1.Chris Anderson: Let’s now see the extraordinary speech that we captured a couple weeks ago.
克里斯.安德森:让我们一起来领略这个精彩的演讲吧。 它摄制于几周前。
2.(Music) Jose Antonio Abreu: My dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, I am overjoyed today at being awarded the TED Prize on behalf of all
(音乐)2009年2月,加拉加斯,委内瑞拉 荷塞.安东尼奥.阿布吕尔:我亲爱的朋友,女士们,先生们, 我今天非常高兴 被授予本年度的TED大奖。 这个奖属于委内瑞拉全体
3.the distinguished music teachers, artists and educators from Venezuela who have selflessly and loyally accompanied me for 35 years in founding, growing and developing in Venezuela
优秀的音乐教师们, 艺术家和教育工作者们 他们在过去35年一直无私和忠诚地陪伴着我 一起为遍及委内瑞拉全国的青少年乐队与合唱队项目
4.the National System of Youth and Children’s Orchestras and Choirs.
5.Since I was a boy, in my early childhood, I always wanted to be a musician, and, thank God, I made it.
当我还是个男孩子时 那时候我还很小 我就一心想当个音乐家, 感谢上帝,我成功了。
6.From my teachers, my family and my community, I had all the necessary support to become a musician.
我的老师们、我的家人和我的社区, 都在我成长为音乐家的道路上给与了许多必要的支持。
7.All my life I’ve dreamed that all Venezuelan children have the same opportunity that I had.
我此生一直梦想 让委内瑞拉所有的孩子 都能享有和我一样的机会。
8.From that desire and from my heart stemmed the idea to make music a deep and global reality for my country.
因为这个愿望 我心里树立了一个理想:让音乐 广泛而深入地植根于我们的国家。
9.From the very first rehearsal, I saw the bright future ahead.
10.Because the rehearsal meant a great challenge to me.
11.I had received a donation of 50 music stands to be used by 100 boys in that rehearsal.
那次别人捐了50个乐谱架给我, 预备着给100个孩子排练时用。
12.When I arrived at the rehearsal, only 11 kids had shown up, and I said to myself, “Do I close the program or multiply these kids?”
当我来到排练的场地,发现只来了11个孩子。 我就对自己说, “我是应该停止这个项目呢,还是使参与的孩子数量成倍增加呢?”
13.I decided to face the challenge, and on that same night, I promised those 11 children I’d turn our orchestra into one of the leading orchestras in the world.
我决定接受挑战,就在那个晚上, 我向这11个孩子承诺,我一定会把我们的乐队 变成世界上最好的乐队之一。
14.Two months ago, I remembered that promise I made, when a distinguished English critic published an article in the London Times, asking who could be the winner of the Orchestra World Cup.
两个月前,我想起了自己当年的承诺, 因为一位著名的英国乐评人 在伦敦《时代》杂志上发表了一篇文章, 讨论如果交响乐团有世界杯赛,哪支乐团将名列前茅。
15.He mentioned four great world orchestras, and the fifth one was Venezuela’s Youth Symphony Orchestra.
他提到了4支世界一流乐团, 而第五个名字就是委内瑞拉青少年交响乐团。
16.Today we can say that art in Latin America is no longer a monopoly of elites and that it has become a social right, a right for all the people.
今天我们完全可以说 拉丁美洲的艺术 不再只由精英阶层所专享 它已经成为全社会的权利, 为全体人民所享有。
17.Child: There is no difference here between classes, nor white or black, if you have money or not.
受访孩子:在这里没有阶层区别, 也不管你的皮肤是什么颜色,你是贫穷还是富有。
18.Simply, if you are talented, if you have the vocation and the will to be here you get in, you share with us and make music.
很简单,只要你有才华, 只要你有使命感和来这里的强烈愿望。 你参与,你分享,你演奏音乐。
19.JA: During the recent tour by the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela of U.S. and Europe we saw how our music moved young audiences
博士:委内瑞拉的西蒙玻利瓦尔青年管弦乐团 最近的巡演 包括美国和欧洲 我们能看到我们的音乐如何打动年轻的听众们
20.to the bottom of their souls, how children and adolescents rushed up to the stage to receive the jackets from our musicians, how the standing ovations, sometimes 30 minutes long,
如何直抵他们的心灵。 孩子和青少年们如何冲向舞台 争抢演奏者抛下来的外套。 观众们如何热情地站立鼓掌,有时甚至长达30多分钟,
21.seemed to last forever, and how the public, after the concert was over, went out into the street to greet our young people in triumph.
掌声好像永远不会停止似的, 公众在演出结束之后, 如何向我们的年轻人致以胜利的祝贺。
22.This meant not only an artistic triumph, but also a profound emotional sympathy between the public of the most advanced nations of the world
这不单止是艺术的胜利, 也是世界上最发达国家的人们 和年轻的拉美音乐家之间
23.and the musical youth of Latin America, as seen in Venezuela, giving these audiences a message of music, vitality, energy, enthusiasm and strength.
深沉的情感共鸣, 在委内瑞拉也一样, 它向观众传达的信息包括音乐、活力、能量 热诚和力量。
24.In its essence, the orchestra and the choir are much more than artistic structures.
本质上,交响乐团与合唱团 远不只是艺术组织。
25.They are examples and schools of social life, because to sing and to play together means to intimately coexist toward perfection and excellence,
他们就是社会生活的样板和学校, 因为在一起唱歌和演奏 意味着要紧密相处 一起为达到完美和杰出而努力,
26.following a strict discipline of organization and coordination in order to seek the harmonic interdependence of voices and instruments.
保持严格的组织纪律性和合作精神 以寻求声音和乐器 之间的和谐共存。
27.That’s how they build a spirit of solidarity and fraternity among them, develop their self-esteem and foster the ethical and aesthetical values
这是他们培养团队意识 和互助精神的方式, 塑造自尊自爱之心 培育他们的伦理和美学价值观
28.related to the music in all its senses.
29.This is why music is immensely important in the awakening of sensibility, in the forging of values and in the training of youngsters
这是音乐如此重要的原因 音乐唤醒情感,塑造价值观念 训练年轻人
30.to teach other kids.
31.Child: After all this time here, music is life.
受访孩子:经过在这里学习的日子, 音乐已经成了我的生命。
32.Nothing else.
33.Music is life.
34.JA: Each teenager and child in El Sistema has his own story, and they are all important and of great significance to me.
博士:这个项目里的每个年轻人和孩子都有自己的故事, 对我来说,他们都非常重要,意义深远。
35.Let me mention the case of Edicson Ruiz.
36.He is a boy from a parish in Caracas who passionately attended to his double bass lessons at the San Agustin’s Junior Orchestra.
来自首都加拉加斯的一个教区 他充满热忱地学习低音提琴 在圣奥古斯丁青年管弦乐团。
37.With his effort, and the support of his mother, his family and his community, he became a principal member in the double bass segment of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
通过自身的努力, 还有他母亲、家人和社区的支持 他已经成为柏林爱乐乐团低音提琴部 的一名重要成员。
38.We have another well-known case — Gustavo Dudamel.
我们另一个知名的例子就是古斯塔夫 杜达梅尔(现今当红知名指挥)。
39.He started as a boy member of the children’s orchestra in his hometown, Barquisimeto.
他起初加入了在家乡巴基西梅托 的一个儿童乐团。
40.There, he grew as a violinist and as a conductor.
41.He became the conductor of Venezuela’s junior orchestras, and today conducts the world’s greatest orchestras.
现在他已经是委内瑞拉青少年交响乐团的指挥。 同时他还在世界上多个最著名的交响乐团担任指挥。
42.He is the musical director of Los Angeles Philharmonic, and is still the overall leader of Venezuela’s junior orchestras.
他是洛杉矶爱乐乐团的音乐总监, 还担任委内瑞拉青少年交响乐队的总监。
43.He was the conductor of the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, and he’s an unbeatable example for young musicians in Latin America and the world.
他还曾是哥德堡交响乐团的指挥。 他是拉美和世界年轻音乐家里 无可争议的榜样。
44.The structure of El Sistema is based on a new and flexible managing style adapted to the features of each community and region, and today attends to 300,000 children of the lower and middle class
我们的项目名为El Sistema(即西班牙语中的“体系”) 它采用的是一种新型而灵活的管理方式 能灵活地适应每个社区和地区的自身特点 现在有超过30万来自中低下阶层的孩子参与到这个项目来
45.all over Venezuela.
46.It’s a program of social rescue and deep cultural transformation designed to the whole Venezuelan society with absolutely no distinctions whatsoever,
它也是一个社会拯救项目 和深层的文化改造 目标人群是委内瑞拉全社会 我们摈弃任何形式的歧视,
47.but emphasizing on the vulnerable and endangered social groups.
48.The effect of El Sistema is felt in three fundamental circles — in the personal/social circle, in the family circle and in the community.
El Sistema的影响力主要体现在3个方面 — 在个人/社会层面, 家庭层面,以及社区层面。
49.In the personal/social circle, the children in the orchestras and choirs develop their intellectual and emotional side.
在个人/社会层面, 在交响乐团与合唱团的孩子们 他们的智力和情感得以发展。
50.The music becomes a source for developing the dimensions of the human being, thus elevating the spirit and leading man to a full development of his personality.
音乐成为帮助人类 在各方面发展的源泉。 它使人们的精神得到升华 使人的天性得以全面发展。
51.So, the emotional and intellectual profits are huge — the acquisition of leadership, teaching and training principles, the sense of commitment, responsibility,
人类的情感和智力因此获益良多 — 学会如何领导、教学、训练的方法 培养归宿感,责任感,
52.generosity and dedication to others, and the individual contribution to achieve great collective goals.
慷慨与奉献之心 以及个人如何为实现伟大的集体共同目标而努力。
53.All this leads to the development of self-esteem and confidence.
54.Mother Teresa of Calcutta insisted on something that always impressed me — the most miserable and tragic thing about poverty is not the lack of bread or roof,
加尔各答的特蕾莎修女 她的一个信念一直令我动容 — 关于贫穷最可怜和最悲惨的事情 并不是没有面包可吃,没有房子可住,
55.but the feeling of being no-one, the feeling of not being anyone, the lack of identification, the lack of public esteem.
而是根本没有自我意识。 缺乏存在感, 缺少自我认同, 不被尊重。
56.That’s why the child’s development in the orchestra and the choir provides him with a noble identity and makes him a role model for his family and community.
这就是为什么 在乐团和合唱团中的成长过程, 能让孩子们感受到尊重 使他们成为家庭和社区的模范榜样。
57.It makes him a better student at school because it inspires in him a sense of responsibility, perseverance and punctuality that will greatly help him at school.
使他们在学校里成为更好的学生 因为这会激发他们的责任感, 毅力和守时等品质也使他在学校有更好的表现。
58.Within the family, the parents’ support is unconditional.
59.The child becomes a role model for both his parents, and this is very important for a poor child.
在他们眼里,孩子成了家里的模范。 这对穷孩子来说异常重要。
60.Once the child discovers he is important for his family, he begins to seek new ways of improving himself and hopes better for himself and his community.
一旦孩子们意识到自己对家庭很重要, 他就会尽力提升自己 对自己和社区抱有更高的期望。
61.Also, he hopes for social and economic improvements for his own family.
62.All this makes up a constructive and ascending social dynamic.
63.The large majority of our children belong, as I already mentioned, to the most vulnerable strata of the Venezuelan population.
如前所述,我们这个项目里大部分的孩子, 都来自委内瑞拉最穷困的阶层。
64.That encourages them to embrace new dreams, new goals, and progress in the various opportunities that music has to offer.
参与这个项目使他们能拥有新的梦想,新的目标, 在这些音乐所赐的机遇面前 他们获得了长足的进步。
65.Finally, in the circle of the community, the orchestras prove to be the creative spaces of culture and sources of exchange and new meanings.
最后,在社区层面, 事实证明乐团是个有创造性的文化组织 是观念交流和新意层出的源泉,
66.The spontaneity music has excludes it as a luxury item and makes it a patrimony of society.
音乐的美自然而生 所以它不会沦为奢侈品,而只会是全社会共享的财富。
67.It’s what makes a child play a violin at home, while his father works in his carpentry.
因此,当家中的孩子演奏小提琴时, 父亲在旁边做着木工活。
68.It’s what makes a little girl play the clarinet at home, while her mother does the housework.
当家中的小女孩演奏单簧管时, 妈妈在旁边做着家务。
69.The idea is that the families join with pride and joy in the activities of the orchestras and the choirs their children belong to.
我们的理念是,在孩子们参与的 乐团与合唱团活动中 整个家庭共享骄傲和喜悦。
70.The huge spiritual world that music produces in itself, which also lies within itself, ends up overcoming material poverty.
音乐自身创造的强大精神世界, 就在于音乐本身, 它能克服物质上的贫乏。
71.From the minute a child’s taught how to play an instrument, he’s no longer poor.
从孩子学习演奏乐器的那一刻开始, 他就不再贫穷,
72.He becomes a child in progress heading for a professional level, who’ll later become a full citizen.
他成了一个正向着职业水平迈进的孩子, 他迟早会成长为一个合格的全面发展的公民。
73.Needless to say that music is the number one prevention against prostitution, violence, bad habits, and everything degrading in the life of a child.
更不用说,音乐是首选的 抵御卖淫、暴力、坏习惯的方式, 它能使孩子们免受各种负面恶习的侵蚀。
74.A few years ago, historian Arnold Toynbee said that the world was suffering a huge spiritual crisis.
几年前,历史学家阿诺德.汤因比就指出 当今世界正面临巨大的精神危机。
75.Not an economic or social crisis, but a spiritual one.
76.I believe that to confront such a crisis, only art and religion can give proper answers to humanity, to mankind’s deepest aspirations,
我认为要面对这种危机, 只有艺术和宗教才能为人性、 和人类最深切的渴望,
77.and to the historic demands of our times.
78.Education being the synthesis of wisdom and knowledge, it’s the means to strive for a more perfect, more aware more noble and more just society.
教育是承载智慧和知识的综合体, 是建立更完美、更明智 更高尚和更公正社会的正途。
79.With passion and enthusiasm we pay profound respects to TED for its outstanding humanism, the scope of its principles, for its open and generous promotion of young values.
满怀激情和热忱地,我们向TED致以诚挚的敬意 为它杰出的人文精神,它崇高的理念, 和它公开而慷慨的宣扬年轻人的价值观。
80.We hope that TED can contribute in a full and fundamental way to the building of this new era in the teaching of music, in which the social, communal, spiritual and vindicatory aims
我们希望TED能全面而有效地 帮助建立一个全新的音乐教育体系, 在这个新体系里,孩子和青少年的
81.of the child and the adolescent become a beacon and a goal for a vast social mission.
社会和社区责任感、他们的精神追求 就是整个社会应该努力的目标。
82.No longer putting society at the service of art, and much less at the services of monopolies of the elite, but instead art at the service of society,
社会不再是为艺术服务, 更不是为精英阶层垄断的艺术服务, 相反,艺术应当服务于社会,
83.at the service of the weakest, at the service of the children, at the service of the sick, at the service of the vulnerable, and at the service of all those who cry for vindication
服务于弱势群体,服务于儿童, 服务于老弱病残, 服务于那些寻求公义的人们。
84.through the spirit of their human condition and the raising up of their dignity.
所用的方法,就是改变这些人的精神状态 提升他们的尊严。
85.(Music) (Applause) CA: We are going live now to Caracas.
(音乐) (掌声) 主持人:我们回到加拉加斯的现场。
86.We are going live to Caracas to hear Maestro Abreu’s TED Prize wish.
我们现在正和加拉加斯进行现场连线 我们来听听阿布吕尔大师的TED大奖愿望。
87.JA: Here is my TED Prize wish — I wish that you help to create and document a special training program for 50 gifted young musicians
阿布吕尔:以下就是我的TED大奖愿望 — 我希望TED能够帮助创建和起草, 一份特别的培训计划, 挑选50名富有才华的音乐家加以培养,
88.passionate about their art and social justice and dedicated to bringing El Sistema to the United States and other countries.
他们热心于艺术和社会公义, 致力于把音乐培养体系”EI Sistema”项目的模式 引入美国和其他国家。
89.Thank you very much.