1.I am going to speak about corruption, but I would like to juxtapose two different things.
我将要谈论腐败的问题, 但是我想先将两件不同的事情 放在一起讲讲。
2.One is the large global economy, the large globalized economy, and the other one is the small, and very limited, capacity of our traditional governments
其一是宏大的全球经济, 全球化经济, 而另外一个则是渺小的而且非常受限的 旧式政府
3.and their international institutions to govern, to shape, this economy.
以及其国际组织 对经济的监控以及改造能力。
4.Because there is this asymmetry, which creates, basically, failing governance.
这种不对称性的存在, 基本上导致了 无能失策的政府。
5.Failing governance in many areas, in the area of corruption and the area of destruction of the environment, in the area of exploitation of women and children,
政府的无能表现在很多方面, 例如腐败以及环境的破坏, 对妇女和儿童的剥削,
6.in the area of climate change.
7.In all the areas in which we really need a capacity to reintroduce the primacy of politics into the economy, which is operating in a worldwide arena.
在所有的这些领域中,我们真的很需要 端正政治 在经济活动中的 首要地位 达成一个世界级的合作。
8.And I think corruption, and the fight against corruption, and the impact of corruption, is probably one of the most interesting ways
而我认为腐败 和针对腐败的反击 以及腐败的影响 也许是最有趣的方式
9.to illustrate what I mean with this failure of governance.
来阐明我 对政府无能失策的看法。
10.Let me talk about my own experience.
11.I used to work as the director of the World Bank office in Nairobi for East Africa At that time, I noticed that corruption, that grand corruption,
我曾经担任 世界银行在内罗毕办事处的总监 服务区域是东非 那时候我注意到 腐败,那种明目张胆的腐败,
12.that systematic corruption, was undermining everything we were trying to do.
系统性的腐败 在不断侵蚀我们的努力成果。
13.And therefore, I began to not only try to protect the work of the World Bank, our own projects, our own programs against corruption,
所以,我开始 竭力维护 世界银行的工作成果, 我们的项目,我们的各项企划 防止它们受到腐败的侵害
14.but in general, I thought, we need a system to protect the people in this part of the world from the ravages of corruption.
但总体而言,我认为,我们需要一种制度 去保卫 该地区的人民 使他们免受腐败的侵害。
15.And, as soon as I started this work, I received a memorandum from the World Bank, from the legal department first, in which they said, you’re not allowed to do this.
然而,一当我展开工作时, 我就收到了世界银行法律部门 的一封便函 函内写道,你这样做是不被允许的。
16.You are meddling in the internal affairs of our partner countries.
17.This is forbidden by the charter of the World Bank.
18.So I want you to stop your doings.
19.In the mean time, I was chairing donor meetings for instance, in which the various donors, and many of them like to be in Nairobi —
在那段时期,我正在主持 捐赠者会议 各类捐赠者都出席了会议 他们中的很多人喜欢待在内罗毕–
20.it is true, it is one of the unsafest cities of the world, but they like to be there because the other cities are even less comfortable.
的确,它是世界上 最不安全的城市之一, 但是他们喜欢待在这里,因为其他城市 让人感觉更不舒服。
21.And in these donor meetings, I noticed that many of the worst projects which were put forward by our clients, by the governments, by promoters,
在这些捐赠者回忆中,我注意到, 很多最差的项目 总是被 我们的顾客、政府、 赞助人
22.many of them representing suppliers from the north, that the worst projects were realized first.
他们其中很多人代表 北方的供应商, 最先地 启动进行。
23.Let me give you an example.
24.A huge power project, 300 million dollars, to be built smack into one of the most vulnerable, and one of the most beautiful areas of western Kenya.
一个巨大的能源项目, 价值30亿, 将在 世界上最脆弱、又最美丽的地域之一, 肯尼亚西部开始启动。
25.And we all noticed immediately that this project had no economic benefits.
我们都立刻发现, 这个项目没有经济利益。
26.It had no clients. Nobody would buy the electricity there.
27.Nobody was interested in irrigation projects.
28.To the contrary, we knew that this project would destroy the environment, it would destroy riparian forests, which were the basis for
相反地,我们知道这项工程 会摧毁环境, 会毁掉河岸森林, 而这些正是
29.the survival of nomadic groups, the Samburu and the Tokana in this area.
那个区域的游牧部族, 如Samburu和Tokana部族所赖以生存的。
30.So everybody knew this is a, not a useless project, this is an absolute damaging, a terrible project, not to speak about the future indebtedness of the country
所以,每个人都知道这不仅是个没用的项目, 更是个绝对毁灭性的、可怕的项目。 且不说这个国家将来会因此负债累累,
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31.for these hundreds of millions of dollars, and the siphoning off of the scarce resources of the economy from much more important activities
亏欠亿万美元, 它还会贪婪地吞噬 本来可以花在 如学校、医院等更重要的活动上的
32.like schools, like hospitals and so on.
33.And yet, we all rejected this project.
34.None of the donors was willing to have their name connected with it, and it was the first project to be implemented.
没有一个捐献者愿意 让自己的名字和这个项目扯上任何关系。 但是这个项目是最先开始执行的。
35.The good projects, which we as a donor community would take under our wings, they took years, you know, you had too many studies, and very often they didn’t succeed.
好的项目,那些我们捐献者群体 愿意鼎力相助的项目, 却被拖了一年又一年 你得做很多研究, 而且通常它们都不会成功。
36.But these bad projects, which were absolutely damaging for the economy, for many generations, for the environment, for thousands of families who had to be resettled.
但是这些差劲的项目却总一帆风顺, 尽管它们我们的经济有着绝对损害 会影响到几代人的环境, 会让成千上万的家庭流离失所。
37.They were suddenly put together by consortia of banks, of supplier agencies, of insurance agencies, like in Germany, Hermes, and so on,
这些项目很突然地成型 帮助它们的是银行的联合体、 支持供应商的社团 和保险公司。 像在德国,爱马仕公司等等就是背后的推手。
38.And they came back very, very quickly, driven by an unholy alliance between the powerful elites in the countries there, and the suppliers from the north.
它们很快很快地卷土重来 背后的驱动力是 国家里 强大精英间的不正义的同盟 以及北方的供应商。
39.Now, these suppliers were our big companies.
现在,这些供应商 是我们的大公司。
40.They were the actors of this global market, which I mentioned in the beginning.
他们是这全球市场的活跃角色, 正如我在演讲之初所指出的一样。
41.They were the Siemenses of this world, coming from France, from the UK, from Japan, from Canada, from Germany, and they were systematically driven
它们是世界上那些像西门子一样强大的公司, 来自法国、英国、日本、 加拿大、德国, 它们被有体系的、大型的腐败
42.by systematic, large-scale corruption.
43.We are not talking about 50,000 dollars here, or 100,000 dollars there, or one million dollars there.
我们不是在讨论 五万美元的腐败, 也不是十万,或一百万。
44.No, we are talking about 10 million, 20 million dollars, on the Swiss bank accounts, on the bank accounts of Liechtenstein, of the president’s ministers,
我们在讨论的,是一千万、两千万美元, 它们以贿款的形势出现在瑞士的账号上、 列支敦士登的银行账户里, 那些账户属于总统的部长、
45.the high officials in the para-statal sectors.
46.This was the reality which I saw, and not only one project like that, I saw, I would say, over the years I worked in Africa, I saw hundreds of projects like this.
这就是我看到的现实, 而且这样的情况不是个例 我敢说我在 我在非洲工作的这些年里 看见过成百上千个这样的项目。
47.And so, I became convinced that this systematic corruption, which is perverting economic policy making in these countries, which is the main reason
因此,我相信 这种系统性的腐败 正在使这些国家的经济政策走向歧途, 也正是这种腐败将这些国家推进
48.for the misery, for the poverty, for the conflicts, for the violence, for the desperation in many of these countries.
苦难、贫穷、 纷争、暴力、 绝望 的深渊。
49.That we have today, more than a billion people below the absolute poverty line, that we have more than a billion people without proper drinking water in the world,
现今,我们有 超过十亿的人处在绝对贫困线以下 我们有超过十亿人 没有合理处理过的清水可以饮用
50.twice that number, more than two billion people without sanitation and so on, and the consequent illnesses of mothers and children,
更有两倍那么多的人, 超过二十亿的人 没有卫生设备等等, 因此女人和孩子 常受到疾病侵袭
51.still, child mortality of more than 10 million people every year, children dying before they are five years-old.
直至今日,每年还有 超过千万的儿童 在五岁前死亡。
52.The cause of this, is to a large extent grand corruption.
追根溯源,这些问题在很大程度上 是因为规模庞大的腐败。
53.Now, why did the World Bank not let me do this work?
那么,为什么世界银行 不让我对此作出反应呢?
54.I found out afterwards, after I left, under a big fight, the World Bank.
在我于一场大争执后离开世界银行以后 我才搞明白。
55.The reason was that the members of the World Bank thought that foreign bribery was okay, including Germany.
原因是世界银行的成员国 觉得对外贿赂是没问题的, 比如德国就这么认为。
56.In Germany, foreign bribery was allowed.
57.It was even tax-deductible.
58.No wonder that most of the most important international operators in Germany, but also in France and UK and Scandinavia, everywhere, systematically bribed.
难怪绝大多数德国、 法国、英国、斯堪地那维亚, 所有地方大多数最重要的国际公司 都有系统地进行着贿赂
59.Not all of them, but most of them.
60.And this is the phenomenon which I call failing governance, because when I then came to Germany and started this little NGO here in Berlin, at the Villa Borsig,
我把这样一个现象 称作政府失效。 当我来到德国 建成了这个小小的非政府组织 在柏林,在Borsig公馆,
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61.we were told, you cannot stop our German exporters from bribing, because we will lose our contracts.
我们被告知,我们不能阻止 德国出口商行贿, 因为我们德国会因此失去合约。
62.We will lose to the French, we will lose to the Swedes, we’ll lose to the Japanese, and therefore, there was a indeed a prisoner’s dilemma,
我们会输给法国人、 瑞士人、日本人, 因此,这就形成了一个“囚徒困境”
63.which made it very difficult for an individual company, an individual exporting country to say, we are not going to continue this deadly, disastrous
这样一来, 单独的公司, 或者出口国 就很难说,我们将不再 继续这种灾难性的
64.habit of large companies to bribe.
65.So this is what I mean with a failing governance structure because, even the powerful government, which we have in Germany, comparatively,
这就是我所知的 失效的政府结构 因为即使是强大的政府, 如相对强大的德国政府,
66.was not able to say, we will not allow our companies to bribe abroad.
也不能够说, 我们将不允许我们的公司在海外行贿。
67.They needed help, and the large companies themselves have this dilemma.
它们需要帮助 而且这些大公司本身 也身处这种两难的境地。
68.Many of them didn’t want to bribe.
69.Many of the German companies, for instance, believe that they are really producing a high quality product at a good price, so they are very competitive.
比如,很多德国公司 相信它们确实是 能够制造出物美价廉、 有竞争力的产品。
70.They are not as good at bribing as many of their international competitors are, but they were not allowed to show their strengths, because the world was eaten up
它们不如其他国际竞争者 善于行贿之术, 但是它们没有机会 展现自己的长处 因为这个世界
71.by grand corruption.
72.And this is why I’m telling you this, civil society rose to the occasion.
我想说的是,随着政府的失效, 公民社会组织就应站出来。
73.We had a small NGO, Transparency International.
我们有一个小型的非政府组织, “透明国际”
74.They began to think of an escape route from this prisoner’s dilemma, and we developed concepts of collective action, basically, trying to bring various competitors
我们开始设想 一条从“囚徒困境”里的逃生之路, 我们也开始发扬 集体行动的概念, 即尝试将不同的竞争者
75.together around the table, explaining to all of them how much it would be in their interests if they simultaneously would stop bribing,
集合到谈判桌前, 向他们解释 如果他们同时停止行贿 是对他们多么有好处。
76.and to make a long story short, we managed to eventually get Germany to sign together with the other OECD countries and a few other exporters.
长话短说, 我们最终得以 使德国和 其他经济合作发展组织的成员国 以及一些其他的出口国
77.In 1997, a convention, under the auspices of the OECD, which obliged everybody to change their laws and criminalize foreign bribery.
在1997年的一场会议上 在经济合作发展组织的赞助支持下, 使所有参与者 改变法律 将对外行贿犯罪化。
78.(Applause) Well, thank you, I mean it’s interesting, in doing this, we had to sit together with the companies.
(观众掌声) 谢谢大家,我觉得挺有趣的, 做这件事的时候, 我们必须跟这些公司坐在一起。
79.We had here in Berlin at the Aspen institute on the Wannsee, we had sessions with about 20 captains of industry, and we discussed with them
我们在柏林的山杨协会 和20个企业大首脑 开了几次会, 我们和他们讨论了
80.what to do about international bribery.
81.In the first session, we had three sessions over the course of two years.
我们一共有三个跨时两年的会议 在第一个会议里
82.And President von Weizs?cker, by the way, chaired one of the sessions, the first one, to take the fear away from the entrepreneurs,
一个来自冯·魏茨泽克的主席 主持了第一个会议 以消除企业家们 的恐惧
83.who were not used to deal with non-governmental organizations.
因为他们不习惯与 非政府组织打交道。
84.And in the first session, they all said, this is not bribery, what we are doing. This is customary there.
在第一个会议里,他们都说, 他们做的不是行贿。那是个习俗。
85.This is what these other cultures demand.
86.They even applaud it.
87.In fact, [unclear] still says this today.
事实上,有人 到如今还坚持这样的观点。
88.And so there are still a lot of people who are not convinced that who have to stop bribing.
并且还有很多人 不相信别人已经停止了行贿。
89.But in the second session, they admitted already that they would never do this, what they are doing in these other countries, here in Germany or in the UK and so on.
但是在第二次会议里, 他们已经承认他们再也不会这样做了, 不会再做这些发生在其他国家, 如德国、英国等等的事了。
90.Cabinet ministers would admit this.
91.And in the final session, at the Aspen Institute, we had them all sign an open letter to the Kohl government, at the time, requesting that they
在最后一个会议里,在山杨协会, 我们让他们所有人都签署了一封 给那时的科勒政府的公开信, 要求参与到
92.participate in the OECD convention.
93.And this is, in my opinion, an example of soft power, because we were able to convince them that they had to go with us.
这在我心中 是一种软实力的体现, 因为我们能够让他们确信 他们必须跟我们统一战线。
94.We had a longer term time perspective.
95.We had a broader, geographically much wider, constituency we were trying to defend.
我们要维护 地域上更宽广的 群体利益。
96.And that’s why the law has changed.
97.That’s why Siemens is now in the trouble they are in.
98.And that’s why MIN is in the trouble they are in.
99.In some other countries, the OECD convention is not yet properly enforced.
在一些其他国家里,经济合作与发展组织协定 还没有被真正地有力实施。
100.And, again, civil societies breathing down the neck of the establishment.
我重申,公民社会 紧盯着当局的一举一动。
101.In London, for instance, where the BAE got away with a huge corruption case, which the Serious Fraud Office tried to prosecute, 100 million British pounds,
比如在伦敦, BAE从一桩 巨大的腐败事件中侥幸逃脱干系 苏瑞惩治诈骗办公室曾尝试惩处他们。 每年十亿英镑的贿款,
102.every year for ten years, to one particular official of one particular friendly country, who then bought for 44 billion pounds of military equipment.
十年以来, 被送给了某个友好国家的某个官员 这个官因此 买了他们440亿英镑的军备。
103.This case, they are not prosecuting in the UK.
104.Why? Because they consider this as contrary to the security interest of the people of Great Britain.
为什么呢?因为当局认为 惩处与英国人民的 安全利益相冲突。
105.Civil society is pushing, civil society is trying to get a solution to this problem and also in the UK and also in Japan, which is not properly enforcing,
公民社会在推动, 在尝试给问题找一个解决方案 在英国 也在日本,那里的对外行贿也没有被好好控制,
106.and so on.
107.In Germany, we are pushing the ratification of the UN convention, which is a subsequent convention.
在德国,我们在推动 签署联合国协定的进程。 这是一个后续的协定。
108.We are, Germany, is not ratifying.
109.Why? Because it would make it necessary to criminalize the corruption of deputies.
为什么呢?因为签署了它就相当于 使惩罚代理人受贿 成了必须的事。
110.In Germany, we have a system where you are not allowed to bribe a civil servant, but you are allowed to bribe a deputy.
在德国的系统里, 你不能够贿赂一位公务员, 但是可以贿赂一位代理人。
111.This is, under German law, allowed.
112.And the members of parliament don’t want to change this, and this is why they can’t sign the UN convention against foreign bribery,
议会成员不想改动这一点, 这就是为什么德国不能签署 联合国反对外行贿协定的原因。
113.one of they very, very few countries which is preaching honesty and good governance everywhere in the world, but not able to ratify they convention,
这是世界上极少数的 讲究道德、好管理的的国度之一, 但是它不能签署这份
114.which we managed to get on the books with about 160 countries all over the world.
通过我们努力, 有大约160个国家签署了的协定。
115.I see my time is ticking.
116.Let me just try to draw some conclusions from what has happened.
让我就试着 总结一下发生的事。
117.I believe that what we managed to achieve in fighting corruption, one can also achieve in other areas of failing governance.
我相信我们在 与腐败的斗争中取得的, 也可以在 政府失效的其他领域中取得。
118.By now, the United Nations is totally on our side.
现在,联合国 已经完全和我们站在了一边。
119.The World Bank has turned from Saulus to Paulus under Wolfensohn, and they became, I would say, the strongest anti-corruption agency in the world.
世界银行已在Wolfensohn领导下从Saulus转向Paulus, 也成为了,我敢说, 世界上最强的反腐败组织。
120.Most of the large companies are now totally convinced that they have to put in place very strong policies against bribery and so on.
绝大多数的大公司 现在已经完全确信 他们需要 执行很强的政策 以防腐败等等。
121.And this is possible because civil society joined the companies and joined the government in the analysis of the problem, in the development of remedies,
这是可能做到的,因为公民社会 加入了公司 也加入了政府 一起分析问题 推出纠正方法
122.in the implementation of reforms, and then later, in the monitoring of reforms.
执行改革 并在之后,监督改革。
123.Of course, if civil society organizations want to play that role, they have to grow into this responsibility.
当然,如果公民社会 想要参与进来, 就得有足够的责任感。
124.Not all civil society organizations are good.
125.The Ku Klux Klan is an NGO.
126.So, we must be aware that civil society has to shape up itself.
所以,我们必须意识到 民权社会 要不断改良自身。
127.They have to have a much more transparent financial governance.
他们有一个 透明度高得多的财政管理。
128.They have to have a much more participatory governance in many civil society organizations.
他们有一个参与度高得多的管理。 在很多民权社会组织里都是如此。
129.We also need much more competence of civil society leaders.
130.This is why we have set up the governance school and the Center for Civil Society here in Berlin.
这就是为什么我们在柏林建立了管理学校 以及民权中心。
131.Because we believe most of our educational and research institutions in Germany and continental Europe in general, do not focus enough, yet,
因为我们相信大多数教育以及 研究协会,在德国 和欧洲大陆,从大体上来说, 都对发展和培育公民社会
132.empowering civil society and training the leadership of civil society.
的力量 还不够集中重视。
133.But what I’m saying from my very practical experience, if civil society does it right and joins the other actors, in particular, governments,
但是从我非常实际的经历来看, 如果公民社会做得好, 并与其他成员齐心协力, 尤其是与政府,
134.governments and their international institutions, but also large international actors, in particular, those who have committed themselves
政府和他们的国际机构, 那些活跃在国际舞台上的成员, 尤其是那些致力于
135.to corporate social responsibility, then, in this magical triangle, between civil society, government and private sector, there is a tremendous chance
共同社会责任感的, 那么,在这个 公民社会、 政府和私营部门形成的神奇三角里, 就会有巨大的可能性,
136.for all of us to create a better world.
137.Thank you.