1.Well, first of all, let me thank Emeka — as a matter of fact, TED Global — for putting this conference together.
首先,我要感谢依米卡——也就是 TED环球——召开了这个会议。
2.This conference is going to rank as the most important in the beginning of the 21st century.
此次会议将成为 21世纪初的头等大事。
3.Think African governments will put together a conference like this?
4.You think the A.U. will put together a conference like this?
5.Even before they do that they will ask for foreign aid.
6.I would also like to pay homage and honor to the TED Fellows June Arunga, James Shikwati, Andrew, and the other TED Fellows.
我还想向TED的同仁们致敬—— 珠恩?阿荣咖,詹姆斯?史克瓦提,安德鲁,以及其他TED同仁们。
7.I call them the Cheetah Generation.
8.The Cheetah Generation is a new breed of Africans who brook no nonsense about corruption.
猎豹族是一种新的非洲人。 他们绝不容忍腐败。
9.They understand what accountability and democracy is.
10.They’re not going to wait for government to do things for them.
11.That’s the Cheetah Generation, and Africa’s salvation rests on the backs of these Cheetahs.
这就是猎豹族。 而拯救非洲的任务就担负在这些猎豹族的身上。
12.In contrast, of course, we have the Hippo Generation.
13.(Laughter) The Hippo Generation are the ruling elites.
(笑声) 河马族就是当权的精英们。
14.They are stuck in their intellectual patch.
15.Complaining about colonialism and imperialism, they wouldn’t move one foot.
抱怨殖民主义和帝国主义—— 他们不肯挪动半步。
16.If you ask them to reform the economies, they’re not going to reform it because they benefit from the rotten status quo.
如果你要求他们改革经济, 他们是不会去做的。 因为他们正从这腐朽的现状中获益。
17.Now, there are a lot of Africans who are very angry, angry at the condition of Africa.
现在,有很多非洲人都非常愤怒, 对非洲的现状感到愤怒。
18.Now, we’re talking about a continent that is not poor.
19.It is rich in mineral resources, natural mineral resources.
20.But the mineral wealth of Africa is not being utilized to lift its people out of poverty.
但是非洲的矿产没有被用来 使她的人民摆脱贫穷。
21.That’s what makes a lot of Africans very angry.
22.And in a way, Africa is more than a tragedy, in more ways than one.
23.There’s another enduring tragedy, and that tragedy is that there are so many people, so many governments, so many organizations who want to help the people in Africa.
还有另外一个悲剧正在上演,那就是 很多的人们,很多政府, 很多组织,他们想帮助非洲人民——
24.They don’t understand.
25.Now, we’re not saying don’t help Africa.
26.Helping Africa is noble.
27.But helping Africa has been turned into a theater of the absurd.
28.It’s like the blind leading the clueless.
29.(Laughter) There are certain things that we need to recognize.
(笑声) 有些事我们必须承认。
30.Africa’s begging-bowl leaks.
31.Did you know that 40 percent of the wealth created in Africa is not invested here in Africa?
你知道吗,非洲创造的40%的财富, 并没有投入在非洲。
32.It’s taken out of Africa.
33.That’s what the World Bank says.
34.Look at Africa’s begging-bowl.
35.It leaks horribly.
36.There are people who think that we should pour more money, more aid into this bowl which leaks.
有些人认为我们应该将更多的钱, 更多的援助倾倒在这个碗里,这个漏碗里。
37.What are the leakages?
38.Corruption alone costs Africa 148 billion dollars a year.
39.Yes, put that aside.
40.Capital flight out of Africa, 80 billion a year.
41.Put that aside.
42.Let’s take food imports.
43.Every year Africa spends 20 billion dollars to import food.
44.Just add that up, all these leakages.
45.That’s far more than the 50 billion Tony Blair wants to raise for Africa.
46.Now, back in the 1960s Africa not only fed itself, it also exported food.
现在回到20世纪60年代,非洲不仅养活了自己, 还出口食品。
47.Not anymore.
48.We know that something has gone fundamentally wrong.
49.You know it, I know it, but let’s not waste our time talking about these mistakes because we’ll spend all day here.
你知我也知,但是就别浪费时间,别浪费我们的时间 去谈论这些错误了,因为那会花上我们一整天。
50.Let’s move on, and flip over to the next chapter, and that’s what this conference is all about — the next chapter.
让我们继续,跳到下一章, 而这才是此次会议的内容——下一章。
51.The next chapter begins with first of all, asking ourselves this fundamental question, “Whom do we want to help in Africa?”
下一章首先从问我们自己开始, 问一个最根本的问题, “我们想帮助非洲的哪些人?”
52.There is the people, and then there is the government or leaders.
53.Now, the previous speaker before me, Idris Mohammed, indicated that we’ve had abysmal leadership in Africa.
现在,在我之前的那位演讲者, 伊迪利斯?默罕默德指出, 我们非洲的领导阶层非常糟糕。
54.That characterization, in my view, is even more charitable.
55.(Laughter) I belong to an Internet discussion forum, an African Internet discussion forum, and I asked them, I said, “Since 1960, we’ve had exactly
(笑声) 我加入了一个网上的论坛, 一个非洲的网上论坛。 我问他们,我说,“1960年以来,我们一共有
56.204 African heads of state, since 1960.”
57.And I asked them to name me just 20 good leaders, just 20 good leaders — you may want to take this leadership challenge yourself.
然后我让他们举出20位好的领导人, 只是20位好领导人——也许 你可能自己也想试试回答这个问题。
58.I asked them to name me just 20.
59.Everybody mentioned Nelson Mandela, of course.
60.Kwame Nkrumah, Nyerere, Kenyatta — somebody mentioned Idi Amin.
61.(Laughter) I let that pass.
(笑声) 我算他是一个好了。
62.(Laughter) My point is, they couldn’t go beyond 15.
(笑声) 我想说的是,他们超不过15个。
63.Even if they had been able to name me 20, what does that tell you?
就算他们能告诉我20个名字, 那说明什么?
64.20 out of 204 means that the vast majority of the African leaders failed their people.
204位中的20位,说明多数,绝大多数的 非洲领导人令他们的人民失望。
65.And if you look at them, the slate of the post-colonial leaders — an assortment of military fufu heads, Swiss-bank socialists, crocodile liberators, vampire elites,
如果你看看他们,看看后殖民时代的领导人名单—— 一些军队背景的福福兔子们(美国儿歌里欺负田鼠的兔子,屡教不改) 瑞士银行的社会主义者,鳄鱼一样的解救者,吸血鬼精英们,
66.quack revolutionaries.
67.(Applause) Now, this leadership is a far cry from the traditional leaders that Africans have known for centuries.
(掌声) 现在这些领导人非常不同于那些 非洲人已了解了几个世纪的传统领导人。
68.The second false premise that we make when we’re trying to help Africa is that sometimes we think that there is something called a government in Africa that cares about its people,
我们所做的第二个错误的假设就是 当我们努力援助非洲时, 有时我们以为在非洲存在着所谓的 政府,它会关心它的人民,
69.serves the interests of the people, and represents the people.
70.There is one particular quote — a Lesotho chief once said that “Here in Lesotho, we’ve got two problems: rats and the government.”
这里引用莱索托一位酋长的话, “在莱索托,我们有两大难题—— 老鼠和政府。”
71.(Laughter) What you and I understand as a government doesn’t exist in many African countries.
(笑声) 很多非洲国家 是不存在你我所理解的那种政府的。
72.In fact, what we call our governments are vampire states.
73.Vampires because they suck the economic vitality out of their people.
称它为吸血鬼是因为他们 从自己人民身上吸取经济活力。
74.Government is the problem in Africa.
75.A vampire state is the government — (Applause) — which has been hijacked by a phalanx of bandits and crooks who use the instruments of state power to enrich themselves,
吸血鬼国家就是政府—— (掌声) ——被一大群土匪和窃贼劫持, 他们利用国家的权力工具为自己、
76.their cronies, and tribesmen and exclude everybody else.
77.The richest people in Africa are heads-of-state and ministers, and quite often the chief bandit is the head-of-state himself.
非洲最富有的人是政府首脑和部长, 而且最大的土匪往往就是国家元首自己。
78.Where do they get their money?
79.By creating wealth?
81.By raking it off the backs of their suffering people.
82.That’s not wealth creation. It’s wealth redistribution.
83.The third fundamental issue that we have to recognize is that if we want to help the African people, we must know where the African people are.
我们必须要认识到的第三个问题是 如果我们想援助非洲人民 我们必须知道非洲人民在哪儿?
84.Take any African economy.
85.An African economy can be broken up into three sectors.
86.There is the modern sector, there is the informal sector and the traditional sector.
现代地区,非官方地区, 以及传统地区。
87.The modern sector is the abode of the elites.
88.It’s the seat of government.
89.In many African countries the modern sector is lost.
90.It’s dysfunctional.
91.It is a meretricious fandango of imported systems, which the elites themselves don’t understand.
它只是外来体系华而不实、花里胡哨的闹剧, 对此精英们自己并不了解。
92.That is the source of many of Africa’s problems where the struggles for political power emanate and then spill over onto the informal and the traditional sector,
这就是非洲困难的根源, 对政治权力的争夺就从这里开始, 然后扩散到非官方地区和传统地区,
93.claiming innocent lives.
94.Now the modern sector, of course, is where a lot of the development aid and resources went into.
当然了,而现代地区 获得了大量的发展援助和资源。
95.More than 80 percent of Ivory Coast’s development went into the modern sector.
象牙海岸经济收益80%以上 都进入了现代地区。