
1.I’d like to do pretty much what I did the first time, which is to choose a light-hearted theme.
我想能和第一次演讲一样, 选择一个轻松的主题。
2.Last time I talked about death and dying.
3.This time I’m going to talk about mental illness.
4.But it has to be technological, so I’ll talk about electroshock therapy. (Laughter) You know, ever since man had any notion that some of his other people, his colleagues,
但它应该是技术性的, 所以我要谈谈电击疗法。(笑声) 大家知道,自从人们发现 周边其他人,同僚等
5.could be different, could be strange, could be severely depressed or what we now recognize as schizophrenia, he was certain that this kind of illness
可能是和自己不同的,可能是行径奇怪,或者可能是严重抑郁的 或者是我们现在所指的精神分裂症 就断定患了这种病
6.had to come from evil spirits getting into the body.
7.So the way of treating these diseases in early times was to, in some way or other, exorcise those evil spirits, and this is still going on, as you know.
为了治疗这种病症 在早期,应用了不同方法, 众所周知,驱魔法一直沿用至今。
8.But it wasn’t enough to use the priests.
9.When medicine became somewhat scientific in about 450 BC, with Hippocrates and those boys, they tried to look for herbs, plants, that would literally shake the bad spirits out.
在约公元前450年,医药成为一门学科, 希波克拉底(希腊的名医,被尊为医学之父)和学生们 尝试研究、寻找草药、植物, 从中找出将恶魔驱除出人体的药方。
10.So they found certain plants that could cause convulsions.
11.And the “Herbals,” the botanical books of up to the late Middle Ages, the Renaissance, are filled with prescriptions for causing convulsions to shake the evil spirits out.
到中世纪后期和文艺复兴时期的植物学书,即各种”本草集“, 里面记录有很多药方 都能靠诱发抽筋来驱除恶魔。
12.Finally, in about the 16th century, a physician whose name was Theophrastus Bombastus Auricularis von Hohenheim, called Paracelsus, a name probably familiar to some people here
最后,大约在16世纪, 一个物理学家,名字叫做Theophrastus Bombastus Auricularis von Hohenheim 被称作帕拉塞尔苏斯,在座可能有人知道这个名字
13.– (Laughter) — good old Paracelsus, found that he could predict the degree of convulsion by using a measured amount of camphor to produce the convulsion.
-(笑声)-老顽固帕拉塞尔苏斯, 发现他可以预测抽搐的程度 通过使用定量的樟脑诱发人体抽搐。
14.Can you imagine going to your closet, pulling out a mothball and chewing on it if you’re feeling depressed?
你可以想象吗,走到你的衣橱,拿出一颗樟脑球然后 嚼食它,想象这样缓解抑郁?
15.It’s better than Prozac, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
16.So what we see in the 17th, 18th century is the continued search for medications other than camphor that’ll do the trick.
发展到17,18世纪 人类继续寻找除了樟脑外的其他办法。
17.Well, along comes Benjamin Franklin, and he comes close to convulsing himself with a bolt of electricity off the end of his kite.
这时出现了本杰明.富兰克林, 通过风筝电流,他几乎诱发自己抽搐 这是通过风筝传导的雷电电流。
18.And so people begin thinking in terms of electricity to produce convulsions.
19.And then we fast-forward to about 1932, when three Italian psychiatrists, who were largely treating depression, began to notice among their patients who were also epileptics
到了大约1932年, 3位主要治疗抑郁症的意大利精神病专家 注意到他们的忧郁症病人中,那些同时患有癫痫症的患者,
20.that if they had an epileptic — a series of epileptic fits, a lot of them in a row — the depression would very frequently lift.
如果他们癫痫症发作后,连续发作多次 许多人抑郁症便减轻
21.Not only would it lift, but it might never return.
22.So they got very interested in producing convulsions, measured types of convulsions.
所以他们对诱发抽搐很感兴趣, 控制抽搐的程度。
23.And they thought, “Well, we’ve got electricity, we’ll plug somebody into the wall.
24.That always makes hair stand up and people shake a lot.”
25.So, they tried it on a few pigs, and none of the pigs were killed.
26.So they went to the police and they said, “We know that at the Rome railroad station there are all these lost souls wandering around,
然后他们去找警察说, “我们知道在罗马火车站 很多无家可归之人四处流浪,
27.muttering gibberish. Can you bring one of them to us?”
28.Someone who is, as the Italians say, “cagutis.”
29.So they found this “cagutis” guy, a 39-year-old man who was really hopelessly schizophrenic, who was known, had been known for months,
于是他们找到了这样一个”脑袋秀逗“的人, 一个39岁的重度精神分裂男患者 众人都知道他已经好几个月了, be literally defecating on himself, talking nothing that made any sense, and they brought him into the hospital.
他在自己身上大小便, 整天胡言乱语, 他被送到医院。
31.So these three psychiatrists, after about two or three weeks of observation, laid him down on a table, connected his temples to a very small source of current.
接下来这三个精神病专家经过2-3周的观察, 让他平躺到一个桌子上, 把他的太阳穴用非常微弱的电流连接起来。
32.They thought, “Well, we’ll try 55 volts, two-tenths of a second.
33.That’s not going to do anything terrible to him.”
34.So they did that.
35.Well, I have the following from a firsthand observer, who told me this about 35 years ago, when I was thinking about these things for some research project of mine,
下面是我从一个第一手观察者处获得的, 他在35年前告诉我的, 当时我正在思考电疗这些事情 我有些研究项目,
36.he said, “This fellow” — remember, he wasn’t even put to sleep — “after this major grand mal convulsion, sat right up, looked at these three fellas and said,
他说,“这家伙”——记着,甚至没法让他入睡—— “在这次癫痫大发作以后, 立刻坐起来,盯着三个专家说,
37.’What the fuck are you assholes trying to do?’ ”
38.(Laughter) If I could only say that in Italian.
(笑声) 如果我能用意大利语说这个就好了。
39.Well, they were happy as could be, because he hadn’t said a rational word in the weeks of observation.
专家们很高兴,因为这个流浪汉 在过去几周观察期间,从未说过如此清醒符合逻辑的话。
40.So they plugged him in again, and this time they used 110 volts for half a second.
于是,他们又给他通电, 这次,他们用110伏特,持续半秒。
41.And to their amazement, after it was over, he began speaking like he was perfectly well.
让他们吃惊的是,经过这次尝试, 流浪汉开始说话,完全跟正常人一样了。
42.He relapsed a little bit, they gave him a series of treatments, and he was essentially cured.
他偶尔复发,专家继续进行一系列的治疗, 他基本上被治愈了。
43.But of course, having schizophrenia, within a few months, it returned.
当然,他有精神分裂症, 几个月内又患病了。
44.But they wrote a paper about this, and everybody in the Western world began using electricity to convulse people who were either schizophrenic or severely depressed.
但是专家们针对这个试验完成了篇报告, 然后西方医疗界开始使用电击疗法 诱发病人抽搐,以治疗精神分裂症或者严重抑郁症。
45.It didn’t work very well on  the schizophrenics, but it was pretty clear in the ’30s and by the middle of the ’40s that electroconvulsive therapy was very, very effective
在治疗精神分裂症上,电击疗法效果不是很好, 但是在30年代和40年代中期,很明显 电击治疗对于治疗忧郁症 the treatment of depression.
47.And of course, in those days, there were no antidepressant drugs, and it became very, very popular.
当然,在那个时候,没有抗抑郁的药, 电击疗法就非常普遍。
48.They would anesthetize people, convulse them, but the real difficulty was that there was no way to paralyze muscles.
医生会麻醉患者, 电击使他们抽搐,但是真正的困难是, 没办法抑制肌肉抽搐
49.So people would have a real grand mal seizure.
50.Bones were broken — especially in old, fragile people, you couldn’t use it.
骨头断裂-特别是老年人,骨质脆弱的人, 不能使用这个疗法。
51.And then in the 1950s, late 1950s, the so-called muscle relaxants were developed by pharmacologists, and it got so that you could induce a complete convulsion,
后来,到了50年代后期,有了肌肉弛缓药, 药理学家发明的, 这样就可以施予完整的电击诱发抽搐过程, electroencephalographic convulsion — you could see it on the brain waves — without causing any convulsion in the body except a little bit of twitching of the toes.
脑电图癫痫—你可以从脑波看出来— 不会引发身体的抽搐,除了一点点的脚趾抽动。
53.So again it was very, very popular and very, very useful.
54.Well, you know, in the middle ’60s, the first antidepressants came out. Tofranil was the first.
到了60年代中期, 第一代抗抑郁药盐酸丙咪嗪产生了。
55.In the late ’70s, early ’80s there were others, and they were very effective.
至70年代末,80年代初期,又有了其他一些药, 这些药都很有效。
56.And patients’ rights groups seemed to get very upset about the kinds of things that they would witness.
当时电击治疗患者的权益团体非常不满 抗议他们目睹的一些电击治疗方式。
57.And so the whole idea of electroconvulsive, electroshock therapy disappeared — but has had a renaissance in the last 10 years.
所以电休克和电击疗法消失了 -但是过去的10年里,又复苏了。
58.And the reason that it has had a renaissance is that probably about 10 percent of the people, severe depressives, do not respond regardless of what is done for them.
它复兴的原因是, 大约10%的人,重度抑郁症患者, 对什么治疗都没有反应。
59.Now why am I telling you this story at this meeting?
60.I’m telling you this story, because actually ever since Richard called me and asked me to talk about — as he asked all of his speakers —
我讲这个故事,是因为 理查给我打电话让我谈这个 -就像他对其他演讲者一样- talk about something that would be new to this audience, that we had never talked about, never written about, I’ve been planning this moment.
谈一些对观众来说是很新鲜的话题, 一个从未谈过和写过的话题。 我一直在期待这个时刻。
62.This reason really is that I am a man who almost 30 years ago had his life saved by two long courses of electroshock therapy.
真正的原因是大约30年前 2个长疗程的电击疗法挽救了我的生命。
63.And let me tell you this story.
64.I was, in the 1960s, in a marriage … to use the word “bad”
65.would be perhaps the understatement of the year.
66.It was dreadful.
67.There are, I’m sure, enough divorced people in this room to know about the hostility, the anger, who knows what.
我相信在座的就有离婚的人 知道那种敌意、愤怒,谁知道呢。
68.Being someone who had had a very difficult childhood, a very difficult adolescence — it had to do with  — not quite poverty but close.
我有不堪的童年经历, 青春期也很痛苦, 虽然不是穷困潦倒,也差不多。
69.It had to do with being brought up in a family where no one spoke English, no one could read or write English.
生长在一个无人说英语的家庭里, 没人能读或写英语。
70.It had to do with death and disease and lots of other things — I was a little prone to depression.
亲人经历了疾病和死亡,还有其他的不幸 我有点抑郁的倾向。
71.So, as things got worse, as we really began to hate each other, I became progressively depressed over a period of a couple of years,
所以事情变得越来越糟,我们开始相互憎恨, 我在那几年里逐渐变得抑郁,
72.trying to save this marriage, which was inevitably not to be saved.
虽努力挽救婚姻, 但却无法挽救。
73.Finally, I would schedule — all my major surgical cases, I was scheduling them for 12, one o’clock in the afternoon because I couldn’t get out of bed before about 11 o’clock.
最后,我所有的大手术, 都安排在中午12点,下午1点 因为我无法在上午11点前起床。
74.And anybody who’s been depressed here knows what that’s like.
75.I couldn’t even pull the covers off myself.
76.Well, you’re in the university medical center, where everybody knows everybody, and it’s perfectly clear to my colleagues, so my referrals began to decrease.
我是在大学附属医疗中心, 大家都很熟,我的同事们都知道我, 所以我转接病人减少。
77.As my referrals began to decrease, I clearly became increasingly depressed until I thought, my God, I can’t work anymore.
当我的病人越来越少的时候, 我变得更加抑郁 一直到我发现,天呢,我不能再工作了。
78.And, in fact, it didn’t make any difference because I didn’t have any patients anymore.
事实上这对我也没什不同, 因为我也没有病人了。
79.So, with the advice of my physician, I had myself admitted to the Acute Care Psychiatric Unit of our university hospital.
所以,接受我医师的建议, 我住进了我们大学医院的急性精神病治疗科。
80.And my colleagues, who had known me since medical school in that place, said, “Don’t worry, chap. Six weeks, you’re back in the operating room. Everything’s going to be great.”
那些从医学院就认识我的同事们 告诉我“不要担心,伙计,6周, 你就会回到手术室。一切都会好的。”
81.Well, you know what bovine stercus is?
82.That proved to be a lot of bovine stercus.
83.I know some people who got tenure in that place with lies like that.
84.(Laughter) So I was one of their failures.
(笑声) 我是他们谎言的活证。
85.But it wasn’t that simple. Because by the time I got out of that unit, I was not functional at all.
事情不是那么简单。因为后来 我出了院,根本就没有对我起作用。
86.I could hardly see five feet in front of myself.
87.I shuffled when I walked. I was bowed over.
88.I rarely bathed. I sometimes didn’t shave. It was dreadful.
89.And it was clear — not to me, because nothing was clear to me at that time anymore — that I would need long-term hospitalization in that awful place called a mental hospital.
我的状况很明显—我自己不知道 我当时什么都不知道— 明显我需要长期的入院治疗 住进在那个糟糕的叫做精神病院的地方。
90.So I was admitted, in 1973, in the spring of 1973, to the Institute of Living, which used to be called the Hartford Retreat.
所以1973年春天我住院了, 住在Living学院,以前被称作哈特福特疗养院。
91.It was founded in the 18th century, the largest psychiatric hospital in the state of Connecticut other than the huge public hospitals
Living学院18世纪建成, 是康涅狄格州除了大型医院外 最大的精神病院
92.that existed at that time.
93.And they tried everything they had.
94.They tried the usual psychotherapy.
95.They tried every medication available in those days.
96.And they did have Tofranil and other things — Mellaril, who knows what.
97.Nothing happened except that I got jaundiced from one of these things.
98.And finally, because I was well-known in Connecticut, they decided they had better have a meeting of the senior staff.
最后,因为我在康涅狄格州很出名, 他们决定组成专家组开个会。
99.All the senior staff got together, and I later found out what happened.
100.They put all their heads together and they decided that there was nothing that could be done for this surgeon who had essentially separated himself from the world.
他们集体讨论的结论是 他们无能为力了 因为患者已经和世界脱节,



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