1.Well, this is such an honor. And it’s wonderful to be in the presence of an organization that is really making a difference in the world.
非常荣幸能得这个奖。也非常高兴能 成为这个集体的一员,因为这个集体为世界所带来的改变有目共睹。
2.And I’m intensely grateful for the opportunity to speak to you today.
3.And I’m also rather surprised, because when I look back on my life the last thing I ever wanted to do was write or be in any way involved in religion.
其实就连我自己都觉得很意外。因为当我回想过去 我最不愿意干得就是与宗教有关的事,不管是写作还是以其他方式。
4.After I left my convent, I’d finished with religion, frankly.
5.I thought that was it.
6.And for 13 years I kept clear of it. I wanted to be an English Literature professor.
7.And I certainly didn’t even want to be a writer, particularly.
8.But then I suffered a series of career catastrophes, one after the other, and finally found myself in television. (Laughter) I said that to Bill Moyers, and he said, “Oh, we take anybody.” (Laughter)
然而此后,我的事业几经波折, 一次又一次失利之后,我却最终在电视上找到了自己。(笑声) 我跟比尔.莫耶斯说到这些时,他说:“哦,我们来者不拒。”(笑声)
9.And I was doing some rather controversial religious programs.
10.This went down very well in the U.K., where religion is extremely unpopular.
11.And so, for once, for the only time in my life, I was finally in the mainstream.
12.But I got sent to Jerusalem to make a film about early Christianity.
13.And there, for the first time, I encountered the other religious traditions: Judaism and Islam, the sister religions of Christianity.
就是在那里,我第一次了解到了其他的宗教: 犹太教和伊斯兰教,基督教的姐妹宗教。
14.And while I found I knew nothing about these faiths at all, despite my own intensely religious background.
我发现我对这两个宗教的信仰一无所知, 尽管我已经学习了很多年的宗教。
15.I’d seen Judaism only as a kind of prelude to Christianity, and I knew nothing about Islam at all.
我以前认为犹太教不过是基督教的前奏, 对伊斯兰教更可谓一无所知了。
16.But in that city, that tortured city, where you see the three faiths jostling so uneasily together, you also become aware of the profound connection between them.
但就是在那个几经沧桑的城市, 那片三大宗教你争我夺的圣地, 你也会慢慢意识到这三大宗教之间深刻的纽带。
17.And it has been the study of other religious traditions that brought me back to a sense of what religion can be, and actually enabled me
正是对其他宗教的研究让我 重新思考到底什么是宗教,也启发我
18.to look at my own faith in a different light.
19.And I found some astonishing things in the course of my study that had never occurred to me. Frankly, in the days that when I thought I’d had it with religion,
在研究过程中我发现了一些令我惊异的事情, 这些事情我以前从未想到过。其实就在我觉得我跟宗教无缘的那段时间,
20.I just found the whole thing absolutely incredible.
21.These doctrines seemed unproven, abstract.
22.And to my astonishment, when I began seriously studying other traditions, I began to realize that belief — which we make such a fuss about today —
令我吃惊的是,当我开始认真地研究基督教以外的其他宗教时, 我意识到,“信仰”,这个我们如此奉若神明的东西
23.is only a very recent religious enthusiasm that surfaced only in the West, in about the 17th century.
不过是一种近代才产生的宗教热忱, 它是17世纪才出现在西方的。
24.The word “belief” itself originally meant to love, to prize, to hold dear.
25.In the 17th century, it narrowed its focus, for reasons that I’m exploring in a book I’m writing at the moment, to include — to mean an intellectual assent to a set of propositions, a credo.
到了17世纪,这个词的含义变窄了, 其中的原因我正在写书进行探究, 这个词的含义变成了,对一组命题进行理智的考量后予以认可,也就是信条。
26.”I believe” — it did no mean “I accept certain creedal articles of faith.”
27.It meant: “I commit myself. I engage myself.”
28.Indeed, some of the world traditions think very little of religious orthodoxy.
29.In the Qur’an, religious opinion — religious orthodoxy — is dismissed as zanna: self-indulgent guesswork about matters that nobody can be certain of one way or the other,
在可兰经中,教义的正统学说像赞那一样不被接受。 对没有人能确定的事情进行无休止的无聊猜测,
30.but which makes people quarrelsome and stupidly sectarian. (Laughter) So if religion is not about believing things, what is it about?
各宗教间不断争吵,人们成为愚蠢的宗派主义者。(笑声) 那么如果宗教不是关于信什么的问题,那又是什么呢?
31.What I’ve found, across the board, is that religion is about behaving differently.
32.Instead of deciding whether or not you believe in God, first you to do something.
33.You behave in a committed way, And then you begin to understand the truths of religion.
你实实在在的去做一些事情以后, 你就逐渐开始理解宗教的真谛了。
34.And religious doctrines are meant to be summons to action; you only understand them when you put them into practice.
这些宗教的教条其实是对实际行动的引导。 只有在实践中才能领悟到其中的真谛。
35.Now, pride of place in this practice is given to compassion.
36.And it is an arresting fact that right across the board, in every single one of the major world faiths, compassion — the ability to feel with the other in the way we’ve been thinking about this evening —
值得注意的一个事实是, 在世界上所有主要的宗教信仰中,仁爱── 能对他人感同身受的能力,正如我们今晚所想–
37.is not only the test of any true religiosity, it is also what will bring us into the presence of what Jews, Christians and Muslims call “God” or the “Divine.”
不仅是一个宗教是否是真正的信仰的试金石,它也是将我们 带到“上帝”或“神灵”面前的力量,无论这个上帝是犹太人、基督徒,还是穆斯林的。
38.It is compassion, says the Buddha, which brings you to Nirvana.
39.Why? Because in compassion, when we feel with the other, we dethrone ourselves from the center of our world and we put another person there. And once we get rid of ego, then we’re ready to see the Divine.
为什么这样说呢?因为当我们以仁爱之心对待他人, 我们会把他人而不是自己看做是世界的中心。 一旦我们不再唯我独尊,我们就能看见神灵。
40.And in particular, every single one of the major world traditions has highlighted — has said — and put at the core of their tradition what’s become known as the Golden Rule.
值得注意的是,世界上的各大宗教派系都强调这一点, 都把这一黄金原则列为教义的核心。
41.First propounded by Confucius five centuries before Christ: “Do not do to others what you would not like them to do to you.”
早在公元前五百年,孔子就首先提出了这一点: “己所不欲,勿施于人。”
42.That, he said, was the central thread which ran through all his teaching and that his disciples should put into practice all day and every day.
他认为这是他所有教育思想的核心, 但凡他的弟子,每天都要做到这一点。
43.And it was the Golden Rule would bring them to the transcendent value that he called ren, human-heartedness, which was a transcendent experience in itself.
正是这一黄金原则使人们形成一种超然的价值观,这就是他所谓的仁 也就是人与人之间的关爱。这种关爱本身就是超然的。
44.And this is absolutely crucial to the monotheisms, too.
45.There’s a famous story about the great rabbi, Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus.
46.A pagan came to him and offered to convert to Judaism if the rabbi could recite the whole of Jewish teaching while he stood on one leg.
有一个异教徒来到拉比面前,说只要拉比能在自己一条腿站立 的功夫之内背出整个犹太教义,他就愿意成为犹太教徒。
47.Hillel stood on one leg and said, “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. The rest is commentary.
席勒儿抬起一条腿,说道,“如果什么事情是你所痛恨的, 那么千万不要对你的邻居做同样的事情。这就是教律,其他的都是评论而已。
48.Go and study it.” (Laughter) And “go and study it” was what he meant.
你自己仔细研究去吧。”(笑声) “你自己去研究”的确是他说的。
49.He said, “In your exegesis, you must make it clear that every single verse of the Torah is a commentary, a gloss upon the “Golden Rule.”
他说:“在你所做的考证中,一定要弄清楚 教律的每一句话都是评论,是对黄金法则所做的注解。”
50.The great Rabbi Meir said that any interpretation of scripture which led to hatred and disdain or contempt of other people — any people whatsoever — was illegitimate.
著名拉比梅尔(Meir)曾说,任何对教义的解释, 如果结果导致的是对他人—无论什么人—-的仇恨、排斥和蔑视, 那么这样的解释一定是有悖教律的。
51.Saint Augustine made exactly the same point.
52.Scripture, he says, “teaches nothing but charity, and we must not leave an interpretation of scripture until we have found a compassionate interpretation of it.”
他说:“经文要教给我们的,其实除了仁慈之外并无其他东西, 对经文唯一合理的解读,就是充满仁爱的解读。”
53.And this struggle to find compassion in some of these rather rebarbative texts is a good dress rehearsal for doing the same in ordinary life. (Applause)
有一些经文看上去令人生厌,要从中找到仁慈, 这本身就是对在生活中实践这些教义的最好预演。(鼓掌)
54.But now look at our world. And we are living in a world that is — where religion has been hijacked. Where terrorists cite Qur’anic verses to justify their atrocities.
现在看看我们这个世界。我们生活在一个 信仰被劫持的现实中。恐怖分子打着古兰经的旗号大施其暴,
55.Where instead of taking Jesus’ words, “Love your enemies.
56.Don’t judge others,” we have the spectacle of Christians endlessly judging other people, endlessly using scripture as a way of arguing with other people,
不要妄断他人”,我们的基督徒们仍旧我行我素的对他人妄加推测, 没完没了的拿着圣经要跟别人一争高下,
57.putting other people down. Throughout the ages, religion has been used to oppress others, and this is because of human ego, human greed.
直到打倒别人。这么多年来,宗教一直被当做打压他人的武器, 而这完全是出于人类的自负和贪婪。
58.We have a talent as a species for messing up wonderful things.
59.So the traditions also insisted — and this is an important point, I think — that you could not and must not confine your compassion
我们的传统同时教导我们,这一点我认为非常的重要, 那就是你不能只把仁爱施向
60.to your own group: your own nation, your own co-religionists, your own fellow countrymen. You must have what one of the Chinese sages called “jian ai”:
你自己身边的人:你的国家、跟你同信仰的人、 你的同乡。你必须拥有一颗中国人所说的“仁爱”之心,
61.concern for everybody. Love your enemies. Honor the stranger.
62.We formed you, says the Qur’an, into tribes and nations so that you may know one another.
63.And this, again — this universal outreach — is getting subdued in the strident use of religion — abuse of religion — for nefarious gains.
这个传统,这个心怀大爱的传统,再一次在利用宗教信仰 达到邪恶目的和对信仰的滥用中消失殆尽。
64.Now, I’ve lost count of the number of taxi drivers who, when I say to them what I do for a living, inform me that religion has been the cause of all the major world wars in history. Wrong.
我已经不记得有多少出租车司机, 在得知我做什么工作的时候告诉我说 历史上所有主要的战争都是宗教引起的。错!
65.The cause of our present woes are political.
66.But make no mistake about it, religion is a kind of fault line, and when a conflict gets ingrained in a region, religion can get sucked in
但不能否认,宗教可能成为故障点, 当一场冲突跟宗教搅在一起的时候,宗教就可能陷在其中,
67.and become part of the problem. Our modernity has been exceedingly violent.
68.Between 1914 and 1945, 70 million people died in Europe alone as a result of armed conflict.
69.And so many of our institutions, even football which used to be a pleasant pastime now causes riots where people even die.
有很多我们体系内的活动,像橄榄球这样曾经的消遣娱乐, 如今也会引发暴乱,引起死亡。
70.And it’s not surprising that religion, too, has been affected by this violent ethos.
71.There’s also a great deal, I think, of religious illiteracy around.
72.People seem to think now equate religious faith with believing things.
73.As though that — we call religious people often believers, as though that were the main thing that they do. And very often, secondary goals
所以我们经常把宗教人士称为信徒, 就好像这就是他们主要就是干这个。常常是这样,次要的目标
74.get pushed into the first place, in place of compassion and the Golden Rule.
75.Because the Golden Rule is difficult. I sometimes, when I’m speaking to congregations about compassion, I sometimes see a mutinous expression crossing some of their faces because religion
因为黄金法则很难做到。有时候,当我向大众 宣讲仁爱的时候,我有时候会看到 他们脸上有抗拒的表情,这是因为宗教
76.a lot of religious people prefer to be right, rather than compassionate. (Laughter) Now — but that’s not the whole story.
很多宗教人士更热衷于去争论谁对谁错,而不是如何施以仁爱之心。(笑声) 其实还不止是这样。
77.Since September the 11th, when my work on Islam suddenly propelled me into public life in a way that I’d never imagined, I’ve been able to sort of go all over the world,
自打9.11发生以后,我对伊斯兰的研究瞬间把我 推向公众视野,这是我始料未及的。我也有机会到世界各地走走,
78.and finding, everywhere I go, a yearning for change.