
1.I write about food. I write about cooking.
2.I take it quite seriously, but I’m here to talk about something that’s become very important to me in the last year or two.
我是很严肃地对待这些事情。 但是现在我要谈论 一些在近一两年里对我们愈发重要的事情。
3.It is about food, but it’s not about cooking per se.
4.I’m going to start with this picture of a beautiful cow.
5.I’m not a vegetarian — this is the old Nixon line, right?
我并不是一名素食主义者 — 这听上去象以前尼克松的用语,不是吗?
6.But I still think that this — (Laughter) — may be this year’s version of this.
但我仍然认为这 — (笑声) — 可能是现在的情况。
7.Now that is only a little bit hyperbolic.
8.And why do I say it?
9.Because only once before has the fate of individual people and the fate of all of humanity been so intertwined.
因为以前只发生过一次,每个人的命运 和整个人类的命运 如此紧密得连结在一起。
10.There was the bomb, and there’s now.
11.And where we go from here is going to determine not only the quality and the length of our individual lives, but whether, if we could see the earth a century from now,
并且我们现在要决定的 不仅是我们每个人的生活质量和寿命, 而且是如果在一个世纪之后评价现在的世界,
12.we’d recognize it.
13.It’s a holocaust of a different kind, and hiding under our desks isn’t going to help.
这是一次不同类型的浩劫, 并且逃避并不能解决任何问题。
14.Start with the notion that global warming is not only real, but dangerous.
现在全球变暖的现象 不仅是真实的,而且非常危险。
15.Since every scientist in the world now believes this, and even President Bush has seen the light, or pretends to, we can take this is a given.
因为现在世界上的每一个科学家都对此表示认同, 并且甚至布什总统都表示认同,当然也可能是假装的, 我们必须要面对它。
16.Then hear this, please.
17.After energy production, livestock is the second-highest contributor to atmosphere-altering gases.
畜牧业是仅次于能源生产的第二大制造者 产生改变气候的气体。
18.Nearly one-fifth of all greenhouse gas is generated by livestock production — more than transportation.
将近全部温室气体的五分之一 是由畜牧业产生的 — 比运输业还要多。
19.Now, you can make all the jokes you want about cow farts, but methane is 20 times more poisonous than CO2, and it’s not just methane.
现在你可以尽情地开有关牛屁的玩笑, 但是甲烷的有害程度是二氧化碳的20倍, 而且这其中不仅仅包含甲烷。
20.Livestock is also one of the biggest culprits in land degradation, air and water pollution, water shortages and loss of biodiversity.
畜牧业又是造成土地退化的最大元凶 空气和水污染,水资源短缺和生物多样性遭到破坏。
21.There’s more.
22.Like half the antibiotics in this country are not administered to people, but to animals.
这就好像国家里一半的抗生素 不是用在人类,而是用在动物身上的。
23.But lists like this become kind of numbing, so let me just say this, if you’re a progressive, if you’re driving a Prius, or you’re shopping green,
但是我罗列的这些听上去只是一串数字,所以让我换一种方式表述, 如果你比较激进, 如果你驾驶一辆普锐斯,或者你购买绿色食品,
24.or you’re looking for organic, you should probably be a semi-vegetarian.
或者购买有机食品, 你很可能是一个半素食主义者。
25.Now, I’m no more anti-cow than I am anti-atom, but it’s all in the way we use these things.
现在我对母牛的反对比对原子弹的反对更甚, 但是这正是我们现在的生活方式。
26.There’s another piece of the puzzle which Ann Cooper talked about beautifully yesterday, and one you already know.
这里还有另外一个问题 安·库珀在昨天曾经很完美得探讨过, 并且你们已经知道了。
27.There’s no question — none –that so-called lifestyle diseases  — diabetes, heart disease, stroke, some cancers — are diseases that are far more prevalent here
这些都不是问题 — 都不是 — 所谓的生活方式的疾病 — 糖尿病,心脏病,中风,几种癌症 — 这些疾病在这里是过分普遍了
28.than anywhere in the rest of the world.
29.And that’s the direct result of eating a Western diet.
30.Our demand for meat, dairy and refined carbohydrates — the world consumes one billion cans or bottles of Coke a day — our demand for these things, not our need, our want —
我们对于肉类,乳类和纯净的碳水化合物的需求 — 世界平均每天消耗十亿听或瓶的可乐 — 我们对于这些东西的需求并不是必须的,而是我们想要的 —
31.drives us to consume way more calories than are good for us.
32.And those calories are in foods that cause, not prevent, disease.
33.Now global warming was unforeseen.
34.We didn’t know that pollution did more than cause bad visibility.
35.Maybe a few lung diseases here and there, but you know, that’s not such a big deal.
可能会在这里或那里造成更多的肺癌, 但是你知道,这并不是一件很严重的事情。
36.The current health crisis, however, is a little more the work of the evil empire.
可是,现在的健康问题, 比一个邪恶帝国的危害还要严重。
37.We were told, we were assured, that the more meat and dairy and poultry we ate, the healthier we’d be.
我们被告知,并且我们确信, 随着我们摄入更多的肉类,乳类和家禽类食品, 我们会变得更健康。
38.No.  Overconsumption of animals, and of course, junk food, is the problem, along with our paltry consumption of plants.
这是错的。对动物的过度食用,当然还有垃圾食品, 是问题所在,还有对植物类食品的摄入不足。
39.Now, there’s no time to get into the benefits of eating plants here, but the evidence is that plants — and I want to make this clear —
现在不是讨论使用植物是否有益的时候了, 有证据表明植物 — 我想要强调一下 —’s not the ingredients in plants, it’s the plants.
41.It’s not the beta-carotene, it’s the carrot.
42.The evidence is very clear that plants promote health.
43.This evidence is overwhelming at this point.
44.You eat more plants, you eat less other stuff, you live longer.
45.Not bad.
46.But back to animals and junk food.
47.What do they have in common?
48.One: we don’t need either of them for health.
49.We don’t need animal products, and we certainly don’t need white bread or Coke.
我们并不需要动物制品, 而且我们完全不需要白面包或可乐。
50.Two: both have been marketed heavily, creating unnatural demand.
第二:这两种东西都在被广泛地推销, 导致了不正常的需求。
51.We’re not born craving Whoppers or Skittles.
52.Three: their production has been supported by government agencies at the expense of a more health and earth-friendly diet.
第三:它们的制造得到政府部门的支持, 但是以少食用更健康和环保的食品为代价。
53.Now let’s imagine a parallel.
54.Let’s pretend that our government supported an oil-based economy while discouraging more sustainable forms of energy, knowing all the while that the result would be
如果我们的政府支持一个石油公司 同时反对更加可持续发展的能源, 并且知道这将导致
55.pollution, war and rising costs.
56.Incredible, isn’t it?
57.Yet they do that.
58.And they do this here. It’s the same deal.
59.The sad thing is, when it comes to diet, is that even when well-intentioned Feds try to do right by us, they fail.
坏消息是,对于饮食问题, 就算是联邦政府用心 去规范我们的行为,也是徒劳的。
60.Either they’re outvoted by puppets of agribusiness, or they are puppets of agribusiness.
他们或者会被从事农产品业的傀儡们投否决票, 或者他们本身就从事于农产品业的傀儡。
61.So when the USDA finally acknowledged that it was plants, rather than animals, that made people healthy, they encouraged us, via their overly-simplistic food pyramid,
所以当美国农业部最终承认 是植物,而不是动物,使得人们更加健康, 他们建议我们,通过参照他们构建的过于简陋的食品金字塔, eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, along with more carbs.
一天吃五份的水果和蔬菜, 和更多的碳水化合物。
63.What they didn’t tell us is that some carbs are better than others, and that plants and whole grains should be supplanting eating junk food.
但是他们没有告诉我们有些碳水化合物比其他的更好, 并且这些植物和全谷类食物 应当替代垃圾食品。
64.But industry lobbyists would never let that happen.
65.And guess what?
66.Half the people who developed the food pyramid have ties to agribusiness.
制定食品金字塔中一半的人 与农产品业有关联。
67.So instead of substituting plants for animals, our swollen appetites simply became larger, and the most dangerous aspects of them remained unchanged.
所以并没有用植物替代动物, 我们已经膨胀的胃口变得更大了, 并且其中最危险的部分仍未改变。
68.So-called low-fat diets, so-called low-carb diets — these are not solutions.
所谓的低脂肪和低碳水化合物食品 — 这些并不是解决方案。
69.But with lots of intelligent people focusing on whether food is organic or local, or whether we’re being nice to animals, the most important issues just aren’t being addressed.
但是许多有智慧的人 研究某种食物是否有机或本地生产, 或者我们是否要友善地对待动物, 最重要的问题却并没有被涉及。
70.Now, don’t get me wrong.
71.I like animals, and I don’t think it’s just fine to industrialize their production and to churn them out like they were wrenches.
我喜爱动物, 并且我并不认为应当将动物制品产业化 干扰动物的生活。
72.But there’s no way to treat animals well when you’re killing 10 billion of them a year.
但是现在根本无法善待动物 当一年要屠杀100亿头动物的时候。
73.That’s our number. 10 billion.
74.If you strung all of them — chickens, cows, pigs and lambs — to the moon, they’d go there and back five times — there and back.
如果你将它们连接起来 — 鸡,牛,猪和羊 — 到月球, 长度可以来回5次 — 过去然后回来。
75.Now, my math’s a little shaky, but this is pretty good, and it depends whether a pig is four feet long or five feet long, but you get the idea.
现在,尽管我的数学不是很好,但这个数字大致是没问题的, 尽管基于一头猪的长度是4英尺还是5英尺, 但是你可以有一个大致的概念。
76.That’s just the United States.
77.And with our hyper-consumption of those animals producing greenhouse gases and heart disease, kindness might just be a bit of a red herring.
并且随着我们对于这些动物的过度消耗 产生温室气体和心脏疾病, 仁慈可能仅仅是一种逃避的方式。
78.Let’s get the numbers of the animals we’re killing for eating down, and then we’ll worry about being nice to the ones that are left.
让我们降低被屠杀的动物的数量, 然后我们再去想如何善待幸存的动物。
79.Another red herring might be exemplified by the word “locavore,”
80.which was just named Word of the Year by the New Oxford American Dictionary.
82.And locavore, for those of you who don’t know, is someone who eats only locally-grown food.
土食主义者,对于你们之中不了解的人来说, 是一些只吃当地生产的食品的人。
83.Which is fine if you live in California, but for the rest of us it’s a bit of a sad joke.
当你居住在加利福尼亚州时这很好, 但是对于其他地区的人来说这是一个悲哀的玩笑。
84.Between the official story — the food pyramid — and the hip locavore vision, you have two versions of how to improve our eating.
在官方的故事 — 饮食金字塔 — 和前卫的土食主义文化, 你有两个可以改善饮食的选择。
86.They both get it wrong, though.
87.The first, at least is populist, and the second is elitist.
88.How we got to this place is the history of food in the United States.
89.And I’m going to go through that, at least the last hundred years or so, very quickly right now.
然后我将对其进行阐述, 至少在离现在很近的大概一百年前的时间。
90.A hundred years ago, guess what?
91.Everyone was a locavore, even New York had pig farms nearby and shipping food all over the place was a ridiculous notion.
每个人都是土食者,即使是纽约旁边也有大型的农场 同时往其他地方运输食品是一个很异想天开的想法。
92.Every family had a cook, usually a mom.
93.And those moms bought and prepared food.
94.It was like your romantic vision of Europe.
95.Margarine didn’t exist.
96.In fact, when margarine was invented, several states passed laws declaring that it had to be dyed pink so we’d all know that it was a fake.
事实上,当发明人造黄油时, 几个州通过法律命令人造黄油要染成粉红色 我们都知道它是假的
97.There was no snack food, and until the ’20s, until Clarence Birdseye came along, there was no frozen food.
那时并没有快餐,并且直到二十年代, 直到克拉伦斯·博兹艾的出现,冷冻食物才发明。
98.There were no restaurant chains.
99.There were neighborhood restaurants run by local people, but none of them would think to open another one.
当时只有当地人在家附近经营的餐厅, 但是没人想过再开另一家餐厅。
100.Eating ethnic was unheard of unless you were ethnic.
101.And fancy food was entirely French.
102.As an aside, those of you who remember Dan Aykroyd in the 1970s doing Julia Child imitations can see where he got the idea of stabbing himself from this fabulous slide.
另外,你记起的那个 丹·艾克罗伊德在二十世纪七十年代模仿朱莉娅·蔡尔德 可以看出他就是这个样子。
103.(Laughter) Back in those days, before even Julia, back in those days there was no philosophy of food.
(笑声) 在那些时候,即便是朱莉娅的时代之前, 当时不存在对于食物的学问。
104.You just ate.
105.You didn’t claim to be anything.
106.There was no marketing. There were no national brands.
107.Vitamins had not been invented.
108.There were no health claims, at least not federally sanctioned ones.
109.Fats, carbs, proteins — they weren’t bad or good, they were food.
脂肪,碳水化合物,蛋白质 — 它们既不是好的也不是坏的,它们只是食物。
110.You ate food.
111.Hardly anything contained more than one ingredient, because it was an ingredient.
基本没有一种东西包含多于一种成分, 仅仅因为其本身只是一种成分。
112.The cornflake hadn’t been invented.
113.(Laughter) The Pop-Tart, the Pringle, Cheez Whiz, none of that stuff.
(笑声) 也没有蛋挞,普林格尔,当维兹之类的东西。
114.Goldfish swam.
115.(Laughter) It’s hard to imagine.  People grew food, and they ate food.
(笑声) 这不难想象。人们种植食物并吃种的食物。
116.And again, everyone ate local.
117.In New York, an orange was a common Christmas present, because it came all the way from Florida.
在纽约,桔子是一种很普遍的圣诞礼物, 因为桔子要从遥远的佛罗里达州运过来。
118.From the ’30s on, road systems expanded, trucks took the place of railroads, fresh food began to travel more.
从三十年代开始,公路系统飞速发展, 货车代替了铁路, 更多的新鲜食物被运输。
119.Oranges became common in New York.
120.The South and West became agricultural hubs, and in other parts of the country suburbs took over farmland.
南方和西方成为农业的中心, 在美国的其他地方城镇代替了耕地。
121.The effects of this are well known, they are everywhere.
122.And the death of family farms is part of this puzzle, as is almost everything from the demise of the real community to the challenge of finding a good tomato, even in summer.
家庭农场的消亡是这个问题的一部分, 但也几乎是全部 自从真实的地域生活方式的消亡 即使在夏天也很难找到一个很好的西红柿。
123.Eventually California produced too much food to ship fresh, so it became critical to market canned and frozen foods.
最终加利福尼亚州生产了太多的食物以至于不能新鲜地运输出去, 所以灌装和冷冻食品就很有推广的必要了。
124.Thus arrived convenience.
125.It was sold to protofeminist housewives as a way to cut down on housework.
典型的女权主义的家庭主妇们接受它 她们认为这是减轻家庭劳务的一个途径
126.Now, I know everybody over the age of, like 45  — their mouths are watering at this point.
现在,我知道每个45岁以的人 嘴里开始在流口水了
127.(Laughter) (Applause) If we had a slide of Salisbury steak, even more so, right?
(笑声) (掌声) 我们会吃一块索尔斯伯利牛肉饼,甚至更多,难道不是吗?
128.(Laughter) But this may have cut down on housework, but it cut down on the variety of food we ate as well.
(笑声) 这可能会减少家庭劳务的工作量, 但是也减少了我们吃的食物的多样性。
129.Many of us grew up never eating a fresh vegetable except the occasional raw carrot or maybe an odd lettuce salad.
我们之中的许多人都从未食用过新鲜的蔬菜 除了偶尔吃些生萝卜或者是比较少见的生菜沙拉。
130.I, for one — and I’m not kidding — didn’t eat real spinach or broccoli till I was 19.
我就是这样 — 我没有开玩笑 — 直到19岁时才吃到真正的菠菜和椰菜。
131.Who needed it though?  Meat was everywhere.
132.What could be easier, more filling or healthier for your family than broiling a steak?
难道还有更简单,更能填饱肚子,更有益于家庭健康的方式 除了烤牛排?
133.But by then cattle were already raised unnaturally.
134.Rather than spending their lives eating grass, for which their stomachs were designed, they were forced to eat soy and corn.
不是吃草, 就像它们的胃所设计的那样, 而是被强迫食用大豆和谷物。
135.They have trouble digesting those grains, of course, but that wasn’t a problem for producers.
他们当然很难消化这些东西, 但是这对于生产者们来讲不是问题。
136.New drugs kept them healthy.
137.Well, they kept them alive.
138.Healthy was another story.



2024-3-27 13:39:01



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