.
一是 Education Access for All , 是为了于印度的边缘村镇广设学校。
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31.And the other is Moksha-Yug Access, which is integrating rural supply chain on the foundations of self-help group based microfinance.
另一是 Moksha-Yug Access, 以自助团体组成的小额信贷公司为基础 来整合乡村的供给链。
32.I guess we seem to be doing at least a few things right.
33.Because diligent investors and venture funds have committed over 7.5 million dollars in funding.
因为勤勉的投资人和创投资金 已向我们挹注了逾750万元美金。
34.With the significance being these funds have come in as a QT capital, not as grant or as philanthropy.
最重要的是,这些资金都是合格交易的 而非慈善捐赠。
35.Now I come back to the idea of the new social enterprise that I’m exploring.
回到我目前正在探索的新型 社会企业。
36.Corruption, bribes, and lack of transparency.
37.You may be surprised to know that eight speakers yesterday actually mentioned these terms in their talks.
你或许会惊讶于 昨天已有八位演讲者 于他们的演讲中提及这些词语。
38.Bribes and corruption have both a demand and a supply side.
39.With the supply side being mostly of greedy corporate unethical businesses and hapless common man.
供给的一方常常是 贪婪而又不道德的企业 以及不幸的普通人。
40.And the demand side being mostly politicians, bureaucrats and those who have discretionary power vested with them.
需求的一方则通常是政客、 官僚以及那些拥有 实权的人。
41.According to World Bank estimate, one trillion dollars is paid in bribes every year, worsening the condition of the already worse off.
根据世界银行的估算, 每年都会有一万亿元美金 被用于贿赂, 这无疑是火上浇油。
42.Yet, if you analyze the common man, he or she does not wake up every day and say, “Hmm, let me see who I can pay a bribe to today.”
假如你对一普通人进行分析, 他或她并不会每天早起 并说:“嗯嗯,让我看看,我今天应向谁行贿呢。”
43.or, “Let me see who I can corrupt today.”
44.Often it is the constraining or the back-to-the-wall situation that the hapless common man finds himself or herself in that leads him to pay a bribe.
这经常是一种不得不面对的情形, 那些不幸的普通人们是在为 行贿提供金钱来源。
45.In the modern day world, where time is premium, and battle for subsistence is unimaginably tough, the hapless common man simply gives in and pays the bribe just to get on with life.
在现今世界中,时间是珍贵的, 同时为生存之战是异常残酷的, 一位不幸的普通人 只能无奈地支付了这笔赃款以乞求存。
46.Now, let me ask you another question.
47.Imagine you are being asked to pay a bribe in your day to day life to get something done.
想象一下你被要求支付一笔贿赂 以使你每天能做成一些事。
48.What do you do? Of course you can call the police.
49.But what is the use if the police department is in itself steeped in corruption?
50.Most definitely you don’t want to pay the bribe.
51.But you also don’t have the time, resources, expertise or wherewithal to fight this.
但你没有任何资源 或武器使你与之斗争。
52.Unfortunately, many of us in this room are supporters of capitalist policies and market forces.
在此大厅里的很多人, 很不幸的都是资本主义政策和市场力量的支持者。
53.Yet the market forces around the world have not yet thrown up a service where you can call in, pay a fee, and fight the demand for a bribe.
如今的市场力量 尚未足以抛出这样一项服务, 你可以打电话向他们捐赠金钱然后并要求与腐败做斗争。
54.Like a bribe buster service, or 1-800-Fight-Bribes, or www.stopbribes.org or www.preventcorruption.org.
就如同行贿克星服务, 或是 1-800-反对-行贿 , 或是 www.终结行贿.org 或是 www.防止腐败.org 。
55.Such a service simply do not exist.
56.One image that has haunted me from my early business days is of a grandmother, 70 plus years, being harrassed by the bureaucrats in the town planning office.
我曾被一梦魇侵扰, 梦中常常闪现一位老人, 已逾古稀之年,经常被当地的 城市规划办公室的官僚们骚扰。
57.All she needed was permission to build three steps to her house, from ground level, making it easier for her to enter and exit her house.
她仅需的是一项许可, 许可她于她家门前建三级台阶, 这可以使她更易于进出屋子。
58.Yet the officer in charge would not simply give her the permit for want of a bribe.
偏偏那位官员不愿给予此项许可 假如老太不向他行贿。
59.Even though it pricked my conscience then, I could not, or rather I did not tend to her or assist her, because I was busy building my real estate company.
即使这是被良心谴责的, 我不能,或说 我不愿去帮助她, 因为我在忙于建设我自己的房地产公司。
60.I don’t want to be haunted by such images any more.
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61.A group of us have been working on a pilot basis to address individual instances of demands for bribes for common services or entitlement.
我们中的一组曾经组建一试验性的组织 来解决个体为需求公共服务或是 授权而进行行贿的问题。
62.And in all 42 cases where we have pushed back such demands using existing and legitimate tools like the Right to Information Act, video, audio, or peer pressure,
于42个案例中 我们都是通过现存的合法工具 如知情权等, 来解决此类问题。
63.we have successfully obtained whatever our clients set out to achieve without actually paying a bribe.
我们已成功为我们的委托人 达到他们的目的,且不用行贿。
64.And with the cost of these tools being substantially lower than the bribe demanded.
使用这些工具的费用 是大大低于行贿所需的款项。
65.I believe that these tools that worked in these 42 pilot cases can be consolidated in standard processes in a BPO kind of environment,
我深信这些工具可以 进一步于一种外包型环境中 进行加强,
66.and make available on web, call-center and franchise physical offices, for a fee, to serve anyone confronted with a demand for a bribe.
并且使之存于网络上、呼叫中心 及特许经营办事处中, 是收费的,以为任何有需要的人进行服务。
67.The target market is as tempting as it can get.
68.It can be worth up to one trillion dollars, being paid in bribes every year, or equal to India’s GDP.
每年都有一万亿美元 被用于行贿, 这等同于印度的国内生产总值。
69.And it is an absolutely virgin market.
70.I propose to explore this idea further, to examine the potential of creating a for-profit, fee-based BPO kind of service to stop bribes
我建议继续深挖此设想, 从而来检验创建这项服务的潜力, 这项营利收费的外包服务, 它可以阻止行贿
71.and prevent corruption.
72.I do realize that the fight for justice against corruption is never easy.
我当然意识到 为正义而战是永远艰涩的。
73.It never has been and it never will be.
74.In my last 18 months as a lawyer, battling small and large scale corruption, including the one perpetrated by India’s biggest corporate scamster.
于过去的18个月里,作为一名律师, 我与形形色色的腐败做过斗争, 包括由印度最大的公司所犯下的贿赂。
75.Through his charities I have had three police cases filed against me alleging trespass, impersonation and intimidation.
由于他们的“善意”, 我于警察部门有所交集, 我被指称非法侵入,扮演和恫吓。
76.The battle against corruption exact a toll on ourselves, our families, our friends, and even our kids.
与腐败的斗争 是要我们自己付出代价的, 包括我们的家庭、朋友,甚至是孩子们。
77.Yet I believe the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity and making the world a fairer place.
但我认为我们所付出的代价 是值得的,是建设一更加美好的世界。
78.What gives us the courage?
79.As my close friend replied when told during the seeding days of the ambulance project, that it is an impossible task and the founders are insane to chalk up their blue-chip jobs,
正如我密友所回复 当那还是萌芽之时, 这是不可能的任务, 而创建者们都是疯子,因为他们放弃了他们明亮的前途。
80.I quote, “Of course we can not fail in this, at least in our own minds.
我回复到:“我们当然不能放弃, 至少不能于意识中放弃。
81.For we are insane people, trying to do an impossible task.
因为我们是一群疯子, 尝试去完成一项不可能的任务。
82.And an insane person does not know what an impossible task is.” Thank you.
偏偏一位疯子是全无顾忌的。” 谢谢。
83.(Applause) Chris Anderson: Shaffi, that is a really exciting business idea.
(掌声) 克里斯?安德森:夏菲,这个计划让人兴奋异常。
84.Shaffi Mather: I just have to get through the initial days where I don’t get eliminated.
85.(Laughter) CA: What’s on your mind?
(笑声) 安德森:你现在有什么想法么?
86.I mean, give us a sense of the numbers here — a typical bribe and a typical fee. I mean, what’s in your head?
我是说,可不可以给我们一些更直观的景象,如数字等。 譬如说,你们一般得贿赂多少钱以及得收多少钱?
87.SM: So let me … Let me give you an example.
88.Somebody who had applied for the passport.
89.The officer was just sitting on it and was demanding around 3,000 rupees in bribes.
工作人员两手一摊 向你索要三千卢比的贿金。
90.And he did not want to pay.
91.So we actually used the Right to Information Act, which is equal to the Freedom of Information Act in the United States, and pushed back the officers in this particular case.
因此我们就得用《资讯权利法》, 颇似美国的《资讯自由法》, 只有这样才能迫使办事人员让步。
92.And in all these 42 cases, when we kept pushing them back, there was three kinds of reaction.
共42个案例中, 我们的反制行动 通常会遭遇三种反应。
93.A set of people actually say, “Oh, let me just grant it to them, and run away from it.”
有些人会说: “哦,他们要什么就给他们吧,我才不想惹火上身。”
94.Some people actually come back and say, “Oh, you want to screw me. Let me show you what I can do.”
有些则会反过来对我们说: “哦,你要找麻烦是吧?你知道啥叫厕所里点灯吧。”
95.And he will push us back.
96.So you take the next step, or use the next tool available in what we are putting together, and then he relents.
这时我们得采取下一步, 或用其他我们想得到的办法, 接着对方就会让步。
97.By the third time, in all 42 cases, we have achieved success.
98.CA: But if it’s a 3,000-rupee, 70-dollar bribe, what fee would you have to charge, and can you actually make the business work?
安德森:假如贿金是三千卢比,也就是七十美元, 你们的受理费大概是多少? 这门生意做得起来么?
99.SM: Well, actually the cost that we incurred was less than 200 rupees.
夏菲:好吧,我们的收费 是低于两百卢比。
100.So, it actually works.
101.CA: That’s a high gross margin business. I like it.
102.(Laughter) SM: I actually did not want to answer this on the TED stage.
(笑声) 夏菲:我本来没打算在TED舞台上提的。
103.CA: OK, so these are provisional numbers, no pricing guarantee.
104.If you can pull this off, you will be a global hero.
105.I mean, this could be huge.
106.Thank you so much for sharing this idea at TED.