1.I’m going to go right into the slides.
2.And all I’m going to try and prove to you with these slides is that I do just very straight stuff.
我通过这些幻灯所要证明的就是 我做的事都是很直接明白的(盖里以其复杂扭曲的建筑闻名)
3.And my ideas are — in my head, anyway — they’re very logical and relate to what’s going on and problem-solving for clients.
我的想法 至少在我脑子里的,都是很有逻辑性 都是与现实相关,为顾客解决问题的
4.I either convince clients at the end that I solve their problems, or I really do solve their problems, because usually they seem to like it.
要么是我说服顾客我最终帮他们解决了问题 要么是我真的帮他们解决了问题 因为他们通常看上去挺满意
5.Let me go right into the slides.
6.Can you turn off the light? Down.
7.I like to be in the dark.
8.I don’t want you to see what I’m doing up here.
9.(Laughter) Anyway, I did this house in Santa Monica, and it got a lot of notoriety.
(笑声) 好了,我在圣莫妮卡建了这个房子 后来变得臭名昭著
10.In fact, it appeared in a porno comic book, which is the slide on the right.
事实上,它后来出现在了一本色情漫画里 正是右边的幻灯片
11.(Laughter) This is in Venice.
笑声 这是在威尼斯
12.I just show it because I want you to know I’m concerned about context.
我展示这个是想让你们知道 我对周围环境是有考虑的
13.On the left-hand side, I had the context of those little houses, and I tried to build a building that fit into that context.
在左边的幻灯片上 是由这些小型建筑组成的城市背景 而我试图建造一个适合这个背景的建筑物
14.When people take pictures of these buildings out of that context they look really weird, and my premise is that they make a lot more sense
当人们在这个场景的之外拍这些建筑物时 它们看起来非常古怪 我的理论是它们更适合于
15.when they’re photographed or seen in that space.
16.And then, once I deal with the context, I then try to make a place that’s comfortable and private and fairly serene, as I hope you’ll find that slide on the right.
一旦我搞定了周围的环境 我就要开始创造一个舒适,私密和宁静的空间, 正如右边的幻灯所显示的。
17.And then I did a law school for Loyola in downtown L.A.
18.I was concerned about making a place for the study of law.
19.And we continue to work with this client.
20.The building on the right at the top is now under construction.
21.The garage on the right — the gray structure — will be torn down, finally, and several small classrooms will be placed along this avenue that we’ve created, this campus.
右边那个车库–灰色结构–最终会被扯掉 最后,一些小教室 会分布在我们设计的这条街道上,就是这个校园
22.And it all related to the clients and the students from the very first meeting saying they felt denied a place.
这些都与客户和学生的意见相关 他们第一次见面就说他们感到空间被剥夺了
23.They wanted a sense of place.
24.And so the whole idea here was to create that kind of space in downtown, in a neighborhood that was difficult to fit into.
所以我们全部的想法就是创造那样一种空间感 在市中心这样一个难以协调的环境里
25.And it was my theory, or my point of view, that one didn’t upstage the neighborhood — one made accommodations.
我的理论,或者说观点是 不与周围环境抢风头 而要适应环境
26.I tried to be inclusive, to include the buildings in the neighborhood, whether they were buildings I liked or not.
我试着去包容,把周围的建筑都容纳在内 不管我喜不喜欢那些建筑
27.In the ’60s I started working with paper furniture, and made a bunch of stuff that was very successful in Bloomingdale’s.
在60年代,我开始设计纸质家具 我制作的一些玩意儿在Bloomingdale’s 卖得非常好
28.We even made flooring, walls and everything, out of cardboard.
29.And the success of it threw me for a loop.
30.I couldn’t deal with the success of furniture — I wasn’t secure enough as an architect — and so I closed it all up and made furniture that nobody would like.
我难以接受这样的成功 这让作为建筑师的我感到没有安全感 所以我干脆罢手,开始制造没人会喜欢的家具
31.(Laughter) So, nobody would like this.
(笑声) 所以,没有人会喜欢这个
32.And it was in this, preliminary to these pieces of furniture, that Ricky and I worked on furniture by the slice.
就是这样,在这些家具之前 Ricky和我做的“切片家具”
33.And after we failed, I just kept failing.
34.(Laughter) The piece on the left — and that ultimately led to the piece on the right — happened when the kid that was working on this
笑声 左边的那个家具 最终演变成为右边的那个 当时有个帮我们做事的孩子
35.took one of those long strings of stuff and folded it up to put it in the wastebasket.
他把一个长条堆叠到一起 要扔到垃圾箱里
36.And I put a piece of tape around it, as you see there, and realized you could sit on it, and it had a lot of resilience and strength and so on.
我用胶带把四周粘了一圈 如你所见,我意识到那是可以坐的 而且它又有弹性又结实
37.So, it was an accidental discovery.
38.I got into fish.
39.(Laughter) I mean, the story I tell is that I got mad at postmodernism — at pomo — and said that fish were 500 million years earlier than man,
笑声 我想说是,我对后现代主义极为恼火 我说,鱼比人类早了5亿年
40.and if you’re going to go back, we might as well go back to the beginning.
41.And so I started making these funny things.
42.And they started to have a life of their own and got bigger — as the one glass at the Walker.
结果它们逐渐演化, 越搞越大 就象Walker艺术中心里的那个玻璃鱼雕塑
43.And then I sliced off the head and the tail and everything, and tried to translate what I was learning about the form of the fish and the movement.
然后我把它的头尾之类的全部切掉 试图转化我在鱼身上学到的 关于形态和运动的知识
44.And a lot of my architectural ideas that came from it — accidental, again — it was an intuitive kind of thing, and I just kept going with it,
以及由此产生的许多建筑理念 又一个偶然事件 — 这就是所谓的直觉,我也跟着直觉走
45.and made this proposal for a building, which was only a proposal.
46.I did this building in Japan.
47.I was taken out to dinner after the contract for this little restaurant was signed.
在签约后有人带我出去吃饭 我们刚刚和一个小餐馆签了合同
48.And I love sake and kobe and all that stuff.
49.And after I got — I was really drunk — I was asked to do some sketches on napkins.
在我醉了之后 — 我喝得烂醉 — 有人让我在餐巾纸上画草图
50.(Laughter) And I made some sketches on napkins — little boxes and Morandi-like things that I used to do.
笑声 于是我就在餐巾纸上画了一些草图 我常画的盒状物体和Morandi风格的东西
51.And the client said, “Why no fish?”
52.And so I made a drawing with a fish, and I left Japan.
53.Three weeks later I received a complete set of drawings saying we’d won the competition.
3个星期之后,我收到了一套完整的图纸 说“我们赢得了竞标”
54.(Laughter) Now, it’s hard to do. It’s hard to translate a fish form, because they’re so beautiful — perfect — into a building or object like this.
笑声 现在难题就来了。鱼的形状是很难转化 因为他们太漂亮–太完美了— 难于在建筑或类似的物体中表现出来的
55.And Oldenburg, who I work with a little once in a while, told me I couldn’t do it, and so that made it even more exciting.
Oldenburg,偶尔和我合作的一个同事 告诉我那是不可行的,于是这事就更让我激动了
56.But he was right — I couldn’t do the tail.
57.I started to get the head OK, but the tail I couldn’t do.
58.It was pretty hard.
59.The thing on the right is a snake form, a ziggurat.
60.And I put them together, and you walk between them.
61.It was a dialog with the context again.
62.Now, if you saw a picture of this as it was published in Architectural Record, they didn’t show the context, so you would think, “God, what a pushy guy this is.”
如果你看到这幅照片 刊登在《建筑记录》上的这幅 它们没有显示背景,所以你会觉得 “天啊,这家伙真会出风头。”
63.But a friend of mine spent four hours wandering around here looking for this restaurant.
但是我的一个朋友在那儿转了四个小时 寻找那个饭店
64.Couldn’t find it.
65.So — (Laughter) as for craft and technology and all those things that you’ve all been talking about, I was thrown for a complete loop.
所以(暗示饭店与环境融合得还不错) 笑声 至于工艺和技术之类 你们都在谈论的那些东西,着实让我大吃一惊
66.This was built in six months.
67.The way we sent drawings to the client — we used the magic computer in Michigan that does carved models, and we used to make foam models which that thing scanned.
我们把草图送给客户的方法是 — 我们使用密歇根制作雕塑模型的神奇的计算机 以前我们制作一些泡沫模型,再用它来扫描
68.We made the drawings of fish and scales.
69.And when I got there, everything was perfect — except the tail.
我们到那儿的时候,一切都很顺利 除了尾巴
70.So, I decided to cut off the head and the tail.
71.And I made the object on the left for my show at the Walker.
我做了左边这个东西,放到我在Walker 艺术中心的展览上
72.And it’s one of the nicest pieces I’ve ever made, I think.
73.And then Jay Chiat, a friend and client asked me to do his headquarters building in L.A.
然后,Jay Chiat,我的一个朋友兼客户 邀请我去设计他在洛杉矶总部的大楼
74.For reasons we don’t want to talk about, it got delayed.
75.Toxic waste, I guess, is the key clue to that one.
76.And so we built a temporary building — I’m getting good at temporary — and put a conference room in that’s a fish.
所以我们建造了一个临时建筑–我越来越擅长临时的东西 在鱼肚子里放了一个会议室
77.And, finally, Jay dragged me to my hometown, Toronto, Canada.
78.And there is a story — it’s a real story — about my grandmother buying a carp on Thursday, bringing it home, putting it in the bathtub when I was a kid.
这儿有个故事–真实的故事–关于我的祖母 有个星期四,她买了条鲤鱼带回家 把它放到浴缸里,我还是个孩子
79.I played with it in the evening.
80.When I went to sleep, the next day it wasn’t there.
81.And the next night, we had gefilte fish.
82.(Laughter) And so I set up this interior for Jay’s offices and I made a pedestal for a sculpture.
笑声 这是我为jay的办公室做的内部装修 又给雕像做了个基座
83.And he didn’t buy a sculpture, so I made one.
84.I went around Toronto and found a bathtub like my grandmother’s, and I put the fish in.
我在多伦多找到了一个跟我祖母家一样的浴缸 然后把这鱼放了进去
85.It was a joke.
86.(Laughter) I play with funny people like Oldenburg.
笑声 我和Oldenburg这样风趣的家伙一起玩
87.We’ve been friends for a long time.
88.And we’ve started to work on things.
89.A few years ago, we did a performance piece in Venice, Italy, called “Il Corso del Coltello” — the Swiss Army knife.
几年前,我们在意大利威尼斯搞了一场行为艺术 叫“Il Corso del Coltello”–瑞士军刀
90.And most of the imagery is — (Laughter) Claes’s, but those two little boys are my sons, and they were Claes’s assistants in the play.
大部分的形象是 笑声 Claes,但那两个小孩是我的儿子 在演出里他们是Claes的助手
91.He was the Swiss Army knife.
92.He was a souvenir salesman who always wanted to be a painter, and I was Frankie P. Toronto.
他是个卖纪念品的商人,却一心想当个画家 我则是Frankie P. Toronto
93.P for Palladio.
P代表 Palladio
94.Dressed up like the AT&T building by Claes — (Laughter) with a fish hat.
打扮起来像Cleas设计的AT&T大楼 笑声 戴一个渔夫帽
95.The highlight of the performance was at the end.
96.This beautiful object, the Swiss Army knife, which I get credit for participating in.
这个漂亮的东西,瑞士军刀 我也因为参与建造而获得好评
97.And I can tell you — it’s totally an Oldenburg.
98.I had nothing to do with it.
99.The only thing I did was, I made it possible for them to turn those blades so you could sail this thing in the canal, because I love sailing.
我唯一做的就是, 我让刀片可以转向,使它能在运河里航行 我爱开船
100.(Laughter) We made it into a sailing craft.
笑声 我们把它做成水上工艺品
101.I’ve been known to mess with things like chain link fencing.
102.I do it because it’s a curious thing in the culture when things are made in such great quantities, absorbed in such great quantities,
我选这个是因为文化上的好奇 当一件东西如此大量的生产出来 如此大量的被运用
103.and there’s so much denial about them.
104.People hate it.
105.And I’m fascinated with that which, like the paper furniture — it’s one of those materials.
我着迷于这个现象,像纸质家具一样– 铁丝网就是这样一种材料
106.And I’m always drawn to that.
107.And so I did a lot of dirty things with chain link which nobody will forgive me for.
所以我用链条做了很多坏事 坏到没人会原谅我
108.But Claes made an allowance to it in the Loyola Law School.
但是Claes 允许把它用在Loyola律师学校上
109.And that chain link is really expensive.
110.It’s in perspective and everything.
111.And then we did a camp together for children with cancer.
112.And you can see, we started making a building together.
113.Of course, the milk can is his.
114.But we were trying to collide our ideas, to put objects next to each other.
但是我们的想法互相碰撞 把建筑挨在一起
115.Like a Morandi — like the little bottles composing them like a still life.
116.And it seemed to work as a way to put he and I together.
117.And then Jay Chiat asked me to do this building on this funny lot in Venice, and I started with this three-piece thing, and you entered in the middle.
然后Jay Chiat 要我设计这个建筑 在维纳斯的这个搞笑的地方,我开始设计这三个东西 你进到中间
118.And Jay asked me what I was going to do with the piece in the middle.
119.And he pushed that.
120.And one day I had a — oh, well, the other way.
121.I had the binoculars from Claes, and I put them there, and I could never get rid of them after that.
我把Cleas那儿的双筒望远镜放在那里 以后我就再也拿不走他们了
122.Oldenburg made the binoculars incredible when he sent me the first model of the real proposal.
Oldenburg让这个望远镜难以置信 当他给我这个方案的第一个模型时
123.It made my building look sick.
124.And it was this interaction between that kind of, up the ante stuff that became pretty interesting.
就是这个相互促进的过程 使得整个事情更加有趣
125.It led to the building on the left.
126.And I still think the Time Magazine picture will be of the binoculars, you know, leaving out the — what the hell.
我仍然认为时代杂志的照片会是这个望远镜 省去–“这是什么鬼东西”
127.I use a lot of metal in my work, and I have a hard time connecting with the craft.
我在工作中用到大量金属 连接工艺品让我大费苦心
128.The whole thing about my house, the whole use of rough carpentry and everything, was the frustration with the crafts available.
关于我的房子 使用的粗糙的木器,还有各种玩意 让我对现有工艺感到沮丧
129.And I said, “If I can’t get the craft that I want, I’ll use the craft I can get.”
我说:“我不能得到我想要的工艺 我要用我能得到的”
130.And there were plenty of models for that, in Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns, and many artists who were making beautiful art and sculpture with junk materials.
在这方面有很多楷模 Rauschenberg 和 Jasper Johns,很多艺术家 用废旧材料制作了美丽的艺术品和雕塑
131.I went into the metal because it was a way of building a building that was a sculpture.
我深究金属是因为它是用来 把建筑建造成雕塑的材料
132.And it was all of one material, and the metal could go on the roof as well as the walls.
它是一种统一的材料 金属可以做屋顶也可以做墙
133.And the metalworkers, for the most part, do ducts behind the ceilings and stuff.
而金属工人,大部分时候 在天花板后面做通风管道等等
134.I was given an opportunity to design an exhibit for the metalworkers’ unions of America and Canada in Washington, and I did it on the condition that they become my partners
我有个机会去设计一个展览 是给美加金属工人工会做的,在华盛顿 我做这个是在这样的条件下:他们成为我未来的伙伴
135.in the future and help me with all future metal buildings, et cetera, et cetera And it’s working very well to have these people, these craftsmen, interested in it.
并且帮助我做未来所有的金属建筑等等 ,等等 这个手段效果不错,让这些手艺人 对用金属建造建筑感兴趣
136.I just tell the stories.
137.It’s a way of connecting, at least, with some of those people that are so important to the realization of architecture.
是一种沟通,至少是与一部分人 一部分对于实现建筑很重要的人的沟通
138.The metal continued into a building — Herman Miller, in Sacramento.
金属继续用在建筑中– Herman Miller,萨克拉门托
139.And it’s just a complex of factory buildings.
140.And Herman Miller has this philosophy of having a place — a people place.
Herman Miller 有这样一个选址的哲学 一个有人的地点
141.I mean, it’s kind of a trite thing to say, but it is real that they wanted to have a central place where the cafeteria would be, where the people would come
这说起来很老套 但是他们想要一个中心地段 有个有人气的自助餐厅
142.and where the people working would interact.
143.So it’s out in the middle of nowhere, and you approach it.
144.It’s copper and galvanize.
145.And I used the galvanize and copper in a very light gauge so it would buckle.
我使用的电镀铜 规格很小,这样便于弯曲
146.I spent a lot of time undoing Richard Meier’s aesthetic.
我花了很多时间颠覆 Richard Meier的审美观
147.Everybody’s trying to get the panels perfect, and I always try to get them sloppy and fuzzy.
每个人都想把面板做的完美 而我则试着把他们做得污浊和模糊
148.And they end up looking like stone.
149.This is the central area.
150.There’s a ramp.
151.And that little dome in there is a building by Stanley Tigerman.
那个小的穹顶是由Stanley Tigerman设计的
152.Stanley was instrumental in my getting this job.
Stanley 帮我搞到了这份工作
153.And when I was awarded the contract I, at the very beginning, asked the client if they would let Stanley do a cameo piece with me.
在我得到工作的一开始 我要求客户让Stanley跟我一起做这个地景
154.Because these were ideas that we were talking about, building things next to each other, making — it’s all about metaphor for a city, maybe.
因为这正是我们谈论的想法 设计相邻的建筑 也许这是对城市的一个比喻
155.And so Stanley did the little dome thing.
156.And we did it over the phone and by fax.
157.He would send me a fax, and show me something.
158.He’d made a building with a dome and he had a little tower.
159.I told him, “No, no, that’s too ongepotchket.
160.I don’t want the tower.”
161.So he came back with a simpler building, but he put some funny details on it and he moved it closer to my building.
于是他把建筑改得更简单 但是他设计了些搞笑的细节 并把他的建筑靠近了我的建筑
162.And so I decided to put him in a depression.
163.I put him in a hole and made a kind of a hole that he sits in.
164.And so then he put two bridges — this all happened on the fax, going back and forth over a couple of weeks’ period.
于是他设计了两座桥 — 这都是在传真上发生的 在几个星期的时间里改来改去
165.And he put these two bridges with pink guard rails on it.
166.And so then I put this big billboard behind it.
167.And I call it, “David and Goliath.”
我给它命名为“David and Goliath”
168.And that’s my cafeteria.
169.In Boston we had that old building on the left.
170.It was a very prominent building off the freeway, and we added a floor and cleaned it up and fixed it up and used the kind of — I thought — the language of the neighborhood,
这是高速公路下的一座著名的建筑 我们增建了一层楼,清理并修复它 并且运用了某种 — 我当时认为 — 与周围融合的建筑语言
171.which had these cornices, projecting cornices.
172.Mine got a little exuberant, but I used lead copper, which is a beautiful material, and it turns green in 100 years.
我的设计有点放肆,但我用了铅铜 这种美丽的材料会在一百年里变绿
173.Instead of, like, copper in 10 or 15.
174.We redid the side of the building and reproportioned the windows so it sort of fit into the space.
我们改建了建筑的这一面 重新设计了窗户尺寸以基本适应里面的空间
175.And it surprised both Boston and myself that we got it approved, because they have very strict kind of design guideline, and they wouldn’t normally think I would fit them.
这个设计能通过审批让波士顿和我们自己都很吃惊 因为波士顿的设计导则非常之严格 而他们通常认为我的设计没法满足导则的要求
176.The detailing was very careful with the lead copper and making panels and fitting it tightly into the fabric of the existing building.
我们在处理铅铜的细节上十分仔细 制造面板,然后把他们紧密的 装配在现有建筑的结构上
177.In Barcelona, on Las Ramblas for some film festival.
178.I did the Hollywood sign going and coming, made a building of it, and they built it.
我为一个电影节设计了一个好莱坞标志“无处可逃” 然后设计成了一个建筑,他们修建了这个建筑
179.I flew in one night and took this picture.
180.But they made it a third smaller than my model, without telling me.
181.And then more metal and some chain link in Santa Monica — a little shopping center.
接下来还是金属和链条,这是在美国圣莫尼卡 一个小购物中心
182.And this is a laser laboratory at the University of Iowa, in which the fish comes back as an abstraction in the back.
这是爱荷华大学的一个激光实验室 这个项目里再度出现了鱼的抽象形象,在建筑背后
183.It’s the support labs which, by some coincidence, required no windows.
184.And the shape fit perfectly.
185.I just joined the points.
186.In the curved part there’s all the mechanical equipment.
187.And that solid wall behind it is a pipe chase — a pipe canyon — and so it was an opportunity that I seized, because I didn’t have to have any protruding ducts or vents or things in this form.
后面的实墙是一个管道槽 — 管道峡谷 所以我抓住了这个机会 因为这个形式不需要任何突出的管子或者开口
188.It gave me an opportunity to make a sculpture out of it.
189.This is a small house somewhere.
190.They’ve been building it so long I don’t remember where it is.
191.It’s in the West Valley.
192.And we started with the stream and built the house along the stream — dammed it up to make a lake.
我们从溪流着手 沿着溪流修建房子 — 修建堤坝来造湖
193.These are the models.
194.The reality, with the lake — the workmanship is pretty bad.
事实是,有了这个湖 建筑工艺其实很差
195.And it reminded me why I play defensively in things like my house.
196.When you have to do something really cheaply, it’s hard to get perfect corners and stuff.
当你不得不用些便宜货 你很难得到完美的转角之类的东西
197.That big metal thing is a passage, and in it is — you go downstairs into the living room and then down into the bedroom, which is on the right.
这个金属大家伙是条通道 你从里面下到起居室再下到卧室 就是右手边的图片
198.It’s kind of like a whole built town.
199.I was asked to do a hospital for schizophrenic adolescents at Yale.
200.And I thought it was fitting for me to be doing that.
201.This is a house next to a Philip Johnson house in Minnesota.
202.The owners had a dilemma — they asked Philip to do it.
房主们有个矛盾 — 他们让菲利普来做设计
203.He was too busy.
204.He didn’t recommend me, by the way.
205.(Laughter) We ended up having to make it a sculpture, because the dilemma was, how do you build a building that doesn’t look like the language?
(笑) 我们最终得把它做得很有雕塑感,因为房主们的矛盾是 你要如何建造一栋看上去不像建筑的建筑?
206.Is it going to look like this beautiful estate is sub-divided?
207.Et cetera, et cetera.
208.You’ve got the idea.
209.And so we finally ended up making it.
210.These people are art collectors.
211.And we finally made it so it appears very sculptural from the main house, and all the windows are on the other side.
最后我们成功的让它 在主屋的方向显得十分雕塑化,所有的开窗都在侧面
212.And the building is very sculptural as you walk around it.
213.It’s made of metal and the brown stuff is Fin-Ply — it’s that formed lumber from Finland.
外墙是金属制成的,棕色的构件是胶合木 由自芬兰的木材加工而成
214.We used it at Loyola on the chapel, and it didn’t work.
215.I keep trying to make it work.
216.In this case we learned how to detail it.
217.In Cleveland, there’s Burnham Mall, on the left.
218.It’s never been finished.
219.Going out to the lake, you can see all those new buildings we built.
220.And we had the opportunity to build a building on this site.
221.There’s a railroad track.
222.This is the city hall over here somewhere, and the courthouse.
223.And the center line of the mall goes out.
224.Burnham had designed a railroad station that was never built, and so we followed.
Burnham设计的火车站没能建成 但是我们延续了这个思路
225.Sohio is on the axis here, and we followed the axis, and they’re two kind of goalposts.
Sohio公司的大楼在这条轴线上 我们延续了这条轴线,这个建筑有点像球门
226.And this is our building, which is a corporate headquarters for an insurance company.
而这个就是我们设计的建筑 一家保险公司的公司总部
227.We collaborated with Oldenburg and put the newspaper on top, folded.
228.The health club is fastened to the garage with a C-clamp, for Cleveland.
健身俱乐部通过一个C形的坡道相连 象征Cleveland
229.(Laughter) You drive down.
(笑) 你沿着坡道往下开
230.So it’s about a 10-story C-clamp.
231.And all this stuff at the bottom is a museum, and an idea for a very fancy automobile entry.
底部的空间都是博物馆 以及一个华丽的车行入口
232.This owner has a pet peeve about bad automobile entries.
233.And this would be a hotel.
234.So, the center line of this thing — we’d preserve it, and it would start to work with the scale of the new buildings by Pelli and Kohn Pederson Fox, et cetera, that are underway.
所以我们保留了原来设想的中轴线 而这些新建筑的尺度可以让它开始发挥作用 修建中的建筑有Pelli,Kohn Pederson Fox等事务所设计设计的
235.It’s hard to do high-rise.
236.I feel much more comfortable down here.
237.This is a piece of property in Brentwood.
238.And a long time ago, about ’82 or something, after my house — I designed a house for myself that would be a village of several pavilions around a courtyard —
这是很老的项目了,大概是82年的样子 在我给自己设计的住宅之后设计的一座住宅 由一个庭院和它周围的几个阁楼组成的村子
239.and the owner of this lot worked for me and built that actual model on the left.
这片土地的业主曾为我工作 制作了左边的这个实物模型
240.And she came back, I guess wealthier or something — something happened — and asked me to design a house for her on this site.
后来她找到我 我猜是发财了还是怎么的 然后她让我给这片地设计一座住宅
241.And following that basic idea of the village, we changed it as we got into it.
我们延续了村落的基本概念 并在深入的过程中作了改变
242.I locked the house into the site by cutting the back end — here you see on the photographs of the site — slicing into it and putting all the bathrooms and dressing rooms
通过切削背(左)面的体量,我把整个建筑卡在场地里 你在这张照片里看到的 场地穿插进建筑里,然后把浴室和化妆间布置在里面
243.like a retaining wall, creating a lower level zone for the master bedroom, which I designed like a kind of a barge, looking like a boat.
起挡土墙的作用,在底层给主卧室创造了一个分区 设计得像艘货船 像艘船
244.And that’s it, built.