2.What does it look like?
3.Come with me to 915 South Bloodworth street in Raleigh, North Carolina, where I grew up.
跟我一起来到北卡罗莱纳州 的南布拉德沃斯大街上,我成长的地方。
4.If you come in you will see us, evening time, at table set for ten, but not always all seats filled.
如果你进来,你会在晚上看到我们, 十个人围成一桌,但并不是每个位子上都有人。
5.At the point when dinner is ready to be served, since mom had eight kids, sometimes she said she couldn’t tell who was who and where they were.
晚餐准备好的时候, 因为妈妈有八个孩子, 有时她说她分不清谁是谁,都在哪儿。
6.Before we could eat, she would ask, “Are all the children in?”
但我们吃饭之前,她会问, “所有的孩子们都在吗?”
7.And if someone happened to be missing, we would have to, we say, fix a plate for that person, put it in the oven, then we could say grace, and we could eat.
如果有人偶尔不在, 我们就会说,留一个盘子给他,放到烤箱里。 接着我们感恩祷告,然后开吃。
8.Also, while we were at the table, there was a ritual in our family, when something significant had happened for any one of us, whether mom had just been elected as the president of the PTA,
所以,当大家坐在桌子前面的时候, 这是我们家的一个仪式, 当任何人身上发生意义重大的事情时, 比如当妈妈被选举为家长教师会(PTA)的主席的时候,
9.or whether dad had gotten an assignment at the college of our denomination, or whether someone had won the jabberwocky contest for talent,
或者当爸爸得到一份我们大学的教会的工作时。 或者有谁赢得口才比赛的时候,
10.the ritual at the family was, once the announcement is made, we must take five, ten minutes to do what we call make over that person,
我们家庭的传统仪式就是,在宣布完之后, 我们必须花五到十分钟时间来跟那个人总结一下,
11.that is, to make a fuss over the one who had been honored in some way, for when one is honored, all are honored.
就是,认认真真的表扬一下那个获得荣誉的人, 就是一个人光荣,所有人都光荣。
12.Also, we had to make a report on our extended visited members, that is, extended members of the family, sick and elderly shut in.
同样,我们还必须向我们的家族的客人报告一下。 那就是,家庭的扩展成员, 那些无法外出的病人和年长的人。
13.My task was, at least once a week, to visit Mother Lassiter who lived on East Street, Mother Williamson who lived on Bledsoe Avenue,
我的任务是,至少一周一次去拜访东街的 拉斯特大妈, 以及布莱索大道的威廉森大妈,
14.Mother Lathers who lived on Oberlin Road.
15.Why? Because they were old and infirm.
16.And we needed to go by to see if they needed anything.
17.For mom said, “To be family, is to care and share and to look out for one another.
18.They are our family.”
19.And, of course, sometimes there was a bonus for going.
20.They would offer sweets or money.
21.Mom says, “If they ask you what it costs to either go shopping for them, you must always say, ‘Nothing.’ And if they insist, say, ‘Whatever you mind to give me.'”
妈妈说“如果他们问你买东西花了多少钱, 你必须说,’不要钱’ 如果他们坚持你就说,‘不管怎样你随便给一点’”
22.This was the nature of being at that table.
23.In fact, she indicated that if we would do that, not only would we have the joy of receiving the gratitude from the members of the extended family,
事实上,她表现出了,如果我们那样去做, 不只是我们会有收到扩展成员 的感激的喜悦,
24.but she said, “Even God will smile, and when God smiles, there is peace, and justice, and joy.”
她还说,“上帝也会微笑,并且上帝微笑的时候, 世间就充满了和平,公正和喜悦。”
25.So, at the table at 915, I learned something about compassion.
26.Of course, it was a minister’s family, so we had to add God into it.
当然,这是一个牧师的家庭, 所以我们必须把上帝也算进去。
27.And so, I came to think that mama eternal, mama eternal, is always wondering: Are all the children in?
因此,我一直在想永恒的妈妈 一直在问:“所有的孩子都在吗?”
28.And if we had been faithful in caring and sharing, we had the sense that justice and peace would have a chance in the world.
并且,如果我们坚持关心和分享, 我们就坚信这个世界上公正和和平终会实现。
29.Now, it was not always wonderful at that table.
30.Let me explain a point at which we did not rise to the occasion.
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31.It was Christmas, and at our family, oh what a morning.
32.Christmas morning, where we open up our gifts, where we have special prayers, and where we get to the old upright piano, and we would sing carols. It was a very intimate moment.
圣诞节的早晨,我们打开我们的礼物, 我们有特殊祈祷的地方,我们到了老的立式钢琴的地方, 并且我们唱着颂歌。那是一个非常亲密的时刻。
33.In fact, you could come down to the tree to get your gifts and get ready to sing, and then get ready for breakfast without even taking a bath or getting dressed,
事实上,你可以从树上下来,拿到礼物并且准备唱颂歌, 然后甚至不用洗澡或者打扮好就可以吃早餐,
34.except that daddy messed it up.
35.There was a member of his staff who did not have any place on that particular Christmas to celebrate.
因为他的一名同事没有地方去 在这个特殊的圣诞节。
36.And daddy brought Elder Revels to the Christmas family celebration.
然后爸爸带着他同事爱尔德(Elder Revels)来参加家庭庆祝。
37.We thought he must be out of his mind.
38.This is our time. This is intimate time.
39.This is when we can just be who we are, and now we have this stuffy brother, with his shirt and tie on, while we are still in our pjs.
这是我们可以做我们真正的自己, 但是现在我们有了这个让人郁闷的哥们儿, 在我们仍然穿着睡衣的时候他却穿着西装和领带。
40.Why would daddy bring Elder Revels?
41.Any other time, but not to the Christmas celebration.
42.And mom overheard us as said, “Well, you know what? If you really understand the nature of this celebration, it is that this is a time where you extend the circle of love.
妈妈无意中听到我们的话, “你们知道吗?如果你真的理解庆祝的真正意义, 庆祝是你真正延伸你的爱的时刻。
43.That’s what the celebration is all about.
44.It’s time to make space, to share the enjoyment of life in a beloved community.”
45.So, we sucked up.
46.(Laughter) But growing up at 915, compassion was not a word to be debated, it was a sensibility to how we are together.
(笑声) 但在915长大,同情心并不是个用来辩论的词汇, 它是一种我们如何患难于共的情感。
47.We are sisters and brothers united together.
48.And, like Chief Seattle said, “We did not spin the web of life.
49.We’re all strands in it.
50.And whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.”
51.Now that’s compassion.
52.So, let me tell you, I kind of look at the world this way.
53.I see pictures, and something says, “Now, that’s compassion.”
54.A harvested field of grain with some grain in the corners reminding me of the Hebrew tradition that you may indeed harvest, but you must always leave some on the edges
一块收割完的谷田,一些谷物在角落里堆着 提醒着我犹太人的传统 你也许确实收割了, 但你必须一直留点别的东西在边上
55.just in case there’s someone who has not had the share necessary for good nurture.
留给那些没有得到足够的 养育的人。
56.Talk about a picture of compassion.
57.I see — always, it stirs my heart — a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
我看到一直震撼我心的 马丁路德.金博士的一张照片。
58.walking arm in arm with Andy Young and Rabbi Heschel and maybe Thich Nhat Hanh, and some of the other saints assembled, walking across the bridge and going into Selma.
跟安迪和拉比(Andy Young 和Rabbi Heschel)手挽手往前走 也许是一行禅师(Thich Nhat Hanh)和其它的圣徒, 向前走过桥然后去塞尔玛(Selma)。
59.Just a photograph.
60.Arm in arm for struggle.
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61.Suffering together in a common hope that we can be brothers and sisters without the accidents of our birth or our ethnicity robbing us of a sense of unity of being.
即使没有血缘和宗教关系,为了一个共同的希望患难与共 能成为兄弟姐妹。 改变了我们的统一感。
62.So, there’s another picture. Here, this one. I really do like this picture.
63.When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, that day, everybody in my community was upset.
当马丁路德.金博士被暗杀后, 那天,我们社区里所有人都很伤心。
64.You heard about riots all across the land.
65.Bobby Kennedy was scheduled to bring an inner city message in Indianapolis.
66.This is the picture. They said, “It’s going to be too volatile for you to go.”
这就是那张图。他们说, “它将会变的太动荡不定,你不能去。”
67.He insisted, “I must go.”
68.So, sitting on a flatbed truck, the elders of the community, and Bobby stands up and says to the people, “I have bad news for you.
所以,坐在卡车上, 社区里的老者, 然后鲍勃站起来告诉人们, “我有一个坏消息告诉你们。
69.Some of you may not have heard that Dr. King has been assassinated, and I know that you are angry, and I know that you would almost wish to have the opportunity
有些人也许还没听说当马丁路德.金博士被暗杀了, 我理解你们很生气, 并且我理解你们希望现在就有机会
70.to enter now into activities of revenge, but,”
71.he said, “what I really want you to know, is that I know how you feel.
72.Because I had someone dear to me snatched away.
73.I know how you feel.”
74.And he said, “I hope that you will have the strength to do what I did.
75.I allowed my anger, my bitterness, my grief to simmer a while, and then I made up my mind that I was going to make a different world,
我允许我的愤怒,辛酸,我的悲伤慢慢燃烧, 然后我立志要去一个崭新的世界,
76.and we can do that together.”
77.That’s a picture. Compassion? I think I see it.
这是一个图片。 同情心?我觉得我看到它了。
78.I saw it when the Dalai Lama came to the Riverside Church while I was a pastor, and he invited representatives of faith traditions from all around the world.
我看到它是在我是牧师的时候达赖喇嘛到河滨教堂 他从全世界邀请了信仰的代表。
79.He asked them to give a message, and they each read in their own language a central affirmation, and that was some version of the golden rule.
他请他们传递一个信息, 然后他们每个人都用自己的语言去理解, 那是另外版本的黄金法则。
80.”As you would that others would do unto you, do also unto them.”
“你如何对待他人,也将如何对待自己, 像对待自己一样对待别人。”
81.12 in their ecclesiastical or cultural or tribal attire affirming one message.
12个身着喇嘛服装或者民族服装的人 重申着同一个信息。
82.We are so connected, that we must treat each other as if an action toward you is an action toward myself.
我们连接如此紧密,我们必须像所有的行为都 对待自己一样去对待大家。
83.One more picture while I’m stinking and thinking about the Riverside Church.
84.9/11. Last night at chagrin fall, a newspaper man and a television guy said, that evening, when a service was held at the Riverside Church,
9/11。 昨晚正懊恼的时候, 一个报摊小贩和一个电视男的对话, 那天晚上,当公共的服务在河滨教堂上的时候,
85.we carried it on our station in this city.
86.”It was,” he said, “One of the most powerful moments of life together.”
87.We were all suffering, but you invited representatives of all of the traditions to come, and you invited them.
我们都在经受苦难, 但你邀请所有传统的代表来参加, 你邀请他们。
88.find out what it is in your tradition that tells us what to do when we have been humiliated, when we have been despised and rejected.
来找出,什么是你的传统 告诉我们当我们被侮辱的时候要去做什么, 当我们被鄙视和拒绝的时候我们要做什么。
89.And they all spoke out of their own tradition a word about the healing power of solidarity, one with the other.
然后他们会用他们自己的传统 关于治疗团结一致的力量,一个接一个。
90.Well now I developed a sense of compassion sort of as second nature, but I became a preacher.
好,现在我发现同情心是一种第二天性, 但我变成了一个讲道士。
91.Now, as a preacher, I got a job. I got to preach the stuff, but I got to do it too.
现在,作为一个讲道士,我的工作就是布道和说教, 但我就应该做这个。
92.Or, as Father Divine in Harlem used to say to folks, “Some people preach the Gospel.
或者,就像是哈莱姆神父告诉人们的一样, “一些人说教福音书。
93.I have to tangibilitate the Gospel.”
94.So, the real issue is: How do you tangibilitate compassion?
所以,真正的问题是: 你怎么说同情心的真实性?
95.How do you make it real?
96.My faith has constantly lifted up the ideal, and challenged me when I fell beneath it.
我的信条不断的升华成理想, 并且一旦我落后就不断挑战我。
97.In my tradition, there is a gift that we have made to other traditions, everybody around the world who knows the story of the good samaritan.
在我的传统里,我们要为其它的传统送一个礼物 , 世界上每一个人都知道善人的故事。
98.Many people think of it primarily in terms of charity, random acts of kindness.
许多人认为首当其冲的应该是慈善, 随机的善行。
99.But for those who really study that text a little more thoroughly, you will discover that a question has been raised that leads to this parable.
但对于这些真正研究或者更理解的人来说, 你会发现一个问题慢慢浮现上来, 导致了这个寓意。
100.The question was: What is the greatest commandment?
101.And, according to Jesus, the word comes forth, “You must love yourself, you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul,
根据耶稣,这个词汇出来了, “你必须爱自己, 你必须像爱你自己一样全心全意爱你的主你的上帝,
102.and your neighbor as yourself.”
103.And then the person asked, “Well, what do you mean, neighbor?”
104.And he answered it by telling the story of the man who fell among thieves, and how religious authorities went the other way, and how their supporters in the congregation went the other way,
然后他讲了一个男人落到贼窝的故事来回答这个问题, 以及宗教的掌权者是如何通向另一条路, 还有他们的支持者是如何聚在一起通向另一条路的,
105.but an unsuspecting, despised person came along, saw the man in need, provided oil and wine for his wounds, put him on his own transportation,
但没有料想到,被歧视的人一起, 看到有需要帮助的人, 提供了油和酒来治疗他的伤口, 把他送上自己的交通工具,
106.and took him to the inn and asked the innkeeper, “Take care of him.”
然后送他到旅馆 并且告诉侍应生,“好好照顾他。”
107.And he said, “Here, this is the initial investment, but if needs continue, make sure that you provide them.
然后说,“这只是刚开始的投入, 如果他还需要帮助,你要确保帮助他
108.And whatever else is needed, I will provide it and pay for it when I return.”
109.This always seemed to me to be a deepening of the sense of what it means to be a good samaritan.
这对于我来说,有意成为 一个善人的意识在不断加深。
110.A good samaritan is not simply one whose heart is touched, in an immediate act of care and charity, but one who provides a system of sustained care — I like that —
一个大善人不是仅仅简单的容易感动, 仅仅一个直接的关心和慈善, 而是一个提供一系列的可持续的关心 –如我所说的那样
111.a system of sustained care in the inn, take care.
112.I think maybe it’s one time when the Bible talks about a healthcare system and a commitment to do whatever is necessary, that all God’s children would have their needs cared for,
我想也许有一次当圣经论及医疗系统 以及承诺要做的必须的事情, 所有的上帝的孩子都需要被照顾,
113.so that we could answer when mommy eternal asks, “In regards to health, are all the children in?” And we could say yes.
因此当永恒的妈妈问及,“关于健康, 所有的孩子都在吗?” 然后我们可以回答是的。
114.Oh, what a joy it has been to be a person seeking to tangibilitate compassion.
115.I recall that my work as a pastor has always involved caring for their spiritual needs, being concerned for housing, for healthcare,
我回想我作为一个牧师的时候 总是牵涉到关注他们的灵魂所需, 关注他们的房子,医疗,
116.for the prisoners, for the infirm, for children, even the foster care children for whom no one maybe can even keep a record where they started off, where they are going.
犯人,年迈体弱的老人,儿童, 甚至是收养和照顾那些甚至没有出生记录 和任何资料的儿童。
117.To be a pastor is to care for these individual needs.
118.But now, to be a good samaritan, and I always say, and to be a good American, for me, is not simply to congratulate myself for the individual acts of care,
但是现在,作为一个大善人,我总是说 并且做为一个善良的美国人,对于我来说, 不是简单的恭喜我自己对于个人的关心行为,
119.compassion takes on a corporate dynamic.
120.I believe that whatever we did around that table at Bloodworth Street, must be done around tables and rituals of faith until we become that family, that family together,
我坚信我们在布拉德大街围绕着饭桌所做的一切, 必须在在饭桌上完成的事情以及信条的仪式 直到我们变成了一个大家庭,在一起的大家庭,
121.that understands the nature of our unity.
122.We are one people together.
123.So, let me explain to you what I mean when I think about compassion, and why I think it is so important that right at this point in history
所以,让我来给你解释我对同情心的认识, 并且为什么我认为同情心在历史上的这一时刻那么重要
124.we would decide to establish this charter of compassion.
125.The reason it’s important is because this is a very special time in history.
126.It is the time which, biblically, we would speak of it as the day, or the year, of God’s favor.
这个时刻是圣经里我们所说的 上帝恩惠的那一天,或那一年。
127.This is a season of grace.
128.Unusual things are beginning to happen.
129.Please pardon me, as a black man, for celebrating, that the election of Obama was an unusual sign of the fact that it is a year of favor,
请允许我再说一遍,作为一个黑人,为了庆祝 奥巴马的当选就是一个不寻常的迹象 今年是上帝恩惠的一年,
130.and yet, there is so much more that needs to be done.
131.We need to bring health and food and education and respect for all God’s citizens, all God’s children, remembering mama eternal.
我们需要带来健康,食物和教育 以及对上帝子民的尊重,所有上帝的孩子们, 记住永恒的妈妈。
132.Now, let me close my comments by telling you that whenever I feel something very deeply, it usually takes the form of verse.
现在,让我再告诉一件事来结束我的讲话, 无论何时我感触很深的时候, 它通常带着诗歌的形式。
133.And so I want to close with a little song.
134.I close with this song — it’s a children’s song — because we are all children at the table of mama eternal.
以这首儿歌来结尾。 我们在永恒的妈妈的餐桌上的时候,我们都是孩子。
135.And if mama eternal has taught us correctly, this song will make sense, not only to those of us who are a part of this gathering, but to all who sign the charter for compassion.
如果永恒的妈妈教导我们的是正确的话, 这首哥就一定有意义,不只是我们聚会的一部分, 而是整个同情心新篇章的迹象。
136.And this is why we do it.
137.The song says, ? “I made heaven so happy today, ?
138.? Receiving God’s love and giving it away ?
139.? When I looked up, heaven smiled at me ?
140.? Now, I’m so happy. Can’t you see? ?
141.? I’m happy. Look at me. I’m happy. Can’t you see? ?
142.? Sharing makes me happy, makes heaven happy too ?
143.? I’m happy. Look at me. I’m happy. Can’t you see? ?
144.? Let me share happy loving smile with you ?
145.That’s compassion.