
1.These rocks have been hitting our earth for about three billion years, and are responsible for much of what’s gone on on our planet.
这些石块在过去的三十亿年间一直不断撞击着地球 它们是地球上发生的很多事情的原因
2.This is an example of a real meteorite, and you can see all the melting of the iron from the  speed and the heat when a meteorite hits the earth,
这是一块陨石的样本 你可以看见很多金属融化的部分 这是陨石撞击地球产生的速度和热量
3.and just how much of it survives and melts.
4.From a meteorite from space, we’re over here with an original Sputnik.
从一块陨石到太空, 我们来谈谈一个最初的人造卫星
5.This is one of the seven surviving Sputniks that was not launched into space.
6.This is not a copy.
7.The space age began 50 years ago in October, and that’s exactly what Sputnik looked like.
太空时代开始于50年前的十月 而这就是卫星的样子
8.And it wouldn’t be fun to talk about the space age without seeing a flag that was carried to the moon and back, on Apollo 11.
如果不能看到由阿波罗11号 带上月球又返回的旗帜 谈论太空时代就没那么有趣了
9.The astronauts each got to carry about ten silk flags in their personal kits.
每名宇航员在自己的装备中 都得带上10个左右的丝绸旗帜
10.They would bring them back and mount them.
11.So this has actually been carried to the moon and back.
所以这些旗子是去过月球的 又被带回来
12.So that’s for fun.
13.The dawn of books is, of course, important.
14.And it wouldn’t be interesting to talk about the dawn of books without having a copy of a Guttenberg Bible.
让我们看看谷登堡版圣经吧 这会使得谈论书籍起源更有趣些
15.You can see how portable and handy it was to have your own Guttenberg in 1455.
大家看,一本1455年的谷登堡版圣经 多么轻便
16.But what’s interesting about the Guttenberg Bible and the dawn of this technology, is not the book.
而谷登堡版圣经和它的印刷技术之所以有趣却 不在于这本书
17.You see, the book was not driven by reading.
18.In 1455, nobody could read.
19.So why did the printing press succeed?
20.This is an original page of a Guttenberg Bible.
21.So you’re looking here at one of the first printed books using movable type in the history of man, 550 years ago.
所以你现在看见的正是 历史上最初应用活字凸版应刷的书籍之一 那是550年前的事了
22.We are living at the age here at the end of the book where electronic paper will undoubtedly replace it.
我们正活在书的最末一页 电子印刷术将会毫无疑问地取代活字凸版的年代
23.But why is this so interesting? Here’s the quick story.
24.It turns out that in the 1450s, the Catholic Church needed money, and so they printed indulge — they actually hand-wrote these things called indulgences,
在15世纪50年代 天主教会需要用钱 因此他们印刷赎罪券 赎罪券事实上是手写在纸上的
25.which were forgiveness’s on pieces of paper.
26.That they traveled all around Europe and sold by the hundreds or by the thousands.
它们在欧洲大陆上漫天飞舞 被成百上千地出售
27.They got you out of purgatory faster.
28.And when the printing press was invented what they found was they could print indulgences, which was the equivalent of printing money.
在印刷机被发明之后 教会发现他们可以印刷赎罪券 也就相当于印刷纸币
29.And so all of Western Europe started buying printing presses in 1455 to print out thousands and then hundreds of thousands, and then ultimately millions
于是在1455年整个欧洲西部开始购买印刷机 来印刷成百上千 而后成千上万 而后数不胜数的
30.of single, small pieces of paper that got you out of middle hell and into heaven.
单页的小纸片 声称能将你从地狱中引领入天堂
31.That is why the printing press succeeded, and that is why Martin Luther nailed his 90 theses to the door: because he was complaining that the Catholic Church had gone amok
这就是印刷机成功的原因 也是马丁路德 在教堂张贴他的90条论纲的起因 他抱怨天主教会通过
32.in printing out indulgences and selling them in every town and village and city in all of Western Europe.
印刷赎罪券并大肆在 欧洲西部的每个市镇乡村疯狂售卖
33.So the printing press, ladies and gentlemen, was driven entirely by the printing of forgivenesses and had nothing to do with reading.
因此,女士们先生们,印刷机 是被复印赎罪券的需求推动的 完全与阅读无关
34.More tomorrow. I also have pictures coming of the library for those of you that have asked for pictures.
明天还会展示更多。我还有一些从图书馆带来的图片 是为想要图片的各位准备的
35.We’re going to have some tomorrow.
36.(Applause) Instead of showing an object from the stage I’m going to do something special for the first time.
掌声 我将会做些前所未有的事情 而不是在讲台上展示一样物品
37.We are going to show, actually, what the library looks like, OK?
38.So, I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world.
39.You’re going to find out why in a minute, because when I went to see Eileen, this is what I said I wanted to build.
你马上就会知道原因了 因为当我去见艾琳的时候 我和她说这就是我一直想要建造的
40.This is the library of human imagination.
41.The room itself is three stories tall.
42.In the glass panels is 5,000 years of human imagination that are computer controlled.
在这些玻璃板上是5000年来的人类思维 是电脑控制的
43.The room is a theatre. It changes colors.
44.And all throughout the library are different objects, different spaces.
45.It’s designed like an Escher print.
46.Here is some of the lower level of the library where the exhibits constantly change.
这是图书馆的底层 展示着不断变化的展品
47.You can walk through. You can touch.
48.You can see exactly how many of these types of items would fit in a room.
49.There’s my very own Saturn V.
50.Everybody should have one, OK.
51.So you can see here in the lower level of the library the books and the objects.
你可以看到图书馆的底层的 书籍和物件
52.In the glass panels all along, is sort of the history of imagination.
53.There is a glass bridge that you walk across that’s suspended in space.
这是用来供人走的玻璃桥 悬空的
54.So it’s a leap of imagination.
55.So how do we create?
56.And part of the question that I have answered is we create by surrounding ourselves with stimuli, with human achievement, with history,
我已经回答了这个问题的一部分了 那就是不断使自己受到 人类历史上的成就的激励
57.with the things that drive us and make us human.
58.The passionate discovery, the bones of dinosaurs long gone, the maps of space that we’ve experienced, and ultimately the hallways that stimulate our mind and our imagination.
那激动人心的发现,古老的恐龙的骨骼 那我们到过的宇宙的地图 以及那激励了我们的思想和想象力的通道
59.So hopefully tomorrow I’ll show one or two more objects from the stage, but for today I just wanted to say thank you for all the people that came and talked to us about it.
所以希望明天我可以在这个讲台上向大家展示 一两件物品 对于今天我对大家表示感谢 感谢那些前来和我们谈论这件事的人
60.And Eileen and I are thrilled to open our home and share it with the TED community.
我和艾琳非常期待将我们的房子敞开 与TED的公众共享
61.(Applause) TED is all about patterns in the clouds.
掌声 TED是云图
62.It’s all about connections.
63.It’s all about seeing things that everybody else has seen before but thinking about them in ways that nobody has thought of them before.
在于开拓视野 使大家见到前所未见的 使大家以前所未有的方式去思考
64.And that’s really what discovery and imagination is all about.
65.For example, we can look at a DNA molecule model here.
例如,我们看一下 这个DNA分子模型
66.None of us really have ever seen one, but we know it exists because we’ve been taught to understand why this molecule.
我们都从没见过 但我们学过,所以知道它的存在 和组成
67.But we can also look at an Enigma machine from the Nazis in World War II that was a coding and decoding machine.
让我们也来看看二战时期纳粹党的 恩尼格玛密电码机 这是一个编码和解码的机器
68.Now, you might say, what does this have to do with this?
69.Well, this is the code for life, and this is a code for death.
嗯,这个是生命的密码 这个是死亡的密码
70.These two molecules code and decode.
这两个分子 编码和解码
71.And yet, looking at them, you would see a machine and a molecule.
72.But once you’ve seen them in a new way, you realize that both of these things really are connected.
但如果你以新的方式去看待他们 你将会发现事实上他们是有联系的
73.And they’re connected primarily because of this here.
74.You see, this is a human brain model, OK?
75.And it’s rare, because we never really get to see a brain.
76.We get to see a skull. But there it is.
77.All of imagination, everything that we think, we feel, we sense, comes through the human brain.
都是由于想象,一切我们所想 所感,都来自于人脑
78.And once we create new patterns in this brain, once we shape the brain in a new way, it never returns to its original shape.
而一旦我们在头脑中创造了新的想法 以新的方式塑造我们的头脑 它绝不会回到原来的样子的
79.And I’ll give you a quick example.
80.We think about the Internet.
81.We think about information that goes across the Internet.
82.And we never think about the hidden connection.
83.But I brought along here a lump of coal — right here, one lump of coal.
我带来了一块煤 在这,一块煤
84.And what does a lump of coal have to do with the Internet?
85.You see, it takes the energy in one lump of coal to move one megabyte of information across the net.
你看,网络需要煤产生的能量 来使每兆字节的信息在网络上传播
86.So every time you download a file, each megabyte is a lump of coal.
所以每当你下载了一个文件 每兆字节都是一块煤
87.What that means is, a 200-megabyte file looks like this, ladies and gentlemen. OK?
这就意味着,一个200亿兆字节的文件 看起来是这样的,女士们先生们
88.So the next time you download a gigabyte, or two gigabytes, it’s not for free, OK?
所以下次你下载一个10亿字节 或20亿字节的文件时,是有代价的,好吗?
89.The connection is the energy it takes to run the web and to make everything we think possible, possible.
此间的联系便是能量使其在网络上传播 使得我们所认为可能的事情,变成可能
90.Thanks, Chris.



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