1.You know, we’re going to do things a little differently.
2.I’m not going to show you a presentation. I’m going to talk to you.
3.And at the same time, we’re going to look at just images from a photo stream that is pretty close to live of things that — snapshots from Second Life. So hopefully this will be fascinating.
同时,给大家看一些图片 都是截自“第二人生”的很逼真的生活场景 所以,希望你们能喜欢
4.You can — I can compete for your attention with the strange pictures that you see on screen that come from there.
同时,我也会尽量把大家的注意力 从这些奇特图片上吸引过来
5.I thought I’d talk a little bit about some just big ideas about this, and then get John back out here so we can talk interactively a little bit more and think and ask questions.
我想先谈一下关于这个(第二人生)的大的构想 然后我会请约翰回来,这样我们可以更加互动的交谈、 思考和提问
6.You know, I guess the first question is, Why build a virtual world at all?
我想大家关心的第一个问题会是: 为何要建立一个虚拟世界呢?
7.And I think the answer to that is always going to be at least driven to a certain extent by the people initially crazy enough to start the project, you know.
我认为在一定程度上源于 我自己–一个疯狂到了一定程度 来发起这个项目的人
8.So I can give you a little bit of first background just on me and what moved me as a — really going back as far as a teenager and then an adult, to actually try and build this kind of thing.
先介绍一下我个人的背景资料 以及那些从小到大 真正触动我去尝试创立这个项目的因素
9.I was a very creative kid who read a lot, and got into electronics first, and then later, programming computers, when I was really young.
我是个读书很多,很有创造力的孩子,最初迷上了电子设备 随后是电脑编程,那时我年龄还很小。
10.I was just always trying to make things.
11.I was just obsessed with taking things apart and building things, and just anything I could do with my hands or with wood or electronics or metal or anything else.
沉迷于拆装物件 以及任何手工可以完成的,用木头 电子器件、金属等物品做的东西
12.And so, for example — and it’s a great Second Life thing — I had a bedroom.
13.And every kid, you know, as a teenager, has got his bedroom he retreats to — but I wanted my door, I thought it would be cool if my door went up
大家知道,每个十几岁的孩子,都拥有自己栖身的卧室 但是我想让卧室门能够像《星际旅行》中一样
14.rather than opened, like on Star Trek.
15.I thought it would be neat to do that. And so I got up in the ceiling and I cut through the ceiling joists, much to my parents’ delight,
因此我爬上天花板 穿过天花板搁栅,(这让我父母很生气)
16.and put the door, you know, being pulled up through the ceiling.
17.I built — I put a garage-door opener up in the attic that would pull this door up.
我把一个车库的开门机器放在阁楼上 可以把门竖着拉上来
18.You can imagine the amount of time that it took me to do this to the house and the displeasure of my parents.
你可以想象一下这花费了我多少时间来改造这间房屋 还要平息父母的不满
19.The thing that was always striking to me was that we as people could have so many really amazing ideas about things we’d like to do,
这件事情对我启发最深的是:人们 对于自己喜欢的事情总有层出不穷的好想法
20.but are so often unable, in the real world, to actually do those things — to actually cobble together the materials and go through the actual execution phase of building something
然而在真实的世界里,又通常无法真正实现 既无法凑齐所需的材料 也无法在实际执行阶段
21.that you imagine from a design perspective.
22.And so for me, I know that when the Internet came around and I was doing computer programming and just, you know, just generally trying to run my own little company
因此对于我来讲,互联网时代来临的时候 我正在编写电脑程序 努力运作我的小公司
23.and figure out what to do with the Internet and with computers, I was just immediately struck by how the ultimate thing that you would really want to do with the Internet and with computers
我想应该通过互联网和电脑来做些事情 后来灵光一现,想到人们真正想使用 互联网和电脑来做的事情
24.would be to use the Internet and connected computers to simulate a world to sort of recreate the laws of physics and the rules of how things went together —
是通过互联网和电脑 来模拟一个世界,这个世界重构了物理的法则 和世上万物相互联系的规则
25.the sort of — the idea of atoms and how to make things, and do that inside a computer so that we could all get in there and make stuff.
也包括原子的概念和建筑的方法 一切都在电脑中实现,我们都可以进入那个世界,并创造一些东西
26.And so for me that was the thing that was so enticing.
27.I just wanted this place where you could build things.
28.And so I think you see that in the genesis of what has happened with Second Life, and I think it’s important.
所以,我想你们都了解了“第二人生” 的来龙去脉,我认为这非常重要
29.I also think that more generally, the use of the Internet and technology as a kind of a space between us for creativity and design is a general trend.
我还认为,更普遍的来讲,作为创意和设计的平台 互联网技术的应用是一个大趋势
30.It is a — sort of a great human progress.
31.Technology is just generally being used to allow us to create in as shared and social a way as possible.
一般来说,技术只是用来让我们 一边创造,一边去交流和分享
32.And I think that Second Life and virtual worlds more generally represent the best we can do to achieve that right now.
我认为,“第二人生”乃至虚拟世界 代表了目前我们能做到的最高水准
33.You know, another way to look at that, and related to the content and, you know, thinking about space, is to connect sort of virtual worlds to space.
想象一下宇宙空间 从另一个角度来看 将虚拟世界和宇宙空间联系起来
34.I thought that might be a fun thing to talk about for a second.
35.If you think about going into space, it’s a fascinating thing.
36.So many movies, so many kids, we all sort of dream about exploring space. Now, why is that?
很多的电影,很多的孩子 都梦想着遨游太空。为什么?
37.Stop for a moment and ask, why that conceit?
38.Why do we as people want to do that?
39.I think there’s a couple of things. It’s what we see in the movies — you know, it’s this dream that we all share.
我觉得原因有很多。正如我们在电影中看到的 这是我们共同拥有的梦想
40.One is that if you went into space you’d be able to begin again.
41.In some sense, you would become someone else in that journey, because there wouldn’t be — you’d leave society and life as you know it, behind.
你会变成另一个人 把你所了解的社会和生活都忘掉
42.and so inevitably, you would transform yourself — irreversibly, in all likelihood — as you began this exploration.
旅程开始之后,你将不可避免的改变自己 而且这改变是不可逆的
43.And then the second thing is that there’s this tangible sense that if you travel far enough, you can find out there — oh, yeah — you have no idea what you’re going to find
另一个原因是那种真实的感觉 如果你旅行的足够远,你会发现 自己一旦到达太空中
44.once you get there, into space.
45.It’s going to be different than here.
46.And in fact, it’s going to be so different than what we see here on earth that anything is going to be possible.
与在地球上看到的完全不同 凡事皆有可能
47.So that’s kind of the idea — we as humans crave the idea of creating a new identity and going into a place where anything is possible.
因此,我们渴望着创造一个新的身份 生活在一个有无限可能的地方
48.And I think that if you really sit and think about it, virtual worlds, and where we’re going with more and more computing technology,
我想,如果你真正坐下来想一想 虚拟世界,伴随着越来越先进的电脑技术 我们将走向何方,
49.represent essentially the likely, really tactically possible version of space exploration.
它意味着空间探索 完全有实现的可能
50.We are moved by the idea of virtual worlds because, like space, they allow us to reinvent ourselves and they contain anything and everything, and probably anything could happen there.
如同太空,我们也能被虚拟世界所打动, 它们让我们重生自我,它们无所不包 蕴含无限可能
51.You know, to give you a size idea about scale, you know, comparing space to Second Life, most people don’t realize, kind of — and then this is just like the Internet in the early ’90s.
给大家一个规模的概念 大部分人意识不到,这就像是 20世纪90年代早期的互联网
52.In fact, Second Life virtual worlds are a lot like the Internet in the early ’90s today: everybody’s very excited, there’s a lot of hype and excitement about one idea or the next
事实上,“第二人生”虚拟世界更像是“90年代早期互联网” 让所有人兴奋不已 每出现一个新概念,总有很多炒作和卖点
53.from moment to moment, and then there’s despair and everybody thinks the whole thing’s not going to work.
随着时间的推移,狂热之后变成绝望 所有人都认为这件事情没有可能
54.Everything that’s happening with Second Life and more broadly with virtual worlds, all happened in the early ’90s.
“第二人生”,甚至更广义上的虚拟世界 现在的处境,早在90年代初期就出现过。
55.We always play a game at the office where you can take any article and find the same article where you just replace the words “Second Life”
我们在办公室总做一个游戏,拿任何一篇文章 在里面找到“第二人生”替换为“网络”
56.with “Web,” and “virtual reality” with “Internet.”
57.You can find exactly the same articles written about everything that people are observing.
你会发现完全相同的文章 在不同的时代被人们冠以不同的内容
58.To give you an idea of scale, Second Life is about 20,000 CPUs at this point.
59.it’s about 20,000 computers connected together in three facilities in the United States right now, that are simulating this virtual space. And the virtual space itself —
这相当于当前20000台电脑 通过三个中心相互连接 来模拟这个虚拟空间。并且在虚拟空间内部
60.there’s about 250,000 people a day that are wandering around in there, so the kind of, active population is something like a smallish city.
每天有25万个人在畅游其中 在线的人数相当于一座小城市的人口
61.The space itself is about 10 times the size of San Francisco, and it’s about as densely built out.
虚拟空间本身大约是旧金山的10倍大小 并且以同样的密度构造
62.So it gives you an idea of scale. Now, it’s expanding very rapidly — about five percent a month or so now, in terms of new servers being added.
这是它的规模。现在,这个虚拟空间正在快速扩张 服务器的数量每个月增长5%左右
63.And so of course, radically unlike the real world, and like the Internet, the whole thing is expanding very, very quickly, and historically exponentially.
当然,与真实世界迥然不同的是 所有的一切都像互联网一样 扩张的非常快,呈几何级数的增长
64.So that sort of space exploration thing is matched up here by the amount of content that’s in there, and I think that amount is critical.
因此,这样的空间探索 与“第二人生”里面的内容相匹配 并且我认为”内容”是关键
65.It was critical with the virtual world that it be this space of truly infinite possibility.
对于虚拟世界来说最重要的是 去创造一个无限可能的空间
66.We’re very sensitive to that as humans.
67.You know, you know when you see it. You know when you can do anything in a space and you know when you can’t.
当你看到它时,你就会明白什么时候可以做什么事情 你也知道什么时候又不可以
68.Second Life today is this 20,000 machines, and it’s about 100 million or so user-created objects where, you know, an object would be something like this, possibly interactive.
今天的“第二人生”是这样的20000台机器 以及用户创造的1亿个物件所构成 一个物件就像是这样的东西,可能是互动性的
69.10 of millions of them are thinking all the time: they have code attached to them.
上千万种物件总在运转 它们内涵代码
70.So it’s a really large world already, in terms of the amount of stuff that’s there and that’s very important.
从数量上来看它已经是一个非常庞大的世界了 这个规模很重要
71.If anybody plays, like, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft comes on, like, four DVDs.
如果任何人在玩”魔兽世界”之类的游戏 魔兽世界的容量也就是4张DVD大小
72.Second Life, by comparison, has about 100 terabytes of user-created data, making it about 25,000 times larger.
相比较而言,“第二人生”拥有大约10万个G 的用户数据,这让它会(比魔兽世界)大25000倍
73.So again, like the Internet compared to AOL, and the sort of chat rooms and content on AOL at the time, what’s happening here is something very different,
如果拿互联网与美国在线相比 那时AOL的聊天室及其内容 与发生在这里的事情是非常不同的
74.because the sheer scale of what people can do when they’re enabled to do anything they want is pretty amazing.
因为人们可以做的事情 规模之庞大令人匪夷所思
75.The last big thought is that it is almost certainly true that whatever this is going to evolve into is going to be bigger in total usage than the Web itself.
最后一个主要的想法:几乎千真万确的 无论这个东西向着什么方向发展 虚拟世界的功能要比网络本身重要很多
76.And let me justify that with two statements.
77.Generically, what we use the Web for is to organize, exchange, create and consume information.
笼统的来讲,我们使用网络是为了组织、交换 创造和使用信息
78.It’s kind of like Irene talking about Google being data-driven.
79.I’d say I kind of think about the world as being information.
80.Everything that we interact with, all the experiences that we have, is kind of us flowing through a sea of information and interacting with it in different ways.
和我们互动的一切,经历的所有东西 就像航行在一片信息的海洋 只是以不同方式交流而已
81.The Web puts information in the form of text and images.
82.The topology, the geography of the Web is text-to-text links for the most part.
83.That’s one way of organizing information, but there are two things about the way you access information in a virtual world that I think are the important ways that they’re very different
这是组织信息的一种方式 不过在虚拟世界中人们获取信息的方式 有非常重要的两种
84.and much better than what we’ve been able to do to date with the Web.
85.The first is that, as I said, the — well, the first difference for virtual worlds is that information is presented to you in the virtual world
第一点是 虚拟世界的第一点不同就是 在虚拟世界中展现给你的信息
86.using the most powerful iconic symbols that you can possibly use with human beings.
运用了最强大的视觉符号 这是人类世界最直观的东西
87.So for example, C-H-A-I-R is the English word for that, but a picture of this is a universal symbol.
下面举个例子,C-H-A-I-R是一个英文单词, 但是一张椅子的图片是一个世界通用符号
88.Everybody knows what it means. There’s no need to translate it.
89.It’s also more memorable if I show you that picture, and I show you C-H-A-I-R on a piece of paper.
如果给你这幅图片,和一张“C-H-A-I-R”的纸 图片的印象更加深刻
90.You can do tests that show that you’ll remember that I was talking about a chair a couple of days later a lot better.
可以做一些测试 几天之后谈论起“椅子”,你会记得更牢
91.So when you organize information using the symbols of our memory, using the most common symbols that we’ve been immersed in all our lives,
因此当使用记忆中的“符号”来组织信息时 那些生活中最常见的符号
92.you maximally both excite, stimulate, are able to remember, transfer and manipulate data.
会让你最大限度的兴奋、激动 并能够更好的回忆、传递和处理数据。
93.And so virtual worlds are the best way for us to essentially organize and experience information.
所以虚拟世界是我们对信息进行基本的 组织和体验的最佳方式
94.And I think that’s something that people have talked about for 20 years — you know, that 3D, that lifelike environments are really important in some magical way to us.
而且我认为有些事情人们已经讨论了20年 大家知道,3D,那些对我们来说 神奇而重要的仿真环境。
95.But the second thing — and I think this one is less obvious — is that the experience of creating, consuming, exploring that information
那么第二个因素,我认为这点不那么显而易见 就是在虚拟世界里创造、使用和探索信息的经历
96.is in the virtual world implicitly and inherently social.
97.You are always there with other people.
98.And we as humans are social creatures and must, or are aided by, or enjoy more, the consumption of information in the presence of others.
作为人类,我们是社会性的动物,必须,或者得益于, 享受着别人提供的信息
99.It’s essential to us. You can’t escape it.
100.When you’re on Amazon.com and you’re looking for digital cameras or whatever, you’re on there right now, when you’re on the site, with like 5,000 other people,
当你在“亚马逊”上寻找数码相机或其他什么商品时, 当你在网站上时,你与其他5000个人在一起
101.but you can’t talk to them.
102.You can’t just turn to the people that are browsing digital cameras on the same page as you, and ask them, “Hey, have you seen one of these before because I’m thinking about buying it.”
你不能就这样冲着别人 和你一起数码相机的人,问道 “喂,你看上哪款了?我想买一台。”
103.That experience of like, shopping together, just as a simple example, is an example of how as social creatures we want to experience information in that way.
这种经历就像是一起逛街,这是一个简单的例子, 这就说明了作为社会性生物 我们喜欢如何体验信息
104.So that second point, that we inherently experience information together or want to experience it together, is critical to essentially, kind of,
因此,第二个因素,即我们一同体验信息 或希望一同体验信息 对于我们将要在哪里运用技术手段
105.this trend of where we’re going to use technology to connect us.
106.And so I think, again, that it’s likely that in the next decade or so these virtual worlds are going to be the most common way as human beings
因此我再一次认为,也许在未来十年 就像人类使用互联网的电子设备一样,如果你愿意
107.that we kind of use the electronics of the Internet, if you will, to be together, to consume information.
与他人一起使用信息,虚拟世界将成为 你最常用的方式
108.You know, mapping in India — that’s such a great example.
109.Maybe the solution there involves talking to other people in real time.
110.Asking for advice, rather than any possible way that you could just statically organize a map.
寻求建议,而不是任何其他的方式 自己独立去画一张地图
111.So I think that’s another big point.
112.I think that wherever this is all going, whether it’s Second Life or its descendants, or something broader that happens all around the world at a lot of different points —
我认为不管第二人生走到哪里 不管它是“第二人生”或是以后出现的技术 在全世界很多地方出现的,更广义的东西
113.this is what we’re going to see the Internet used for, and total traffic and total unique users is going to invert, so that the Web and its bibliographic set of text and graphical information
这是我们将看到互联网所能做的事情 也是全部流量和所有用户将要寻找的未来 这样互联网和它参考书目式的文本以及图形化的信息将变成一种工具
114.is going to become a tool or a part of that consumption pattern, but the pattern itself is going to happen mostly in this type of an environment.
或信息使用模式的一部分 不过模式本身将很大程度上在这种环境(即“第二人生”)下运作
115.Big idea, but I think highly defensible.
116.So let me stop there and bring John back, and maybe we can just have a longer conversation.
那么让我暂停一下并请约翰回来 可能我们会进行一次更长的对话
117.Thank you. John. That’s great.
118.(Applause) John Hockenberry: Why is the creation, the impulse to create Second Life, not a Utopian impulse?
(鼓掌) 约翰:为什么创造出“第二人生”?你的动力是什么? 难道不是一个乌托邦式的冲动么?
119.Like for example, in the 19th century, any number of works of literature that imagined alternative worlds were explicitly Utopian.
就像是19世纪 任何憧憬另一种世界的文艺作品 都很明显是在描绘乌托邦