1.I want to take you back basically to my home town and to a picture of my home town of the week that “Emergence” came out.
我想先让你们看看我居住的地方 及那地方的一张照片 拍摄于我的书《涌现现象:蚂蚁、大脑、城市、和电脑软件的生命连接》(以下简称《涌现现象》)出版的那一周
2.And it’s a picture we’ve seen several times.
3.Basically, “Emergence” was published on 9/11.
4.I live right there in the West Village, so the plume was luckily blowing west, away from us.
我就住在这儿,西村(一个曼哈顿的街区,以波希米亚风格出名) 事故造成的巨大烟雾向西边飘去,所幸远离了我住的地方。
5.We had a two-and-a-half-day old baby in the house that was ours — we hadn’t taken it from somebody else.
那时我们家刚有一个出生2天半的婴儿。这当然是我们的孩子, 不是从别人那儿带走的。
6.(Laughter) And one of the thoughts that I had dealing with these two separate emergences of a book and a baby, and having this event happen so close,
(笑声) 我当时需要同时处理新书和新生儿这两件不同的事, 而发生911的地方离我这么近,
7.that my first thought, when I was still kind of in the apartment looking out at it all or walking out on the street and looking out on it just in front of our building,
当我从我家公寓王望出去 或者在公寓前面的街道边看出去,
8.was that I’d made a terrible miscalculation in the book that I’d just written.
9.Because so much of that book was a celebration of the power and creative potential of density, of largely urban density, of connecting people and putting them together in one place,
因为那本书花了很多笔墨去赞扬人口高密度的力量 和创新潜能,准确的说是城市人口的高密度。 赞扬它把人们联系起来并置于同一场所
10.and putting them on sidewalks together and having them share ideas and share physical space together.
或同一街道,让人们交换信息 并分享一起相处的物理空间。
11.And it seemed to me looking at that — that tower burning and then falling, those towers burning and falling — that in fact, one of the lessons
当看着世贸大厦燃烧和坍塌 对我来说,学到的一课就是
12.here was that density kills.
13.And that of all the technologies that were exploited to make that carnage come into being, probably the single group of technologies that cost the most lives
如果说所以曾被开发的技术 都是被用在这场人类的悲剧中, 也许可以让最多生命消失的技术
14.were those that enable 50,000 people to live in two buildings 110 stories above the ground.
就是建造出2栋可以同时容纳五万人 并且有110层高的大楼的技术。
15.If they hadn’t been crowded — you compare the loss of life at the Pentagon to the Twin Towers, and you can see that very powerfully.
如果那里不是塞满了人, 你对比一下五角大楼和世贸的死亡人数, 就可以意识到高密度的悲剧程度。
16.And so I started to think, well, you know, density, density — I’m not sure if, you know, this was the right call.
因此我开始想高密度 是否是一个正确的提议。我不确定。
17.And I kind of ruminated on that for a couple of days.
18.And then about two days later, the wind started to change a little bit, and you could sense that the air was not healthy.
几天后,风向开始变化, 依然可以感到空气不是那么干净
19.And so even though there were no cars still in the West Village where we lived, my wife sent me out to buy a, you know, a large air filter at the Bed Bath and Beyond,
即使在西村的街上依然没有半辆车, 我老婆还是让我去 Bed Bath & Beyond (美国家居装饰零售巨头) 买个大点的空气过滤器。
20.which was located about 20 blocks away, north.
21.And so I went out.
22.And obviously I’m physically a very strong person, as you can tell, so I wasn’t worried about carrying this thing 20 blocks.
很显然像我这样体格健壮的人, 根本不担心提着那鬼东西步行20个街区。
23.And I walked out, and this really miraculous thing happened to me as I was walking north to buy this air filter, which was that the streets were completely alive with people.
我出门后发现了巨神奇的事情, 在我去买空气净化器的路上 发现所有的街道都很有人气。
24.There was an incredible — it was, you know, a beautiful day, as it was for about a week after, and the West Village had never seemed more lively.
这很不可思议。那天天气很好, 也是911发生一周后 西村从未显得如此有活力过。
25.I walked up along Hudson Street, where Jane Jacobs had lived and written her great book that so influenced what I was writing in “Emergence,”
我沿着哈德逊街走, 简.雅各布斯大妈曾在住那里写出了她那本《美国大城市的死于生》(城市规划专业的必读书,书中简大妈把美国60年代的城市规划批了个底朝天) 那本书也对我的著作《涌现现象》有很大的影响
26.past the White Horse Tavern, that great old bar where Dylan Thomas drank himself to death, and the Bleecker Street playground was filled with kids.
经过白马酒馆 (在五、六十年代以波希米亚风闻名,很多作家,艺术家,及文艺女青常在此闲逛聚会), 狄兰·托马斯(英国超现实主义诗人)曾在这个古老的酒馆喝到挂, 许多孩子在布立克街(曼哈顿著名的夜店街)的儿童乐园玩耍
27.And all the people who lived in the neighborhood, who owned restaurants and bars in the neighborhood, were all out there — had them all open.
所有人包括这里的居民 和餐馆酒吧的老板们 都钻了出来,所有的餐厅和酒吧也都在营业
28.People were out.
29.There were no cars, so it seemed even better, in some ways.
30.And it was a beautiful urban day, and the incredible thing about it was that the city was working.
那一天人们有着舒服的城市生活 另外一件不可思议的就是城市依旧在正常的运转
31.The city was there.
32.All the things that make a great city successful and all the things that make a great city stimulating — they were all on display there on those streets.
所有让一个城市变得成功的因素, 所有让一个城市变得动感的因素, 都在那些街道上一一展现。
33.And I thought, well, this is the power of a city.
34.I mean, the power of the city — we talked about cities as being centralized in space, but what makes them so strong most of the time
我想, 当说起城市,我们都认为它们是在空间上集中并逐步中心化。 但是很多时候让城市如此强大
35.is they’re decentralized in function.
36.They don’t have a center executive branch that you can take out and cause the whole thing to fail.
城市没有一个可以让你拿掉的枢纽中心 从而造成所有活动停止
37.If they did, it probably was right there at Ground Zero.
38.I mean, you know, the emergency bunker was right there, was destroyed by the attacks, and obviously the damage done to the building and the lives.
我的意思是, 紧急地下防空洞就在那里 被袭击所毁灭 对建筑和生命造成了明显的伤害。
39.But nonetheless, just 20 blocks north, two days later, the city had never looked more alive.
但是2天后,在距它以北二十个街区的地方, 城市好似从未如此的充满活力
40.If you’d gone into the minds of the people, well, you would have seen a lot of trauma, and you would have seen a lot of heartache, and you would have seen a lot of things that would take a long time to recover.
如果你进入人们的内心 许多心灵的创伤依然尚未平复。 许多悲痛依然尚未消失。 人们还需要长时间的恢复。
41.But the system itself of this city was thriving.
42.So I took heart in seeing that.
43.So I wanted to talk a little bit about the reasons why that works so well, and how some of those reasons kind of map on to where the Web is going right now.
我想讲一点关于这个系统运行如此良好的原理 和如何运用这些原理 使得互联网发展到今天这个地步。
44.The question that I found myself asking to people when I was talking about the book afterwards is, when you’ve talked about emergent behavior,
我发现自己在问别人问题时, 当我说到这《涌现现象》本书 当说到涌现现象
45.when you’ve talked about kind of collective intelligence, the best way to get people to kind of wrap their heads around that is to ask, who builds a neighborhood?
当说到群体智慧 让人们听懂的最好方式 就是用城市作为比喻,询问他们谁造就了这些城市中街区?
46.Who decides that Soho should have this personality and that the Latin Quarter should have this personality?
谁让Soho有这样的个性? 让拉丁区有那样的特点?
47.Well, there are some kind of executive decisions, but mostly the answer is — everybody and nobody.
固然其中有一些高层的战略决定 但答案却是每个人和没有人
48.Everybody contributes a little bit.
49.No single person is really the ultimate kind of actor behind the personality of a neighborhood.
却没有人真正是这个街区 的终极塑造者
50.Same thing to the question of, who was keeping the streets alive post 9/11 in my neighborhood?
同样的,如果问到,在911的悲剧之后,是谁还让我所居住的社区 和街道充满了活力?
51.Well, it was the whole city.
52.The whole system kind of working on it, and everybody contributing a small little part.
整个系统使得它运转 每个人都有一点点贡献。
53.And this is increasingly what we’re starting to see on the Web in a bunch of interesting ways.
我们把注意力转移到互联网上, 现在可以看到越来越多有趣的事情。
54.Most of which weren’t around, actually, except in very experimental things, when I was writing “Emergence” and when the book came out.
但当《涌现现象》出版之前后, 除了某些实验性的东西之外, 这些有趣的事情和现象大多还不具备普遍性。
55.So it’s been a very optimistic time, I think, and I want to just talk about a few of those things.
所以这是一个令人乐观的年代, 我只想讲其中的几件事。
56.I think that there is effectively a new kind of model of interactivity that’s starting to emerge online right now.
我相信在网络上开始出现了一种 新的互动模式
57.And the old one looked like this — this is not the future King of England, although it looks like it.
旧的模式是这样的 这不是未来英伦之王,虽然看起来像
58.It’s some guy, it’s a GeoCities homepage of some guy that I found online who’s interested, if you look at the bottom, in soccer and Jesus
这只是一男的,我在GeoCities(一个失败的网络产品,2009雅虎将其关闭)的主页上找到的。 在下方你会看到,他对足球和耶稣感兴趣
59.and Garth Brooks and Clint Beckham, my hometown — those are his links.
以及加思·布鲁克斯(美国乡村音乐的天王),Clint Bickham(美国配音演员),还有我的家乡。这些是他网站的链接
60.But nothing really says this model of interactivity, which was so exciting and captures the real, the kind of web Zeitgeist of 1995 — than
毋庸置疑 这种曾让人兴奋而如此真实的互动模式 类似于1995年的网络新潮玩意儿
61.”Click here for a picture of my dog.”
不像类似 “看我狗的照片请点这里”
62.That is — you know, there’s no sentence that kind of conjures up that period better than that, I think, which is that you suddenly have the power to put up a picture of your dog
这里没有任何句子 我认为没有比这东西更能唤起对那个时代的想象 因为突然你有能力把你家狗的照片
63.and link to it, and somebody reading the page has the power to click on that link or not click on that link.
链接上互联网,而其他人如果正在网上 也有权力点击或不点击这个链接。
64.And, you know, I don’t want to belittle that — that, in a sense, to reference, you know, what Jeff was talking about yesterday — that was in a sense the kind of interface electricity that
我不想瞧不起这玩意儿。在某种程度上来说, 如果引用杰夫昨天说的话, 这是基本上是一种电子界面
65.powered a lot of the explosion of interest in the Web — that you could put up a link, and somebody could click on it, and it could take you anywhere you wanted to go.
极大的增加了人们对互联网的兴趣。 你放上一个链接,其他人就可以去点击它 你也可以去任何你想去的网站。
66.But it’s still a very one-to-one kind of relationship.
67.There’s one person putting up the link, and there’s one another person on the other end trying to decide whether to click on it or not.
有人放一个链接,其他人在另外一边 决定着点击或不点击
68.The new model is much more like this, and we’ve already seen a couple of references to this.
新的模式却更像是这样的 我们已经见过好几个例子
69.This is what happens when you search on “Steven Johnson” on Google.
70.About two months ago, I had the great breakthrough one of my great, you know, kind of shining achievements, which is that my website finally became a top result for “Steven Johnson.”
2个月前,我有了巨大的突破 我想这会是我最大的成就之一 我的个人网站终于排在了搜索结果的第一位
71.There’s some theoretical physicist at MIT named Steven Johnson who has dropped two spots, I’m happy to say.
这里有个叫史蒂夫.约翰逊的麻省理工理论物理学家 他降了两位。我很开心。
72.(Laughter) And, you know, I mean, I’ll look at a couple of things like this, but Google is obviously the greatest technology ever invented for navel gazing.
(笑) 我以后还会再做类似的事情。 对于这样的自我陶醉者,Google绝对是迄今最好用的技术
73.It’s just that there’s so many other people in your navel when you gaze.
74.Because effectively, what’s happening here, what’s creating this page, obviously — and we all know this, but it’s worth just thinking about it —
因为事实上 创造这个搜索页面的,虽然我们都知道是怎么回事 但是还是值得想一想
75.is not some person deciding that I am the number one answer for Steven Johnson, but rather somehow the entire web of people putting up pages and deciding to link to my page or not link to it,
并不是某个人。不是他来决定要让我出现在‘史蒂夫.约翰逊’的众多搜索结果中的头一个。 而是所有的网民 我架上我的网页,网民决定着点击或不点击。
76.and Google just sitting there and running the numbers.
77.So there’s this collective decision-making that’s going on.
78.This page is effectively, collectively authored by the Web, and Google is just helping us kind of to put the authorship in one kind of coherent place.
整个互联网的网民集体编著了这个页面 Google只是帮助大家 把这个‘著作’清晰的表现出来。
79.Now, they’re more innovative — well, Google’s pretty innovative — but there’s some new twists on this.
现在它们更创新的,当然Google一直都很具创新性。 我发现有一些在这基础上的新的技术。
80.There’s this incredibly interesting new site — Technorati — that’s filled with lots of kind of little widgets that are expanding on these.
有个非常有趣的新网站 – 叫Technorati (一家专门搜索博客的搜索网站) 充满了各种网络小应用程序并逐步扩展他们。
81.And these are looking in the blog world and the world of weblogs.
82.He’s analyzed basically all the weblogs out there that he’s tracking.
83.And he’s tracking how many other weblogs linked to those weblogs, and so you a have kind of an authority — a weblog that has a lot of links to it
同时也追踪有多少其他博客链接到之前所追踪的博客。 因此得出一个所谓的权威榜 一个被其他博客链接许多次的博客
84.is more authoritative than a weblog that has few links to it.
85.And so at any given time, on any given page on the Web, actually, you can say, what does the weblog community think about this page?
所以在任何时间,任何网页上, 如果你想知道博客界如何看待这个网页。
86.And you can get a list.
87.This is what they think about my site — it’s ranked by blog authority.
这里可以看到博客界如何看我的网站 – 这是根据博客权威性的排名
88.You can also rank it by the latest posts.
89.So when I was talking in “Emergence,”
90.I talked about the limitations of the one-way linking architecture that basically, you could link to somebody else but they wouldn’t necessarily know that you were pointing to them.
我提到单向链接的局限性 基本上就是你可以链接到任何人 但他们却对你的连接毫不知情。
91.And that was one of the reasons why the web wasn’t quite as emergent as it could be because you needed two-way linking, you needed that kind of feedback mechanism
这也是为什么互联网 还不具备本该有的涌现性。 因为只有双向的链接和互动机制
92.to be able to really do interesting things.
93.Well, something like Technorati is supplying that.
94.Now what’s interesting here is that this is a quote from Dave Weinberger, where he talks about everything being purposive in the Web —
这里有段来自大卫?温伯格(美国著名的网络思想家)的话 他认为所有互联网上的事物都是有目的性的
95.there’s nothing artificial.
96.He has this line where he says, you know, you’re going to put up a link there, if you see a link, somebody decided to put it there.
他说,如果现在有一个链接在这里 你看见那个链接是因为另外一个人决定放在这里,
97.And he says, the link to one site didn’t just grow on the other page “like a tree fungus.”
98.And in fact, I think that’s not entirely true anymore.