1.So I guess it is a result of globalization that you can find Coca-Cola tins on top of Everest and Buddhist monk in Monterey.
我认为全球化的后果之一就是你能在 珠穆朗玛峰上发现可口可乐易拉罐,也能在Monterey(TED大会所在地)看到佛教僧侣。
2.(Laughter) And so I just came, two days ago, from the Himalayas to your kind invitation.
(笑声) 两天前,我受邀从喜马拉雅来到这里。
3.So I would like to invite you, also, for a while, to the Himalayas themselves.
4.And to show the place where meditators, like me, who began with being a molecular biologist in Pasteur Institute, and found their way to the mountains.
在喜马拉雅,修行者们,譬如我– 一位起初在巴斯德研究所从事分子研究的人, 寻得了心灵的归宿。
5.So these are a few images I was lucky to take and be there.
6.There’s the Mount Kailash in Eastern Tibet — wonderful setting.
7.This is from Marlboro country.
8.(Laughter) This is Turquoise Lake.
(笑声) 这是碧湖。
9.A meditator.
10.This is the hottest day of the year somewhere in Eastern Tibet on August 1st.
11.And the night before, we camped, and my Tibetan friends said, “We are going to sleep outside.” And I said, “Why? We have enough space in the tent.”
这是7月31号晚上,我们在露营,我的西藏朋友说– “我们今晚在露天睡。”我说:“为什么?帐篷里有地方睡啊。”
12.They said, “Yes, but it’s summertime.”
13.(Laughter) So now, we are going to speak of happiness.
(笑声) 现在,我们来谈谈幸福。
14.As a Frenchman, I must say that there are a lot of French intellectuals that think happiness is not at all interesting.
作为一个法国人,我不得不提及法国的许多知识分子, 他们皆认为幸福毫无乐趣。
15.(Laughter) I just wrote an essay on happiness, and there was a controversy.
(笑声) 我曾写过一篇关于幸福的散文,但却引起一场辩论。
16.And someone wrote an article saying, don’t impose on us the dirty work of happiness.
17.(Laughter) “We don’t care about being happy. We need to live with passion.
(笑声) 我们不在乎幸不幸福。我们需要的是激情人生。
18.We like the ups and downs of life.
19.We like our suffering because it’s so good when it ceases for awhile.”
20.(Laughter) This is what I see from the balcony of my hermitage in the Himalayas.
(笑声) 这张照片是我所处的喜马拉雅的修道院阳台上看到的景象。
21.It’s about two meters by three, and you are all welcome any time.
22.(Laughter) Now, let’s come to happiness or well-being.
(笑声) 我们再说回幸福这个话题。
23.And first of all, you know, despite what the French intellectuals say, it seems that no one wakes up in the morning thinking, “May I suffer the whole day?”
首先,不管法国的知识分子们如何评价幸福, 似乎没有人会在早上睡醒时想到 “今天我可以痛苦一回吗?”
24.(Laughter) Which means that somehow — consciously or not, directly or indirectly, in the short or the long term, whatever we do, whatever we hope, whatever we dream —
(笑声) 这在某种程度上意味着–有意识地或无意识地 直接或间接地,短期或长期地, 我们的行为,我们的希望,我们的梦想–
25.somehow, is related to a deep, profound desire for well-being or happiness.
26.As Pascal said, even the one who hangs himself, somehow, is looking for cessation of suffering — he finds no other way.
正如帕斯卡(法国数学家、物理学家、哲学家)所说:即使是上吊自杀的人 也是为了摆脱痛苦–因为别无他法。
27.But then, if you look in the literature, East and West, you can find incredible diversity of definition of happiness.
在东西方文学中,你能看到 关于幸福的各式各样定义。
28.Some people say, I only believed in remembering the past, imagining the future, never the present.
有人认为幸福只存于回忆中, 及对未来的憧憬,而不存在于当下。
29.Some people say happiness is right now; it’s the quality of the freshness of the present moment.
有人则认为此刻即是幸福, 其意义在于即时鲜活的生命力。
30.And that led to Henri Bergson, the French philosopher, to say, “All the great thinkers of humanity have left happiness in the vague
而法国哲学家亨利.柏格森认为 “人类所有伟大的思想家给幸福下的定义都是模糊的
31.so that they could define — each of them could define their own terms.”
32.Well, that would be fine if it was just a secondary preoccupation in life.
33.But now, if it is something that is going to determine the quality of every instant of our life, then we better know what it is, have some clearer idea.
但如今,如果幸福会决定 我们的整个生活质量, 那我们最好还是弄清楚幸福到底是什么。
34.And probably, the fact that we don’t know that is why, so often, although we seek happiness, it seems we turn our back to it.
而实际上我们很可能不知道为何我们总是 在寻找幸福而事实上却似乎是背道而驰,
35.Although we want to avoid suffering, it seems we are running somewhat towards it.
36.And that can also come from some confusions.
37.One of the most common ones is happiness and pleasure.
38.But, if you look at the characteristics of those two, pleasure is contingent upon time, upon its object, upon the place.
如果比较二者的特征会发现 享乐视时间、对象、地点而定。
39.It is something that changes of nature.
40.Beautiful chocolate cake: first serving is delicious, second one not so much, then we feel disgust.
漂亮的巧克力蛋糕第一次吃起来觉得是美味, 吃多了就开始觉得恶心了。
41.(Laughter) That’s the nature of things: we get tired.
(笑声) 原因就是:我们觉得腻了。
42.I used to be a fan of Bach. I used to play it on the guitar, you know.
43.I can hear it two, three, five times.
44.If I had to hear it 24 hours, non-stop, it might be very tiring.
45.If you are feeling very cold, you come near a fire, it’s so wonderful.
46.Then, after some moments, you just go a little back, and then it starts burning.
47.It sort of uses itself as you experience it.
48.And also, again, it can — also, it’s something that you — it is not something that is radiating outside.
这种体验只有你才有 只是你的体验而不是火自身的本质。
49.Like, you can feel intense pleasure and some others around you can be suffering a lot.
你觉得舒服 而你周围的人可能会觉得痛苦。
50.Now, what then, will be happiness?
51.And “happiness,” of course, is such a vague word, so let’s say “well-being.”
52.And so, I think the best definition, according to the Buddhist view, is that well-being is not just a mere pleasurable sensation.
我认为佛教中关于美满的定义说得很好, 佛教认为美满不是单纯的享乐。
53.It is a deep sense of serenity and fulfillment, a state that actually pervades and underlies all emotional states and all the joys and sorrows that can come one’s way.
而是一种内心的安宁、圆满, 是一种能把所有内心情感融合的心境, 能把所有快乐和悲伤融合的心境。
54.For you, that might be surprising.
55.Can we have this kind of well-being while being sad? In a way, why not?
56.Because we are speaking of a different level.
57.Look at the waves coming here to shore.
58.When you are at the bottom of the wave, you hit the bottom.
59.You hit the solid rock.
60.When you are surfing on the top, you are all elated.
61.So you go from elation to depression, there’s no depth.
62.Now, if you look at the high sea, there might be beautiful, calm ocean like a mirror.
63.There might be storms, but the depth of the ocean is still there, unchanged.
64.So now, how is that?
65.It can only be a state of being, not just a fleeting emotion, sensation.
66.Even joy, that can be the spring of happiness.
67.But there’s also wicked joy, you can rejoice in someone’s suffering.
68.So how do we proceed in our quest for happiness? Very often we look outside.
69.We think that if we could gather this and that, all the conditions, something that we say, “Everything to be happy — to have everything to be happy.”
觉得只要拥有了所有东西就能幸福了, 拥有一切就能幸福 拥有一切就拥有幸福。
70.That very sentence already reveals the doom of destruction of happiness.
71.To have everything. If we miss something, it collapses.
72.And also, when things go wrong we try to fix the outside so much, but our control of the outer world is limited, temporary, and often, illusory.
另一方面,当生活出现问题时,我们关注的总是那些外在的因素, 但我们对外部世界的掌控是有限的、暂时的,而且通常是虚幻的。
73.So now, look at inner conditions. Aren’t they stronger?
74.Isn’t it the mind that translates the outer condition into happiness and suffering?
75.And isn’t that stronger?
76.We know, by experience, that we can be what we call “in little paradise”
77.and yet, be completely unhappy within.
78.The Dalai Lama was once in Portugal, and there was a lot of construction going on everywhere.
有一次,达赖喇嘛去葡萄牙, 当时那里到处在盖楼。
79.So one evening he said, “Look, you are doing all these things, but isn’t it nice, also, to build something within?”
一天晚上达赖说:“你们这里盖这么多楼, 但如果把精力用来提升人们的内心世界不是更好吗?
80.And he said, “Unless that — even you get high-tech flat on the 100th floor of a super-modern and comfortable building, if you are deeply unhappy within,
就算你住的是现代化公寓 甚至是住在舒适的摩天大楼的第100层, 可如果你的内心不快乐,
81.all you are going to look for is a window from which to jump.”
82.So now, at the opposite, we know a lot of people who are in very difficult circumstances manage to keep serenity, inner strength, inner freedom, confidence.
相反, 有许多生活贫困的人 内心却能很平和,内心坚强、自由、自信。
83.So now, if the inner conditions are stronger — of course, the outer conditions do influence, and it’s wonderful to live longer, healthier,
拥有了强大的内心世界– 当然在外在条件的辅助下, 人们能活得更健康、长寿,
84.to have access to information, education, to be able to travel, to have freedom, it’s highly desirable.
能受教育,能去旅行, 能活得自由,这也是人们最想得到的。
85.However, this is not enough; those are just auxiliary help, conditions.
86.The experience that translates everything is within the mind.
87.So then, when we ask oneself how to nurture the condition for happiness, the inner conditions, and which are those which will undermine happiness.
接下来大家可能要问:如何培育幸福的心田呢, 决定幸福与否的关键是什么呢?
88.So then, this needs to have some experience.
89.We have to know from ourself, there are certain state of mind that are conducive to this flourishing, to this well-being, what the Greeks called eudaimonia, flourishing.
我们需要明确的就是在我们的内心有一种境界 能让我们沐浴在幸福中, 也就是希腊语所说的恩赐、幸福、繁荣。
90.There are some which are adverse to this well-being.
91.And so, if we look from our own experience — anger, hatred, jealousy, arrogance, obsessive desire, strong grasping — they don’t leave us in such a good state after we have experienced it.
如果我们自省– 愤怒、怨恨、嫉妒、傲慢、强迫、占有欲– 这些心态会让人迷失。
92.And also, they are detrimental to others’ happiness.
93.So we may consider that the more those are invading our mind, and, like a chain reaction, the more we feel miserable, we feel tormented.
我们被这些心态侵蚀的越深, 就越感到迷茫和痛苦,这是种连锁反应。
94.At the opposite, everyone knows deep within that an act of selfless generosity, if from the distance, without anyone knowing anything about it,
反之,无私地去做些事情, 默默无闻地做些好事,
95.we could save a child’s life, make someone happy.
96.We don’t need the recognition. We don’t need any gratitude.
97.Just the mere fact of doing that, fills such a sense of adequation with our deep nature.
98.And we would like to be like that all the time.
99.So is that possible, to change our way of being, to transform one’s mind?
100.Aren’t those negative emotions, or destructive emotions, inherent to the nature of mind?
那些负面情感 是与生俱来的吗?
101.Is change possible in our emotions, in our traits, in our moods?
102.For that we have to ask, what is nature of mind?
103.And if we look from the experiential point of view, there is a primary quality of consciousness, that’s just the mere fact to be cognitive, to be aware.
通常认为 意识的一个基本特征 就是其可被认知性。
104.Consciousness is like a mirror that allows all images to rise on it.
105.You can have ugly faces, beautiful faces in the mirror.
106.The mirror allows that, but the mirror is not tainted, is not modified, is not altered by those images.
镜子都能接受,镜子不会因照镜子的人长得丑而变脏, 也不会因照镜子的人漂亮而变干净,镜子自身不会改变。
107.Likewise, behind every single thought there is the bare consciousness, pure awareness.
108.This is the nature. It cannot be tainted intrinsically with hatred or jealousy because, then, if it was always there — like a dye that would permeate the whole cloth —
这就是本性。本性不会因怨恨或嫉妒而改变, 本性是固有的–就像染料能把布染上颜色–
109.then it would be found all the time, somewhere.
110.We know we’re not always angry, always jealous, always generous.
111.So, because the basic fabric of consciousness is this pure cognitive quality that differentiates it from a stone, there is a possibility for change because all emotions are fleeting.
意识的基本特征 是其可认知性,这也是人和石头的区别, 所有情感都是可以改变的,因为情感是瞬间产生的。
112.That is the ground for mind training.
113.Mind training is based on the idea that two opposite mental factors cannot happen at the same time.
修心的可行性在于两种相反的心态 不会同时产生。
114.You could go from love to hate.
115.But you cannot, at the same time, toward the same object, the same person, want to harm and want to do good.
但不能同时对同一对象 对同一个人既想伤害又想给予帮助。
116.You cannot, in the same gesture, shake hand and give a blow.
117.So there are natural antidotes to emotions that are destructive to our inner well-being.
纾解情感自然有其方法。就是用与之相反的情感来纾解, 纾解不平和的心态。
118.So that’s the way to proceed. Rejoicing compared to jealousy.
119.A kind of sense of inner freedom as opposite to intense grasping and obsession.