
1.I’m a historian.
2.Steve told us about the future of little technology.
3.I’m going to show you some of the past of big technology.
4.This was a project to build a 4,000-ton nuclear bomb-propelled spaceship to go to Saturn and Jupiter.
这就是,飞往土星和木星的4000吨级原子弹推进宇宙飞船。 这就是,飞往土星和木星的4000吨级原子弹推进宇宙飞船。
5.This took place in my childhood — 1957 to ’65.
这还是我小时候的事儿呢  —  大约1957年到1965年
6.It was deeply classified.
7.I’m going to show you some stuff that not only has not been declassified, but has now been reclassified.
我要讲的不仅没有解密, 而且还要再次保密。
8.(Laughter) If all goes well, next year I’ll be back and I’ll have a lot more to show you, and if all doesn’t go well, I’ll be in jail like Wen Ho Lee.
(笑) 如果顺利的话,明年我再来讲更多的东西, 如果不顺利的话,估计我会像李文和一样被关起来了。(见李文和案)
9.(Laughter) So this ship was basically the size of the Marriott Hotel, a little taller and a little bigger.
(笑) 飞船和万豪酒店差不多大, 稍高点,稍大点。
10.And one of the people that worked on it, in the beginning, was my father, Freeman — there in the middle.
从一开始就参与其中的人 就是我爸,弗利曼 — 照片中间那个人。(弗里曼·戴森 Freeman Dyson,美籍英裔数学物理学家)
11.That’s me and my sister, Esther, who’s a frequent TED …
12.I didn’t like nuclear bomb-propelled spaceships.
13.I mean, I thought it was a great idea, so I started building kayaks.
14.So we had a few kayaks.
15.Just so you know, I’m not Dr. Strangelove.
我当然不是奇爱博士。(见电影“奇爱博士“ Mein Führer, I can walk. 🙂 )
16.But all this time I was out there doing these strange kayak voyages in odd, beautiful parts of this planet, I always thought in the back of my mind about Project Orion,
不过每次驾驶这些奇怪的皮艇航行在地球上最美丽的地方, 不过每次驾驶这些奇怪的皮艇航行在地球上最美丽的地方, 我心里总是想着猎户座计划,
17.and how my father and his friends were going to build these big ships.
18.They were really going to go. They were actually going to go.
19.Ted Taylor, who led the project, was going to take his children.
20.My father was not going to take his children.
21.That’s one of the reasons we sort of had a falling out for a few years.
22.(Laughter) The project began in ’57 at General Atomic there.
(笑) 计划开于1957年,在通用原子公司(General Atomic)。
23.That’s right at the coast at La Jolla.
就在著名的La Jolla(拉霍亚)海滩。
24.Look at that central building right in the middle of that picture.
25.That’s the 130-foot diameter library.
26.That is exactly the size of the base of the spaceship.
27.So, put that library at the bottom of the ship — that’s how big this thing was going to be.
可以把飞船安放在图书馆上面 — 这就是这艘飞船的大概尺寸。
28.It would take two or three thousand bombs.
29.The people who worked on it were a lot of Los Alamos people who had done the hydrogen bomb work.
研究这个飞船的很多人是在Los Alamos搞氢弹的。 研究这个飞船的很多人是在Los Alamos搞氢弹的。
30.It was the first project funded by ARPA.
31.That’s the contract, where ARPA gave the first million dollars to get this thing started.
这是合同,ARPA(高级研究计划署)拿出的第一笔百万美元启动资金。 这是合同,ARPA(高级研究计划署)拿出的第一笔百万美元启动资金。
32.”Spaceship project officially begun. Job waiting for you. Dyson.”
“飞船计划正式启动。 工作在等着你。 戴森”
33.That’s July ’58.
34.Two days later: the space traveler’s manifesto explaining why — just like we heard yesterday — why do we need to go into space?
两天后:这些太空游客的宣言说明了一切 — 就像我们昨天听到的一样 — 为什么要去太空?
35.”Trips to satellites of the outer planets” — August 20th, 1958.
“前往带外行星的卫星旅行” — 1958年8月20日。
36.These are the statistics of what would be the good places to go and stop.
37.Some of the sizes of the ships, ranging all the way up to ship mass of 8 million tons.
各种尺寸的飞船,最大达到8百万吨级。 各种尺寸的飞船,最大达到8百万吨级。
38.So that was the outer extreme.
39.Here was the version two — 2,000 bombs.
40.These are five kiloton yield bombs, about the size of small Volkswagens.
41.It would take 800 to get into orbit.
42.Here we see a 10,000 ton ship — will deliver 1,300 tons to Saturn and back.
这是一万吨级飞船,将运送一千三百吨往来土星。 这是一万吨级飞船,将运送一千三百吨往来土星。
43.Essentially a five year trip.
44.Possible departure dates: October 1960 to February 1967.
45.This is trajectories going to Mars.
46.All this was done by hand, with slide rules.
47.The little Orion ship — and what it would take to do what Orion does with chemicals, you have a ship the size of the Empire State Building.
猎户座飞船如果用化学火箭推进的话需要多大,(图中火箭500米高) 猎户座飞船如果用化学火箭推进的话需要多大,(图中火箭500米高) 火箭大小和帝国大厦差不多。
48.NASA had no interest. They tried to kill the project.
49.The people who supported it were the Air Force, which meant that it was all secret.
只有空军支持这个计划,这意味着整个计划都是秘密。 只有空军支持这个计划,这意味着整个计划都是秘密。
50.That’s why, when you get something declassified, that’s what it looks like.
这就是解密的文件。 这就是解密的文件。
51.Military weapon versions that were versions that carried hydrogen bombs that could destroy half the planet.
军事武器版,这个版本的飞船携带 氢弹,可以摧毁半个地球。
52.There was another version there that sends retaliatory strikes at the Soviet Union — this was the real secret stuff: how to get directed energy explosions,
这是另一个版本,可以对苏联实施报复性打击 这是真正的秘密资料:如何实现定向爆炸, you’re sending the energy of a nuclear explosion — not like just a stick of dynamite, but you’re directing it at the ship.
这样不像普通炸药爆炸,核爆炸是定向到飞船的。 这样不像普通炸药爆炸,核爆炸是定向到飞船的。 这样不像普通炸药爆炸,核爆炸是定向到飞船的。
54.And this is still a very active subject.
55.It’s quite dangerous, but I believe it’s better to have dangerous things in the open than think you’re going to keep them secret.
相当危险, 不过我想公开危险的东西比隐藏要好一些。 不过我想公开危险的东西比隐藏要好一些。
56.This is what happened at 600 microseconds.
57.The Air Force started to build smaller models and actually started doing this.
58.The guys in La Jolla said, “We’ve got to get started now.”
在La Jolla海滩的家伙说:“我们该启动了。”
59.They built a high-explosive propelled model.
60.These are stills from film footage that was saved by someone who was supposed to destroy it but didn’t, and kept it in their basement for the last 40 years.
这是从一些影片上截下来的图片。 这些影片早该销毁,却被某些人藏在地下室40年。 这些影片早该销毁,却被某些人藏在地下室40年。
61.So, these are three pound charges of C4.
62.That’s about 10 times what the guy had in his shoes.
装药量是那家伙装在鞋里的10倍。(可能指 旅游鞋炸弹)
63.This is Ed Day putting — so each of these coffee cans has three pounds of C4 in it.
64.They’re building a system that ejects these at quarter-second intervals.
65.That’s my dad in the sport coat there, holding the briefcase.
66.So they had a lot of fun doing this, but no children were allowed.
67.My dad could tell me that he was building a spaceship and he was going to go to Saturn, but he could not say anything more about it.
我爸只告诉我,他在造宇宙飞船,准备去土星,没告诉其他的。 我爸只告诉我,他在造宇宙飞船,准备去土星,没告诉其他的。 我爸只告诉我,他在造宇宙飞船,准备去土星,没告诉其他的。
68.So all my life I have wanted to find this stuff out, and spent the last four years tracking these old guys down.
所以我一直想搞明白, 花了四年时间追查这些老家伙。
69.These are stills from the video.
70.Jeff Bezos kindly yesterday said he’ll put this video on the Amazon site, some little clip of it.
昨天Jeff Bezos说他要把这些影片放到Amazon网站上。 昨天Jeff Bezos说他要把这些影片放到Amazon网站上。
71.So, thanks to him.
72.They got quite serious about the engineering of this.
73.The size of that mass, you know, for us is really large technology, in a way we’re never going to go back to.
就飞船大小来说,这绝对是大科技。 我们永远不会再搞。
74.If you saw the 1959 — this is what it would feel like in the passenger compartment.
75.That’s an acceleration profile.
76.And pulse system yield.
77.We’re looking at a 20-kiloton yield for an effect for us of 10 million Newtons.
78.Well, here we have a little problem: the radiation doses at the crew station — 700 rads per shot.
这儿出了小问题:成员辐射剂量 每次700rad(拉德)。 这儿出了小问题:成员辐射剂量 每次700rad(拉德)。
79.Fission yields during development: they were hoping to get clean bombs. They didn’t.
裂变产额: 他们想找到无污染炸弹,不过没有成功。
80.Eye burn — this is what happens to the people in Miami who are looking up.
眼部灼伤 — 迈阿密盯着看的人都倒霉了。
81.Personnel compartment. Notice, that’s not too bad.
82.It’s very low frequency. It’s basically like these subwoofers.
83.And now we have ground hazard assessments when you have a blow-up on the pad.
这是地面危害评估 发射台上爆炸。
84.Finally, at the very end, in 1964, NASA steps in and says, “OK, we’ll support a feasibility study for a small version that could be launched with Saturn Vs in sections and pieced together.”
最终,1964年底,NASA介入 “好吧,我们支持小版本的可行性研究,可以用土星五号火箭分段发射上去。“ “好吧,我们支持小版本的可行性研究,可以用土星五号火箭分段发射上去。“
85.So this is what NASA did, getting a, you know, eight man version that would go to Mars.
这是NASA设计的,八人火星旅行版。 这是NASA设计的,八人火星旅行版。



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