1.I bring to you a message from tens of thousands of people — in the villages, in the slums, in the hinterland of the country — who have solved problems
我带给你们 一个消息,它源于 成千上万的人, 这些人住在村庄和贫民窟里, 在一个国家中不为人知的偏远地方, 这些人利用他们的天才智慧
2.through their own genius, without any outside help.
解决了很多问题, 而且没有得到任何 外界的帮助。
3.When our home minister announces a few weeks ago a war on one third of India, about 200 districts that he mentioned were ungovernable,
正当我们的自己国家的总理宣布, 就在几周前, 一场针对1/3 的印度的战争, 他提到的大概有200个地区, 这些地区没有得到应有的管理,
4.he missed the point.
5.The point that we have been stressing for the last 21 years, the point that people may be economically poor, but they’re not poor in the mind.
在过去21年中我们一直 在强调一个事情 这就是 有些人也许经济上很贫困, 但是他们并不笨。
6.In other words, the minds on the margin are not the marginal minds.
换种说法, 边缘人思想 不等于多余没用的思想。
7.That is the message, which we started 31 years ago.
正是在这样的理念支撑之下 我们31年前开始了这个项目
8.And what did it start?
9.Let me just tell you, briefly, my personal journey, which led me to come to this point.
让我告诉你,简单,是我的个人旅程, 它塑造了现在的我。
10.In ’85, ’86, I was in Bangladesh advising the government and the research council there how to help scientists work on the lands, on the fields of the poor people,
1985到1986年我当时住在孟加拉国 为政府和研究院提议 如何去帮助科学家们在 在穷人中间工作
11.and how to develop research technologies, which are based on the knowledge of the people.
以及如果去发展研究技术, 那是基于很多人的智慧。
12.I came back in ’86.
13.I had been tremendously invigorated by the knowledge and creativity that I found in that country, which had 60 percent landlessness
我当时被我在这个国家中发现 的知识和创造力所鼓舞, 这个国家有百分之六十的人口没有土地。
14.but amazing creativity.
15.I started looking at my own work: The work that I had done for the previous 10 years, almost every time, had instances of knowledge
我开始回顾我的工作。 那些在过去10年中 我完成的工作, 几乎每次, 都有人们分享
16.that people had shared.
17.Now, I was paid in dollars as a consultant, and I looked at my income tax return and tried to ask myself: “Is there a line in my return,
现在,我挣着美元,作为一个顾问, 同时我看着我的政府退税 并试着问我自己:‘有没有这么一个联系,
18.which shows how much of this income has gone to the people whose knowledge has made it possible?
可以显示出这些收入中有多少 被分配给了那些拥有 让这一切变为可能的知识的人?’
19.Was it because I’m brilliant that I’m getting this reward, or because of the revolution?
是因为我很聪明 而得到奖励,或者【不清楚】?
20.Is it that I write very well?
21.Is it that I articulate very well?
22.Is it that I analyze the data very well?
23.Is it because I’m a professor, and, therefore, I must be entitled to this reward from society?”
是因为我是一个教授吗,还是,所以, 还是说这是我应得的奖励?
24.I tried to convince myself that, “No, no, I have worked for the policy changes.
我试着去说服自己,‘不,不, 我致力于改变政策
25.You know, the public policy will become more responsive to the needs of the poor, and, therefore I think it’s okay.”
你知道,公共政策会变得 更加关心与穷人的需求, 这,我认为是好事。’
26.But it appeared to me that all these years that I’d been working on exploitation — exploitation by landlords, by moneylenders, by traders —
但是我发现 这些年我一直致力于对剥削的研究, 被房东剥削, 被债主,被商人,
27.gave me an insight that probably I was also an exploiter, because there was no line in my income tax return which showed this income accrued
我也意识到 也许我也是一个剥削者, 因为在我的收入退税中 没有一条显示出这个收入发生过是
28.because of the brilliance of the people — those people who have shared their knowledge and good faith and trust with me — and nothing ever went back to them.
因为这些人的才能, 那些与我分享了他们的智慧,信仰与信任的人, 并且没有任何东西去回馈给他们。
29.So much so, that much of my work till that time was in the English language.
以至于,那么多我那个时候的工作 都是英文的。
30.The majority of the people from whom I learned didn’t know English.
31.So what kind of a contributor was I?
32.I was talking about social justice, and here I was, a professional who was pursuing the most unjust act — of taking knowledge from the people, making them anonymous,
我在谈论社会公正, 并且这里我是一个 遵循最不公的行为的专家, 从人们那里得到知识,让他们默默无闻,
33.getting rent from that knowledge by sharing it and doing consultancy, writing papers and publishing them in the papers, getting invited to the conferences,
我因为这些知识而变得富裕 我作顾问,写报告, 在报纸上发表 到各种会议做演说
34.getting consultancies and whatever have you.
35.So then, a dilemma rose in the mind that, if I’m also an exploiter, then this is not right; life cannot go on like that.
然后,在思想中发生一个矛盾面, 如果我是一个剥削者,那就是不对的, 生活不能这样下去。
36.And this was a moment of great pain and trauma because I couldn’t live with it any longer.
同时这是非常痛苦的时刻 因为我不能在这样生活下去了。
37.So I did a review of ethical dilemma and value conflicts and management research, wrote, read about 100 papers.
所以如果我重新审视, 在做社会科学以及管理研究时遇到的伦理困境 写作,阅读大概100个报告。
38.And I came to the conclusion that while dilemma is unique, dilemma is not unique; the solution had to be unique.
然后我得到一个结论, 虽然矛盾是特殊的, 矛盾不特殊,但解决方法必须是特殊的。
39.And one day — I don’t know what happened — while coming back from the office towards home, maybe I saw a honey bee or it occurred to my mind that if I only could be like the honey bee,
然后一天–我不知道什么发什么了– 当从办公室回家的时候, 也许我看见了一只蜜蜂, 或者发生在我的意识中,如果我可以成为一只蜜蜂,
40.life would be wonderful.
41.What the honey bee does: it pollinates, takes nectar from the flower, pollinates another flower, cross-pollinates.
蜜蜂的工作是什么:它们授粉, 从花中得到花蜜, 授粉给另一朵花,交叉授粉。
42.And when it takes the nectar, the flowers don’t feel shortchanged.
同时当它得到花蜜, 花并不会感到不公。
43.In fact, they invite the honey bees through their colors, and the bees don’t keep all the honey for themselves.
其实,鲜花还因为有鲜艳的颜色 而招来了小蜜蜂 同时蜜蜂也不会保留所有的蜜。
44.These are the three guiding principles of the Honey Bee Network: that whenever we learn something from people it must be shared with them in their language.
蜜蜂的社会有3条准则– 那就是无论什么时候我们从他人那学到一些东西 那这些东西同时也必须通过他们的语言和这些人分享。
45.They must not remain anonymous.
46.And I must tell you that after 20 years, I have not made one percent of change in the professional practice of this art.
而我必须告诉你,20年后, 我专注于自己职业上的这种行为 从没有改变过一点点
47.That is a great tragedy — which I’m carrying still with me and I hope that all of you will carry this with you — that the profession still legitimizes publication
这使我感觉我仍然背负着这样的行为是一种悲剧, 并且我希望你们所有人都秉着这样的 能力去合法的发表
48.of knowledge of people without attributing them by making them anonymous.
他人的知识而忽略他们 的存在。
49.The research guidelines of U.S. National Academy of Sciences or Research Councils of the U.K.
美国国家科学机关的研究大纲 或者英国的研究院
50.or of Indian Councils of Science Research do not require that whatever you learn from people, you must share back with them.
或者是印度科学研究所 没有要求, 不管你从别人那学到些什么都必须要和他们分享。
51.We are talking about an accountable society, a society that is fair and just, and we don’t even do justice in the knowledge market.
我们讨论的是一个负责的社会, 一个公平的的社会。 然而我们甚至在知识市场上做不到公正。
52.And India wants to be a knowledge society.
53.How will it be a knowledge society?
54.So, obviously, you cannot have two principles of justice, one for yourself and one for others.
显然,我们不能有两个不同的公证制度, 一个给自己,一个给别人。
55.It must be the same.
56.You cannot discriminate.
57.You cannot be in favor of your own values, which are at a distance from the values that you espouse.
不能只对自己的价值观有利, 而和周围人的价值观 形成一定的距离。
58.So, fairness to one and to the other is not divisible.
所以,人人平等 是不能被分割的。
59.Look at this picture.
60.Can you tell me where has it been taken from, and what is it meant for? Anybody?
你能告诉我它是在哪儿拍摄的吗, 并且谁能告诉我它是意在什么?
61.I’m a professor; I must quiz you. (Laughter) Anybody? Any guess at all?
我是个教授,我必须考考你们。 谁?哪怕是猜一猜?
62.Pardon? (Audience Member: Rajasthan.) Anil Gupta: But what has it been used for? What has it been used for?
对不起?(听众:Rajastha。) Anil Gupta:可是这张照片是被用作什么的?它曾经被用做什么?
63.(Murmuring) Pardon?
(窃窃私语) 对不起?
64.You know, you’re so right. We must give him a hand, because this man knows how insensitive our government is.
你知道吗,你是对的。我们必须给予他鼓励。 因为这个人知道我们的政府有多迟钝。
65.Look at this. This is the site of the government of India.
66.It invites tourists to see the shame of our country.
它吸引了 很多游客去观看我们的国家的耻辱。
67.I’m so sorry to say that.
68.Is this a beautiful picture or is it a terrible picture?
这是一张很美的照片– 或者是很糟的?
69.It depends upon how you look at the life of the people.
70.If this woman has to carry water on her head for miles and miles and miles, you cannot be celebrating that.
如有这个女人要用头顶着 水行走几十甚至上百英里, 你不能为这事感到庆幸。
71.We should be doing something about it.
72.And let me tell you, with all the science and technology at our command, millions of women still carry water on their heads.
那么让我告诉你,我们现在所拥有的所有科学技术, 成百上千万的妇女仍然需要用他们的头搬运水。
73.And we do not ask this question.
74.You must have taken tea in the morning.
75.Think for a minute.
76.The leaves of the tea, plucked from the bushes; you know what the action is? The action is: The lady picks up a few leaves, puts them in the basket on the backside.
茶叶,摘自茶树。 你知道这是一系列什么动作吗?这一系列的动作是: 采茶女采下几片叶子,把它们放在背后的篮子里。
77.Just do it 10 times; you will realize the pain in this shoulder.
只要做十几次; 你就会发现肩膀有多疼。
78.And she does it a few thousand times every day.
而她需要每天重复 做几千次。
79.The rice that you ate in the lunch, and you will eat today, is transplanted by women bending in a very awkward posture, millions of them,
你们午餐吃的米饭,你今天将要吃的, 是妇女们弯着腰 摆成非常奇怪的姿势移植的, 成百上千万的妇女,
80.every season, in the paddy season, when they transplant paddy with their feet in the water.
每一季,在谷季, 当他们移植稻谷时 他们是光着脚的。
81.And feet in the water will develop fungus, infections, and that infection pains because then other insects bite that point.
脚在水里会诱发真菌, 感染。 而且感染很疼 因为昆虫会咬这些感染的地方。
82.And every year, 99.9 percent of the paddy is transplanted manually.
而且每年, 百分之99.9的稻谷是手工移植的。
83.No machines have been developed.
84.So the silence of scientists, of technologists, of public policy makers, of the change agent, drew our attention that this is not on, this is not on;
所以科学家的沉寂, 科技的沉寂,公众政策决策者的沉寂, 改革中心的沉寂,这引起了我们的注意,不能继续这样下去了
85.this is not the way society will work.
86.This is not what our parliament would do. You know, we have a program for employment: One hundred, 250 million people have to be given jobs for 100 days by this great country.
这不是我们的国会会做的事,你知道。 我们有劳工方案。 2亿5千万人 从这个国家得到了100天的工作。
87.Doing what? Breaking stones, digging earth.
88.So we asked a question to the parliament: Do poor have heads?
我们问问政府国会, 穷人有头脑吗?
89.Do poor have legs, mouth and hands, but no head?
90.So Honey Bee Network builds upon the resource in which poor people are rich.
91.And what has happened?
92.An anonymous, faceless, nameless person gets in contact with the network, and then gets an identity.
匿名,没有脸部,没有名字,人们 在网络里联系, 然后得到一个身份。
93.This is what Honey Bee Network is about.
94.And this network grew voluntarily, continues to be voluntary, and has tried to map the minds of millions of people of our country and other parts of the world who are creative.
这个网络自行成长, 并且继续自行成长, 同时也在尝试 去发掘我们国家以及世界其他地区的创意个体 的无限智慧
95.They could be creative in terms of education, they may be creative in terms of culture, they may be creative in terms of institutions;
他们可能是教育上的创新; 文化上的创新; 机构上的创新,
96.but a lot of our work is in the field of technological creativity, the innovations, either in terms of contemporary innovations, or in terms of traditional knowledge.
但是我们的工作是在科技方面的 创新 有现代的创新, 也有基于传统知识的创新
97.And it all begins with curiosity.
98.It all begins with curiosity.
99.This person, whom we met — and you will see it on the website, www.sristi.org — this tribal person, he had a wish.
这个人,我们遇见的,你们会在网站上见到, Soshidoto Arjii,他是个土著, 他有一个希望。
100.And he said, “If my wish gets fulfilled” — somebody was sick and he had to monitor — “God, please cure him.
他说,“如果我愿望成真”– 有人生病了并且需要看护–“ 神啊,请治愈他。
101.And if you cure him, I will get my wall painted.”
102.And this is what he got painted.
103.Somebody was talking yesterday about Maslowian hierarchy.
104.There could be nothing more wrong than the Maslowian model of hierarchy of needs because the poorest people in this country can get enlightenment.
没有比马斯洛的这个模型 对人的需求的描述更错误的了 因为这个国家的穷人是可以获得灵光的。
105.Kabir, Rahim, all the great Sufi saints, they were all poor people, and they had a great reason. (Applause) Please do not ever think that
Kalwi,Rahim,所有伟大的苏非派圣人, 他们都是穷人, 并且他们有一个很大的理由。 请在满足你物质需要求和其他需求之后
106.only after meeting your physiological needs and other needs can you be thinking about your spiritual needs or your enlightenment.
再去考虑你的 精神需求。
107.Any person anywhere is capable of rising to that highest point of attainment, only by the resolve that they have in their mind that they must achieve something.
任何人在任何地点都能 达到那种造诣的至高点, 他们必须需达到目标只有那样他们才能解决他们的心事。
108.Look at this.
109.We saw it in Shodh Yatra. Every six months we walk in different parts of the country.
我们在远征的时候看到了。每6个月,我们都会走到 印度不同的地区
110.I’ve walked about 4,000 kilometers in the last 12 years.
111.So on the wayside we found these dung cakes, which are used as a fuel.
在路边, 我么发现这些晒干的排泄物, 他们可以作为燃料。
112.Now, this lady, on the wall of the dung cake heap, has made a painting.
你们看见这位女士,她站在这座又排泄物堆成的墙下 画了一张画。
113.That’s the only space she could express her creativity.
114.And she’s so marvelous.
115.Look at this lady, Ram Timari Devi, on a grain bin. In Champaran, we had a Shodh Yatra and we were walking in the land where Gandhiji went
看看这为女士,Ram Timari Devi, 他在一个坚巴兰的谷物篮上,我们当时在进行远征 我们走在 曾经走过的地方
116.to hear about the tragedy, pain of indigo growers.
我们在那里听到了 靛青种植者的痛苦故事
117.Bhabi Mahato in Purulia and Bankura.
办库拉普鲁利亚的Bhabi Mahato。
118.Look at what she has done.
119.The whole wall is her canvas. She’s sitting there with a broom.
120.Is she an artisan or an artist?
121.Obviously she’s an artist; she’s a creative person.
122.If we can create markets for these artists, we will not have to employ them for digging earth and breaking stones.
如果我们能为这些艺术家创造一个市场, 我们就不会只是雇用他们挖地或者碎石了。
123.They will be paid for what they are good at, not what they’re bad at.
124.(Applause) Look at what Rojadeen has done.
(鼓掌) 看看Rojadeen都做了些什么。
125.In Motihari in Champaran, there are a lot of people who sell tea on the shack and, obviously, there’s a limited market for tea.
在坚巴兰的莫提哈里, 有很多人在棚子中出售茶叶 显然,茶的市场是有限的,
126.Every morning you have tea, as well as coffee.
127.So he thought, why don’t I convert a pressure cooker into a coffee machine?
所以他想,我们为什么不能把 压力锅改造成咖啡机。
128.So this is a coffee machine. Just takes a few hundred rupees.
129.People bring their own cooker, he attaches a valve and a steam pipe, and now he gives you espresso coffee. (Laughter) Now, this is a real, affordable
很多人把他们的锅拿来, 加上阀门和蒸汽管, 然后就可以做特浓咖啡了。 这是种真正而且便宜
130.coffee percolator that works on gas.
131.(Applause) Look at what Sheikh Jahangir has done.
(鼓掌) 看看Sheikh Jahangir所做的。
132.A lot of poor people do not have enough grains to get ground.
很多穷人没有 足够的谷物种植。
133.So this fellow is bringing a flour-grinding machine on a two-wheeler.
所以这个人就拿来了 装了两个轮子的磨面机。
134.If you have 500 grams, 1000, one kilogram, he will grind it for it for you; the flourmill will not grind such a small quantity.
如果你有500克,1000克, 这个机器可以帮你磨面;而普通的磨面机通常不会只磨这么少量
135.Please understand the problem of poor people.
136.They have needs which have to be met efficiently in terms of energy, in terms of cost, in terms of quality.
这些人他们有自身的一些需求 要在能量、成本和质量方面 得到最高效的满足
137.They don’t want second-standard, second-quality outputs.
138.But to be able to give them high-quality output you need to adapt technology to their needs.
但是他们想要的他们出产的好东西 就得需要让他们得到合适的科技。
139.And that is what Sheikh Jahangir did.
这就是Sheihk Jahangir所做的。
140.But that’s not enough, what he did. Look at what he did here.
141.If you have clothes, and you don’t have enough time to wash them, he brought a washing machine to your doorstep, mounted on a two-wheeler.
如果你有衣服却没有时间洗, 他可以给你带来一个装有 两个轮子的洗衣机。
142.So here’s a model where a two-wheeler washing machine …
这有一个有两个轮子的 洗衣机模型…
143.He is washing your clothes and drying them at your doorstep.
144.(Applause) You bring your water, you bring your soap, I wash the clothes for you. Charge 50 paisa, one rupee for you per lot, and a new business model can emerge.
(鼓掌) 自带水和肥皂。 我这机器可以为你洗衣服,只需要1卢比 1卢比50PESA(重量单位) 同时建立了一个新型的商业模型。
145.Now, what we need is, we need people who will be able to scale them up.
现在我们需要 一些可以帮助他们扩大其商业规模的人。
146.Look at this.
147.It looks like a beautiful photograph.
148.But you know what it is? Can anybody guess what it is?
149.Somebody from India would know, of course.
150.It’s a tawa.
151.It’s a hot plate made of clay.
152.Now, what is the beauty in it?
153.When you have a non-stick pan, it costs about, maybe, 250 rupees, five dollars, six dollars.
一个不粘锅, 花费大概是, 250卢比, 5-6美元,
154.This is less than a dollar and this is non-stick; it is coated with one of these food-grade materials.
这个是一个小于1美元的方法。 这是一个不粘锅。 他表面包着一种 食物降解材料。
155.And the best part is that, while you use a costly non-stick pan, you eat the so-called Teflon or Teflon-like material because after some time the stuff disappears. Where has it gone?
最好的地方是, 当时用着一个很贵的不粘锅时, 你同时也吃了一种叫特氟龙的物质, 或者类似的材料。 因为过了一段时间后这些物质就消失了。去哪儿了哪?