
1.This was in an area called Wellawatta, a prime residential area in Colombo.
2.We stood on the railroad tracks that ran between my friend’s house and the beach.
我们站在铁轨上 它从我朋友的房子和海滩之间穿过。
3.The tracks are elevated about eight feet from the waterline normally, but at that point the water had receded to a level three or four feet below normal.
一般情况下铁轨会高于水位8英尺, 但是在那时候水已经退到 正常水位的3或者4英尺之下的位置了。
4.I’d never seen the reef here before.
5.There were fish caught in rock pools left behind by the receding water.
6.Some children jumped down and ran to the rock pools with bags.
7.They were trying to catch fish.
8.No one realized that this was a very bad idea.
9.The people on the tracks just continued to watch them.
10.I turned around to check on my friend’s house.
11.Then someone on the tracks screamed.
12.Before I could turn around, everyone on the tracks was screaming and running.
13.The water had started coming back. It was foaming over the reef.
14.The children managed to run back onto the tracks.
15.No one was lost there. But the water continued to climb.
16.In about two minutes, it had reached the level of the railroad tracks and was coming over it. We had run about 100 meters by this time.
在两分钟之内,水已经漫到铁轨之上 即将把铁轨淹没。到那时我们跑了100多米远。
17.I continued to rise.
18.I saw an old man standing at his gate, knee-deep in water, refusing to move.
19.He said he’d lived his whole life there by the beach, and that he would rather die there than run.
他说他在海滩边已经住了一辈子, 他宁愿死也不会逃跑。
20.A boy broke away from his mother to run back into his house to get his dog, who was apparently afraid.
一个小男孩挣脱了妈妈,跑回了他的房间去找他的狗。 显然,狗狗也很害怕。
21.An old lady, crying, was carried out of her house and up the road by her son.
22.The slum built on the railroad reservation between the sea and the railroad tracks was completely swept away.
建在海和铁路之间的铁路保留区上的贫民窝棚 已经完全被冲走。
23.Since this was a high-risk location, the police had warned the residents, and no-one was there when the water rose.
由于这是一个高危区域,警察曾警告过那些居民 所以水位上升的时候没人在那。
24.But they had not had any time to evacuate any belongings.
25.For hours afterwards, the sea was strewn with bits of wood for miles around — all of this was from the houses in the slum.
几个小时之后,数英里的海面上布满了木头的碎片 这些都来自于贫民窝棚。
26.When the waters subsided, it was as if it had never existed.
27.This may seem hard to believe, unless you’ve been reading lots and lots of news reports but in many places, after the tsunami,  villagers were still terrified.
这可能听起来难以置信, 除非你已经读过了许许多多这样的新闻报道 但是在很多地方,海啸之后,村民们仍然感觉恐惧。
28.When what was a tranquil sea swallows up people, homes and long-tail boats mercilessly without warning, and no one can tell you anything reliable about whether another one is coming,
当曾经平静的海面开始无情并毫无警告的吞没人们,家园 和那些长尾船时, 对于下一个海啸是不是会来,没有人能够给你可靠的消息,
29.I’m not sure you’d want to calm down either.
30.One of the scariest things about the tsunami that I’ve not seen mentioned is the complete lack of information.
海啸最令人害怕的东西之一 是信息的极度缺乏。
31.This may seem minor, but it is terrifying to hear rumor after rumor after rumor that another tidal wave, bigger than the last, will be coming at exactly 1 p.m., or perhaps tonight, or perhaps …
这似乎是小事,但听到一个接着一个的谣言,让人感到极度恐惧, 这些谣言说下一次海啸会比上一次更大, 会在下午1点来,或者是今晚,或者是。。。
32.you don’t even know if it is safe to go back down to the water, to catch a boat to the hospital.
你根本不知道回到水里搭船去医院 是不是安全。
33.We think that Phi Phi hospital was destroyed.
我们认为Phi Phi医院已经被毁了。
34.We think this boat is going to Phuket hospital, but if it’s too dangerous to land at its pier, then perhaps it will go to Krabi instead, which is more protected.
我们认为这艘船将要去的是普吉医院, 但是如果在码头靠岸太危险的话, 也许就会去Krabi医院,一个更安全的地方。
35.We don’t think another wave is coming right away.
36.At the Phi Phi Hill Resort, I was tucked into a corner furthest away from the television, but I strained to listen for information.
在Phi Phi山度假村, 我被挤到了离电视机最远的角落里, 但是我一直在强迫自己听这些消息。
37.They reported that there was an 8.5 magnitude earthquake in Sumatra, which triggered the massive tsunami.
他们报道说在苏门答腊发生了8.5级的地震, 触发了这次大海啸。
38.Having this news was comforting in some small way to understand what had just happened to us.
听到这则消息稍稍有点安慰, 至少明白了刚才究竟发生了什么。
39.However, the report focused on what had already occurred and offered no information on what to expect now.
然而,报道更多关注的是那些已经发生的 并没有提供任何有关于还会发生什么的信息。
40.In general, everything was merely hearsay and rumor, and not a single person I spoke to for over 36 hours knew anything with any certainty.
大体上说,所有的都仅仅是道听途说或是谣言, 在过去的36个小时中,我说过话的人中,没有一个人 确定的知道些什么。
41.Those were two accounts of the Asian tsunami from two Internet blogs that essentially sprang up after it occurred.
这是两篇从互络博客中选出的有关亚洲海啸的的博文 而这些博客也是在海啸发生之后如雨后春笋般冒出来。
42.I’m now going to show you two video segments from the tsunami that also were shown on blogs.
我将要给你们看了两个有关海啸的视频片段 而他们也是来自于博客。
43.I should warn you, they’re pretty powerful.
44.One from Thailand and the second one from Phuket, as well.
45.(Screaming) Voice 1: It’s coming in. It’s coming again.
(尖叫声) 声音1:它进来了。它又回来了。
46.Voice 2: It’s coming again?
47.Voice 1: Yeah. It’s coming again.
48.Voice 2: [unclear] Voice 1: It’s coming again. New wave.
声音2:[不明] 声音1:它又回来了。新潮水。
49.It’s coming again.
50.[unclear] (Screaming) They called me out here.
[不明] (尖叫声) 他们叫我从这出去。
51.James Surowiecki: Phew. Those were both on this site: Waveofdestruction.org.
52.In the world of blogs, there’s going to be before the tsunami and after the tsunami, because one of the things that happened in the wake of the tsunami was that,
在博客世界里,这些将在海啸之前以及海啸之后发生, 因为在海啸刚刚发生之时,有一个事情是这样的,
53.although initially — that is, in that first day — there was actually a kind of dearth of live reporting, there was a dearth of live video —
虽然是最开始 – 或者说,就在第一天 – 现场报道实际上在某种程度上说是十分缺乏的,现场视频也是十分缺乏的 –
54.and some people complained about this.
55.They said, sort of, you know, the blogsters let us down.
56.What became very clear was that within a few days the outpouring of information was immense, and we got a complete and powerful picture of what had happened
很清楚的是, 过了几天,输出的信息量是巨大的, 而且我们获得了一个完整并且冲击力十足的,有关于所发生事件的全景画面
57.in a way that we never had been able to get before.
58.And what you had was a group of essentially unorganized, unconnected writers, video bloggers, et cetera, who were able to come up with
一群根本上无组织,无联系 的作者,视频博主,以及其他人
59.a collective portrait of a disaster that gave us a much better sense of what it was like to actually be there than the mainstream media could give us.
对海啸灾难进行了全面的描述,他们让我们得到了比主流媒体 更多的信息,让我们得到了亲历现场的感受。
60.And so in some ways the tsunami can be seen as a sort of seminal moment, a moment in which the blogosphere came to a certain degree of age.
从一些方面来看,这次海啸能够看成一次创新性的时刻, 一个博客世界达到某种境界的时刻。
61.Now, I’m sort of going to move now from this kind of — the sublime in the traditional sense of the word — that is to say awe-inspiring, terrifying — to the somewhat more mundane.
现在,我们将移开现在这种 传统语义下的高尚 – 也就是说非常好,激动人心 – 来到世俗世界。
62.Because when we think about blogs, I think for most of us who are concerned about them, we’re primarily concerned with things like politics, technology, et cetera.
我们在思考博客的时候, 我想对于大多数关心他们的人, 我们主要关注的是政治,科技以及其他,
63.And I want to ask three questions in this talk, in the 10 minutes that remain, about the blogosphere.
这样,我想要在剩下的10分钟的演讲里 问3个有关于博客世界的问题。
64.The first one is, what does it tell us about our ideas, about what motivate people to do things?
第一个问题是,关于我们的观念它究竟告诉了我们些什么, 是什么驱使着人们去做事情?
65.The second is, do blogs genuinely have the possibility of accessing a kind of collective intelligence that has previously remained, for the most part, untapped?
第二个问题是,博客真正有这样的可能性 能够获取一种之前从未被开发出来的 集体的智慧?
66.And then the third part is, what are the potential problems, or the sort of dark side of blogs as we know them?
第三部分是,潜在的问题是什么, 或者说博客的黑暗面是什么?
67.OK, the first question: What do they tell us about why people do things?
好,第一个问题: 对于人们为什么做事情,它们告诉了我们什么?
68.One of the fascinating things about the blogosphere specifically, and, of course, the Internet more generally — and it’s going to seem like a very obvious point,
博客世界令人着迷的事情中一个 或者说互联网中 – 看起来十分显而易见,
69.but I think it is an important one to think about — is that the people who are generating this enormous reams of content every day, who are spending enormous amounts of time organizing,
但是我认为这是一个十分重要需要思考的事情 是- 这些创造这些无数内容的人们 每天都在花无数的时间来整理
70.linking, commenting on the substance of the Internet, are doing so primarily for free.
链接,评论存在于互联网上的事物, 并且绝大部分都是免费在做这个事情。
71.They are not getting paid for it in any way other than in the attention and, to some extent, the reputational capital that they gain from doing a good job.
他们不会获得报酬,除了受到关注, 还有自己做得出色所得到的名声资本。
72.And this is, at least to a traditional economist, somewhat remarkable, because sort of the traditional account of economic man would say that,
对于传统的经济学家来说,这些都是了不起的事情, 因为老派的经济学人会说,
73.you know, basically, you do things for a concrete reward, primarily financial.
74.But instead, what we’re finding on the Internet — and one of the great geniuses of it — is that people have found a way to work together without any money involved at all.
与之对比的是,我们在互联网上发现的 – 并且其中最伟大之处是 – 人们找到了某种方法 完全不为了钱而在一起工作。
75.They have come up with, in a sense, a sort of different method for organizing activity.
76.The Yale law professor Yochai Benkler, in an essay called “Coase’s Penguin,”
来自于耶鲁法学院的Yochai Benkler教授在一篇论文中称这个为“科斯的企鹅,”
77.talks about this, sort of open-source model, which we’re familiar with from Linux, as being potentially applicable in a whole host of situations.
关于这个的讲话,一种我们从Linux上熟悉的开源模型, 在各种情况下都有被应用的可能。
78.And, you know, if you think about this with the tsunami, what you have is essentially a kind of army of local journalists who are sort of producing enormous amounts of material
并且,你知道,如果你仔细想想这一次海啸, 你所拥有基本上是无数的“基层记者” 他们制作着巨量的材料
79.for no reason other than to tell their stories.
80.That’s a very powerful idea, and it’s a very powerful reality.
81.And it’s one that offers really interesting possibilities for organizing a whole host of activities sort of down the road.
并且它是一个能够创造很多有趣的可能性的方法 在未来来组织很多活动。
82.So, I think the first thing that the blogosphere tells us is that we need to expand our idea of what counts as rational, and we need to expand our simple equation of  value equals money,
所以,我认为博客世界告诉我们的第一件事就是 我们需要扩展我们所认为的理性世界, 并且我们需要扩展我们简单的将价值等同于金钱的等式,
83.or, you have to pay for it to be good, but that in fact you can end up with collectively really brilliant products without any money at all changing hands.
或者说,你需要付钱才能得到好的这样的想法, 但是,实际上你能获得非常棒的集体创造的产品 而不需要付任何的钱。
84.There are a few bloggers — somewhere maybe around 20, now — who do, in fact, make some kind of money, and a few who are actually trying to make a full-time living out of it,
当然有少数博客作者 – 可能大约20, 到目前为止 – 实际上,他们能够赚一些钱,非常有限 有一些人实际上想要通过这一方式来谋生,
85.but the vast majority of them are doing it because they love it or they love the attention, or whatever it is.
但是绝大部分人之所以做这件事情仅仅是因为他们热爱它 或者说他们喜欢得到关注,或者其他。
86.So, you know, Howard Rheingold has written a lot about this, and I think is writing about this more, but this notion of voluntary cooperation
所以,霍华德 宁柯德曾写过很多有关这个的东西, 并且我认为写这个会更多, 但是这一种自愿性合作的理念
87.is an incredibly powerful one, and one worth thinking about.
88.The second question is, what does the blogosphere actually do for us, in terms of accessing collective intelligence?
第二个问题是,从获取集体性智慧这一方面来说, 博客世界究竟为我们做了什么?
89.You know, as Chris mentioned, I wrote a book called “The Wisdom of Crowds.”
90.And the premise of “The Wisdom of Crowds” is that, under the right conditions, groups can be remarkably intelligent.
而“人群的智慧”的前提是, 在正确的情形下,团体能够充分发挥聪明才智。
91.And they can actually often be smarter than even the smartest person within them.
并且实际上大多数时候他们比 他们之中最聪明的人更加聪明。
92.The simplest example of this is that if you ask a group of people to do something like, guess how many jelly beans are in a jar.
这个最简单的例子就是如果你叫一群人 去做些事,比如,猜瓶子里有多少粒软糖。
93.You know, if I had a jar of jelly beans, and I asked you to guess how many jelly beans were in that jar, your average guess would be remarkably good.
如果我有一罐软糖, 并且我要你猜罐子里有多少颗糖, 你一般的猜测都会非常不错。
94.It would be somewhere probably within three and five percent of the number of beans in the jar, and it would be better than 90 to 95 percent of you.
一般来说它只到 在罐子里糖的数量的3%到5%, 而这一答案会比你们中90%到95%人的答案准确。
95.There may be one or two of you who are brilliant jelly bean guessers, but for the most part the group’s guess would be better than just about all of you.
你们中可能有一两个出色的软糖猜谜人, 但是绝大部分团体的猜测 都会比所有的个人的猜测准确。
96.And what’s fascinating is that you can see this phenomenon at work in many more complicated situations.
这个现象最令人着迷的是,你能在很多复杂情况 的工作中看到这一现象。
97.So, for instance, if you look at the odds on horses at a racetrack, they predict almost perfectly how likely a horse is to win.
所以,比如说,如果你看看猜跑道上赛马的赔率, 他们能够几乎完美的预测出一匹马赢的概率。
98.In a sense, the group of betters at the racetrack is forecasting the future, in probabilistic terms.
在一定程度上,赛马行业的一群精英 以概率的方式,预测着未来。
99.You know, if you think about something like Google, which essentially is relying on the collective intelligence of the Web to seek out those sites that have the most valuable information.
你知道,如果我考虑某些比如像Google一样的东西, 这些主要依靠集体智慧的网站 来寻找所拥有的宝贵的信息的网站。
100.We know that Google does an exceptionally good job of doing that, and it does that because, collectively, this disorganized thing we call the World Wide Web actually has a remarkable order,
我们都知道对于那样的工作,Google能够出色的完成, 它之所以能够做到,是因为这一杂乱无序,我们叫做世界互联网的东西 实际上在整体上有着很清楚的次序,
101.or a remarkable intelligence, in it.
102.And this, I think, is one of the real promises of the blogosphere.



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