1.It’s very, very difficult to wrap up — to speak at the end of a conference like this.
我知道作总结非常,非常难—— 特别是在这样一个会议的结尾。
2.Because everyone has spoken, everything has been said.
3.So I thought that what may be useful is to remind us of some of the things that have gone on here, and then maybe offer some ideas which we can take away,
所以我想到,或许对我们真正有用的是提醒我们 一些在这里经历过的事, 然后可能是提出一些我们可以带走的、
4.and take forward and work on.
5.That’s what I’d like to try and do.
6.We came here saying we want to talk about “Africa: the Next Chapter.”
7.But we are talking about “Africa: the Next Chapter”
8.because we are looking at the old and the present chapter — that we’re looking at — and saying it’s not such a good thing.
是因为我们在回顾和关注过去和现在这两个篇章, 却说这不是一件好事。
9.The picture I showed you before, and this picture, of drought, death and disease, is what we usually see.
我之前展现给你们的图像,这幅图,关于干旱、死亡和疾病, 便是我们常常看见的。
10.What we want to look at is “Africa: the Next Chapter.”
11.And that’s this: a healthy, smiling, beautiful African.
12.And I think it’s worth remembering what we’ve heard through the conference right from the first day, where I heard that all the important statistics have been given —
我坚信我们所听闻的东西值得记忆, 自从会议的第一天起, 我听到了一切重要的数据统计,
13.about where we are now, about how the continent is doing much better.
关于我们所处的现状, 关于这个大陆是怎样日趋进步。
14.And the importance of that is that we have a platform to build on.
15.So I’m not going to spend too much time — just to show you, refresh your memories — that we are here for “Africa: the Next Chapter” because for the first time,
所以,我不会花太多时间 只是向你展示,唤醒你的记忆, 告诉你我们在这里讨论“非洲:下一个篇章”,因为史无前例地,
16.there really is a platform to build on.
17.We really do have it going right — that the continent is growing at rates that people had thought would not happen.
我们确实把它扶入正轨, 正如这片大洲正以一个人们意想不到的速度发展。
18.After decades of 2 percent, we are now at 5 percent, and it’s going to — projected — 6 and 7 percent even.
在数十年间的2%的增速后,我们现在拥有了5%的增速, 并且这个数字还在增加着——预计将达六至七个百分点。
19.And inflation has come down.
20.External debt — something that I can tell you a long story about because I personally worked on one of the biggest debts on the continent —
关于外债,我能讲出一个很长的故事。 因为,我个人曾为解决这个大洲上最大的债务之一工作过,
21.has come down dramatically.
22.You know, as you can see, for almost — from almost 50 billion down to about 12 or 13 billion.
你知道,正如你所见,从将近 500亿人下降至120或130亿人。
23.Now this is a huge achievement.
24.You know, we’ve built up reserves. Why is that important?
25.It’s because it shows off our economies, shows off our currencies and gives a platform on which people can plan and build, including businesses.
那是因为,它炫耀着我们的经济,我们的货币, 并提供以人们一个可以计划、建立、做生意的平台。
26.We’ve also seen some evidence that all this is making a difference because private investment flows have increased.
我们看到了一些见证着我们创造不同的证据。 正如私人投资流扩张了。
27.I want to remind you again — I know you saw these statistics before — from almost 6 billion we are now at about 18 billion.
我想要再次提醒你的是, 我知道你们过去已经看过这些数据, 从六十亿到现在的一百八十亿。
28.In 2005, remittances — I just took one country, Nigeria — you know, skyrocketing — skyrocketing is too dramatic, but increasing dramatically.
2005年, 汇款–拿尼日利亚作例子– 你们知道,那是飞速上升-说飞速上升那就发展得太快了 但的确增长地非常快
29.And in many other countries this is happening.
30.Why is this important? Because it shows confidence.
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31.That people are now confident to bring — if your people in the diaspora bring their money back, it shows other people that, look, there is emerging confidence in your country.
那些国家的人民现在自信于拿回 如果你们人民离散各地,把他们的钱拿回来 那说明其他人民,看 对你们国家的信心正在崛起
32.And instead of an outflow, you are now getting a net inflow.
33.Now, why is all this important? To have to go really fast?
34.It’s important that we build this platform, that we have the president, Kikwete, and others of our leaders who are saying, “Look, we must do something different.”
重要的是,我们建了这个平台 我们有自己的负责人,基奎特,以及其他的领导,他们说 “看,我们必须做些有用的事”
35.Because we are confronted with a challenge.
36.62 percent of our population is below the age of 24.
37.What does this mean?
38.This means that we have to focus on how our youth are going to be engaged in productive endeavor in their lives.
这意味着我们必须关注我们年青人如何 在他们成长过程中投身于生产建设
39.You have to focus on how to create jobs, make sure they don’t fall into disease, that they get an education.
你们必须重视如何创造就业 确保他们不被疾病困扰,他们可以接受教育
40.But most of all, that they are productively engaged in life, and that they are creating the kind of productive environment in our countries that will make things happen.
但要确保他们中的大多数人可以投身于生产中 他们正在我们的国家创造一种生产环境 这种环境会让有些奇迹发生
41.And you know, to support this, I just recently — one of the things I’ve done since leaving government is to start an opinion research organization in Nigeria.
你们知道,为了支持这项使命,我最近 辞去政府工作后我所作的事情之一 在尼日利亚成立了一个民意调查组织
42.Most of our countries don’t even have any opinion research.
43.People don’t have voice.
44.There is no way you can know what people want.
45.One of the things we asked them recently was what’s their top issue.
46.Like in every other country where this has been done, jobs is the top issue.
而在其他的国家,这种需求已经得到满足 工作就是最大需求
47.I want to leave this up here and come back to it.
48.But before I get to this slide, I just wanted to run you through this.
49.And to say that for me, the next stage of building this platform that now enables us to move forward — and we mustn’t make light of it.
我个人觉得,建设这个平台的下一步 是让我们向前进– 我们不能忽视它
50.It’s only 5, 6, 7 years ago — we couldn’t even talk about the next chapter because we were in the old chapter.
仅在五,六七年前 我们甚至不能谈下一阶段,因为我们还处于旧阶段
51.We were going nowhere.
52.The economies were not growing.
53.We were having negative per capita growth.
54.The microeconomic framework and foundation for moving forward was not even there.
发展必需的微观经济的框架和基础 都没有建立起来
55.So let’s not forget that it’s taken a lot to build this, including all those things that we tried to do in Nigeria that Dele referred to.
所以我们不要忘记,建立这个框架和基础需要很多资源 包括德立(人名)所指出的我们在尼日利亚尝试做的所有事情
56.Creating our own program to solve problems, like fighting corruption, building institutions, stabilizing the micro economy.
创建我们自己的项目去解决问题,像反腐败, 建研究机构,稳定微观经济
57.So now we have this platform we can build on.
58.And it brings us to the debate that has been going on here: aid versus private sector, aid versus trade, etcetera.
这也就产生了我们一直以来的争议 援助和私营单位,援助和贸易等等
59.And someone stood up to say — one of the frustrating things is that it’s been a simplistic debate.
有些人站起来说—最让人头疼的事是 这个争议变得简单化了
60.And that’s not what the debate should be about.
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61.We are — that’s engaging in the wrong debate.
62.The issue here is how do we get a partnership that involves government donors, the private sector and ordinary African people taking charge of their own lives?
真正的问题应是我们应该怎样调节好政府资助 私营单位和负责他们自己生活的 普通非洲人民的合作关系
63.How do we combine all this?
64.To move our continent forward, to do the things that need doing, that I talked about — getting young people employed.
去发展非洲,去做所需之事 我所要表达的意思就是–让年轻人有工作
65.Getting the creative juices flowing on this continent, much of what you have seen here.
让非洲到处充满着创造性 很多你们已经在这里看到了
66.So I’m afraid you’ve been engaging a little bit in the wrong debate.
67.We need to bring you back to say, what is the combination of all these factors that is going to yield what we want? (Applause) And I want to tell you something.
我们需要回过头去问 所有这些因素整合起来会是怎么样了 去获得我们所需要的? 我想要跟你们说件事
68.For me, the issue about aid — I don’t think that Africans need to now go all the way over to the other side and feel bad about aid.
对我来说,援助这事– 我觉得非洲人民不需要总是走另一个极端 对援助感到不好意思
69.Africa has been giving the other countries aid.
70.Mo Ibrahim said at a debate where at that — he dreams one day when Africa will be giving aid.
莫爱布雷因在一次讨论会上说– 他梦想着有一天非洲能够援助别国
71.And I said, “Mo, you’re right. We have — no, but we’ve already been doing it!
72.The UK and the US could not have been built today without Africa’s aid.”
73.(Applause) It is — it is all the resources that were taken from Africa, including human, that built these countries today!
鼓掌 所有的资源都是从非洲掠夺去的 包括人,这些资源成就了今天的他们
74.So when they try to give back, we shouldn’t be on the defensive.
75.The issue is not that.
76.The issue is how are we using what has been given, what has been given back.
77.How are we using it?
78.Is it being directed effectively?
79.I want to tell you a little story.
80.Why I don’t mind if we get aid, but we use it well.
81.From 1967 to ’70, Nigeria fought a war — the Nigeria-Biafra war.
82.And in the middle of that war, I was 14 years old.
83.We spent much of our time with my mother cooking.
84.For the army — my father joined the army as a brigadier — the Biafran army.
85.We were on the Biafran side.
86.And we were down to eating one meal a day, running from place to place, but wherever we could help we did.
我们每天只吃一顿,还经常迁移 到能提供帮助的地方
87.At a certain point in time, in 1969, things were really bad.
88.We were down to almost nothing in terms of a meal a day.
89.People, children were dying of kwashiorkor.
90.I’m sure some of you who are not so young will remember those pictures.
我相信你们中稍年长的人 会记得那些照片的
91.Well, I was in the middle of it.
92.In the midst of all this, my mother fell ill with a stomach ailment for two or three days.
93.We thought she was going to die.
94.My father was not there.
95.He was in the army.
96.So I was the oldest person in the house.
97.My sister fell very ill with malaria.
98.She was three years old and I was 15.
99.And she had such a high fever — we tried everything.
100.It didn’t look like it was going to work.
101.Until we heard that 10 kilometers away there was a doctor, who was able — who was giving — looking at people and giving them meds.
直到我们听说10公里外有个医生,她能够– 治疗病人并给他们药物
102.Now I put my sister on my back — burning — and I walked 10 kilometers with her strapped on my back.
于是我背着妹妹–非常烫– 把她捆在背上走了10公里
103.It was really hot. I was very hungry.
104.I was scared because I knew her life depended on my getting to this woman.
105.We heard there was a woman doctor who was treating people.
106.I walked 10 kilometers, putting one foot in front of the other.
107.I got there and I saw huge crowds.
108.Almost a thousand people were there, trying to break down the door.
109.She was doing this in a church. How was I going to get in?
110.I had to crawl in between the legs of these people with my sister strapped on my back, find a way to a window.
我必须在这些人的腿间爬行前进 背上捆着妹妹 爬到了窗边
111.And while they were trying to break down the door, I climbed in through the window, and jumped in.
当所有人都想挤进门的时候 我从窗户进去,跳进了教堂
112.This woman told me it was in the nick of time.
113.By the time we jumped into that hall, she was barely moving.
114.She gave a shot of her chloroquine — what I learned was the chloroquine then — gave her some — it must have been a re-hydration —
她给妹妹注射了一剂氯喹(治疟疾的药),那时我所知道的就是氯喹– 然后给了妹妹一些–这肯定是水合作用的结果–
115.and some other therapies, and put us in a corner.
116.In about two to three hours, she started to move.
117.And then, they toweled her down because she started sweating, which was a good sign.
接着他们给她擦汗,因为她开始流汗了 那是个好兆头
118.And then my sister woke up.
119.And about five or six hours later, she said we could go home.
120.I strapped her on my back.
121.I walked the 10 kilometers back and it was the shortest walk I ever had.
122.I was so happy — (Applause) — that my sister was alive!
123.Today, she’s 41 years old, a mother of three, and she’s a physician saving other lives.
现在,她已经41岁了,是三个孩子的母亲 她是个医师,挽救着其他生命
124.Why am I telling that? I’m telling you that because — when it is you — or your person involved — you don’t care where — what it’s aid.
为什么我要说这个?我是在告诉你们因为– 如果那是你–或你的家人– 你并不关心援助在哪里–援助什么
125.You don’t care what it is! (Applause) You just — you just want the person to be alive!
你不关心到底是什么援助! 你只是想让人活下去
126.And now let me become less sentimental, and say that saving lives, which some of the aid we get does on this continent — when you save the life of anyone, a farmer, a teacher, a mother —
现在我让自己不那么伤感了,我认为挽救生命 在非洲有些援助是有这个效果 当你救了别人的命,如农民,教师或一位母亲
127.they are contributing productively into the economy.
128.And as an economist, we can also look at that side of the story.
129.These are people who are productive agents in the economy.
130.So if we save people from HIV/AIDS, if we save them from malaria, it means they can form the base of production for our economy.
所以如果我们拯救得爱滋病的人,如果我们拯救得了疟疾的人 这些人就成了经济生产力的基础
131.And by the same token — as someone said yesterday — if we don’t, and they die, their children will become a burden on the economy.
同样 就像昨天有人说的,如果你不救,他们就会死 他们的孩子就会成为整个经济的负担
132.So even from an economic standpoint, if we leave the social and the humanitarian, we need to save lives now.
甚至从经济学的角度看 如果我们是社会性的和人道主义的 我们必须要去拯救生命
133.So that’s one of the reasons, from a personal experience, that I say, look — let’s channel these resources we get into something productive.
那是其中一个原因,我个人的经历告诉我们 要将我们获得的资源分配到生产力上
134.However, I will also tell you that I’m one of those who don’t believe that this is the sole answer.
然后,我也想告诉你们很多人,包括我在内 不相信这是唯一的出路
135.That’s why I said the debate has to get more sophisticated.
136.You know, we have to use it well.
137.What has happened in Europe?
138.Do you all know that Spain — part of the EU — got 10 billion dollars in aid from the rest of the EU?
你们都知道西班牙–欧盟的成员国– 从欧盟的其他成员国那里获得100亿欧元的援助?
139.Resources that were transferred to them — and were the Spanish ashamed of this? No!
援助到了他们手中– 西班牙有没有觉得丢脸?不会!
140.The EU transferred 10 billion. Where did they use it?
141.Have you been to southern Spain lately? There are roads everywhere.
142.Infrastructure everywhere.
143.It is on the back of this that the whole of southern Spain has developed into a services economy.
由于基础设施的支持,整个南部西班牙 已经发展成服务经济了
144.Did you know that Ireland got 3 billion dollars in aid?
145.Ireland is one of the fastest-growing economies in the European Union today.
146.For which many people, even from other parts of the world, are going there to find jobs.
许多人,甚至是世界其他国家的人 到那里去找工作
147.What did they do with the 3 billion dollars in aid?
148.They used it to build an information superhighway, gain infrastructure that enabled them to participate — or enables them to participate — in the
他们用这些钱建了信息高速公路 这个基础设施使得爱尔兰能够参与– 或者现在能够参与–
149.information technology revolution.
150.And to do — create jobs in their economy.
151.They didn’t say, no, you know, we’re not going to take this.
152.Today, the European Union is busy transferring aid.
153.My frustration is if they can build infrastructure in Spain — which is roads, highways, other things that they can build — I say then, why do they refuse to use the same aid
我的疑惑是如果他们可以在西班牙建基础设施 那些公路,高速公路或其他一些基础设施 那为什么他们拒绝用同样的援助资金
154.to build the same infrastructure in our countries? (Applause) When we ask them and tell them what we need?
在我们国家建基础设施呢?(鼓掌) 当我们问他们,告诉他们我们需要什么的时候?
155.One of my worries today is that we have many foundations now.
156.Now we talk about the World Bank, IMF, and accountability, and all that.
157.And the EU.
158.We also have private citizens now who have a lot of money.
159.Some of them in this audience, with private foundations.
160.And one day, these foundations have so much money, they will overtake the official aid that is being given.
有一天,这些组织会有很多钱 他们将代替一直以来的政府援助
161.But I fear — and I’m very grateful to all of them for what they are trying to do on the continent — but I’m also worried. I wake up with a gnawing in my belly.
但我担心—我也对他们很感激 他们为非洲所做的事 但我也担心。我起床时肚子很痛
162.Because I see a new set of aid entrepreneurs on the continent.
163.And they’re also going from country to country, and many times trying to find what to do.
而且他们也行走于各国间 很多次都尝试着找到应该该做的事
164.But I’m not really sure that their assistance is also being channeled in the right way.
但我真的不太确定他们的帮助 是否走对了方向
165.And many of them are not really familiar with the continent.
166.They are just discovering.
167.And many times I don’t see Africans working with them.
168.They are just going alone! (Applause) And many times I get the impression that they are not really even interested in hearing from Africans who might know.
他们经常独断独行!(鼓掌) 而且很多时候我觉得他们不太感兴趣于 听取非洲人的意见
169.They want to visit us, see what’s happening on the ground, and make a decision.
他们就想访问我们 看看土地上发生着什么,然后做出决定
170.And now I’m maybe being harsh.
171.But I worry because this money is so important.
172.Now, who are they accountable to?
173.Are we on their boards when they make decisions about where to channel money? Are we there?
当他们做决定投钱的时候我们是不是也在董事会呢? 我们在那里吗?
174.Will we make the same mistake that we made before?
175.Have our presidents and our leaders — everyone is talking about — have they ever called these people together and said, “Look, your foundation and your foundation —
我们的总统和领导人–每个人都在谈论– 有没有把这些人召集到一起说 “看,你的基金组织和你的基金组织–
176.you have so much money, we are grateful.
177.Let’s sit down and really tell you where the money should be channeled and where this aid should go.”
我们坐下来,商议一下这些钱应该怎么用 和这些钱到底应该投向哪里。”
178.Have we done that? The answer is no.
179.And each one is making his — their own individual effort.
180.And then 10 years from now, billions will again have gone into Africa, and we would still have the same problems.
至今十年间,上十亿的资金投入到非洲 我们仍然存在同样的问题
181.This is what gives us the hopeless image.
182.Our inability to take charge and say to all these people bringing their money: “Sit down.”
我们没有能力掌控起来,对这些投钱的人说 “坐下”
183.And we don’t do it because there are so many of us. We don’t coordinate.
184.We’ve not called the Bill Gates and the Soros — and everybody else who is helping and say, “Sit down. Let’s have a conference with you.
我们没有叫比尔盖茨和索罗斯– 以及其他帮助非洲的人说 “坐下,咱们开个会。
185.As a continent, here are our priorities.
186.Here is where we want you to channel this money.”
187.Each one should not be an entrepreneur, going out and finding what is best.
不是每个人都是企业家 出动一下就能发现什么才是最好的
188.We’re not trying to stop them. At all! But to help them help us better.
189.And what is disappointing me is that we are not doing this.
190.Ten years from now, we will have the same story, and we will be repeating the same things.
至今10年,我们的问题依然存在 并且还会重复出现
191.So our problem right now is, how can we leverage all this good will that is coming towards our way?
所以我们现在的问题是我们应该怎样协调 那些向我们所表达的好意
192.How can we get government to combine properly with these private foundations, with the international organizations, and with our private sector.
我们怎样才能使政府很恰当地整合 私营基金组织和国际组织 和我们那些私营单位
193.I firmly believe in that private sector thing, too.
194.But it cannot do it alone.
195.So there might be a few ideas we could think of that could work.
196.They said this is about proliferating and sharing ideas.
197.So why don’t we think of using some of this aid?
198.Well, why don’t we first say to those helping us out — don’t be shy about infrastructure!
而且,为什么我们不首先对那些帮助我们的人说 不要在基础设施建设上吝啬
199.That health that you’re working on cannot be sustainable without infrastructure.
200.That education will work better if we’ve got electricity and railroads, and so on.
教育会发展地更好 如果你们建设了电力和铁路,以及其他
201.That agriculture will work better if there are railroads to get the goods to market.
202.Don’t be shy of it.
203.Invest some of your resources in that, too.
204.And then we can see that this is one combination of private, international, multilateral money, private sector and the African that we can put together as a partnership,
于是我们可以发现这其实就是整合了 私人的,国际社会的以及多方面的资金 私营单位和非洲人可以合作
205.so that aid can be a facilitator.
206.That is all aid can be.
207.Aid cannot solve our problems, I’m firmly convinced about that.
208.But it can be catalytic. And if we fail to use it as catalytic, we would have failed.
但却可以成为催化剂。如果我们没能用它做催化剂 我们就会失败
209.One of the reasons why China is a bit popular with Africans now — one of the reasons — is not only just that, you know, these people are stupid
中国为什么更受非洲人欢迎的一个原因就是– 众多原因之一–不仅在于这个,有些人说你们这些人很愚蠢
210.and China is coming to take resources.
211.It’s because there’s a little more leverage in terms of the Chinese.
212.If you tell them, “We need a road here,”
213.they will help you build it.
214.Don’t shy away from infrastructure.
215.In fact, the Chinese minister of finance said to me, when I asked him what are we doing wrong in Nigeria.
事实上,中国财政部长对我说 当我问他尼日利亚具体错在哪里时
216.He said there are two things you need only: “Infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure — and discipline.
他说你们只需要做两件事 “基础设施,基础设施,基础设施–以及规划,
217.You are undisciplined.” (Applause) And I repeat it for the continent.
你们没有规划。”(鼓掌) 然后我觉得整个非洲都该这样
218.It’s the same — we need infrastructure, infrastructure and discipline.
219.So we can make a catalytic to help us provide some of that.
220.Now I realize — I’m not saying — health and education — no, you can also provide that as well.
现在我意识到,我不是说,医疗和教育 不,你们也是可以在那两个方面投入资金的
221.But I’m saying it’s not either or.
222.Let’s see how aid can be a facilitator, in partnership.
223.One idea.
224.Second thing, for the private sector.
225.People are afraid to take risks on the continent.
226.Why can’t some of this aid be used as a kind of guarantee mechanisms, to enable people to take risk?
为什么有些援助就不能用来担保 这些人可能遇到的风险呢?
227.(Applause) And finally, because they are both standing at my — I’m out — I’m out of time.
(鼓掌) 但最后,因为他们都站着–我时间用完了–我的时间用完了
228.Am I out of time?
229.OK, so let me not forget my punchline.
230.One of the things I want everybody to collaborate on is to support women, to create jobs. (Applause) A lot has been said here about women, I don’t need to repeat it.
其中一件事就是我想每个人团结起来 帮助妇女就业。(鼓掌) 在这里妇女的话题谈了很多,我也不想重复
231.But there are people — women — creating jobs.
232.And we know, studies have shown that when you put resources in the hand of the woman, in fact, there’s an econometric study — the World Bank Review done in 2000 — showing that
据我们所知,研究已经表明 当你把资源交由妇女来管理时 事实上,那是一个计量经济学上的统计– 世界银行在2000年的年报中已经表明
233.transfers into the hands of women result in healthier children, more for the household, more for the economy and all that.
由妇女来管理会 让孩子更健康,家庭会更好,经济也会更好以及其他的
234.So I’m saying that one of the takeaways from here — I’m not saying the men are not important — obviously, if you leave the husbands out, what will they do?
所以我是想说的是 我并不是想说男人不重要 很明显,如果妇女离开了丈夫,她们会怎样
235.They’ll come back home and get disgruntled, and it will result in difficulties we don’t want.
她们回到家中,变得不高兴 这就会导致我们不愿见到的困难
236.We don’t want men beating their wives because they don’t have a job, and so on.
我们不允许男人因为 女人没有工作而打女人
237.But at the margin, we also — I want to push this — because the reason is, the men automatically — they get — not automatically, but they tend to get more support.
但至少,我们也–我想推广这个想法 因为原因在于男人会自动地– 不是自动地–但他们倾向于获得更多帮助
238.But I want you to realize that resources in the hands of African women is a powerful tool.
但我想你们要意识到资源 掌控在非洲女人心中也是很有用的
239.There are people creating jobs — Beatrice Gakuba has created 200 jobs from her flower business in Rwanda.
有些妇女就在创造就业 碧翠丝 加库马在卢旺达的鲜花生意中创造了200个就业岗位
240.We have Ibukun Awosika in Nigeria, with the furniture — the chair company.
在尼日利亚,伊布康 阿沃斯卡的家具–椅子公司
241.She wants to expand.
242.She needs another 20 million.
243.She will create another 100, 200 more jobs.
244.So take away from here is how are you going to put together the resources to put money in the hands of women in the middle who are ready:
所以接下来的问题就是你们怎样整合 那些把资金交由那些妇女掌控的资源 这些妇女已经有一定的经济实力
245.business people who want to expand and create more jobs.
246.And lastly, what are you going to do to be part of this partnership of aid, government, private sector and the African as an individual?
最后,你们也可以个人身份去 参与与政府,私营单位 以及非洲人的合作