
1.The fragrance that you will smell, you will never be able to smell  this way again.
一会你们将闻到一款香水 它会带给你们绝无仅有的体验
2.It’s a fragrance called Beyond Paradise, which you can find in any store in the nation.
这款香水叫做“霓采天堂” 在全国各大商场都能买到
3.Except here it’s been split up in parts by Estée Lauder and by the perfumer who did it, Calice Becker, and I’m most grateful to them for this.
但是今天在这里 香水被分解成几部分 这项工作是由雅诗兰黛公司和香水调配者 凯莉斯·贝克尔完成的 我十分感谢他们
4.And it’s been split up in successive bits and a chord.
5.So what you’re smelling now is the top note.
6.And then will come what they call the heart, the lush heart note.
接下来是“中味”  甜味香料
7.I will show it to you.
8.The Eden top note is named after the Eden Project in the U.K.
9.The lush heart note, Melaleuca bark note — which does not contain any Melaleuca bark, because it’s totally forbidden.
“中味”甜味香料 还有“后味”白千层树树皮 — 其中并不含白千层树树皮 因为那是被禁止的
10.And after that, the complete fragrance.
11.Now what you are smelling is a combination of — I asked how many molecules there were in there, and nobody would tell me.
现在你们闻到的是一个组合 如果我想问组合里有多少个分子 没有人可以告诉我
12.So I put it through a GC, a Gas Chromatograph that I have in my office, and it’s about 400.
于是 我用我办公室里的气相色谱仪做了一下检测 发现大约有400个
13.So what you’re smelling is several hundred molecules floating through the air, hitting your nose.
所以你们现在闻到的是几百个分子 弥漫在空气中 钻进你的鼻子里
14.And do not get the impression that this is very subjective.
15.You are all smelling pretty much the same thing, OK?
16.Smell has this reputation of being somewhat different for each person.
17.It’s not really true.
18.And a perfumery shows you that can’t be true, because if it were like that it wouldn’t be an art, OK?
一款香水就会证明 的确不是这样的 因为那样的话 制造香水就不算一门艺术了
19.Now, while the smell wafts over you, let me tell you the history of an idea.
现在 趁着香味还萦绕在你们周围 我来为你们介绍一个想法形成的过程
20.Everything that you’re smelling in here is made up of atoms that come from what I call the Upper East Side of the periodic table — a nice safe neighborhood.
现在你所闻到的 都是由这样一些原子组成的 他们来自 被我称为 元素周期表“上东区”的地方 — 一个美好而安全的街区
21.(Laughter) You really don’t want to leave it if you want to have a career in perfumery.
(笑声) 如果你想从事香水业 你一定不想离开这个地方
22.Some people have tried in the 1920s to add things from the bad parts, and it didn’t really work.
十九世纪二十年代 有一些人 尝试在香水中添加来自“坏街区”的原子 没有成功
23.These are the five atoms from which just about everything that you’re going to smell in real life, from coffee to fragrance, are made of.
这五个原子 可以组成 从咖啡到香水 现实生活中你所能闻到的一切
24.The top note that you smelled at the very beginning, the cut-grass green, what we call in perfumery — they’re weird terms — and this would be called a green note,
你们最开始闻到的“前味” 用香水专有名词说 就是割下来青草的香味 听起来很奇怪 这一类被称为绿叶调
25.because it smells of something green, like cut grass.
闻起来像绿色的东西 比如割下来的青草
26.This is Cis 3 Hexanol.  And I had to learn chemistry on the fly in the last three years. A very expensive high school chemistry education.
它的成分是顺3己醇 我可是在匆忙之中学的化学 过去的三年里 在一所十分昂贵的中学的化学课上学的
27.This has six carbon atoms, so “hexa”: hexanol.
它有六个碳原子 所以写作“hexa”: 己醇
28.It has one double bond, it has an alcohol on the end, so it’s “ol,” and that’s why they call it Cis 3 Hexanol.
有两个双键 在一端有一个乙醇 这就是全部 就是为什么大家称之为顺3己醇
29.Once you figure this out, you can really impress people at parties.
一旦你弄清楚它的结构 你就可以在派对上卖弄了
30.This smells of cut grass. Now this is the skeleton of the molecule.
它闻起来就像割下来青草 这就是分子的骨架
31.If you dress it up with atoms, hydrogen atoms, that’s what it looks like when you have it on your computer, but actually it’s sort of more like this, in the sense that the atoms have a certain
如果再给它配上其他原子 比如说氢原子 在电脑上模拟看上去是这样 但实际上看上去是这样的 就某种意义来说
32.sphere that you cannot penetrate —  they repel.
原子有某种不为人们所理解的性质 — 他们相互排斥
33.OK, now.  Why does this thing smell of cut grass, OK?
好了 现在 为什么这个东西闻起来像割下来的青草呢
34.Why doesn’t it smell of potatoes, or violets? Well, there are really two theories.
为什么闻起来不像土豆 或者紫罗兰 有两种理论
35.But the first theory is: it must be the shape.
第一种理论认为: 一定是形状在起作用
36.And that’s a perfectly theory in the sense that almost everything else in biology works by shape.
这是一个完美的理论 因为在生物领域 形状在几乎所有东西中都起着一定作用 唯独这个是例外
37.Enzymes that chew things up, antibodies, it’s all, you know, the fit between a protein and whatever it is grabbing, in this case a smell.
酶用来消化 抗生素是用来做什么的你们都知道 蛋白质和它抓住的东西配成一对 在这种情况下它抓住的是气味
38.And I will try and explain to you what’s wrong with this notion.
39.And the other theory is that we smell molecular vibrations.
另一个理论是 我们闻到的是分子的震动
40.Now this is a totally insane idea.
41.And when I first came across it in the early ’90s, I thought my predecessor, Malcolm Dyson and Bob Wright had really taken leave of their senses,
九十年代初 我第一次接触到这个理论的时候 觉得我的前辈 麦肯戴森和鲍勃怀特 肯定是失去理智了
42.and I’ll explain to you why this was the case.
43.However, I came to realize gradually that they may be right — and I have to convince all my colleagues that this is so, but I’m working on it.
但是 我逐渐意识到他可能是对的 我必须说服我所有的同事 这个理论是对的 我正在努力这样做
44.Here’s how shape works in normal receptors.
这里展示的是 形状是如何对通常的感受器起作用的
45.You have a molecule coming in, it gets into the protein, which is schematic here, and it causes this thing to switch, to turn, to move in some way
一个分子进来 进到蛋白质里 图中所示意的就是蛋白质 它让这个东西转变 旋转 向某个方向移动起来 binding in certain parts.
47.And the attraction, the forces, between the molecule and the protein cause the motion.  This is a shape-based idea.
分子和蛋白质之间的互相吸引和作用力 造成了运动 这是基于形状理论的想法
48.Now, what’s wrong with shape is summarized in this slide.
49.The way –I expect everybody to memorize these compounds.
这种方式 — 我希望每一个人把这些化合物都记住
50.This is one page of work from a chemist’s workbook, OK?
51.Working for a fragrance company.
52.He’s making 45 molecules, and he’s looking for a sandalwood, something that smells of sandalwood.
他要制造45个分子 他正在寻找檀香料 就是闻起来像檀香木的东西
53.Because there’s a lot of money in sandalwoods.
54.And of these 45 molecules, only 4629 actually smells of sandalwood.
在这45个分子之中 只有编号为4629的闻起来像檀香木
55.And he puts an exclamation mark, OK? This is an awful lot of work.
于是他在上面标注了一个感叹号 这个工作量很大
56.This actually is roughly, in man-years of work, 200,000 dollars roughly, if you keep them on the low salaries with no benefits.
这大概是一个人好几年的工作量 大约需要20万美金 在低酬劳和没有福利的条件下 是20万美金
57.So this is a profoundly inefficient process.
如此 这是一个效率极低的过程
58.And my definition of a theory is, it’s not just something that you teach people; it’s labor saving.
我认为“理论”不仅是可以 拿来教授别人的东西 同时也是节约劳动力的东西
59.A theory is something that enables you to do less work.
60.I love the idea of doing less work. So let me explain to you why — a very simple fact that tells you why this shape theory really does not work very well.
我喜欢少做工作这个想法 让我来解释为什么 一个非常简单的事实 它会告诉你们为什么形状的理论并不成立
61.This is Cis 3 Hexanol.  It smells of cut grass.
这是顺3己醇 闻起来像割下来的青草
62.This is Cis 3 Hexanethiol, and this smells of rotten eggs, OK?
这是顺3己硫醇 闻起来像臭鸡蛋
63.Now, you will have noticed that vodka never smells of rotten eggs.
现在 你们一定已经意识到 伏特加酒闻起来绝不像臭鸡蛋
64.If it does, you put the glass down, you go to a different bar.
如果闻起来像的话 你就把杯子放下 去另外一家酒吧
65.This is — in other words, we never get the O-H — we never mistake it for an S-H, OK?
这是 — 换句话说 我们绝对不会 把S-H错误地认为是O-H
66.Like, at no concentration, even pure, you know, if you smelt pure ethanol, it doesn’t smell of rotten eggs.
无论是在什么样的浓度 甚至是纯的情况下 如果你闻到纯的乙醇 它闻起来绝对不像臭鸡蛋
67.Conversely, there is no concentration at which the sulphur compound will smell like vodka.
相反 无论在什么浓度下 硫化合物会闻起来都不会像伏特加酒
68.It’s very hard to explain this by molecular recognition.
用分子识别来解释这个问题 难度很大
69.Now, I showed this to a physicist friend of mine who has a profound distaste for biology, and he says, “That’s easy! The things are a different color!”
我把问题拿给我的一个物理学家朋友看 他一点也不喜欢生物 他说 这太简单了 两个东西的颜色不一样啊
70.(Laughter) We have to go a little beyond that. Now let me explain why vibrational theory has some sort of interest in it. These molecules, as you saw in the beginning,
(笑声) 我们需要进一步深入 现在我来解释 为什么震动理论有一定的道理 这些分子 正如你们开始时看到的
71.the building blocks had springs connecting them to each other.
是基本组成 它们之间有弹簧连接着
72.In fact, molecules are able to vibrate at a set of frequencies which are very specific for each molecule and for the bonds connecting them.
事实上 分子可以在一定的频率下震动 每一个不同的分子和不同的连接方式 都有特定的频率
73.So this is the sound of the O-H stretch, translated into the audible range.
所以 这是O-H键发出的声音 转化成人耳可以听到的频率
74.S-H — quite a different frequency.
S-H键 有十分不同的频率
75.Now this kind of interesting, because it tells you that you should be looking for a particular fact, which is this: nothing in the world smells like rotten eggs except S-H, OK?
现在看来 这十分有趣 因为它告诉你 你应该寻找一个独特的事实 事实是: 除了S-H以外 没有其他东西闻起来像臭鸡蛋
76.Now, Fact B: nothing in the world has that frequency except S-H.
第二个事实就是 除了S-H 没有其他东西有那样的频率
77.If you look on this, imagine a piano keyboard.
如果你看到这些 想象一下钢琴的键盘
78.The S-H stretch is in the middle of a part of the keyboard that has been, so to speak, damaged, and there are no neighboring notes, nothing is close to it.
S-H键是在键盘的中间部分 可以说键盘的那部分损坏了 也没有其他的音符挨着它
79.You have a unique smell, a unique vibration.
你得到的是一个独特的味道 一种独特的震动
80.So I went searching when I started in this game to convince myself that there was any degree of plausibility to this whole crazy story.
在这个游戏的最初 我就开始寻找 说服我自己 这个理论有一定的合理性 这整个故事有点疯狂
81.I went searching for a type of molecule, any molecule, that would have that vibration and that — the obvious prediction was that is should absolutely smell of sulphur.
我开始寻找一种分子 任何分子 会有那种震动的分子 — 明显地 我预测 那种分子一定闻起来像硫
82.If it didn’t, the whole ideas was toast, and I might as well move on to other things.
如果闻起来不像 那么整个想法就是糟糕透顶 我最好还是去做别的事情
83.Now after searching high and low for several months, I discovered that there was a type of molecule called a Borane which has exactly the same vibration.
在到处寻找几个月后 我发现有一种叫做硼烷的分子 和硫有一模一样的震动
84.Now the good news is, Boranes you can get hold of.
85.The bad news is they’re rocket fuels.
坏消息是 它是火箭燃料
86.Most of them explode spontaneously in contact with air, and when you call up the companies they only give you minimum ten tons, OK?
大部分情况下 它们在遇到空气的瞬间就会爆炸 而且 你打电话向公司询问 他们会告诉你你最少要买10顿
87.(Laughter) So this was not what they call a laboratory-scale experiment, and they wouldn’t have liked it at my college.
(笑声) 所以这不是一个实验室规模的实验 我所工作的学院也不会喜欢这个主意
88.However, I managed to hold of a Borane eventually, and here is the beast.
无论如何 我最终得到了一些硼烷 这就是那个”怪物”
89.And it really does have the same — if you calculate, if you measure the vibrational frequencies they are the same as S-H.
结果和我预期的一样 — 如果你计算 如果你计算振动频率 它的和S-H的一样
90.Now, does it smell of sulphur? Well, if you go back in the literature there’s a man who knew more about Boranes than anyone alive then or since, Alfred Stock, he synthesized all of them.
现在 来看看它闻起来像不像硫 如果你去查文献 会发现有一个人比历史上任何人都更了解硼烷 阿尔弗雷德·斯托克 他用人工的方法合成过所有的硼烷类物质
91.And in an enormous 40-page paper in German he says, at one point — my wife is German and she translated it for me — and at one point he says, “ganz widerlich Geruch,”
在他用德语写成的 长达40页的论文中 他曾说 我太太是德国人 她为我翻译了一下 他曾说 “ganz widerlich Geruch” “absolutely repulsive smell,”  which is good. Reminiscent of hydrogen sulphide.
意思就是“绝对令人厌恶的味道” 很好 让人想起硫化氢
93.So this fact that Boranes smell of sulphur had been known since 1910, and utterly forgotten until 1997, 1998.
硼烷闻起来像硫这一事实 自从1910年人们就知道了 但是却全然被大家遗忘了 直到1997年 1998年
94.Now the slight fly in the ointment is this: that if we smell molecular vibrations, we must have a spectroscope in our nose.
现在唯一的不足就是 如果我们闻到的是分子的震动 我们的鼻子里一定要有一个分光镜才行
95.Now this is a spectroscope,  OK, on my laboratory bench.
这是一个分光镜 在我实验室的椅子上
96.And it’s fair to say that if you look up somebody’s nose you’re unlikely to see anything resembling this.
可以这么说 如果你观察一个人的鼻子内部 你不会看到任何类似这个的东西
97.And this is the main objection to the theory.
98.OK, great, we smell vibrations.  How? All right?
好吧 我们闻到的是震动 怎么闻到呢
99.Now when people ask this kind of question, they neglect something, which is that physicists are really clever unlike biologists.
当人们问这个问题的时候 他们忽略了一些事情 物理学家都是很聪明的 不像生物学家
100.(Laughter) This is a joke. I’m a biologist, OK?
(笑声) 这是玩笑话 我是生物学家 好不好
101.So it’s a joke against myself.
102.Bob Jacklovich and John Lamb at Ford Motor Company, in the days when Ford was spending vast amounts of money on fundamental research, discovered a way
福特汽车公司的 鲍勃·捷克洛维奇 和 约翰·兰姆 在福特公司花大手笔 进行基础研究的时候 发现了 build a spectroscope that was intrinsically nanoscale.
104.In other words, no mirrors, no lasers, no prisms, no nonsense, just a tiny device, and he built this device. And this device uses electron tunnelling.
换句话说 没有镜片 没有激光 没有棱镜 没有废话 只是一个很小的设备 他们用电子贯穿制造出这样的仪器
105.Now, I could do the dance of electron tunneling, but I’ve done a video instead, which is much more interesting. Here’s how it works.
我其实可以给你们演示电子贯穿的过程 但是我做了一个视频 这样更有意思一些 是这样的
106.Electrons are fuzzy creatures, and they can jump across gaps, but only at equal energy. If the energy differs, they can’t jump.
电子是糊里糊涂的家伙 它们可以越过间隙 但只有在能量相同的情况下 如果能量不同 它们就跳不了
107.Unlike us, they won’t fall off the cliff.
但是和我们不同 它们不会从悬崖掉下去
108.OK. Now.  If something absorbs the energy, the electron can travel.
好吧 现在 如果有什么东西把能量吸收了 电子就可以飞驰了
109.So here you have a system, you have something — and there’s plenty of that stuff in biology — some substance giving an electron, and the electron tries to jump,
现在你们已经了解了这个体系 要是有 生物界有很多这样的东西 要是有一些物质可以提供电子 电子想要越过间隙
110.and only when a molecule comes along that has the right vibration does the reaction happen, OK?
只有在一个有匹配震动的分子出现时 反应才会发生
111.This is the basis for the device that these two guys at Ford built.
112.And every single part of this mechanism is actually plausible in biology.
实际上 这个机制的每一个步骤 在生物领域中都是可行的
113.In other words, I’ve taken off-the-shelf components, and I’ve made a spectroscope.
换句话讲 我用现成的部件 做成了一个分光镜
114.What’s nice about this idea, if you have a philosophical bent of mind, is that then it tells you that the nose, the ear and the eye are all vibrational senses.
如果你有点哲学的天赋 你会发现这个点子的绝妙之处在于 它告诉你 鼻子 耳朵 眼睛可以感知震动
115.Of course, it doesn’t matter, because it could also be that they’re not.
当然 这关系并不大 因为他们不能感知震动也是有可能的
116.But it has a certain — (Laughter) — it has a certain ring to it which is attractive to people who read too much 19th-century German literature.
但是 它有一定的 (笑声) 这个理论对某些人来说有一定的吸引力 对阅读了太多十九世纪德国文学的人来说



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