
1.As a culture, we tell ourselves lots of stories about the future, and where we might move forward from this point.
在人类文明中,有很多关于未来的 故事, 也许正是这些故事激励我们前行。
2.Some of those stories are that somebody is just going to sort everything out for us.
在一些故事中 有些人努力去收集和利用所有事物。
3.Other stories are that everything is on the verge of unraveling.
4.But I want to tell you a different story here today.
5.Like all stories, it has a beginning.
6.My work, for a long time, has been involved in education, in teaching people practical skills for sustainability, teaching people how to take responsibility
在很长一段时间,我一直潜心于教育事业, 教大家 可持续性实用技能, 比如
7.for growing some of their own food, how to build buildings using local materials, how to generate their own energy, and so on.
在自家种菜, 利用本地的材料建造房子, 挖掘本地的能量源等等,这些都是为了帮助人们更好的承担责任。
8.I lived in Ireland, built the first straw-bale houses in Ireland, and some cob buildings and all this kind of thing.
我生活在爱尔兰,在那儿我建造了第一个稻草屋, 和一些圆形建筑以及类似的。
9.But all my work for many years was focused around the idea that sustainability means basically looking at the globalized economic growth model,
很多年来我的工作都集中在 一个想法–可持续性, 它意味着:着眼于 全球经济增长模型,
10.and moderating what comes in at one end, and moderating the outputs at the other end.
既监控着自身就有的东西, 也监控着所产出排出的东西,
11.And then I came into contact with a way of looking at things which actually changed that profoundly.
然后我就开始接触并以长远的目光观察 在实际中变化巨大的这一切。
12.And in order to introduce you to that, I’ve got something here that I’m going to unveil, which is one of the great marvels of the modern age.
为了介绍清楚, 在这里我打算揭开 一个当代伟大奇迹的发现。
13.And it’s something so astounding and so astonishing that I think maybe as I remove this cloth a suitable gasp of amazement might be appropriate.
它是如此惊天动地, 我想我还是先揭开它的面纱, 并好好喘口气,然后再告诉大家比较合适。
14.If you could help me with that it would be fantastic.
15.(Laughter) This is a liter of oil.
(笑声) 这儿有一升石油。
16.This bottle of oil, distilled over a hundred million years of geological time, ancient sunlight, contains the energy equivalent of about five weeks
这瓶油 提炼取自上亿年前的地质, 经过远古的阳光照射, 它饱含的能量相当于5周的
17.hard human manual labor — equivalent to about 35 strong people coming round and working for you.
艰苦的体力劳动, 也相当于35个壮劳力 为你服务。
18.We can turn it into a dazzling array of materials, medicine, modern clothing, laptops, a whole range of different things.
我们可以用石油再加工成琳琅满目的新材料: 药物,现代纺织料, 笔记本电脑,还有其他不同的材料。
19.It gives us an energy return that’s unimaginable, historically.
20.We’ve based the design of our settlements, our business models, our transport plans, even the idea of economic growth, some would argue,
我们赖以生存的社区设计, 经济学模型,旅游计划, 甚至经济增长的观点,可能有些人会怀疑,
21.on the assumption that we will have this in perpetuity.
22.Yet, when we take a step back, and look over the span of history, at what we might call the petroleum interval, it’s a short period in history
如果我们退一步看, 整个人类历史, 我们所谓的石油时代, 仅仅是历史的一小段,
23.where we’ve discovered this extraordinary material, and then based a whole way of life around it.
从我们发现这个特别的材料, 到完全依赖石油。
24.But as we straddle the top of this energy mountain, at this stage, we move from a time where our economic success, our sense of individual prowess and well-being
但现在当我们处在能源的顶峰, 过去,我们的经济成功, 个人能力和福利 directly linked to how much of this we consume, to a time when actually our degree of oil dependency is our degree of vulnerability.
直接取决于我们消耗的石油的多少。 到现在我们对石油的依赖 正是我们的弱点。
26.And it’s increasingly clear that we aren’t going to be able to rely on the fact that we’re going to have this at our disposal forever.
越来越清晰的表明:我们 永远基于石油的事实 是站不住脚的。
27.For every four barrels of oil that we consume we only discover one.
我们每消耗4桶石油, 却只能发现1桶。
28.And that gap continues to widen.
29.There is also the fact that the amount of energy that we get back from the oil that we discover is falling.
事实是我们从石油中得到的能源 正在减少。
30.In the 1930s we got 100 units of energy back for every one that we put in to extract it.
在1930年代,我们每个人可以从提炼石油中 得到100单位的能源。
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31.Completely unprecedented, historically.
32.Already that’s fallen to about 11.
33.And that’s why, now, the new breakthroughs, the new frontiers in terms of oil extraction are scrambling about in Alberta, or at the bottom of the oceans.
就是为什么现在, 石油萃取的新突破技术,新边疆的 争夺如此激烈,不管是在Alberta地区, 还是在海底。
34.There are 98 oil producing nations in the world.
35.But of those, 65 have already passed their peak.
36.The moment when the world on average passes this peak, people wonder when that’s going to happen.
世界平均开采早晚都会超过这个峰值, 人们只是想知道什么时候发生。
37.And there is an emerging case that maybe that was what happened last July when the oil prices were so high.
一个紧急例子是 去年7月份发生的 油价高峰。
38.But are we to assume that the same brilliance and creativity and adaptability that got us up to the top of that energy mountain in the first place
但人类的智慧, 创造力、适应力 使我们第一次到达了能源的顶峰, somehow mysteriously going to evaporate when we have to design a creative way back down the other side?
当我们不得不在能源低谷探索时, 这种智慧、创造力和适应力却莫名其妙地突然神秘蒸发了?
40.No. But the thinking that we have to come up with has to be based on a realistic assessment of where we are.
不是的。而是伴随这个想法的 基础是基于一个现实的假设, 我们已经达到了开采巅峰。
41.There is also the issue of climate change, is the other thing that underpins this transition approach.
面对气候变化时, 也同样支持了这种转变方法。
42.But the thing that I notice, as I talk to climate scientists, is the increasingly terrified look they have in their eyes, as the data that’s coming in,
当我和气候学家讨论时,我注意到 他们眼里与日俱增的恐惧, 伴随着最近的更新数据,
43.which is far ahead of what the IPCC are talking about.
44.So the IPCC said that we might see significant break up of the arctic ice in 2100, in their worst case scenario.
IPCC的结论是: 我们可以预见2100年 在最坏的情况下,北极冰川严重断裂。
45.Actually, if current trends continue, it could all be gone in five or 10 years’ time.
事实上,如果目前的趋势继续恶化, 它将在5年或者10年内发生。
46.If just three percent of the carbon locked up in the arctic permafrost is released as the world warms, it would offset all the savings that we need to make,
如果北极永冻土中包含二氧化碳的3%, 在全球变暖中释放, 它将抵消我们所有为减少二氧化碳所做的努力, carbon, over the next 40 years to avoid runaway climate change.
48.We have no choice other than deep and urgent decarbonization.
49.But I’m always very interested to think about what might the stories be that the generations further down the slope from us are going to tell about us.
但我一直很感兴趣地思考 故事可能是这样的: 我们以后的几代人 将会告诉我们。
50.”The generation that lived at the top of the mountain, that partied so hard, and so abused its inheritance.”
“后代们生活在山顶, 忍受艰难,他们的遗产也很可怜。”
51.And one of the ways I like to do that is to look back at the stories people used to tell before we had cheap oil, before we had fossil fuels,
我喜欢的方法之一是 回首往事时人们通常这么说: 在拥有便宜的汽油和化石燃料之前,
52.and people relied on their own muscle, animal muscle energy, or a little bit of wind, little bit of water energy.
人们依赖于他们的肌肉,动物肌肉中的能量, 或者一些风能,一些水能。
53.We had stories like “The Seven-League Boots”: the giant who had these boots, where, once you put them on with every stride, you could cover seven leagues, or 21 miles,
我们有“七联赛靴”的故事: 一旦巨人穿上这样的靴子, 每迈出一步就可以完成7联赛,或者21英里,
54.a kind of travel completely unimaginable to people without that kind of energy at their disposal.
对于没有这种功能靴子的人们来说, 这是一种完全无法想象的旅程。
55.Stories like The Magic Porridge Pot, where you had a pot where if you knew the magic words, this pot would just make as much food as you liked,
还有神奇魔术锅的故事, 如果你知道魔语,你可以让一个魔术锅 不断地做出你想要的食物,
56.without you having to do any work, provided you could remember the other magic word to stop it making porridge.
当然你也不用动手。 假如你记得其他咒语,就可以停止做燕麦粥。
57.Otherwise you’d flood your entire town with warm porridge.
58.There is the story of “The Elves and the Shoemaker.”
59.The people who make shoes go to sleep, wake up in the morning, and all the shoes are magically made for them.
鞋匠晚上没做完鞋就睡着了,当他早上睡醒的时候, 却发现所有的鞋子都神奇地做好了。
60.It’s something that was unimaginable to people then.
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61.Now we have the seven-league boots in the form of Ryanair and Easyjet.
现在,有Ryanair和Easyjet飞机形式的 七联赛靴。
62.We have the magic porridge pot in the form of Walmart and Tesco.
也有类似神奇魔术锅(格林童话神奇锅) 的Walmart和Tesco大型超市。
63.And we have the elves in the form of China.
64.But we don’t appreciate what an astonishing thing that has been.
但是我们不欢迎这些令人吃惊的 正发生的事情。
65.And what are the stories that we tell ourselves now, as we look forward about where we’re going to go.
现在我们要讲的 正是我们期盼的关于前途的问题。
66.And I would argue that there are four. There is the idea of business as usual, that the future will be like the present, just more of it.
我认为,有4个方向。通常的商业想法是 未来仅仅是现在的延续,甚至是更好。
67.But as we’ve seen over the last year, I think that’s an idea that is increasingly coming into question.
但回顾去年,我认为那个想法 正在成为一个问题。
68.And in terms of climate change, is something that is not actually feasible.
从气候变化来看, 事实上这有点行不通。
69.There is the idea of hitting the wall, that actually somehow everything is so fragile that it might just all unravel and collapse.
还有一个碰壁的想法, 所有东西都变得很脆弱, 即将瓦解,全部崩溃。
70.It’s this popular story in some places.
71.The third story is the idea that technology can solve everything, that technology can somehow get us through this completely.
第三种想法是:科技可以解决所有问题。 科技可以带领我们完全客服困难。
72.And it’s an idea that I think is very prevalent at these TEDtalks, the idea that we can invent our way out of a profound economic and energy crisis,
我认为,这种观点在TED讨论者中比较普遍, 我们发明一种方法走出严峻的 经济和能源危机,
73.that a move to a knowledge economy can somehow neatly sidestep those energy constraints, the idea that we’ll discover some fabulous new source of energy
一种知识经济运动可以 远离能源束缚。 有观点是我们发现一些极好的新能源,
74.that will mean we can sweep all concerns about energy security to one side, the idea that we can step off neatly onto a completely renewable world.
使得我们可以对 能源安全问题搁置一边, 我们可以轻松地迈入到 一个全新的可再生能源的世界。
75.But the world isn’t Second Life.
但世界并非第二人生(Second Life虚拟世界网络)。
76.We can’t create new land and new energy systems at the click of a mouse.
77.And as we sit, exchanging free ideas with each other, there are still people mining coal in order to power the servers, extracting the minerals
当我们坐在这里,彼此自由交流思想的时候, 仍然有人在挖煤, 目的是提取矿物质,为一些服务提供能量, make all of those things.
79.The breakfast that we eat as we sit down to check our email in the morning is still transported at great distances, usually at the expense of the local, more resilient
当我们早上坐下来, 查收我们邮件的时候, 早餐正从很远地方运来, 这通常影响了当地的,自给自足,更具恢复性的 systems that would have supplied that in the past, which we’ve so effectively devalued and dismantled.
餐饮系统,这种餐饮系统长久以来就有, 而我们却有效低估,甚至让这种餐饮系统消失。
81.We can be astonishingly inventive and creative.
82.But we also live in a world with very real constraints and demands.
83.Energy and technology are not the same thing.
84.What I’m involved with is the transition response.
85.And this is really about looking the challenges of peak oil and climate change square in the face, and responding with a creativity and an adaptability
这是当前关于 石油开采峰值和气候变化的巨大挑战, 以及创造性和适应性和
86.and an imagination that we really need.
87.It’s something which has spread incredibly fast.
88.And it is something which has several characteristics.
89.It’s viral. It seems to spread under the radar very very quickly.
90.It’s open source. It’s something which everybody who’s involved with it develops and passes on as they work with it.
它是开源的。每个潜心于转变发展的人, 在工作中传递。
91.It’s self-organizing. There is no great central organization that pushes this; people just pick up an idea and they run with it, and they implement it where they are.
自我组织,没有庞大的中央组织 去推动;人们仅仅有了一个想法 并且运行,贯彻执行。
92.It’s solutions-focused. It’s very much looking at what people can do where they are, to respond to this.
集中解决问题。关注人们能够做什么, 设身处地的进行转变响应。
93.It’s sensitive to place, and to scale.
94.Transitional is completely different.
95.Transition groups in Chile, transition groups in the U.S., transition groups here, what they’re doing looks very different in every place that you go to.
智利的转变小组,美国的转变小组,这里的转变小组, 你去的每个地方,大家的看法都不一样。
96.It learns very much from its mistakes.
97.And it feels historic. It tries to create a sense that this is a historic opportunity to do something really extraordinary.
这转变很有历史影响。它创造一种 历史性的机会 让人们去做不同寻常的事情。
98.And it’s a process which is really joyful.
99.People have a huge amount of fun doing this, reconnecting with other people as they do it.
身体力行的人们感到无限乐趣, 人们也乐于联系在一起做这些转变。
100.One of the things that underpins it is this idea of resilience.
101.And I think, in many ways, the idea of resilience is a more useful concept than the idea of sustainability.
我认为,在多方面,这种可恢复性理论 比可持续理论更有用。
102.The idea of resilience comes from the study of ecology.
103.And it’s really about how systems, settlements, withstand shock from the outside.
是关于系统, 安居置业,如何抵挡外部冲击。
104.When they encounter shock from the outside that they don’t just unravel, and fall to pieces.
当他们遇到外部冲击时, 他们不只是分解,或者崩溃。
105.And I think it’s a more useful concept than sustainability, as I said.
106.When our supermarkets have only two or three days worth of food in them at any one time, often sustainability tends to focus on the energy efficiency of the freezers
在任何时候,当超市只有2,3天的食物储备时, 通常可持续理论关注于 冰箱的能效,
107.and the packaging that the lettuces are wrapped up in.
108.Looking through the lens of resilience, we really question how we’ve let ourselves get into a situation that’s so vulnerable.
从可恢复性理论角度看, 我们从根本上质疑我们竟依赖于这种 如此脆弱的超市消费模式。
109.Resilience runs much deeper: it’s about building modularity into what we do, building surgebreakers into how we organize the basic things that support us.
可恢复性理论可以更广泛地运作: 它是基于我们所要转变的模块化建设, 和我们怎样组织生产自给自足必需品的转变社区建立。
110.This is a photograph of the Bristol and District Market Gardeners Association, in 1897.
这是布里斯托尔市Bristol和湖区District的照片, 1897年,农业菜园市场协会Market Gardeners Association成立。
111.This is at a time when the city of Bristol, which is quite close to here, was surrounded by commercial market gardens, which provided a significant amount of the food
当时,布里斯托尔市Bristol 就在这个附近, 周围是商业市场菜园, 提供给城市所需的大量食物,
112.that was consumed in the town, and created a lot of employment for people, as well.
113.There was a degree of resilience, if you like, at that time which we can now only look back on with envy.
这就是可恢复性的一个例子,希望你们喜欢, 我们现在只能带着羡慕的眼光回首那时。
114.So how does this transition idea work?
115.So basically you have a group of people who are excited by the idea.
116.They pick up some of the tools that we’ve developed.
117.They start to run an awareness-raising program looking at how this might actually work in the town.
他们开始一个“awareness-raising提高认识”的计划, 在城镇中测试实际转变运作情况。
118.They show films, they give talks, and so on.
119.It’s a process which is playful and creative.
120.and informative.
121.Then they start to form working groups, looking at different aspects of this, and then from that, there emerge a whole lot of projects
然后他们开始组建工作组,分别负责不同的方面, 因此基于此,形成了很多转变项目,
122.which then the transition project itself starts to support and enable.
然后转变项目本身 开始运行和完善。
123.So it started out with some work I was involved in in Ireland, where I was teaching, and has since spread.
在爱尔兰我开始了相关的工作, 爱尔兰是我教学的地方,也是工作开展的地方。
124.There are now over 200 formal transition projects.
125.And there are thousands of others who are at what we call the mulling stage.
126.They are mulling whether they’re going to take it further.
127.And actually a lot of them are doing huge amounts of stuff.
128.But what do they actually do? You know, it’s a kind of nice idea, but what do they actually do on the ground?
但他们实际上做什么呢?大家知道,这是一个新颖的想法, 但他们付诸的实际情况如何?
129.Well, I think it’s really important to make the point that actually you know, this isn’t something which is going to do everything on its own.
因此,我认为重申这一点非常重要, 实际上大家知道,转变不是一个自身就能完成所有工作。
130.We need international legislation from Copenhagen and so on.
131.We need national responses. We need local government responses.
132.But all of those things are going to be much easier if we have communities that are vibrant and coming up with ideas and leading from the front, making unelectable policies electable,
但所有事情都会变得非常简单, 如果我们有活跃的社区以及最新的想法交流, 然后领导转变响应,使得相关政策通过候选立法,
133.over the next 5 to 10 years.
134.Some of the things that emerge from it are local food projects, like community-supported agriculture schemes, urban food production, creating local food directories, and so on.
自然而然的就有一些当地的食物项目, 例如社区团体支持的农业计划, 城乡食物计划,当地食物目录等等。
135.A lot of places now are starting to set up their own energy companies, community-owned energy companies, where the community can invest money into itself,
目前很多地方都开始建立自己的能源工厂, 社区自建能源工厂, 由社区独立投资, start putting in place the kind of renewable energy infrastructure that we need.
开始建立 可再生能源基础设施,这正是我们需要的。
137.A lot of places are working with their local schools.
138.Newent in the Forest of Dean: big polytunnel they built for the school; the kids are learning how to grow food.
位于迪恩森林国家公园附近的Newent市:人们在学校建起大型保温棚, 孩子们学习如何种植食物。
139.Promoting recycling, things like garden-share, that matches up people who don’t have a garden who would like to grow food, with people who have gardens they aren’t using anymore.
提倡再循环利用,例如菜园共享, 使得没有菜园的人们 可以在被人闲置的菜园地方,种植食物。
140.Planting productive trees throughout urban spaces.
141.And also starting to play around with the idea of alternative currencies.
同时开始推广 可替换的流通货币的想法。
142.This is Lewes in Sussex, who have recently launched the Lewes Pound, a currency that you can only spend within the town, as a way of starting to cycle money within the local economy.
这是在苏塞克斯Sussex的刘易斯市Lewes 最近投放上市的刘易斯英镑, 它只能在当地流通, 成为了当地循环经济的开始。
143.You take it anywhere else, it’s not worth anything.
144.But actually within the town you start to create these economic cycles much more effectively.
但实际上这种循环经济模式在当地 非常有效。
145.Another thing that they do, is what we call an energy descent plan.
146.Which is basically to develop a plan B for the town.
147.Most of our local authorities, when they sit down to plan for the next five, 10, 15, 20 years of a community still start by assuming that there will be more energy,
但我们大部分当地政府开始着手 未来5年,10年,15年到20年计划时, 还都理所当然地认为会有更多石油能源,
148.more cars, more housing, more jobs, more growth, and so on.
更多汽车,更多房屋, 更多工作,更多增长等等。
149.What does it look like if that’s not the case? And how can we embrace that and actually come up with something that was actually more likely
如果情况不是那样,会怎样呢?我们又该如何接受 现实中想到的事情真的很有可能 sustain everybody?
151.As a friend of mine says, “Life is a series of things you’re not quite ready for.”
152.And that’s certainly been my experience with transition from three years ago, it just being an idea, this has become something that has virally swept around the world.
那也正是我亲身经历的转变, 在3年前,它仅仅是一个想法, 这转变已经快速风靡世界。
153.We’re getting a lot of interest from government. Ed Miliband, the energy minister of this country, was invited to come our recent conference
这也吸引了政府议员,这个国家(英国)能源部长埃德米利班德Ed Miliband的兴趣, 我们邀请他参加我们最近的会议 a keynote listener.
155.Which he did — (Laughter) (Applause) — and has since become a great advocate of the whole idea.
他 (笑声) (掌声) 并从此成为整个转变想法的极力提倡者。
156.There are now two local authorities in this country who have declared themselves transitional local authorities, Leicestershire and Somerset. And in Stroud,
这个国家目前有两个当地政府 声明它们要转变为不依赖石油的当地政府, 莱斯特郡Leicestershiere 和萨默塞特郡Somerset。在斯特劳德市Stroud
157.the transition group there, in effect, wrote the local government’s food plan.
158.And the head of the council said, “If we didn’t have Transition Stroud, we would have to invent all of that community infrastructure for the first time.”
委员会主席说, “如果我们没有转变斯特劳德市Transition Stround,我们也得首次创新 所有社区的基础设施。”
159.As we see the spread of it, we see national hubs emerging.
160.In Scotland, the Scottish government’s climate change fund has funded Transition Scotland as a national organization supporting the spread of this.
在苏格兰Scotland,Scottish苏格兰政府气候变化基金 已投资转变苏格兰Transition Scotland 作为国家资助项目发展。
161.And we see it all over the place as well now.
162.But the key to transition is thinking not that we have to change everything now, but that things are already inevitably changing, and what we need to do is to work creatively with that,
不过,转变的关键是我们现在没有改变所有, 但很多已经不可避免的改变了, 我们所做的就是创造性的开展工作,
163.based on asking the right questions.
164.I think I’d like to just return at the end to the idea of stories.
我想我应该返回到 这个想法故事的结尾。
165.Because I think stories are vital here.
166.And actually the stories that we tell ourselves, we have a huge dearth of stories about how to move forward creatively from here.
我们自己谈论着实际中的故事, 除这里分享的,我们还缺乏大量故事来指导我们创新的转变。
167.And one of the key things that transition does is to pull those stories out of what people are doing.
关键的一点是 人们把他们做的这种转变创新的故事用来分享。
168.Stories about the community that’s produced its own 21 pound note, for example, the school that’s turned its car park into a food garden,
例如,社区可以自行生产 21英镑纸币, 把学校的汽车停车场转变为一个食物菜园地,
169.the community that’s founded its own energy company.
170.And for me, one of the great stories recently was the Obamas digging up the south lawn of the White House to create a vegetable garden. Because the last time that was done,
对我来说,最近一个精彩的故事 是奥巴马夫妇在白宫南草坪 开辟蔬菜园地。因为上次这么做还要
171.when Eleanor Roosevelt did it, it lead to the creation of 20 million vegetable gardens across the United States.
提起埃莉诺罗斯福Eleanor Roosevelt, 它引领了全美2千万蔬菜菜园的兴建。
172.So the question I like to leave you with, really, is — for all aspects of the things that your community needs in order to thrive,
所以我留给你们的问题是, 为了你们社区繁荣,考虑所需的方方面面 的事情, can it be done in such a way that drastically reduces its carbon emissions, while also building resilience?
如何实施这种转变响应来 大幅降低二氧化碳排放, 又同时建立可恢复性的繁荣?
174.Personally, I feel enormously grateful to have lived through the age of cheap oil.
从我个人而言,我非常的感谢 我所经历过的廉价石油年代。
175.I’ve been astonishingly lucky, we’ve been astonishingly lucky.
176.But let us honor what it has bought us, and move forward from this point.
让我们为石油所提供给我们的一切感到荣幸, 但从现在起要转变改进。
177.Because if we cling to it, and continue to assume that it can underpin our choices, the future that it presents to us is one which is really unmanageable.
因为如果我们依然依靠石油,继续这样的消耗 支撑着我们的选择权, 我们所要面对的未来会越加难以驾驭。
178.And by loving and leaving all that oil has done for us, and that the oil age has done for us, we are able to then begin the creation
由热爱石油,到远离石油 和石油年代供给给我们的一切, 我们将开创
179.of a world which is more resilient, more nourishing, and in which, we find ourselves fitter, more skilled and more connected to each other.
一个更具有可恢复性的, 更有活力的世界, 我们将发现人与人彼此间更加健康,更加优秀, 和联系的更加紧密。
180.Thank you very much.



2024-4-19 14:43:41



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