
1.The new me is beauty.
2.(Laughter) Yeah, people used to say, you know, Norman’s OK, but if you followed what he said, everything would be usable but it would be ugly.
(笑声) 人们过去会说 诺曼的出发点是好的 但假如你就按照他说的去做 那么你可以做出管用的东西 但一定是很丑的
3.Well, I didn’t have that in mind, so …
4.This is neat.
看 这东西挺精致的
5.Thank you for setting up my display.
感谢主持人把它摆在这儿 供我作道具用
6.I mean, it’s just wonderful.
我想说 这东西太美了
7.And I haven’t the slightest idea what it does or what it’s good for, but I want it.
我完全想不出它是拿来干嘛的 它的实际用途会有哪些 但是我就是想要它
8.And that’s my new life.
9.My new life is trying to understand what beauty is about, and pretty, and emotions.
我的一生就是在探索何为美 何为可爱 以及与此相关的情感
10.The new me is all about making things kind of neat and fun.
11.And so this is a Philippe Starck juicer, produced by Alessi.
12.It’s so much fun I have it in my house, but I have it in the entryway, I don’t use it to make juice.
它实在是太好玩了 我家里就有一台 但我把它摆在过道上 而不是用来做橙汁
13.(Laughter) In fact, I bought the gold-plated special edition and it comes with a little slip of paper that says, “Don’t use this juicer to make juice.
(笑声) 说实话 我买的是外表镀金的那一款 一打开包装 我看到一张纸条 上面写着 不要用这机器来做果汁
14.The acid will ruin the gold-plating.”
15.(Laughter) So actually, I took a carton of orange juice and I poured it in the glass to take this picture.
(笑声) 所以 我把一罐果汁倒在这机器里头 而后才拍出这张照片
16.(Laughter) But, beneath it is a wonderful knife.
(笑声) 大家留心看 会发现底下那里有一把刀
17.It’s a Global cutting knife made in Japan.
18.First of all, look at the shape, it’s just wonderful to look at.
先看看它的形状 那是多么美
19.Second of all, it’s really beautiful balanced it holds — feels well.
其次 这把刀设计得相当匀称 拿在手上感觉棒极了
20.And third of all, it’s so sharp, it just cuts.
再有 它的刀刃非常锋利 割东西非常方便
21.It’s a delight to use.
22.And so, it’s got everything, right?
23.It’s beautiful and it’s functional.
它的确很美 也很实用
24.And I can tell you stories about it, which makes it reflective, and so you’ll see I have a theory of emotion.
我还能跟你讲几个故事 扩展一下主题 大家知道 我有一套关于情绪的理论
25.And those are the three components.
26.Hiroshi Ishii and his group at the MIT Media Lab took a ping-pong table and a projector above it, and on the ping-pong table they projected an image of water
Hiroshi Ishii以及他的同事在MIT媒体实验室搞了这么一样东西 他们找到一张乒乓球桌 并且在上面放置一台投影仪 通过投影仪 在乒乓球桌上投射出一个水面
27.and fish swimming in it.
28.And as you play ping-pong, whenever the ball hits part of the table the ripples spread out and the fish run away.
你在那儿打乒乓球 只要球一触到桌面 就会有波纹弹出来 鱼儿也随之游到别的地方
29.But of course, then the ball hits the other side, ripples hit the — poor fish, they can’t find any peace and quiet.
而后球又跳到另外一个地方 再次激起水波 看看那鱼儿啊 也真可怜的
30.(Laughter) And, is that a good way to play ping-pong?
(笑声) 这是不是玩乒乓球的好办法?
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31.No. But is it fun?
不是 但好不好玩?
32.Yeah! Yeah.
33.So — or look at Google.
34.If you type in, oh say, “emotion and design”
假如你搜“情感 设计” get 10 pages of results.
36.So Google just took their logo and they spread it out.
而Google则非常巧妙的撕开自己的logo, 使之排成十页
37.Instead of saying “You got 73,000 results.
它不是直接告诉你 有73,000个搜索结果
38.This one through 20. Next,”
39.they just give you as many O’s as there are pages.
40.It’s really simple and subtle.
41.I bet a lot of you have seen it and never noticed it.
我想你们很多人都看过 但是没有注意到
42.That’s the subconscious mind that sort of notices it, it probably is kind of pleasant and you didn’t know why.
这就是潜意识 潜意识注意到这东西 也隐约感到快乐 但是你不知是为什么
43.And it’s just clever.
44.And of course, what’s especially good, if you type “design and emotion,”
而最有趣的则是 当你搜“设计与情感”的时候
45.the first response out of those 10 pages is my website.
46.(Laughter) Now, the weird thing is Google lies because if I type “design and emotion,”
(笑声) 可是 Google也会骗人 因为假如我搜“设计与情感” says, “You don’t need the ‘and.’ We do it anyway.”
Google就会告诉我说 你不需打“与”字 我们自己会加上去的
48.So, OK.

49.So I type “design emotion”
那我就打“设计 情感”
50.and my website wasn’t first again.
51.It was third.
52.Oh well, different story.
好 再说一个故事
53.There was this wonderful review in The New York Times about the MINI Cooper automobile.
《纽约时报》有一次刊登了一则评论 是关于微型Cooper汽车的
54.It said, “You know, this is a car that has lots of faults.
上面写到 这是一辆充满缺陷的汽车
55.Buy it anyway.
56.It’s so much fun to drive.”
57.And if you look at the inside of the car — I mean, I wanted to see, I rented it, this is me taking a picture while my son is driving —
假如你看看车的内部 我当时很想看 就租了一辆 这是我儿子驾车的时候 我拍下来的照片
58.and the inside of the car, the whole design is fun.
车子内部的设计 带给人的就是快感
59.It’s round, it’s neat.
圆圆的 非常趣致
60.The controls work wonderfully.
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61.So that’s my new life, it’s all about fun.
这就是我的新生活 就是关于好玩的新生活
62.I really have the feeling that pleasant things work better, and that never made any sense to me until I finally figured out, look …
我真的认为 好玩的东西总是走在一起的 但我一直都不能理解为什么 直到……
63.I’m going to put a plank on the ground.
好 我要往地板上放一块木板
64.So, imagine I have a plank about two feet wide and 30 feet long and I’m going to walk on it, and you see I can walk on it without looking,
设想一下 我有一块2英尺宽 30英尺长的木板 我可以在木板上踱步 而不需惊慌
65.I can go back and forth and I can jump up and down.
我可以往前 往后 可以跳上跳下
66.No problem.
67.Now I’m going to put the plank 300 feet in the air and I’m not going to go near it, thank you.
而假如我要把这木板放在300英尺高的地方 我就不会走近它了
68.Intense fear paralyzes you.
69.It actually affects the way the brain works.
70.So, Paul Saffo, just before his talk said that he didn’t really have it down until just a few days or hours before the talk, and that anxiety was really helpful in causing him to focus
保罗·萨福刚才结束自己的演讲时说 他在演讲开始之前一直感到非常紧张 直到 最后几天 甚至最后几个小时才能冷静下来 但那种因为紧张而产生的焦虑 却可以帮助他集中精神去工作
71.And that’s what fear and anxiety does It causes you to be — what’s called depth-first processing — to focus, not be distracted, and I couldn’t force myself across that.
畏惧与焦虑的作用也是如此 它们能够世人集中精神 而不是分散注意力 也就是通常说的深度第一的处理原则 但我发现自己做不到
72.Now some people can — circus workers, steel workers.
但是有些人可以做得到 例如马戏团演员 钢铁工人
73.But it really changes the way you think.
74.And then, a psychologist, Alice Isen, did this wonderful experiment.
一位叫阿丽斯·艾森的心理学家 做了一个很有趣的实验
75.She brought students in to solve problems So, she’d bring people into the room, there’d be a string hanging down here and a string hanging down here
她找到几个学生 把他们带到房间 房间的这里有根绳子 那里也有根绳子
76.and an empty room, except a table with a bunch of crap on it — some papers and scissors and stuff.
那是一个空房间 只有 一张桌子 桌上有些杂物 那是一些纸 剪刀 和其他东西
77.And she’d bring them in, and she’d say, “This is an IQ test and it determines how well you do in life.
她把学生带到房间里 她说 这是一个IQ测试题 它可以测试 你在实际生活中的应变能力
78.Would you tie those two strings together?”
79.So they’d take one string and they’d pull it over here and they couldn’t reach the other string.
学生一手拿着这头的绳子 然后 伸出 另一只手去够另一根绳子 他们够不着
80.Still can’t reach it.
81.And, basically none of them could solve it.
82.You bring in a second group of people, and you say, “Oh, before we start, I got this box of candy, and I don’t eat candy.
那位心理学家又叫来另一群学生 跟他们说 我们开始之前 我想告诉大家 我这里 有一盒糖 可是我不吃糖的
83.Would you like the box of candy?”
84.And turns out they liked it, and it made them happy, not very happy, but a little bit of happy.
学生很喜欢吃 吃得很开心 也许不算很开心吧 至少是让他们感觉心情好一点
85.And guess what — they solved the problem.
86.And it turns out that when you’re anxious you squirt neural transmitters in the brain, which focuses you makes you depth-first, And when you’re happy — what we call positive valence —
当你处于焦虑状态的时候 你的大脑里的神经交换就会加速 这样你会更容易集中精力 让你沉浸在那个思考的氛围里 当你感到快乐的时候 squirt dopamine into the prefrontal lobes, which makes you a breadth-first problem solver you’re more susceptible to interruption, you do out of the box thinking.
你就会把更多的多巴胺输送到大脑前额 这时你就转入宽式为先的思考 你会更容易被外界干扰打乱情绪 并且你在进行框外思考
88.That’s what brainstorming’s about, right?
89.With brainstorming we make you happy, we play games, and we say, “No criticism,”
每一次头脑风暴 你都感觉很快乐 你会玩游戏 并且没有人指责你的想法
90.and you get all these weird, neat ideas.
91.But in fact, if that’s how you always were you’d never get any work done because you’d be working along and say, “Oh, I got a new way of doing it.”
但假如你任何时候都是这个样子 那么你什么事情也做不了 因为你会忽然在工作到一半的时候说 “对啊 我可以用新的办法来做呢!”
92.So to get work done, you’ve got to set a deadline, right?
因此 要想做好工作 就需要一个时间表 对不对
93.You’ve got be anxious.
94.So the brain works differently and if you’re happy, things work better because you’re more creative You get a little problem, you say, “Ah, I’ll figure it out.”
不同时候 人的大脑的工作方式不一样 当你高兴的时候 你会变得更有创意 遇到问题 你就会想 我会找办法解决它
95.No big deal.
96.There’s something I call the visceral level of processing.
97.Biology — we have co-adapted through biology to like bright colors.
看看生物 漫长演化的结果是我们人非常喜欢鲜艳的颜色
98.That’s especially good that mammals and primates like fruits and bright plants, because you eat the fruit and you thereby spread the seed.
哺乳动物和灵长类动物喜欢水果 喜欢鲜艳的植物 你吃掉水果 你也帮忙传播了种子
99.There’s an amazing amount of stuff that’s built into the brain.
100.We dislike bitter tastes, we dislike loud sounds, we dislike hot temperatures, cold temperatures.
我们不喜欢苦味 不喜欢噪音 不喜欢高热或寒冷
101.We dislike scolding voices, we dislike frowning faces, We like symmetrical faces, et cetera, et cetera.
不喜欢责备的声音 不喜欢皱眉的脸 我们喜欢对称的脸
102.So that’s the visceral level and in design you can express visceral in lots of ways, like the choice of type fonts and the red for hot, exciting.
这些都是本能层面的情感 在设计上 你可以通过不同的方式去表达这样的情感 比如字体的选择 颜色的选择
103.Or the 1963 Jaguar.
104.It’s actually a crummy car, falls apart all the time, but the owners love it.
那是很老的一款车 经常坏 但是车主喜欢
105.And it’s beautiful — it’s in the Museum of Modern Art.
它很美 它就被收藏在纽约现代艺术博物馆
106.A water bottle.
107.You buy it because of the bottle, not because of the water.
你买它是因为这个罐很别致 而不是里面的水
108.And when people are finished, they don’t throw it away they keep it for — you know, it’s like the old wine bottles, you keep it for decoration
人们喝完里面的水之后 不会把罐扔掉 他们把罐留下来 当装饰用途
109.or maybe fill it with water again, which proves it’s not the water.
或者再次装上水 这表明不是水的魅力
110.It’s all about the visceral experience.
111.The middle level of processing is the behavioral level and that’s actually where most of our stuff gets done.
第二层是行为层面 我们生活中绝大多数的东西都是这样生产出来的
112.Visceral is subconscious, you’re unaware of it Behavioral is subconscious, you’re unaware of it.
知觉认识是潜意识的 你根本不知道它发生了 行为也是这样的 你也感觉不到
113.Almost everything we do is subconscious.
114.I’m walking around the stage, I’m not attending to the control of my legs.
我在舞台上走 我并没有听从我的脚的指挥
115.I’m doing a lot, most of my talk is subconscious, it’s been rehearsed and thought about a lot.
我说话大多数时候也是潜意识的 我之前做过很多准备 想了很多
116.Most of what we do is subconscious.
117.Automatic behavior — skilled behavior is subconscious, controlled by the behavioral side.
自动化的行为 因为熟练而做的事情 这些都是由行为控制的
118.And behavioral design is all about feeling in control, which includes usability, understanding, but also the feel and heft.
行为设计之本质就是要让使用者感到一切都在掌控之中 包括可用性 理解 还有质感与重量
119.That’s why the Global knives is so neat They’re so nicely balanced, so sharp, you really feel you’re in control of the cutting.
万能小刀设计得那么精致 非常匀称 锋利 你会感觉一切控于自己的掌中
120.Or just driving a high-performance sports car over a demanding curb, again feeling that you are in complete control of the environment.
或者是开着一辆性能非常好的汽车 越过一个大槛 你会感觉一切尽在自己的掌控之中
121.Or the sensual feeling.
122.This is a Kohler shower, a waterfall shower, and actually, all those knobs beneath are also shower heads.
这是一个科勒淋浴头,一个瀑布效果的淋浴头 下面这些小孔也是一个个小小的喷头
123.It will squirt you all around And you can stay in that shower for hours.
它还能往任意方向射水 你就可以一连几个小时站在那里淋浴
124.And not waste water, by the way, it recirculates the same dirty water.
并且不会浪费水 它会让污水实现循环利用
125.(Laughter) Or this — this is a really neat teapot I found at high tea at The Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago.
(笑声) 还有这个 这是非常精致的一个茶壶 我是在芝加哥四季酒店那里购得的
126.It’s a Ronnefeldt tilting teapot.
127.That’s kind of what the teapot looks like but the way you use it is you lay it on its back, and you put tea in, and then you fill it with water
表面看跟普通茶壶没有区别 但是 要用的时候 你需要将其躺放到桌面 然后把茶叶放进去 罐上水
128.because water then seeps over the tea.
129.And the tea is sitting in this stuff to the right — the tea is to the right of this line.
茶就会被挪到茶壶的右手边 就是在这条线的右手边
130.There’s a little ledge inside, so the tea is sitting there and the water is filling it up like that.
里面有一条横挡 茶就在这个地方 水慢慢的浸透茶身
131.And when the tea is ready, or almost ready, you tilt it.
当茶已经弄好或将要弄好的时候 你就把茶壶放稍微倾斜一点
132.And that means the tea is partially covered while it completes the brewing.
这样子茶就不会全部被覆盖 而同时可以继续温
133.And when it’s finished, you put it vertically, and now the tea is — you remember — above this line and the water only comes to here
一旦茶好了,你就把茶壶放正 大家应该记得 茶是在这个位置的 而水只会跑到这个地方
134.and so it keeps the tea out And on top of that, it communicates, which is what emotion does.
并且把茶隔离出来 除此而外 茶壶本身也在进行一种交流 这也是情感之本义
135.Emotion is all about acting, emotion is really about acting.
136.It’s being safe in the world.
137.Cognition is about understanding the world, emotion is about interpreting it saying good, bad, safe, dangerous, and getting us ready to act, which is why the muscles tense or relax.
认知之意义在于理解世界 而情感则试图解释这个世界 善良与邪恶 安全与危险 都是通过情感判断出来的 有了判断我们才会行动 肌肉之活动也与此相关
138.And that’s why we can tell the emotion of somebody else, because their muscles are acting, subconsciously, except that we’ve evolved to make the facial muscles really rich with emotion.
我们可以分辨出其他人的情感 因为我们可以看得到他们的肌肉 在活动 尽管只是在潜意识的指挥下 而我们的面部表情又是特别擅长于传情达意
139.Well, this has emotions if you like, because it signals the waiter that, “Hey, I’m finished. See — upright.”
这个茶壶也是有情感的 因为它会向服务员发出一个信号 “看,茶弄好了。你看我都站起来了“
140.And the waiter can come by and say, “Would you like more water?”
这时服务员会过来问 “是不是需要多一点水”
141.It’s kind of neat. What a wonderful design.
这一点真的很巧妙 实在是一个不错的设计
142.And the third level is reflective, which is, if you like the superego, it’s a little part of the brain that has no control over what you do,
第三个层面的就是反思性的 就是指弗洛伊德所言的超我 那是大脑的一部分 它无法控制你的行为 control over the — doesn’t see the senses, doesn’t control the muscles.
无法控制你的感官 也无法控制你的肌肉
144.It looks over what’s going on.
145.It’s that little voice in your head.
146.that’s watching and saying, “That’s good. That’s bad.”
147.or “Why are you doing that? I don’t understand.”
148.It’s that little voice in your head that’s the seat of consciousness.
149.Here’s a great reflective product.
150.Owners of the Hummer have said, “You know I’ve owned many cars in my life all sorts of exotic cars, but never have I had a car that attracted so much attention.”
Hummer的主人曾经说,“我一生拥有许多汽车” 包括各种异国的轿车 但是 从来没有一辆车使得我如此倾注自己的心思
151.It’s about their image, it’s not about the car.
这关乎他们的形象 而不是汽车本身
152.But even if you want a more positive model, this is the GM car.
即使你要一个更积极点的例子 这是一辆通用汽车公司的汽车
153.And the reason you might buy it now is because you care about the environment And you’ll buy it to protect the environment, even though the first few cars are going to be really expensive
假如你现在决定买这辆车 唯一的解释是你非常关心环保 选择买 也是 环保的一个努力 哪怕最初几辆会是天价
154.and not perfected.
155.But that’s reflective design as well.
156.Or an expensive watch so you can impress people, who say “Oh gee, I didn’t know you had that watch.”
或者是一款非常昂贵的手表 你可以在朋友面前炫耀 他们会说,“哎哟 怎么我不知道你有个手表呢”
157.As opposed to this one, which is a pure behavioral watch, which probably keeps better time than the 13,000 dollar watch I just showed you.
相反 这个 是一款纯功能型的电子手表 它记录时间也许比刚才那个还要准
158.But it’s ugly.
159.This is a clear Don Norman watch.
160.And what’s neat is sometimes you pit one emotion against the other, the visceral fear of falling against the reflective state saying “It’s OK. It’s OK. It’s safe. It’s safe.”
当你用一种情感去制衡另一种情感的时候 就显得更加有趣 比如害怕摔倒 你会得到暗示 说“这是安全的,你尽管放心”
161.If that amusement park were rusty and falling apart, you’d never go on the ride.
假如游乐园的设备都是生锈的 残破的 相信你不会去那里玩
162.So, it’s pitting one against the other.
所以说 是两相权衡之结果
163.The other neat thing (Laughter) So Jake Cress is this furniture maker, and he makes this unbelievable set of furniture.
还有更妙的东西 (笑声) 杰克·克拉斯是一位家具工匠 他制作出了这套让人惊叹不已的家具
164.And this is his chair with claw, and the poor little chair has lost its ball and it’s trying to get it back before anybody notices.
这是带爪子的椅子 它失去了一个球 正想趁别人不注意 把球检回来
165.And what’s so neat about it is how you accept that  story.
而最奇妙的一点就是 你居然相信这个解释了
166.And that’s what’s nice about emotion.
167.So that’s the new me.
168.I’m only saying positive things from now on.
从现在开始 我只会说事物的好话



2024-4-10 11:14:37



2024-4-10 11:15:40

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