
1.I’m Rich Baraniuk.
我叫Rich Baraniuk.
2.And what I’d like to talk a little bit about today are some ideas that I think have just tremendous resonance with all the things that have been talked about the last two days.
今天我想谈的是我的一些看法 我觉得它们可以和过去两天中 大家讨论的问题产生巨大的共鸣。
3.In fact, so many different points of resonance that it’s going to be difficult to bring them all up, but I’ll try to do my best.
事实上,有许多的不同的共鸣点 很难把它们一一涉及,但我会尽力。
4.Does anybody remember these?
5.(Laughter) OK, so these are LP records and they’ve been replaced, right.
(笑声) 是的,这些都是LP大碟,它们都已经被取代了。
6.They’ve been swept away over the last two decades by these types of world flattening digitization technologies, right.
过去40年中,它们已经被席卷殆尽 取而代之的是使世界扁平化的数字化技术。
7.And I think it was best witnessed when Thomas was playing the music as we came in the room today.
而且我认为这件事最好的证明 是我们今天走进会场的时候,托马斯在演奏音乐。
8.What’s happened in the music world is there’s a culture or an ecosystem that’s been created that, if you take some words from Apple,
在音乐世界,所发生的是有一种文化 或是一种生态系统已经建立 如果你愿意采用苹果公司的一些说法,
9.the catchphrase that we create, rip, mix and burn.
10.What I mean by that is that anyone in the world is free and allowed to create new music and musical ideas.
我想指出的是,世界上任何人都可以自由地 创造新的音乐和有关音乐的想法。
11.Anyone in the world is allowed to rip or copy musical ideas, use them in innovative ways.
世界上任何人都可以翻录或复制音乐的想法, 以创新的方式使用它们。
12.Anyone is allowed to mix them in different types of ways, draw connections between musical ideas and people can burn them or create final products and continue the circle.
任何人都可以以不同的方式混合它们, 在音乐灵感之间建立联系 另外人们可以刻录或是创造的最终产品,循环往复。
13.And what that’s done is it’s created, like I said, a vibrant community that’s very inclusive with people continually working to connect musical ideas,
这样做所达到的效果就是,像我所说的, 创造了一个充满活力的社会,它有很大的包容性 使音乐人可以连续不断将音乐理念联系起来,
14.innovate them and keep things constantly up to date, right.
15.Today’s hit single is not last year’s hit single, OK.
16.But, I’m not here to talk about music today.
17.I’m here to talk about books, OK.
18.In particular, textbooks and the kind of educational materials that we use every day in school.
特别是课本及其他教材 我们每天上学都使用的东西。
19.Has anyone here ever been to school?
20.(Laughter) OK, does anybody realize there’s a crisis in our schools, around the world?
(笑声) 好,大家知不知道我们的学校面临一场危机? 世界各地的学校都如此?
21.I hope, OK, I’m not going to spend too much time on that, but what I want to talk about is some of the disconnects that appear when an author publishes a book
我希望,我无需花费太多时间说这事儿, 但我想谈的是 当作者出版了一本书后所出现的一些断裂
22.that in fact, the publishing process — just because of the fact that it’s complicated, it’s heavy, books are expensive — creates a sort of a wall between authors of books
事实上,谈及出版过程—— 正因为出版过程相当复杂, 书籍沉重,而且书籍价格昂贵等这些事实—— 结果造成了一本书的作者
23.and the ultimate users of books, be they teachers, students or just general readers.
和终极读者之间的一堵墙, 不论这些最终用户是教师、学生,或只是一般读者。
24.And this is even more true if you happen to speak a language other than one of the world’s major languages, and especially English.
而且,如果恰好你所使用的语言 不是世界的主要语言之一,尤其英语,就更会遇到这种情况。
25.And I’m going to call these people below the barrier Shut-outs, because they’re really shut out of the process of being able to share their knowledge with the world.
我把这些人成为隔离障碍之下的人, 因为他们真的是无法进入 与全世界分享他们知识的这一进程
26.And so what I want to talk about today is trying to take these ideas, right, that we’ve seen in the musical culture and try to bring these towards reinventing the way
所以我今天想谈的,就是试图把这些想法, 对,就是我们今天所看到到的音乐文化的表现 并努力重新塑造
27.we think about writing books, using them and teaching from them, OK.
28.So, that’s what I’d like to talk about and really, how do we get from where we are now to where we need to go?
是的,这就是我想谈的 以及,我们如何从我们目前的位置,到达我们希望到达的目的地?
29.So, the first thing I’d like you to do is a little thought experiment.
30.So, imagine taking all the world’s books.
31.OK, everybody imagine books and imagine just tearing out the pages.
对,大家都要想象一下书 并想象把书页撕开。
32.So, liberating these pages and imagine digitizing them, right, and then storing them in a vast, interconnected, global repository.
解放这些书页,将它们数字化。 然后把它们储存在一个巨大的,相互连接的,全球存储库中。
33.Think of it as a massive iTunes, right, for book type content.
34.And then take that material and imagine making it all open, so that people can modify it, play with it, improve it.
然后想象把所有的材料都(对众)开放。 这样人们可以修改它,使用它,完善它。
35.Imagine making it free, so that anyone in the world can have access to all of this knowledge and imagine using information technology
想象使它免费,这样世界上的任何人都可以访问 所有这些知识,并利用信息技术 that you can update this content, improve it, play with it, on a time-scale that’s more on the order of seconds instead of years.
这样你就可以更新这里的内容,改进它,使用它, 每分每秒都可以做这些事情,而不是动不动就花几年的时间修订某个内容。
37.OK, instead of editions coming out every two years, of a book, imagine it coming out every 25 seconds.
这样,新版本就无需每两年出一次了, 大家可以想象,每25秒就可以有新版。
38.So, imagine we could do that and imagine we could put people into this, right.
好的,想象我们可以这样做 并想象,我们让人们参与进来。
39.So that we could truly build an ecosystem with not just authors, but all the people who could be or want to be authors in all the different languages of the world,
这样我们就可以真正建立一个生态系统,不仅与作者, 而是与所有可以或想成为作者的人 使用世界上任何语言,
40.and I think if you could do this, it would be called, well, I’m just going to refer to it as a knowledge ecosystem.
我认为,如果大家可以做到这一点,那么我们可以将其称作,嗯 我暂时就称之为知识生态系统。
41.So, really, this is the dream and in a sense what you can think of it is we are trying to enable anyone in the world, I mean anyone in the world
所以,真的,这是我的梦想 在某种意义上说,你可以认为 我们正在努力使全世界的人, 我的意思是世界上任何人 be their own educational DJ, creating educational materials, sharing them with the world, constantly innovating on them. So, this is the dream.
都可以做他们自己的教育的DJ, 创造教育材料,与世界分享, 不断创新。对,这就是我的梦想。
43.In fact, this dream is actually being realized, right.
44.Over the last six and a half years, we’ve been working really hard at Rice University on a project called Connexions, and so what I’d like to do for the rest of the talk
在过去的6年半的时间里, 我们在赖斯大学一直非常努力地工作 进行一个叫做Connections(连接)的项目, 所以在我演讲的剩余时间里, just tell you a little bit about what people are doing with Connexions, which you can kind of think of as the counterpoint to Nicholas Negroponte’s talk yesterday,
我想告诉大家参与Connections的人 在做什么,大家可以将其看作是与 昨天尼古拉斯·尼葛洛庞帝的演讲紧密相关的,
46.where they’re working on the hardware of bringing education to the world.
他们正在开发的 给全世界带去教育的硬件
47.We’re working on the open-source tools and the content, OK?
48.So, that’s sort of to put it in perspective here.
49.So create, so what are some of the people that are using these kind of tools?
50.Well, the first thing is there’s a community of engineering professors, from Cambridge to Kyoto, who are developing engineering content in electrical engineering
嗯,首先, 从剑桥到京都,有一个工程系教授(组成的)社区, 他们在开发电子工程方面的工程内容 develop what you can think of as a massive super textbook, right, that covers the entire area of electrical engineering and not only that, it can be customized
以建立某种类似超级教科书的东西, 对,就是涵盖整个电气工程领域, 不仅如此,它还可以被用户化,
52.for use in each of their own individual institutions.
53.If people like Kitty Jones — right, a shut-out — a private music teacher and mom from Champagne, Illinois, who wanted to share her fantastic music content with the world,
如果像Kitty Jones那样的人——对,被隔离在外的人—— 一个私人音乐教师和来自伊利诺伊州某个小镇的母亲, 如果她想要与世界上的其他人分享她的美妙的音乐内容,
54.on how to teach kids how to play music.
55.Her material is now used over 600,000 times per month.
56.Tremendous, tremendous use.
57.In fact, a lot of this use coming from Unites States, K through 12 schools because anyone who’s involved in a school scale back, the first thing that’s cut is the music curriculum
很多使用者都来自美国,涵盖从幼儿园到高中的所有阶段 因为任何参与过学校经费缩减的人都知道 学校做第一件事就是砍掉音乐课程
58.and so this is just indicating the tremendous thirst for this kind of open, free content.
所以这就表明了人们如何渴求 这种开放而且免费的内容。
59.A lot of teachers are using this stuff. OK, what about ripping?
60.What about copying, reusing, right?
61.A team of volunteers at the University of Texas- El Paso, graduate students translating this engineering super textbook ideas and within about a week, having this be some of our most popular material
得克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校的一伙志愿者, 一批研究生,将这一工程超级教科书的想法付诸实施, 并在大约一个星期内,使之成为我们最受欢迎的一些材料 widespread use all over Latin America and in particular in Mexico, because of the open extensible nature of this.
在拉丁美洲各地广泛使用,特别是在墨西哥, 这是因为它具有开放性和可扩展性等特点。
63.People, volunteers and even companies that are translating material into Asian languages like Chinese, Japanese and Thai, to spread the knowledge even further.
很多人,有志愿者,甚至是商业公司 将材料翻译成亚洲语言, 比如中文,日文和泰文, 将这些知识进一步传播开来。
64.OK, what about people who are mixing? What does mixing mean?
65.Mixing means building customized courses, means building customized books.
混合指的是创建可定制的课程, 以及制作定制的书籍。
66.Companies like National Instruments, who are embedding very powerful, interactive simulations into the materials, so that we can go way beyond our regular kind of textbook
像美国国家仪器公司这样的商业公司, 将非常强大的,交互式仿真的内容嵌入到这些材料中, 这样我们阅读的体验,就会远远超越传统的教科书 an experience that all the teaching materials and things, you can actually interact with and play around with and actually learn as you do.
获得使用所有这些教材和内容的全新经验, 实际上你可以进行交互,寓教于乐, 通过实作进行学习。
68.We’ve been working with Teachers Without Borders who are very interested in mixing our materials.
我们一直在与“教师无国界”组织合作 他们对我们的混合材料很感兴趣。
69.They’re going to be using Connexions as their platform to develop and deliver teaching materials for teaching teachers how to teach
他们将使用Connections作为他们的平台 开发和并提供教材 指导教师如何教学。 84 countries that are around the world.
71.TWB is currently in Iraq training 20,000 teachers supported by USAID and to them, this idea of being able to remix and customize to the local context is extraordinarily important,
在美国国际开发署的支持下,教师无国界目前正在伊拉克培训2万多名教师 对他们来说,这种能够混合材料 和并根据当地情况定制的特性是非常重要的,
72.because just providing free content to people has actually been likened by people in the developing world to a kind of cultural imperialism,
因为仅仅向人们提供免费内容 其实在发展中国家,已经被人们与 某种文化帝国主义联系在了一起,
73.that if you don’t empower people with the ability to re-contextualize the material, translate it into their own language and take ownership of it,
也就是说,如果你不让那些人 有能力重新组织材料, 翻译成自己的语言,并拥有其所有权,’s not good.
75.OK, other organizations we’ve been working with, UC Merced, people know about UC Merced.
此外,我们一直以来合作的其他组织还有加州大学默塞德, 大家都知道加州大学默塞德。
76.It’s a new university in California, in the central valley, working very closely with community colleges.
这是一个在加州的新大学,位于中央谷地, 它与社区学院有非常密切的合作。
77.They’re actually developing a lot of their science and engineering curriculum to spread widely around the world in our system and they’re also trying to develop all of their software tools completely open-source.
他们实际上正在开发很多科学和工程课程 应用我们的系统,广泛传播到世界各地 而且他们也在努力将自己开发的软件工具做成完全开源的。
78.We’ve been working with AMD which has a project called 50 by 15, which is trying to bring Internet connectivity to 50 percent of the world’s population by 2015.
我们一直在与AMD合作进行一项名为50/15的项目, 就是试图到2015年,将互联网连接 提供给世界上50%的人口。
79.We’re going to be providing content to them in a whole range of different languages, and we’ve also been working with a number of other organizations.
我们将会使用多种不同的语言 他们提供内容, 此外我们还与其他一些组织合作。
80.In particular, a bunch of the projects that are funded by Hewlett Foundation, who have taken a real leadership role in this area of open content.
特别是,一批项目 由Hewlett基金会提供资助, 该组织在开放内容这一领域起到了真正的领导作用。
81.OK, burn, I think this is sort of, quite interesting.
82.Burn is the idea of trying to create the physical instantiation of one of these courses and I think a lot of you received, I think all of you received one of these music books in your gift pack.
烧录是试图将这些课程的内容变成物理对象的过程。 我想有不少人收到过, 我相信大家都收到过这样的礼包,就是某种这类音乐书籍。
83.A little present for you.
84.Just to tell you quickly about it, this is an engineering textbook.
85.It’s about 300 pages long, hard-bound.
86.This costs, anybody guess?
87.How much would it cost in a bookstore?
88.Audience: 65 dollars.
89.Richard Baraniuk: This costs 22 dollars to the student.
Richard Baraniuk:这本书对学生的定价是22美元。
90.Why does it cost 22 dollars?
91.Because it’s published on demand and it’s developed from this repository of open materials.
因为它是按需出版的 而且是基于这种开放的资料库开发的。
92.If this book were to be published by a regular publisher, it would cost at least 122 dollars.
如果是由正规出版社出版这本书, 它的定价至少是122美元。
93.OK, so what we’re seeing is moving this burning or publication process from the regular sort of single author, authored book towards community authored materials
所以,我们看到的,这种烧录过程, 或说是出版过程,已经从某一单一的作者 写作的过程,过渡到了作者社区撰写的材料
94.that are modular, that are customized to each individual class and published on demand very inexpensively, either pushed out through Amazon, right,
这是一种模块化的材料,可以根据每个班级定制 并以相当低廉的价格按需出版, 既可以通过亚马逊网站推出,
95.or published directly through an on demand press, like Coop.
96.And I think that this is an extraordinarily interesting area because there is tremendous area under this long tail in publishing.
我认为,这是一个非常有趣的领域 因为在这个出版业的长尾下,存在一个巨大的领域。
97.We’re not talking about the Harry Potter end, right at the left side.
98.We’re talking about books on hyper geometric partial differential equations.
99.Right, books that might sell 100 copies a year, 1,000 copies a year.
100.There is tremendous sustaining revenue, right, under this long tail to sustain open projects like ours, but also to sustain this new emergence of on demand publishers,
确实存在巨大的可持续收入, 在这个长尾下,支持像我们这样的开源项目, 而且还要支持这种新出现的按需出版商, Coop who produced these two books, and I think one of the things that you should take away from this talk, is that there’s an impending cut out the middle man, right.
比如像出版这两本书的Coop, 我想,大家从我的谈话中,应该认识到的一点, 就是中间人即将被削减掉,是的。
102.Disintermediation.  It’s going to be happening in the publishing industry and it’s going to reach a crescendo over the next few years,
非中介化。这将是出版业即将发生的事情 而且将在今后几年达到高潮。
103.and I think that it’s for our benefit really, and for the world’s benefit.
104.OK, so what are the enablers?
105.What’s really making all of this happen?
106.There’s tons of technology, and the only piece of technology that I really want to talk about is XML.
这其中有大量的技术, 而我真的想谈的是XML技术。
107.How many people know about XML?
108.Oh, great, so it’s the future of the web, right.
109.It’s semantic representation of comment, content, and what you can really think of XML in this case, is it’s the packaging that we’re putting around these pages.
它是内容的语义描述。 此刻,大家应该将XML 看作是我们的包装,是我们用来包装这些页面的工具。
110.Remember we took the book, tore the pages out?
111.Well, what the XML is going to do is it’s going to basically be — it’s going to turn those pages into Lego blocks, right.
那么,XML所要做的,基本上是—— 它可以把这些书页变成乐高积木,对。
112.XML are the nubs on the Lego that allow us to combine the content together in myriad different ways and it provides us a framework to share content.
XML就是乐高积木上的凸起, 它让我们能够以多种不同的方式将内容组合起来 而且它我们提供了一个框架,以分享内容。
113.So, it lets you take this ecosystem, right, in its primordial state, right, of all this content, all the pages you’ve torn out of books
因此,它让你把这个生态系统, 以其原生状态呈现,所有这些内容, 所有从书本中撕开的书页
114.and create highly sophisticated learning machines, right?



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