
1.A fact came out of MIT, couple of years ago. Ken Hale, who’s a linguist, said that of the 6,000 languages spoken on Earth right now,
几年前 从麻省理工大学传出这样一种说法。 一位名叫肯?霍尔的 语言学家称, 当今全世界人 说的6000种语言中,
2.3,000 aren’t spoken by the children.
3.So that in one generation, we’re going to halve our cultural diversity.
也就是说在下一代中, 我们的文化多样性将会减半。
4.He went on to say that every two weeks, an elder goes to the grave carrying the last spoken word of that culture.
这位语言学家继续称, 每两周内, 便有会说一种语言的 最后一位老人 离开人世。
5.So an entire philosophy, a body of knowledge about the natural world that had been empirically gleaned over centuries, goes away.
自然界经过几个世纪 辛苦收集来的所有知识 以及哲学理念 正在逐步消失,
6.And this happens every two weeks.
7.So for the last 20 years, since my dental experience, I have been traveling the world and coming back with stories about some of these people.
因此在过去的二十年间, 当我还是一名牙医的时候, 我就开始周游世界, 到处搜集一些 像这样的人的故事。
8.And — what I’d like to do right now is share some of those stories with you.
现在我就想和你们一起 分享一下其中的一些故事。
9.This is Tamdin.
10.She is a 69-year-old nun.
11.She was thrown in prison in Tibet for two years for putting up a little tiny placard protesting the occupation of her country.
她已经被关进西藏的监狱两年了, 就因为她之前张贴了一块布告, 反对自己的国家被占领。
12.And when I met her, she had just taken a walk over the Himalayas from Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, into Nepal, across to India — 30 days —
当我遇见她的时候, 她刚花了30天 从西藏省会拉萨徒步穿过喜马拉雅山, 经过尼泊尔, 最终到达印度 meet her leader, the Dalai Lama.
14.The Dalai Lama lives in Dharamsala, India.
15.So I took this picture three days after she arrived, and she had this beat-up pair of tennis shoes on, with her toes sticking out.
这张照片 是她到达三天后我拍的, 她当时脚上穿着破旧的跑鞋, 脚趾头都伸了出来。
16.And she crossed in March, and there’s a lot of snow at 18,500 feet in March.
而且她是三月份走过来的, 当时在三月,那里的雪深可达18500英尺。
17.This is Paldin.
18.Paldin is a 62-year-old monk.
19.And he spent 33 years in prison.
20.And he was — his whole monastery was thrown into prison at the time of the uprising, when the Dalai Lama had to leave Tibet.
那是在起义的时候, 整个修道院的僧侣被关进监狱, 而达赖喇嘛 也被迫离开西藏。
21.And he was beaten, starved, tortured — lost all his teeth while in prison.
在监狱的这些年中, 宝丁一直处于挨打、挨饿、被虐待的状态, 牙齿甚至都全部掉光了。
22.And when I met him, he was a kind gentle old man.
23.And it really impressed me — I met him two weeks after he got out of prison  — that he went through that experience, and ended up
这一点真的给我留下了很深的印象, 我就在他出狱后的两周内见到了他, 而他经历了过去的那么多事之后,
24.with the demeanor that he had.
25.So I was in Dharamsala meeting these people, and I’d spent about five weeks there, and I was hearing these similar stories of these refugees that had poured out of Tibet
我在达兰萨拉市会见这样的人, 在我呆那儿的五个星期里, 总是听到像这样 被赶出西藏躲到达兰萨拉的
26.into Dharamsala.
27.And it just so happened, on the fifth week, there was a public teaching by the Dalai Lama.
然后就在第五个星期, 那里举行了一次达赖喇嘛的公开教学。
28.And he — and I was watching this crowd of monks and nuns, many of which I had just interviewed, and heard their stories, and I watched their faces,
我看着 这一群僧侣尼姑, 他们中的很多人我刚采访过, 听过他们的故事, 我看着他们的面容。
29.and they gave us a little FM radio, and we could listen to the translation of his teachings.
他们给了我们一个小型的调频收音机, 我们便可以听到教学内容的翻译。
30.And what he said was, treat your enemies as if they were precious jewels, because it’s your enemies that build your tolerance and patience
他当时是这样说的: 像对待珍宝一样对待你们的敌人, 因为正是这些敌人 培养了你的忍耐力,
31.on the road to your enlightenment.
32.And I couldn’t — that hit me so hard, telling these people that had been through this experience.
这些话彻底震惊了我, 他竟然告诉这些经历了这么多苦难的人们这些话。
33.So, two months later, I went into Tibet, and I started interviewing the people there, taking my photographs. That’s what I do.
因此,两个月后,我去了西藏。 我开始采访当地一些人, 也拍了一些照。那就是我所做的事,
34.I interview and do portraits.
35.And — and this is a little girl.
36.I took her portrait up on top of the Jokhang Temple.
37.And I’d snuck in — because it’s totally illegal to have a picture of the Dalai Lama in Tibet — it’s the quickest way you can get arrested.
由于在西藏, 拥有一张达赖喇嘛的照片是完全犯法的一件事, 这会使你最快进监狱。
38.So I snuck in a bunch of little wallet-sized pictures of the Dalai Lama, and I would hand them out.
因此我偷偷地拿出了几张钱夹尺寸的达赖喇嘛的照片, 然后我把这些照片都发了出去。
39.And when I gave them to the people, they’d either hold them to their heart, or they’d hold them up to their head and just stay there.
当我分发给当地人时, 他们要么把照片贴在胸口, 要么把照片高高举过头顶,就那样站在那儿不动。
40.And this is — well, at the time — I did this 10 years ago — that was 36 years after the Dalai Lama had left.
这些 都是我在十年前做的事, 那是达赖喇嘛离开后的第36年。
41.So I was going in, interviewing these people and doing their portraits.
我继续采访着这些人, 给他们拍照。
42.This is Jigme and her sister, Sonam.
43.And they live up on the Chang Tang, the Tibetan Plateau, way in the western part of the country.
他们住在位于国家西部的 青藏高原羌塘地区。
44.This is at 17,000 feet.
45.And they had just come down from the high pastures, at 18,000 feet.
他们刚从更高的 海拔18000英尺的牧场下来。
46.Same thing: gave her a picture, she held it up to her forehead.
同样的事情发生了,当我给她那张照片时, 她把它高举到前额处。
47.And I usually hand out Polaroids when I do these, because I’m setting up lights, and checking my lights, and when I showed her a Polaroid, she screamed and ran into her tent.
我每次都是拿出宝丽来相机给他们拍照, 这样可以 调整检查光线, 但当我拿出相机时,她尖叫着跑回了帐篷。
48.This is Tenzin Gyatso, he was found to be the Buddha of Compassion at the age of two, out in a peasant’s house, way out in the middle of nowhere.
这位是丹增嘉措, 他在两岁时 在一个偏僻的农民家里 被奉为观世音菩萨。
49.At the age of four, he was installed as the 14th Dalai Lama.
四岁时, 他被任为第14世达赖喇嘛。
50.As a teenager, he faced the invasion of his country, and had to deal with it — he was the leader of the country.
他还是个十几岁的孩子时, 就面临着国家被入侵的危险, 而他作为国家领导者,必须站出来处理这件事。
51.Eight years later, when they discovered there was a plot to kill him, they dressed him up like a beggar and snuck him out of the country on a horseback,
八年后,人们发现有人想要谋杀他, 于是 他们将他化妆成乞丐的样子, 让他骑着马偷偷溜出了国家,
52.and took the same trip that Tamdin did.
53.And he lives in — and he’s never been back to his country since.
54.And if you think about this man, 46 years later, still sticking to this non-violent response to a severe political and human rights issue.
46年后, 丹增嘉措 面对这么严重的 政治和人权问题, 仍然坚持 非暴力处理这件事,
55.And the young people, young Tibetans, are starting to say, listen, this doesn’t work.
然而一些年轻的西藏人却开始说: 听着,非暴力解决不了问题。
56.You know, vi — violence as a political tool is all the rage right now.
大家都知道, 暴力作为一种政治工具在当今世界大行其道,
57.And he still is holding this line.
然而 丹增嘉措仍然坚持非暴力这条底线,
58.So this is our icon to non-violence in our world — one of our living icons.
这便是 今世界支持非暴力的 个活生生的楷模。
59.This is another leader of his people.
60.This is Moi. This is in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
61.And Moi is 35 years old.
62.And this area of the Ecuadorian Amazon — oil was discovered in 1972.
1972年 在这块亚马逊流域内 开采出了石油。
63.And in this period of time — since that time — as much oil, or twice as much oil, as was spilled in the Exxon Valdez accident was spilled in this little area of the Amazon,
自从那时起, 不断有石油泄露在亚马逊流域的这一小块地区, 数量有埃克森-瓦尔迪兹号事件泄露的石油那么多, 甚至有两倍多,
64.and the tribes in this area have constantly had to move.
65.And Moi belongs to the Huaorani tribe, and they’re known as very fierce, they’re known as “auca.”
摩伊 属于华欧拉尼族人, 他们以凶猛著称, 被称作“奥卡族”。
66.And they’ve managed to keep out the seismologists and the oil — oil workers with spears and blowguns.
他们拿着长矛和吹矢枪 赶走了地震学家 以及开采石油的工人。
67.And I spent — we spent — I was with a team — two weeks with these guys out in the jungle watching them hunt.
我们团队 用了两周的时间 和这些家伙一起在树林中 观察他们打猎,
68.This was on a monkey hunt, hunting with curare-tipped darts.
他们用带着毒素的 镶齿飞镖猎猴。
69.And the knowledge that these people have about the natural environment is incredible.
这些人对大自然的认识了解 简直让人难以置信,
70.They could hear things, smell things, see things I couldn’t see.
71.And I couldn’t even see the monkeys that they were getting with these darts.
我甚至都看不到 那些他们用飞镖 投射到的野猴。
72.This is Yadira, and Yadira is five years old. She’s in a — a– tribe that’s neighboring the Huaorani.
这位是 五岁的 亚迪拉, 她住在一个邻近华欧拉尼族的部落,
73.And her tribe has had to move three times in the last 10 years because of the oil spills.
由于石油泄露, 在过去的十年间他们的部落已经迁徙了三次,
74.And we never hear about that. And the latest infraction against these people is, as part of Plan Colombia, we’re spraying Paraquat or Round Up, or whatever it is —
而我们却从未听说过。 最近又有一件破坏这里环境的事发生, 作为哥伦比亚计划的一部分, 人们将在这里喷洒除草剂——无论是百草枯、草甘膦还是其它品种,
75.we’re defoliating thousands of acres of the Ecuadorian Amazon in our war on drugs.
在这场农药战争中 厄瓜多尔的亚马逊流域内成千上万英亩的树林 将毁于一旦。
76.And these people are the people who take the brunt of it.
77.This is Mengatoue.
78.He’s the shaman of the Huaorani, and he — he just — he said to us, you know, I’m an older man now, I’m getting tired, you know, I’m tired
他是华欧拉尼族的萨满法师。 他只是对我们这样说: “你知道,我已经老了, 也越来越疲惫了,你知道,
79.of spearing these oil workers, I wish they would just go away.
用长矛赶那些石油工人让我厌烦, 我只希望他们离开。”
80.And I was — I usually travel alone when I do my work, but I did this — I hosted a program for Discovery, and when I went down with the team,
当我工作的时候总是独自旅行, 然而这次我做了一件事—— 我为探索频道举办了一期节目, 当我和团队一起进入那个部落时,
81.I was quite concerned about going in with a whole bunch of people, especially into the Huaorani, deep into the Huaorani tribe.
我非常想深入了解这些人, 特别是 华欧拉尼族。
82.And as it turned out, these guys really taught me a thing or two about blending in with the locals.
而事实证明, 这些家伙的确 就如何与当地人打交道 教了我一二。
83.(Laughter) One of the things I did just before 9/11 — August of 2001 — I took my son, Dax, who was 16 at the time, and I took him to Pakistan.
(笑声) 就在911事件之前的 2001年8月, 我带着儿子 达克斯 去了巴基斯坦, 当时他16岁。
84.Because at first I wanted — you know, I’ve taken him on a couple of trips, but I wanted him to see people that live on a dollar a day or less.
过去 我也带他旅行过几次, 而这次我想让他看看 那些一天只靠一美元甚至更少的钱活着的人的生活,
85.I wanted him to get an experience in the Islamic world and I also wanted him to — I was going there to work with a group, do a story on a group called the Kalash,
我想让他体验 伊斯兰教的世界。 当时 我是和一群人一起去那儿的, 报道一群叫卡拉什的部落,
86.that are a group of animists, 3,000 animists, that live — very small area — surrounded by Islam — there’s 3,000 of these Kalash left, they’re incredible people.
那是个有3000信奉精灵的人的部落, 他们住在被伊斯兰教徒围绕着的一块非常小的地区, 卡拉什部落只有这3000人留下, 他们都是一些不可思议的人。
87.So it was a great experience for him. He stayed up all night with them, drumming and dancing.
因此这对我儿子来说也是次特别的经历。 他和这些人晚上通宵未睡,打鼓起舞,
88.And he brought a soccer ball, and we had soccer every night in this little village.
他买了个足球, 于是每晚我们便在这个小村庄里踢足球。
89.And then we went up and met their shaman.
然后我们去见了 他们的萨满法师,
90.By the way, Mengatoue was the shaman of his tribe as well.
顺便提一下, 蒙伽透也是他们部落的萨满法师。
91.And this is John Doolikahn, who’s the shaman of the Kalash.
卡拉什部落的巫师叫 约翰?杜利坎,
92.And he’s up in the mountains, right on the border with Afghanistan.
他住在 与阿富汗交界处的高山上。
93.In fact, on that other side is the area, Tora Bora, the area where Osama bin Laden’s supposed to be. This is the tribal area.
其实在那另一边的托拉博拉地区, 就是奥萨马?本拉登的藏身之处。 这是个部落地区,
94.And we watched and stayed with John Doolikahn.
我们和 杜利坎 呆在一起观看。
95.And the shaman — I did a whole series on shamanism, which is a — an interesting phenomenon.
我对萨满教做过一系列的研究, 我觉得 这是个很有趣的现象。
96.But around the world, they go into trance in different ways, and in Pakistan, the way they do it is they burn juniper leaves and they sacrifice an animal,
他们在全世界内 用不同的方式对人进行催眠活动, 在巴基斯坦, 他们的方式是燃烧杜松叶, 然后用一头动物来祭祀,
97.pour the blood of the animal on the leaves and then inhale the smoke.
将动物的血洒在叶子上, 然后吸入烟雾,
98.And they’re all praying to the mountain gods as they — as they go into trance.
而且进行催眠的时候 他们总是会 向山神祷告。
99.That was — you know, getting kids used to different realities, I think is so important. What Dan Dennett said the other day — having a curriculum where they study different religions —
这就是 让孩子习惯不同的现实, 我觉得这一点很重要。丹?丹尼特以前说过: 要让孩子们上一节可以从中学到不同宗教的课程,
100.just to make a mental flexibility — give them a mental flexibility in different belief systems.
只是为了让他们的思想 能在不同的信仰系统里 能在不同的信仰系统里变得灵活。
101.I think this is so necessary in our world today as you see these clash of beliefs taking place.
当今世界各种不同信仰之间的冲突越来越频繁, 包括发生的一切有关安全的事件
102.And all the security issues they — they cause us.
103.So, one things we did five years ago: we started a program that links kids in indigenous communities with kids in the United States.
因此五年前我们做了这样一件事: 我们开设了一个 连接土著孩子和美国孩子的项目。
104.So we first hooked up a — a spot in the Navajo Nation with a classroom in Seattle.
起初我们连接了 纳瓦霍族的一个地区和西雅图的一间教室,
105.We now have 15 sites.
106.We have one in Kathmandu, Nepal; Dharamsala, India; Takaungu, Kenya — Takaungu is one-third Christian, one-third Muslim and one-third animist, the community is —
尼泊尔的加德满都, 印度的达兰萨拉,肯尼亚的塔卡温古 (在塔卡温古,有三分之一基督徒,三分之一穆斯林徒, 另外三分之一信奉精灵的人),
107.Ollantaytambo, Peru, and Arctic Village, Alaska.
秘鲁的坦波, 以及阿拉斯加州的北极村,这些都是我们的项目地点。
108.This is Daniel, he’s one of our students in Arctic Village, Alaska.
这位是丹尼尔, 他是阿拉斯加州北极村的一位学生。
109.He lives in this log cabin: no running water, no heat other than — no windows and high-speed Internet connection.
他住在这个小木屋里, 没有自来水,没有暖气, 没有窗户, 更没有高速的互联网连接。
110.And this is — this is — I see this rolling out all over — this is our site in Ollantaytambo, Peru, four years ago, where they first saw their first computers;
这样的情况 到处都是, 这是秘鲁坦波,我们的项目地点之一, 四年前,他们第一次见到了电脑, they have computers in their classrooms.
112.And the way we’ve done this — we teach digital storytelling to these kids.
我们教这些孩子 数字化讲故事的方法,
113.And we have them tell stories about issues in their community in their community that they care about.
我们让他们讲 自己关心的群落里的故事。
114.And this is in Peru, where the kids told the story about a river that they cleaned up.
这是在秘鲁, 孩子们讲了一个关于他们清理过的河流的故事。
115.And the way we do it is, we do it in workshops, and we bring people who want to learn digital workflow and storytelling, and have them
我们采取工作坊的形式, 请来一些想学 数字化流程以及数字化讲故事的人们, 让他们 with the kids.
117.And just this last year we’ve taken a group of teenagers in, and this has worked the best.
就在去年,我们带去了一组十几岁的孩子, 这是效果最好的一次。
118.So our dream is to bring teenagers together, so they’ll have a community service experience as well as a cross-cultural experience,
因此我们的梦想便是将这些青少年连接在一起, 让他们有社会服务的经历, 也让他们体验跨文化的冲击, they teach kids in these areas and help them build their communication infrastructure.
因为这些孩子会教当地的同龄人, 并帮他们掌握与人交流的基本能力。
120.This is teaching Photoshop in the children’s — Tibetan children’s village in Dharamsala.
这是在达兰萨拉市的一个西藏儿童村子里 教他们处理图像。
121.We have the website, where the kids all get their homepage.
122.This is all their movies. We’ve got about 60 movies that these kids have made, and they’re quite incredible.
这些都是他们做的影片, 我们一共收到了大约60份这些孩子做的影片, 这简直是令人难以置信。
123.The one I want to show you — after we get them to make the movies, we have a night where we show the movies to the community.
他们制作完影片后, 有一晚我们向整个群落的人 展示了这些影片。
124.And this is in Takaungu — we’ve got a generator and a digital projector, and we’re projecting it up against a barn, and showing one of the movies that they made.
这是在塔卡温古, 我们拥有一个发生器和数码放映机, 我们在一间谷仓里 放映其中的一部影片。
125.And if you get a chance, you can go to our website, and you’ll see the incredible work these kids do.
若你们有机会,可以去访问我们的网站, 便能欣赏到这些孩子制作出来的不可思议的影片。
126.The kids in our — the other thing: I wanted to give indigenous people a voice.
另一方面, 我也想让土著孩子有表达想法的机会,
127.That was one of the big motivating factors.
128.But the other motivating factor is the insular nature of our country.
然而另一个主要的目的是 让美国人了解自己的本土文化。
129.National Geographic just did a Roper Study of 18 to 26 year olds in our country and in nine other industrialized countries.
《国家地理》杂志刚做了个罗珀研究, 对象是美国 以及其他九个工业国家的 18至26岁的人。
130.It was a two million dollar study.
131.United States came in second to last in geographic knowledge.
美国人的地理知识 排倒数第二。
132.70 percent of the kids couldn’t find Afghanistan or Iraq on a map, 60 percent couldn’t find India; 30 percent couldn’t find the Pacific Ocean.
70%的孩子在地图上 找不到阿富汗以及伊拉克, 60%找不到印度, 30%找不到太平洋,
133.And this is a study that was just done a couple of years ago.
而这个研究 仅仅进行于几年之前。
134.So what I’d like to show you now, in the couple of minutes I have left, is a film that a student made in Guatemala.
在剩下的几分钟内, 我想展示给你们看的是 一部危地马拉市学生做的一部影片。
135.We just had a workshop in Guatemala.
136.A week before we got to the workshop, a massive landslide, caused by Hurricane Stan, last October, came in and buried 600 people alive in their village.
就在我们开设工作坊的前一个星期, 十月的斯坦飓风 导致的大规模塌方 活埋了村子里的600条生命。
137.And this kid lived in the village — he wasn’t there at the time — and this is the little movie he put together about that.
这孩子就是住在那个村子里, 飓风时他正好不在那里, 这就是他制作的关于那次飓风的一部短小的影片。
138.And he hadn’t seen a computer before we did this movie. We taught him Photoshop and — yeah, we can play it.
在我们制作这部影片之前他从未见过电脑, 于是我们教他使用图像处理软件, 现在就让我们一起欣赏吧。
139.This is an old Mayan funeral chant that he got from his grandfather.
这是他从祖父那里学来的 一段古老玛雅葬礼的圣歌。
140.Thank you very much.



2024-3-30 11:43:38



2024-3-30 11:45:13

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