1.I’m standing in front of you today in all humility, wanting to share with you my journey of the last six years in the field of service
今天我谦恭地 站在这里 希望能与你们分享 我过去六年 在服务
2.and education.
3.And I’m not a trained academic.
4.Neither am I a veteran social worker.
5.I was 26 years in the corporate world, trying to make organizations profitable.
我进入企业界26年, 努力让组织盈利
6.And then in 2003 I started Parikrma Humanity Foundation from my kitchen table.
然而在2003年 我从我的案桌上 创建了Parikrma人类基金会。
7.The first thing that we did was walk through the slums.
8.You know, by the way, there are two million people in Bangalore, who live in 800 slums.
大家知道,班加罗尔有两百万人口 居住在800个贫民区里
9.We couldn’t go to all the slums, but we tried to cover as much as we could.
我们不可能走遍所有的贫民区 但是我们还是尽可能地覆盖更多的区域。
10.We walked through these slums, identified houses where children would never go to school.
我们穿越这些贫民区 找到那些从来不上学的小孩子的家
11.We talked to the parents, tried to convince them about sending their children to school.
我们去和那些父母交谈 尝试说服他们送孩子去上学
12.We played with the children, and came back home really tired, exhausted, but with images of bright faces, twinkling eyes, and went to sleep.
我们和孩子们一起玩耍, 回到家时非常劳累 精疲力尽的时候,眼前浮现的却是 一张张欢快的脸,一双双明亮的眼 然后我们才睡觉
13.We were all excited to start, but the numbers hit us then: 200 million children between four to 14 that should be going to school, but do not;
我们一开始很兴奋地工作 但是马上,这些数字吓到了我们 2亿个从4岁14岁的 孩子 应该去学校但是没有去
14.100 million children who go to school but cannot read; 125 million who cannot do basic maths.
1亿个上学的孩子 却不懂地如何阅读 1亿2千5百万个孩子不懂基础数学
15.We also heard that 250 billion Indian rupees was dedicated for government schooling.
我们还听说2千5百亿印度卢比 被拨用于政府教育,
16.Ninety percent of it was spent on teachers’ salary and administrators’ salary.
而其中90%用于支付教师 和管理者的薪水
17.And yet, India has nearly the highest teacher absenteeism in the world, with one out of four teachers not going to school at all the entire academic year.
然而,印度几乎拥有 世界上最高的 教师缺勤率 每四个教师中会有一个 在整个学年中不去学校
18.Those numbers were absolutely mind-boggling, overwhelming, and we were constantly asked, “When will you start? How many schools will you start?
很显然,这些数据都是令人震惊 并不胜枚举的,并且我们不断的被质问 “你们什么时候开始?你们要开办多少所学校?
19.How many children will you get?
20.How are you going to scale?
21.How are you going to replicate?”
22.It was very difficult not to get scared, not to get daunted.
23.But we dug our heels and said, “We’re not in the number game.
但是我们总是坚持 说:“我们不是在玩数字游戏。”
24.We want to take one child at a time and take the child right through school, sent to college, and get them prepared for better living,
我们希望每次接受一个孩子 带领这个孩子度过教育期 送上大学 让他们为更好的生活,
25.a high value job.”
26.So, we started Parikrma.
27.The first Parikrma school started in a slum where there were 70,000 people living below the poverty line.
第一所Parikrma学校 在一个贫民区成立 那里有7万人口 生活在贫困线以下
28.Our first school was on a rooftop of a building inside the slums, a second story building, the only second story building inside the slums.
我们开始的第一所学校 是在贫民窟里面的一座建筑的屋顶上, 那是一所2层高的建筑,也是贫民区里面 唯一的2层建筑
29.And that rooftop did not have any ceiling, only half a tin sheet.
而且那个天台没有 任何天花板,只有半张锡板
30.That was our first school. One hundred sixty-five children.
31.Indian academic year begins in June.
32.So, June it rains, so many a times all of us would be huddled under the tin roof, waiting for the rain to stop.
而6月经常下雨,很多时候 我们所有人就拥挤在锡板下面 等待雨停。
33.My God! What a bonding exercise that was.
34.And all of us that were under that roof are still here together today.
我们所有人 那时在那个屋檐下,今天依然在一起。
35.Then came the second school, the third school, the fourth school and a junior college.
然后就是第二所学校, 第三所学校,第四所学校, 以及一个专科学校。
36.In six years now, we have four schools, one junior college, 1,100 children coming from 28 slums and four orphanages.
6年以后的现在 我们拥有四所学校,一个专科学校, 1千1百个 来自28个贫民区 和4个孤儿院的孩子
37.(Applause) Our dream is very simple: to send each of these kids, get them prepared to be educated but also to live peacefully, contented in this conflict-ridden
(掌声) 我们梦想非常简单, 就是让每个孩子都能准备好 去生活,去接受教育 同时能平静,知足地生活 在这个充满冲突的
38.chaotic globalized world.
39.Now, when you talk global you have to talk English.
现在,当大家谈论到全球化 我们不得不讨论英语。
40.And so all our schools are English medium schools.
所以我们所有的学校 都是英语授课的。
41.But they know there is this myth that children from the slums cannot speak English well.
但是我们知道这里有个荒诞的说法 那些从贫民区出来的孩子 不能流利的说英语。
42.No one in their family has spoken English.
43.No one in their generation has spoken English.
44.But how wrong it is.
45.Girl: I like adventurous books, and some of my favorites are Alfred Hitchcock and [unclear] and Hardy Boys.
视频:女孩:我喜欢探险小说,那是我最喜欢的类型之一 我喜欢阿尔弗莱德·希区柯克和 [不清楚] 和哈迪男孩。
46.Although they are like in different contexts, one is magical, the other two are like investigation, I like those books because they have something special in them.
这三个很类似,尽管他们 是在不同的背景里 一个像是有魔力的,而其他两个像是侦查 我喜欢这些书事因为 他们都有一些不同的特质
47.The vocabulary used in those books and the style of writing.
这些书里面用的词汇 和写作方法,风格。
48.I mean like once I pick up one book I cannot put it down until I finish the whole book.
我指的是,就像有一次我随意挑选了一本书 我就爱不释手,直到我读完整本书。
49.Even if it takes me four and a half hours, or three and half hours to finish my book, I do it.
哪怕读完要花费我四个半小时左右 或者三个半小时左右的时间,我也愿意去读。
50.Boy: I did good research and I got the information [on the] world’s fastest cars.
男孩:我用Google调查,然后我获得了信息 世界上最快的车
51.I like Ducati ZZ143, because it is the fastest, the world’s fastest bike, and I like Pulsar 220 DTSI because it is India’s fastest bike. (Laughter)
我喜欢杜卡迪 ZZ143, 因为它是最快的 世界上最快的自行车。 我还喜欢帕萨特 220 GTSI 因为它是印度最快的自行车
52.Shukla Bose: Well, that girl that you saw, her father sells flowers on the roadside.
好吧,你们看到的这个女孩, 她的父亲在街头卖花。
53.And this little boy has been coming to school for five years.
54.But isn’t it strange that little boys all over the world love fast bikes? (Laughter) He hasn’t seen one, he hasn’t ridden one, of course,
但是,不觉得奇怪吗,全世界的小男孩 都喜欢快的自行车? 他从来没有见过一辆自行车,当然也从没骑过。
55.but he has done a lot of research through Google search.
56.You know, when we started with our English medium schools we also decided to adopt the best curriculum possible, the ICSE curriculum.
要知道,当我们开始我们的英语授课的学校时 我们也决定要引入 尽可能最好的课程, 就是ICSE(全印度印度中等教育证书)课程
57.And again, there were people who laughed at me and said, “Don’t be crazy choosing such a tough curriculum for these students.
又一次,很多人嘲笑我 大家说:“你疯了么 给这些学生选择那么难的课程?
58.They’ll never be able to cope.”
59.Not only do our children cope very well, but they excel in it.
不仅我们的孩子掌握的很好, 他们甚至非常优秀。
60.You should just come across to see how well our children do.
大家应该过去看看 我们的孩子做得多么好。
61.There is also this myth that parents from the slums are not interested in their children going to school; they’d much rather put them to work.
这里同样有一个假象 从贫民区来的家长们 对于让他们的孩子上学不感兴趣, 他们更情缘让他们去工作。
62.That’s absolute hogwash.
63.All parents all over the world want their children to lead a better life than themselves, but they need to believe that change is possible.
全世界的父母都 希望他们的孩子能拥有比自己更好的生活。 但是他们需要相信的是,改变是存在的。
64.Video: (Hindi) SB: We have 80 percent attendance for all our parents-teachers meeting.
视频:(印地语) Shukla Bose:我们在所有的家长会中 有80%的出勤率。
65.Sometimes it’s even 100 percent, much more than many privileged schools.
有时候,甚至是100%, 这比很多贵族学校都要高的多了。
66.Fathers have started to attend.
67.It’s very interesting. When we started our school the parents would give thumbprints in the attendance register.
这是非常有意思的。当我们开办学校的时候 那些家长要在签到表上留下拇指印。
68.Now they have started writing their signature.
69.The children have taught them.
70.It’s amazing how much children can teach.
71.We have, a few months ago, actually late last year, we had a few mothers who came to us and said, “You know, we want to learn how to read and write.
几个月前, 实际上是前年 我们有几个母亲来找我们说: “你知道么,我们想学读写。
72.Can you teach us?” So, we started an afterschool for our parents, for our mothers.
你能教我们吗?” 于是,我们开始了课外活动 为了那些家长,和那些母亲们。
73.We had 25 mothers who came regularly after school to study.
我们有25个母亲,她们定期 在课外时间来学习。
74.We want to continue with this program and extend it to all our other schools.
我们希望继续这个项目 并将它扩展到我们其他的学校。
75.Ninety-eight percent of our fathers are alcoholics.
76.So, you can imagine how traumatized and how dysfunctional the houses are where our children come from.
所以,你能想象这些孩子是来自 多么让人崩溃和不正常的家庭。
77.We have to send the fathers to de-addiction labs and when they come back, most times sober, we have to find a job for them so that they don’t regress.
我们不得不送这些父亲去戒瘾所 当他们回来的时候 大部分时间是清醒的,我们得帮他们找份工作 以防止他们酒瘾复发
78.We have about three fathers who have been trained to cook.
79.We have taught them nutrition, hygiene.
80.We have helped them set up the kitchen and now they are supplying food to all our children.
我们帮助他们建造起厨房 而现在他们正在为我们所有的孩子提供食物
81.They do a very good job because their children are eating their food, but most importantly this is the first time they have got respect,
他们干得非常不错是因为 他们的孩子在享用他们的食物, 但是最重要的是,这是他们第一次 获得尊重,
82.and they feel that they are doing something worthwhile.
83.More than 90 percent of our non-teaching staff are all parents and extended families.
我们的非教学的职工中,超过90% 是父母亲和大家庭中的成员。
84.We’ve started many programs just to make sure that the child comes to school.
我们已经开始很多项目了 只是为了确保这些孩子能来上学。
85.Vocational skill program for the older siblings so the younger ones are not stopped from coming to school.
给年长的哥哥姐姐们的职业技能项目 这样年轻的孩子不必停止上学。
86.There is also this myth that children from the slums cannot integrate with mainstream.
来自贫民区的孩子不能融入主流 也是虚构的
87.Take a look at this little girl who was one of the 28 children from all privileged schools, best schools in the country that was selected for the Duke University
来看看这个小女孩 她是所有28个 来自贵族学校的孩子之一, 这个国家里最好的学校 她获得加入了杜克大学的
88.talent identification program and was sent to IIM Ahmedabad.
人才选择项目 最终被送到了印度管理研究所(阿默达巴德)。、
89.Video: Girl: Duke IIMA Camp. Whenever we see that IIMA, it was such a pride for us to go to that camp.
视频:女孩:[不清楚] 无论什么时候我们看到 [不清楚] 参加那个营地活动对我们而言都是一种骄傲。
90.Everybody was very friendly, especially I got a lot of friends.
然后我们去了那里。每个人都非常友好, 尤其是我认识了很多朋友。
91.And I felt that my English has improved a lot going there and chatting with friends.
我还感觉到我的英语进步了很多 去那里,和朋友们交谈,和所有的。
92.There they met children who are with a different standard and a different mindset, a totally different society.
在那里,我们认识了 有着不同的行为标准的孩子 所有人都有不一样的思维方式,来自完全不一样的社会。
93.I mingled with almost everyone.
94.They were very friendly.
95.I had very good friends there, who are from Delhi, who are from Mumbai.
我在那里认识了非常好的朋友。 有来自德里的,有来自孟买的。
96.Even now we are in touch through Facebook.
97.After this Ahmedabad trip I’ve been like a totally different mingling with people and all of those.
自从阿默达巴德之旅之后 我变得完全不一样 和人们交往
98.Before that I feel like I wasn’t like this.
99.I don’t even mingle, or start speaking with someone so quickly.
100.My accent with English improved a lot.
101.And I learned football, volleyball, Frisbee, lots of games.
我学会了足球和排球, 扔飞盘,很多很多运动。
102.And I wouldn’t want to go to Bangalore. Let me stay here.
103.Such beautiful food, I enjoyed it. It was so beautiful.
有多么美味的食物。 我很喜欢,这里的食物多么美味啊。
104.I enjoyed eating food like [unclear] would come and ask me, “Yes ma’am, what you want?” It was so good to hear!
我喜欢吃东西就像 [不清楚] 会来并问我, “是的,女士,您想要点什么?” 听到些感觉多么美妙!
105.(Laughter) (Applause) SB: This girl was working as a maid before she came to school.
(笑声) (掌声) 这个女孩在来上学之前 是做女佣的。
106.And today she wants to be a neurologist.
107.Our children are doing brilliantly in sports.
108.They are really excelling.
109.There is an inter-school athletic competition that is held every year in Bangalore, where 5,000 children participate from 140 best schools in the city.
在班加罗尔,有一个校际运动会 每年都会举行 会有5000个孩子参加 他们来自当地140个最好的学校
110.We’ve got the best school award for three years successively.
111.And our children are coming back home with bags full of medals, with lots of admirers and friends.
我们的孩子回家时 都是载誉而归,并获得很多崇拜者和朋友。
112.Last year there were a couple of kids from elite schools that came to ask for admissions in our school.
去年,就有一些 来自优秀学校的孩子 找到我们想获得入学资格。
113.We also have our very own dream team.
114.Why is this happening? Why this confidence?
115.Is it the exposure? We have professors from MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, Indian Institute of Science who come and teach our children lots of scientific formulas,
这是一种展示吗?我们拥有来自 麻省理工学院,伯克利,斯坦福 印度科学研究所的教授 他们来教我们的孩子很多科学公式
116.experiments, much beyond the classroom.
117.Art, music are considered therapy and mediums of expression.
艺术,音乐也在其中 治疗和表达媒介。
118.We also believe that it’s the content that is more important.
我们同样相信 教育的内容更重要。
119.It is not the infrastructure, not the toilets, not the libraries, but it is what actually happens in this school that is more important.
无关基础设施 不是厕所,不是图书馆 而是在这所学校里真实发生的 这才是更重要的。
120.Creating an environment of learning, of inquiry, of exploration is what is true education.
创造一种学习 探索,研究的环境 这才是真正的教育。
121.When we started Parikrma we had no idea which direction we were taking.
当我们开始建立Parikrma 我们对于未来的方向毫无头绪
122.We didn’t hire McKinsey to do a business plan.
123.But we know for sure that what we want to do today is take one child at a time, not get bogged with numbers, and actually see the child complete
但是我们确信的是 我们今天想做的是 一次接受一个孩子 而不是局限于数字, 而实际上看着孩子完成
124.the circle of life, and unleash his total potential.
生命的循环 释放他所有的潜力。
125.We do not believe in scale because we believe in quality, and scale and numbers will automatically happen.
我们不追求数量 因为我们主张的是质量 大规模和多数量会自动发生的。
126.We have corporates that have stood behind us, and we are able to, now, open more schools.
我们得到了一些企业的支持 让我们现在能够开办更多的学校
127.But we began with the idea of one child at a time.
但是我们是以 “一次一个孩子”的想法开始的
128.This is five-year-old Parusharam.
129.He was begging by a bus stop a few years ago, got picked up and is now in an orphanage, has been coming to school for the last four and a half months.
他几年前乞讨的时候 经过一个公交车站 被收留,现在在一个孤儿院里, 他已经在过去的4个半月中持续来上学。
130.He’s in kindergarten.
131.He has learned how to speak English.
132.We have a model by which kids can speak English and understand English in three month’s time.
我们现在有个模型,使孩子们可以说英语 并懂得英语 在短短的3个月时间里。
133.He can tell you stories in English of the thirsty crow, of the crocodile and of the giraffe.
他可以用英语来给你讲 有关于口渴的乌鸦,鳄鱼, 和长颈鹿的故事。
134.And if you ask him what he likes to do he will say, “I like sleeping.
如果你问他喜欢做什么 他会回答:“我喜欢睡觉。
135.I like eating. I like playing.”
136.And if you ask him what he wants to do, he will say, “I want to horsing.”
如果你问他他想做什么 他会回答:“我想胡闹。”
137.Now, “horsing” is going for a horse ride.
138.So, Parusharam comes to my office every day.
139.He comes for a tummy rub, because he believes that will give me luck. (Laughter) When I started Parikrma I began with a great deal of arrogance
他来是为了来摸摸我的肚子 因为他相信这样会给我带来好运。 当我开始建立Parikrma的时候 我带着一大堆自负和
140.of transforming the world.
141.But today I have been transformed.
142.I have been changed with my children.
143.I’ve learned so much from them: love, compassion, imagination and such creativity.
我从他们身上学到了很多 爱,同情心,想象力, 和那种创造力。
144.Parusharam is Parikrma with a simple beginning but a long way to go.
Parusharam就是parikrma 有个很简单的开始,但是有很长的路要走。
145.I promise you, Parusharam will speak in the TED conference a few years from now.
我向你保证,Parusharam 会在几年以后在TED研讨会发言。
146.Thank you.