
1.I’m not at all a cook.
2.So don’t fear,  this is not going to be a cooking demonstration.
3.But I do want to talk to you about something that I think is dear to all of us.
但是我的确会谈谈一个 让我们都感到惊讶的事情。
4.And that is bread — something which is as simple as our basic, most fundamental human staple.
那就是面包 — 一个简单的就像 人类最基本最根本的主食。
5.And I think few of us spend the day without eating bread in some form.
我想我们中只有很少数人在今天 没有吃以面包为形式的食物。
6.Unless you’re on one of these Californian low-carb diets, bread is standard.
除非你是那些加州低碳水化合物饮食者之一, 面包是标准的。
7.Bread is not only standard in the Western diet.
8.As I will show to you, it is actually the mainstay of modern life.
就像我要给你们展示的,它实际上 是现代生活的一个基石。
9.So I’m going to bake bread for you.
10.In the meantime I’m also talking to you.
11.So my life is going to complicated. Bear with me.
12.First of all, a little bit of audience participation.
13.I have two loaves of bread here.
14.One is a supermarket standard, white bread, pre-packaged, which I’m told is called a Wonderbread.
一个是超市标准, 白面包,包装好的, 我被告知这叫做神奇面包。
15.(Laughter) I didn’t know this word until I arrived.
(笑) 在我来之前我还不知道这个名词。
16.And this is more or less, a whole-meal, handmade, small-bakery, loaf of bread.
然后这个就是, 一个全麦,手工制作, 小面包房里的一条面包。
17.Here we go.  I want to see a show of hands.
18.Who prefers the whole-meal bread?
19.Okay let me do this differently. Is anybody preferring the Wonderbread at all?
20.(Laughter) I have two tentative male hands.
(笑) 我得到了两个精明的男士的手。
21.(Laughter) Okay, now the question is really, why is this so?
(笑) 好吧,现在真正的问题是, 为什么会这样?
22.And I think it is because we feel that this kind of bread really is about authenticity.
我认为这是因为 我们认为这一类面包(全麦) 多多少少真实一点。
23.It’s about a traditional way of living.
24.A way that is perhaps more real, more honest.
25.This is an image from Tuscany, where we feel agriculture is still about beauty.
这是一副托斯卡纳的图片,一个让我们 感觉农业仍然是美丽的地方。
26.And life is really, too.
27.And this is about good taste, good traditions.
28.Why do we have this image?
29.Why do we feel that this is more true than this?
30.Well I think it has a lot to do with our history.
31.In the ten thousand years since agriculture evolved, most of our ancestors have actually been agriculturalists or they were closely related to food production.
在农业发展的1万年里, 大多数我们的祖先实际上都是农业生产者 或者和食物生产有着紧密的联系。
32.And we have this mythical image of how life was in rural areas in the past.
然后我们有着这个神话般的印象 关于过去田园般的生活是怎么样的。
33.Art has helped us to maintain that kind of image.
34.It was a mythical past.
35.Of course, the reality is quite different.
36.These poor farmers working the land by hand or with their animals, had yield levels that are comparable to the poorest farmers today in West Africa.
这些可怜的农民们 在用自己的双手或靠动物在土地上耕耘, 他们的收入水平可以和 今年西非最贫困的地方相提并论。
37.But we have, somehow, in the course of the last few centuries, or even decades, started to cultivate an image of a mythical, rural, agricultural past.
但是,我们,不知道怎么样的, 在过去的几十上百年里 开始刻画出一幅 神话般的,田园般的农业历史印象。
38.It was only 200 years ago that we had the advent of the Industrial Revolution.
大约在两百年前 我们才有了工业革命的开端。
39.And while I’m starting to make some bread for you here, it’s very important to understand what that revolution did to us.
而且就在我要开始给你们做些面包的时候, 了解这个革命对我们有什么影响 是十分重要的。
40.It brought us power. It brought us mechanization, fertilizers.
41.And it actually drove up our yields.
42.And even sort of horrible things, like picking beans by hand, can now be done automatically.
而且像某些可怕的工作,如用手来剥豆子, 可以用自动化来代替。
43.All that is a real, great improvement, as we shall see.
44.Of course we also, particularly in the last decade, managed to envelope the world in a dense chain of supermarkets, in a chain of global trade.
当然我们也,特别是在前几十年里, 让我们的世界包裹在 一个超市链里, 一个全球贸易里。
45.And it means that you now eat products, which can come from all around the world.
而且它意味着,你们现在所吃的产品, 可以是来自世界各地。
46.That is the reality of our modern life.
47.Now you may prefer this loaf of bread.
48.Excuse my hands but this is how it is.
49.But actually the real relevant bread, historically, is this white Wonder loaf.
但是一个真正贴切的面包, 从历史上发展角度讲,应该是这个白色的神奇面包。
50.And don’t despise the white bread because it really, I think, symbolizes the fact that bread and food have become plentiful and affordable to all.
而且不要瞧不起这个白面包 因为真的,我想, 它是象征着面包以及食物 已经是丰富的,而且大家都可以承受的。
51.And that is a feat that we are not really conscious of that much.
而且这是我们大家 都没有察觉到的一个功绩。
52.But it has changed the world.
53.This tiny bread that is tasteless in some ways and has a lot of problems has changed the world.
这个吃起来有点无味, 并且有很多问题的面包 已经改变了世界。
54.So what is happening?
55.Well the best way to look at that is to do a tiny bit of simplistic statistics.
56.With the advent of the Industrial Revolution with modernization of agriculture in the last few decades, since the 1960s, food availability, per head, in this world,
在工业革命的开端, 在农业的现代化 在过去几十年里,自从1960年来, 食品供应,每人,在这个世界里
57.has increased by 25 percent.
58.And the world population in the meantime has doubled.
59.That means that we have now more food available than ever before in human history.
这意味这我们的食物供应 比以前人类历史还要多。
60.And that is the result, directly, of being so successful at increasing the scale and volume of our production.
而结果是,直接的 让提升我们产品的规模和数量 是十分成功的。
61.And this is true, as you can see, for all countries, including the so-called developing countries.
而且这是真的,就像你所看到的,这是对所有的国家而言, 包括那些所谓的发展中国家。
62.What happened to our bread in the meantime?
63.As food became plentiful here, it also meant that we were able to decrease the number of people working in agriculture to something like, on average, in the high income countries,
当这里的食物变的十分丰富的时候, 这也意味着我们可以降低 从事与农业有关的人员数量, 平均算下来,在高收入国家,
64.five percent or less, of the population.
65.In the U.S. only one percent of the people are actually farmers.
66.And it frees us all up to do other things — to sit at TED meetings and not to worry about our food.
而这解放了我们去做其他的事情 — 比如来TED开会而不用去担心我们的食物。
67.That is, historically, a really unique situation.
68.Never before has the responsibility to feed the world been in the hands of so few people.
喂养全世界的责任从未 掌握在如此少数人的手中。
69.And never before have so many people been oblivious of that fact.
而且从来没有这么多人 忘记了这个事实。
70.So as food became more plentiful, bread became cheaper.
71.As it became cheaper, bread manufacturers decided to add in all kinds of things.
72.We added in more sugar.
73.We add in raisins and oil and milk, and all kinds of things to make bread, from a simple food into kind of a support for calories.
我们加入葡萄干,油和牛奶, 以及所有的东西去做面包, 从一个简单的食物到一种卡路里的补给品。
74.And today, bread now is associated with obesity, which is very strange.
现在今天,面包则代表着肥胖, 这很奇怪。
75.It is the basic, most fundamental food that we’ve had in the last ten thousand years.
这是基础,最基础的食物, 我们在上一万年前都在食用它。
76.Wheat is the most important crop — the first crop we domesticated and the most important crop we still grow today.
面粉是最重要的作物 — 第一种我们培育的作物, 以及我们现在仍然在种植的重要植物。
77.But this is now this strange concoction of high calories.
现在却奇怪的变成了 卡路里炮制品。
78.And that’s not only true in this country, it is true all over the world.
这不仅仅是在这个国家, 而是存在于全世界。
79.Bread has migrated to tropical countries where the middle classes now eat french rolls and hamburgers and where the commuters find bread much more handy to use
面包已经被移植热带国家 那里的中产阶层现在食用着法棍和汉堡包 那里的上班族 发现面包比米和木薯
80.than rice or cassava.
81.So bread has become from a main staple, a source of calories associated with obesity and also a source of modernity, of modern life.
所以面包已经从主要的主食, 一种卡路里的食物 变成肥胖的代名词, 也变成现代生活的 一种现代资源。
82.And the whiter the bread, in many countries, the better it is.
83.So this is the story of bread as we know it now.
84.But of course the price of mass production has been that we moved large-scale.
但是当然,大规模生产的代价是 我们改变的都很大。
85.And large-scale has meant destruction of many of our landscapes, destruction of biodiversity — still a lonely emu here in the Brazilian cerrado soybean fields.
做大意味这我们的很多土地都被破坏了, 对生物多样化的破坏 — 在巴西的cerrado(巴西一个区域)大豆田里 仍然只有一种鸸鹋。
86.The costs have been tremendous — water pollution, all the things you know about, destruction of our habitats.
代价是巨大的 — 水污染了,你所知道的所有事情都破坏了我们的居住地。
87.What we need to do is to go back to understanding what our food is about.
88.And this is where I have to query all of you.
89.How many of you can actually tell wheat apart from other cereals?
90.How many of you can actually make a bread in this way, without starting with a bread machine or just some kind of packaged flavor?
你们其中有多少人可以不用开启面包机 不用其他的添加剂, 手工制作一个面包
91.Can you bake bread?  Do you know how much a loaf of bread actually costs?
92.We have become very removed from what our bread really is, which, again, evolutionarily-speaking is very strange.
我们离面包真正是什么 越来越远了, 这再一次的,就进化来说, 是十分奇怪的。
93.In fact not many of you know that our bread, of course, was not a European invention.
事实上,我们其中很多人不知道 我们的面包,显然的,不是来自欧洲。
94.It was invented by farmers in Iraq and Syria in particular.
它是被伊拉克的农民所发明的 特别是在叙利亚。
95.The tiny spike on the left to the center is actually the forefather of wheat.
在中间靠左的小尖尖 其实是小麦的祖先。
96.This is where it all comes from.
97.And where these farmers who actually ten thousand years ago put us on the road of bread.
这也是1万年前那些农民 带领我们走上面包之路的时候。
98.Now it is not surprising that with this massification and large-scale production, there is a counter-movement that emerged — very much also here in California.
现在这毫不惊奇的, 在大规模大产量的生产下, 这里掀起了一种反运动 — 很多,加利福尼亚也有。
99.The counter-movement says, “Let’s go back to this.
100.Let’s go back to traditional farming.
101.Let’s go back to small-scale, to farmers’ markets, small bakeries and all that.  Wonderful.
让我们回到小规模,农业市场, 小面包房和所有的一切。真奇妙。
102.Don’t we all agree?  I certainly agree.
103.I would love to go back to Tuscany to this kind of traditional setting, gastronomy, good food.
我愿意回到托斯卡纳 回到这种传统的设置, 美食,和好食物。
104.But this is a fallacy.
105.And the fallacy comes from idealizing a past that we have forgotten about.
这个谬论来自于理想化一个 我们已经忘记的过去。
106.If we do this, if we want to stay with traditional small-scale farming we are going, actually, to relegate these poor farmers and their husbands,
如果我们这样做,如果我们停留在传统的小型农业 我们会,就会,去贬低 这些农民和她们的老公。
107.among whom I have lived for many years, working without electricity and water, to try to improve their food production.
他们和我们共同生活了很多年, 不用电力和水工作着,尝试提高他们的食物生产。
108.We relegate them to poverty.
109.What they want are implements to increase their production — something to fertilize the soil, something to protect their crop and to bring it to a market.
他们所需要的是实现 提高他们的产量 — 一些肥化他们土壤的东西, 一些保护他们作物的东西,然后运输他们的产品进入市场。
110.We cannot just think that small-scale is the solution to the world food problem.
我们不能就去想小作坊 是全球食物问题的解决方法。
111.It’s a luxury solution for us who can afford it, if you want to afford it.
那是一个我们不能承受的奢侈解决方案, 如果你想去承受它。
112.In fact we do not want this poor woman to work the land like this.
事实上我们不想让贫穷的女人 在这样的土地上工作。
113.If we say just small-scale production, as is the tendency here, to go back to local food means that a poor man like Hans Rosling cannot even eat oranges anymore
如果我们就说小作坊生产, 就像这里的趋势一样, 回到区域食物,意味着这个像汉斯罗素玲的贫穷女人 则不能再吃橙子了
114.because in Scandinavia we don’t have oranges.
115.So local food production is out.
116.But also we do not want to relegate to poverty in the rural areas.
但是同时我们也不想 去贬低农村地区的贫困。
117.And we do not want to relegate the urban poor to starvation.
而且我们也不想让 城市内的穷人受饿。
118.So we must find other solutions.
119.One of our problems is that world food production needs to increase very rapidly — doubling by about 2030.
我们其中的一个问题是世界食物产量 必须快速增长 — 在2030年要翻倍。
120.The main driver of that is actually meat.
121.And meat consumption in Southeast Asia and China in particular is what drives the prices of cereals.
特别是东南亚和中国对肉的消耗 是对谷物价格影响的重要因素
122.That need for animal protein is going to continue.
123.We can discuss alternatives in another talk, perhaps one day.
124.But this is our driving force.
125.So what can we do?
126.Can we find a solution to produce more?
127.Yes. But we need mechanization.
128.And I’m making a real plea here.
129.I feel so strongly that you cannot ask a small farmer to work the land and bend over to grow a hectare of rice, 150 thousand times, just to plant a crop and weed it.
我强烈的感受到,你不能去要求一个农民 去田地里工作,去不辞劳苦的种一公顷大米, 弯上15万次腰,就是种植一种作物和施肥。
130.You cannot ask people to work under these conditions.
131.We need clever low-key mechanization that avoids the problems of the large-scale mechanization that we’ve had.
我们需要智能易操作机械化 那能避免一些大规模机械化所带来的问题。



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