1.We grew up interacting with the physical objects around us.
我们生长在 和周围物体互动的环境里
2.There is an enormous number of them that we use every day.
有很多很多物品, 是我们每天都要用到的
3.Unlike most of our computing devices, these objects are much more fun to use.
和大部分计算机软件相比, 这些实体有趣多了。
4.When you talk about objects, one other thing automatically comes attached to that thing, and that is gestures: how we manipulate these objects,
当我们提到物品, 会立即出现和这东西有关的另一件事 — 姿势: 也就是:我们怎么使用这些物品,
5.how we use these objects in everyday life.
6.We use gestures not only to interact with these objects, but we also use them to interact with each other.
我们不只运用不同姿势来使用物体 也用来和别人沟通。
7.A gesture of “Namaste!”, maybe, to respect someone, or maybe — in India I don’t need to teach a kid that this means “four runs” in cricket.
合十的姿势,可能是表示尊敬某人 或者是 — 在印度,不必教,小孩都知道这是 — 板球的”4″的意思
8.It comes as a part of our everyday learning.
9.So, I am very interested, from the beginning, that how — How our knowledge about everyday objects and gestures, and how we use these objects,
所以,我一开始,就很有兴趣 想了解, — 我们对于 日常用品和姿势的认知, 以及,如何把这些物品
10.can be leveraged to our interactions with the digital world.
11.Rather than using a keyboard and mouse, why can I not use my computer in the same way that I interact in the physical world?
为什么没有键盘和鼠标, 我就没办法使用计算机? 为什么和计算机沟通,不能和实体世界沟通一样?
12.So, I started this exploration about eight years back, and it literally started with a mouse on my desk.
我的探索从八年前开始 从我桌上的鼠标开始
13.Rather than using it for my computer, I actually opened it.
我不是在计算机屏幕上使用它 而是拆开它,
14.Most of you might be aware that, in those days, the mouse used to come with a ball inside, and there were two rollers that actually guide the computer where the ball is moving,
你们都知道,在那个年代, 鼠标里面有个球, 还有两个滚轮, 所以,当鼠标移动时,
15.and, accordingly, where the mouse is moving.
16.So, I was interested in these two rollers, and I actually wanted more, so I borrowed another mouse from a friend — never returned to him —
我对滚轮有兴趣, 但还需要多几个,所以就跟朋友借他的鼠标 一直没还他 —
17.and I now had four rollers.
18.Interestingly, what I did with these rollers is, basically, I took them off of these mouses and then put them in one line.
我怎么用这些滚轮呢– 基本上,我把它们从鼠标里拿出来 放在一条在线
19.It had some strings and pulleys and some springs.
20.What I got is basically a gesture interface device that actually acts as a motion-sensing device made for two dollars.
我做出了一个侦测姿势的接口装置。 像个动作侦测装置, 成本只要两块美元。
21.So, here, whatever movement I do in my physical world is actually replicated inside the digital world just using this small device that I made, around eight years back,
所以,现在,不论我在实体世界做什么, 在数字的世界里就会反映出来 只要用这个我8年前做的小东西就可以,
22.in 2000.
23.Because I was interested in integrating these two worlds, I thought of sticky notes.
我对于整合实体和数字世界有兴趣, 我想到便利贴。
24.I thought, “Why can I not connect the normal interface of a physical sticky note to the digital world?”
我想, “何不把 实体便利贴的接口,和 数字便利贴整合在一起?”
25.A message written on a sticky note to my mom on paper can come to an SMS, or maybe a meeting reminder automatically syncs with my digital calendar —
在便利贴上写给我妈妈的留言 纸条 可以用简讯传递。 或是写在纸上的会议通知 自动和我的数字行事历同步 —
26.a to-do list that automatically syncs with you.
27.But you can also search in the digital world, or maybe you can write a query, saying, “What is Dr. Smith’s address?”
但你也同时可以在数字环境里搜寻, 或者是,你可以写下问题, 如, “史教授的地址?”
28.and this small system actually prints it out — so it actually acts like a paper input-output system, just made out of paper.
然后这个小系统就把地址打印出来 — 这就像是个纸做的输出入系统, 用纸就可以做到.
29.In another exploration, I thought of making a pen that can draw in three dimensions.
另一项探索是, 我想到用一枝可以画3D效果的笔
30.So, I implemented this pen that can help designers and architects not only think in three dimensions, but they can actually draw so that it’s more intuitive to use that way.
所以就设计出这支笔 帮助设计师和建筑师 不只以三度空间思考, 也可以画3D图形 这样用起来就更直觉多了。
31.Then I thought, “Why not make a Google Map, but in the physical world?”
我又想, “何不做一个实体世界的 Google地图?”
32.Rather than typing a keyword to find something, I put my objects on top of it.
不必输入关键词来找东西, 而是放这个东西在地图上。
33.If I put a boarding pass, it will show me where the flight gate is.
34.A coffee cup will show where you can find more coffee, or where you can trash the cup.
放咖啡杯,它会显示咖啡厅的位置, 或垃圾筒的位置.
35.So, these were some of the earlier explorations I did because the goal was to connect these two worlds seamlessly.
这些是早期我做的实验, 我的目的是紧密衔接这两个世界.
36.Among all these experiments, there was one thing in common: I was trying to bring a part of the physical world to the digital world.
在这些实验之中, 有一个共通点: 我都会把实体的东西带进数字环境里.
37.I was taking some part of the objects, or any of the intuitiveness of real life, and bringing them to the digital world, because the goal was to make our computing interfaces more intuitive.
我把物品, 或生活中,直觉式的东西, 带进数字世界里, 目的是让计算机接口更人性化
38.But then I realized that we humans are not actually interested in computing.
但是后来我了解到 人们对计算机没有兴趣
39.What we are interested in is information.
40.We want to know about things.
41.We want to know about dynamic things going around.
42.So I thought, around last year — in the beginning of the last year — I started thinking, “Why can I not take this approach in the reverse way?”
所以,大约在去年,去年年初的时候– 我开始想, “我何不颠倒我的研究方向呢?”
43.Maybe, “How about I take my digital world and paint the physical world with that digital information?”
或许, “把数字世界的数字信息, 描画在实体世界里??”
44.Because pixels are actually, right now, confined in these rectangular devices that fit in our pockets.
因为这些影像,都被包在这些方方的装置里 然后放进口袋里.
45.Why can I not remove this confine and take that to my everyday objects, everyday life so that I don’t need to learn the new language
我何不把这个形体打破 把信息放进日常生活中? 这样我也不必学新的、
46.for interacting with those pixels?
47.So, in order to realize this dream, I actually thought of putting a big-size projector on my head.
为了实现这个梦想, 我真的想过把一个投影机放在我的头上
48.I think that’s why this is called a head-mounted projector, isn’t it?
49.I took it very literally, and took my bike helmet, put a little cut over there so that the projector actually fits nicely.
我照着字面意思做了 我把自行车的头盔 割掉一点,让投影机可以放得进去.
50.So now, what I can do — I can augment the world around me with this digital information.
这样,我可以 — 在真实世界中用数字讯息环绕我
51.But later, I realized I wanted to interact with those digital pixels, also.
但是,后来 我想到 我也要和这些计算机像素沟通.
52.So I put a small camera over there, that acts as a digital eye.
所以我加了一个小摄影机, 当作数位眼睛.
53.Later, we moved to a much better, consumer-oriented pendant version of that, that many of you now know as the SixthSense device.
之后, 我们进一步,做成– 使用者导向的颈挂式, 就是很多人知道的「第六感计算装置」.
54.But the most interesting thing about this particular technology is that you can carry your digital world with you wherever you go.
这技术最有趣的地方是 你可以把数字世界带着走 到任何地方都可以.
55.You can start using any surface, any wall around you, as an interface.
你可以用任何表面或墙壁, 当成界面.
56.The camera is actually tracking all your gestures.
57.Whatever you’re doing with your hands, it’s understanding that gesture.
不论双手在做什么, 它都知道.
58.And, actually, if you see, there are some color markers that in the beginning version we are using with it.
还有,你看那些色笔 那是我们早期用的.
59.You can start painting on any wall.
60.You stop by a wall, and start painting on that wall.
61.But we are not only tracking one finger, here.
62.We are giving you the freedom of using all of both of your hands, so you can actually use both of your hands to zoom into or zoom out
我们让你可以用两只手全部, 所以可以用两只手去放大缩小–
63.of a map just by pinching all present.
64.The camera is actually doing — just, getting all the images — is doing the edge recognition and also the color recognition and so many other small algorithms are going on inside.
录像机 — 收集所有影像 — 执行动作辨识和颜色辨识 有很多小程序在里面跑
65.So, technically, it’s a little bit complex, but it gives you an output which is more intuitive to use, in some sense.
技术上有点复杂, 但是让人可以用的很自然
66.But I’m more excited that you can actually take it outside.
67.Rather than getting your camera out of your pocket, you can just do the gesture of taking a photo and it takes a photo for you.
不必掏出口袋里的照相机, 只要一个照相的姿势 它就替你照相了.
68.(Applause) Thank you.
(掌声) 谢谢.
69.And later I can find a wall, anywhere, and start browsing those photos or maybe, “OK, I want to modify this photo a little bit and send it as an email to a friend.”
拍完之后,我随便找一面墙, 就开始浏览这些照片 或, “我想修改一下这些照片 然后用电子邮件寄给朋友.”
70.So, we are looking for an era where computing will actually merge with the physical world.
我们面对的世代是 — 与实体世界融合在一起的运算
71.And, of course, if you don’t have any surface, you can start using your palm for simple operations.
如果你没有平面可用, 手掌也可以处理简单的功能.
72.Here, I’m dialing a phone number just using my hand.
73.The camera is actually not only understanding your hand movements, but, interestingly, is also able to understand what objects you are holding in your hand.
摄影机不只了解你手部的动作, 而且, 它还知道在你手里拿着的是什么东西.
74.What we’re doing here is actually — for example, in this case, the book cover is matched with so many thousands, or maybe millions of books online,
我们现在正在做的是 — 举个例, 在这里, 这本书的封面 正在和在线的数以百万计的书封面比对,
75.and checking out which book it is.
76.Once it has that information, it finds out more reviews about that, or maybe New York Times has a sound overview on that, so you can actually hear, on a physical book,
一旦找到数据, 它会找到书评, 或者,可能纽约时报有个有声的简介, 你就可以, 在实体书上,听到
77.a review as sound.
78.(“famous talk at Harvard University …”) This was Obama’s visit last week to MIT.
(“哈佛大学的著名演讲 …”) 这是欧巴玛总统上周来MIT的演讲.
79.(“… and particularly I want to thank two outstanding MIT …”) So, I was seeing the live of his talk, outside, on just a newspaper.
(“… 我特别要感谢2位MIT …”) 我从报纸上,看到他演讲的实况录像.