
1.We are wired to pursue happiness, not only to enjoy it, but to want more and more of it.
我们热衷于追求幸福, 不是只为了享受它,而是无止境地想要更多的幸福。
2.So given that that’s true, how good are we at increasing our happiness?
既然是这样,我们在增加幸福方面 做得如何呢?
3.Well, we certainly try.
4.If you look on the Amazon site, there are over 2,000 titles with advice on the seven habits, the nine choices, the 14,000 thoughts that are supposed to bring happiness. There are so many books on it.
如果你上亚马逊网站,有超过2000本 宣称会给你带来幸福的书籍, 诸如七个习惯,九个选择, 14000个思维等。关于幸福的书太多了。
5.Now, another way we try to increase our happiness is we medicate ourselves.
另外一个增加幸福的方式是 通过药物。
6.And so there is over 120 million prescriptions out there right now for anti-depressants.
目前有超过1亿2千万人需要开 抗抑郁的药方。
7.Prozac was really the first absolutely blockbuster drug of the new psychopharmacology.
在新精神病药物学领域,百忧解的确是第一个真正的 轰动性药物。
8.It’s really the avatar of the new psychopharmacology.
9.It was clean, efficient, there was no high.
10.There was really no danger. It had no street value.
11.And then we have, of course, the last way of increasing happiness for some.
12.In 1995, illegal drugs were a 400 billion dollar business, representing eight percent of world trade, roughly the same as gas and oil.
1995年,毒品贸易额达到4000亿美元, 占世界贸易的百分之8, 跟石油天然气市场份额差不多。
13.If all else fails, people just want to get obliterated.
14.So far these routes to happiness haven’t really increased happiness very much.
15.I don’t have to speak for these cartoons; they kind of say what’s going on here.
16.Basically the happiness from a pill stays with the pill.
17.Anyone who goes off an anti-depressant or other medication immediately tends to relapse.
停止服用抗抑郁或其他药物的人们 会很快复发。
18.And then of course, the other self-help books you see.
19.One problem that’s happening now is, although the rates of happiness are about as flat as the surface of the moon, depression and anxiety are rising.
现有的一个问题是, 尽管幸福指数一直没什么变化,差不多跟月球表面一样平, 但是抑郁和焦虑却在上升。
20.Despite that we are in a world with so much more material wealth, much safer, better health, and all kinds of pharmaceuticals and treatments for mental illness,
尽管我们所处的世界拥有更多的物质财富, 人们感觉更加安全,更加健康, 有各种各样用来治疗精神疾病的药物和疗法,
21.we’re still seeing rises in depression and anxiety.
22.Some people say this is because we have better diagnosis, and more people are being found out.
有些人认为这是因为我们有了更好的诊断, 于是发现了更多的病人。
23.It isn’t just that. We’re seeing it all over the world.
24.In the United States right now there are more suicides than homicides.
现在在美国, 自杀案例比谋杀案例多。
25.There is a rash of suicide in China.
26.And the World Health Organization predicts that, by 2020, depression will be the second largest cause of disability-related years lost, after ischemic heart disease.
据世界卫生组织预计,到2020年, 在失能相关的健康生命损失方面, 抑郁将排在缺血性心脏病之后,成为第二大原因。
27.Happiness stays the same as ever.
28.Now the good news here is that if you take surveys from around the world, we find that more people are happy than not.
好消息是,如果你在世界范围内 作调查, 我们发现幸福的人较多。
29.And so these — I just took these random charts from Britain — this one is from the Unites States.
那么这些图表——我拿了一些英国的随机调查图表—— 这张是美国的。
30.And we see that about three quarters of people will say they are at least pretty happy, the majority.
我们发现大约四分之三的人 会认为他们至少是比较幸福的,占大多数。
31.But this does not follow any of the usual trends.
32.For example, these two show great growth in income, absolutely flat happiness curves.
譬如说,这两张显示随着收入的极大提高, 表示幸福感的曲线则完全没有变化。
33.So more money doesn’t seem to be doing anything to increase happiness level.
所以更多的钱似乎 对增加幸福水平没有什么作用。
34.Well, my field, the field of psychology, hasn’t done a whole lot to help us move forward in understanding human happiness.
嗯,我的研究领域,即心理学 并没有在帮助我们理解幸福方面 作出很多贡献。
35.In part, we have the legacy of Freud, who was a pessimist, who said that pursuit of happiness is a doomed quest, is propelled by infantile aspects
部分原因包括,我们深受弗洛伊德的影响,而他是一个悲观主义者, 他认为追求幸福是注定不会有结果的, 其只不过是受个体婴儿期特征推动,
36.of the individual that can never be met in reality.
37.He said, “One feels inclined to say that the intention that man should be happy is not included in the plan of creation.”
他说,“人们倾向于认为人类应该幸福的考虑, 并不包括在造物主的计划之中。“
38.So the ultimate goal of psychoanalytic psychotherapy was really what Freud called ordinary misery.
因此心理分析疗法的终极目标 其实是让人们恢复到弗洛伊德所称的“正常痛苦”的状态。
39.(Laughter) It in part reflects the anatomy of the human emotion system.
(笑声) 这在部分上反映了人类情绪系统的结构。
40.Which is that we have both a positive and a negative system.
41.And our negative system is extremely sensitive.
42.It is our sentinel. It is there to protect us against danger.
43.So for example, we’re born loving the taste of something sweet, and reacting adversely to the taste of something bitter.
举例来说,我们天生 喜欢甜的东西, 厌恶苦的东西。
44.Yet we are much more sensitive to the bitter than the sweet.
45.We can detect the bitter at one part per two million.
46.We can detect the sweet at one part per 200.
47.We also find the people are more averse to losing than they are happy to gain.
我们也发现人们对丧失的厌恶程度 要大于他们对获得的高兴程度。
48.People are very loss-averse.
49.I also have up here the marriage formula.
50.This is by a psychologist named John Gottman, in Seattle, who does work with couples, in couples therapy.
这是西雅图的一个叫John Gottman的心理学家做的, 他是做夫妻治疗的。
51.And he finds that the formula for a happy marriage is five positive remarks, or interactions, for every one negative.
他发现了一个幸福婚姻的公式, 即五次正面的谈话或互动, 才能抵消一次负面的。
52.(Laughter) And that’s how powerful the one negative is.
(笑声) 可见这一次负面的力量是多么强大。
53.Especially expressions of contempt or disgust, well you really need a lot of positives to upset that.
尤其是表达蔑视或厌恶, 这需要用好多好多正面的东西来中和。
54.I also put in here the stress response.
55.We’re wired for dangers that are immediate, that are physical, that are imminent, and so our body goes into an incredible reaction where endogenous opiates come in.
我们对直接的、身体的、紧迫的危险的反应是紧绷的, 我们的身体会进入一种惊人的应对状态, 这时脑内会释放内生性鸦片物质。
56.They are there to douse pain.
57.Our blood vessels constrict so we won’t bleed.
58.Our heart pumps to get muscles to our legs.
59.Now all of these things are fine, if we’re confronting a saber-toothed tiger.
60.But if someone is giving a violin recital, or arguing with their spouse, we have a system that is really ancient, and really there for physical danger.
但如果是某人在开小提琴演奏会, 或与配偶争吵时, 我们的情绪反应系统就真的过时了, 其实它本是用来应付人身受威胁的情况的。
61.And so over time, this becomes a stress response, which has enormous effects on the body.
长此已久,这就变成应激反应, 对我们的身体有巨大的影响。
62.Cortisol floods the brain.
63.It destroys hippocampal cells and memory.
64.And it can lead to all kinds of health problems.
65.But, unfortunately, we need this system in part.
66.If we were only governed by pleasure we would not survive.
如果我们只由快乐主导, 那我们是无法生存的。
67.As I said, we really have two command posts.
68.Emotions are short-lived intense responses to challenge and to opportunity.
情绪是面对挑战和机会 而产生的短暂的强烈反应。
69.And each one of them allows us to click into alternate selves that tune in, turn on, drop out thoughts, perceptions, feelings and memories.
每个情绪都让我们转变成不同的自我, 来调整,启动,放弃某些 思维,感知,情感和回忆。
70.We tend to think of emotions as just feelings.
71.But in fact emotions are an all-systems alert that change what we remember, what kind of decisions we make, and how we perceive things.
但实际上情绪是一个对所有系统的警觉, 它改变我们的记忆 我们所做的决定 以及我们如何看待事物。
72.So let me go forward to the new science of happiness.
73.We’ve come away from the Freudian gloom.
74.And people are now actively studying this.
75.And one of the key points in the science of happiness is that happiness and unhappiness are not endpoints of a single continuum.
幸福科学的关键之一是 幸福与痛苦并非 一个连续体的两端。
76.The Freudian model is really one continuum that, as you get less miserable, you get happier. And that isn’t true.
而弗洛伊德模式其实是一个连续体, 认为当你痛苦减少时, 你就变得更幸福。但这是错的。
77.When you get less miserable, you get less miserable.
78.And that happiness is a whole other end of the equation.
79.And it’s been missing. It’s been missing from psychotherapy.
80.So when people’s symptoms go away, they tend to recur.
81.Because there isn’t a sense of the other half, of what pleasure, happiness, compassion, gratitude, what are the positive emotions.
因为我们对另一半系统没有在意, 即快乐,幸福,同情,感恩等等 正面的情绪。
82.And of course we know this intuitively, that happiness is not just the absence of misery.
当然,我们凭直觉而知 幸福并不只等同于没有痛苦。
83.But somehow it was not put forward until very recently, seeing these as two parallel systems.
但阴错阳差,这个观点一直到最近才提出来, 即把幸福和痛苦看成两个平行的系统。
84.So that the body can both look for opportunity and also protect itself from danger, at the same time.
所以身体既可以寻找有利机会, 又可以面对危险保护自身,两者可以同时进行。
85.And they sort of two reciprocal and dynamically interacting systems.
86.People have also wanted to deconstruct.
87.We use this word “happy” and it’s this very large umbrella of a term.
88.And it can be deconstructed into — this is one recent suggestion — the sensory pleasures, amusement, contentment, relief, excitement,
它可以被分解成以下几个组成部分—— 这是一个比较新的建议—— 感官愉悦,娱乐, 满足,解脱,兴奋,
89.wonder, awe, ecstasy — from the carnal to the spiritual — elevation, gratitude, compassion.
惊奇,惊叹,狂喜——从肉体到精神—— 升华,感恩,同情。
90.These are from Paul Eckman’s recent work.
以上摘自Paul Eckman的近期研究。
91.And then three emotions for which there are no English words.
92.Fiero, which is the pride in accomplishment of a challenge.
Fiero 完成挑战后的成就感。
93.Schadenfreude, which is happiness in another’s misfortune, a malicious pleasure.
Schadenfreude 幸灾乐祸,一种恶意的快乐。
94.And naches, for all people who know this word, is a pride and joy in one’s children.
还有naches 有些人知道这个词, 它指的是因子女产生的自豪和喜悦。
95.Absent from this list, and absent from any discussions of happiness are happiness in another’s happiness.
这个列表和任何关于幸福的讨论所共同缺少的是, 因他人的幸福而幸福。
96.We don’t seem to have a word for that.
97.And I find that most distressing.
98.We are very sensitive to the negative, but it is in part offset by the fact that we have a positivity offset.
我们对负面事物非常敏感, 但我们积极的一面能对此 作出一定程度的抵消。
99.That is, most people are above the average in happiness.
100.Although we’re very sensitive to the negative, we start out a little above the average in positivity.
尽管我们对负面事物非常敏感, 但我们在对正面事物的感知上,是中等以上的。
101.We’re also born pleasure-seekers.
102.As I said, babies love the taste of sweet and hate the taste of bitter.
像我前面讲的,婴儿喜欢甜味, 讨厌苦味。
103.They love to touch smooth surfaces rather than rough ones.
104.They like to look at beautiful faces rather than plain faces.
他们喜欢看漂亮的脸 而不是普通的脸。
105.They like to listen to consonant melodies instead of dissonant melodies.
106.Babies really are born with a lot of innate pleasures.
107.People are also born with different temperaments.
108.And so they say we have this approach and avoidance system.
109.And some people have a primed-up approach system.
110.And some people have a primed-up avoidance system.
111.So here we have an example of someone, you know, born with an avoidance system.
我们在这儿举个例子, 这个人天生是避害系统。
112.There’s a lot of talk now, in the science of happiness about is it all genes?
在幸福科学里,目前存在许多关于 基因作用到底多大的讨论。
113.And there was once a statement made by a psychologist that said that 80 percent of the pursuit of happiness is really just about the genes.
曾有一个心理学家声称, 在对幸福的追求上, 百分之80是由基因决定的。
114.And it’s as difficult to become happier as it is to become taller.
115.That’s nonsense.
116.There is a decent contribution to happiness from the genes, about 50 percent.
117.But there is still that 50 percent that is unaccounted for.
118.And even something such as intelligence, height, all kinds of things that have genetic — predetermined — also can increase quite a bit.
即便是诸如智商,身高等 受基因限制的特征—— 天生注定的一些特征——也能后天改进
119.So that doesn’t limit us to the happiness we now have.
120.Let’s just go into the brain for a moment, and see where does happiness arise from in evolution.
让我们花点时间进入大脑, 看看从进化的角度,幸福来自哪里。
121.We have basically at least two systems here.
122.And they both are very ancient.
123.One is the reward system.
124.And that is fed by the chemical dopamine.
125.And it starts in the ventral tegmental area.
它产生于腹侧盖区。 goes to the nucleus accumbens, all the way up to the prefrontal cortex, orbital frontal cortex, where decisions are made, high level.
进入伏隔核,一直到前额皮质, 前额脑区底部,也就是大脑作高级决策的部位。
127.This was originally seen as a system that was the pleasure system of the brain.
最初我们把它看成一个 大脑的愉悦系统。
128.In the 1950s Olds and Milner put electrodes into the brain of a rat.
在50年代,Olds和Milner 把电极插入老鼠的大脑。
129.And the rat would just keep pressing that bar thousands and thousands and thousands of times.
老鼠会持续按那个开关条, 成千上万次地按。
130.It wouldn’t eat. It wouldn’t sleep. It wouldn’t have sex.
131.It wouldn’t do anything but press this bar.
132.So they assumed, well, it must really — this must be, you know, the brain’s orgasmatron.
所以研究者假设,这个部位真的是—— 一定是,大脑的高潮诱导器。
133.It turned out that it wasn’t.
134.That is really is a system of motivation, a system of wanting.
135.It’s a part of the brain that says, “I need this to survive.”
相当于大脑的一部分在说, “我需要靠它生存。”
136.It gives objects what’s called incentive salience.
137.It makes something look so attractive that you just have to go after it.
138.That’s something different from the system that is the pleasure system.
这跟愉悦系统 是不一样的。
139.Which simply says, “I like this.
140.This feels good. This sounds good.
141.I’m enjoying this. I feel safe. I feel warm. I feel good.”
142.The pleasure system, as you see, which is the internal opiates, there is a hormone oxytocin, is widely spread throughout the brain.
愉悦系统,如你所见, 是指内生性鸦片物质,其中有荷尔蒙后叶催产素, 遍布整个大脑。
143.But the dopamine system, the wanting system, is much more centralized to this area, the pleasure pathway.
但多巴胺系统,即欲求系统, 更加集中在这个区域, 愉悦通路。
144.The other thing about positive emotions is that they have a universal signal.
145.And we see here the smile.
146.And the universal signal is not just raising the corner of the lips into the zygomatic major.
这个通用标志不只是将嘴角上翘 至颧骨肌。
147.It’s also crinkling the outer corner of the eye, the orbicularis oculi.
它还包括外眼角起皱, 这是由于眼轮匝肌的作用。
148.And can anyone tell which one is the fake and the real smile on top here?
有谁能辨别出上图中哪个是假笑 哪个是真笑?
149.Yes. Yes, it’s B.
150.This was originally done by the neurologist Duchenne in the 19th century.
151.He had a man who was insensitive to pain.
152.He stimulated every muscle on his face.
153.He noticed that when he just raised his lips, he was grinning, but he didn’t look happy.
他发现当此人只是翘起嘴角时,他在咧嘴笑, 但看上去并不高兴。
154.And since then people have looked at this expression and find that this seems to be the mark of true happiness.
自那以后,人们就研究这个表情, 并且发现似乎这个表情才是真正高兴的标志。
155.So you see, even 10-month-old babies, when they see their mother, will show this particular kind of smile.
所以,大家看,即使10月大的婴儿在看见母亲的时候, 也会露出这种特点的微笑。
156.Extroverts use it more than introverts.
157.People who are relieved of depression show it more after than before.
158.So if you want to unmask a true look of happiness, you will look for this expression.
所以,如果你想揭开幸福真正的样子, 就去找这个表情吧。
159.I also want to make the point that our pleasures are really ancient.
160.And we learn, of course, many many pleasures.
161.But many of them are biased. And one of them, of course, is biophilia.
162.That we have a response to the natural world that’s very profound.
即我们对自然世界有一种 深刻的感觉。
163.We have a response to human beauty.
164.More people in the United States attend zoos than they do all of the national sporting events.
美国人去动物园的次数, 要比他们去看所有国内体育赛事的次数要多。
165.People love to be part of the natural world.
166.And this is very much a part of us.
167.There were very interesting studies done on people recovering from surgery, who found that people who faced — this was published in “Science” — people who faced a brick wall,
针对手术后恢复的病人,研究人员做了一些非常有趣的研究, 该项研究发表在《科学》杂志上, 研究发现,对比窗外是砖墙的病人



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