1.I have a story, a story that I would like to share with you.
2.And it’s an African story.
3.It is a story of hope, resilience and glamor.
4.There was Hollywood.
5.Then came Bollywood.
6.Today we have Nollywood, the third-largest film industry in the world.
7.In 2006 alone, almost 2,000 films were made in Nigeria.
8.Now, try to imagine 40, 50 films wrapped, distributed, every week in the streets of Lagos, Nigeria and West Africa.
试想每周有40或50部电影在拉各斯市 尼日利亚和西非的街道制作和分销
9.Some estimates put the value of this industry at 250 million dollars.
10.It has created thousands, if not tens of thousands of jobs.
11.And it’s expanding.
12.But keep in mind that this was a grassroots movement.
13.This is something that happened without foreign investment, without government aid, and actually, it happened against all odds, in one of the most difficult moments in Nigerian economy.
没有外国投资 没有政府的援助,实际上, 完全出乎预料 它发生在尼日利亚经济最困难的时刻,
14.The industry is 15 years old.
15.And so maybe you’re thinking now, why, how, an Italian filmmaker based in Boston is so interested in this story?
那么你可能会想 为什么一个住在波士顿的意大利电影制片人 会对这个故事感兴趣?
16.And so I think I have to tell you just a few words, a few things about my personal life, because I think there is a connection.
我觉得我得简短的告诉你们 我的一些个人生活的事情 因为我觉得有关系
17.My grandfather lived most of his life and is buried in Zambia.
18.My father also lived most of his adult life in East Africa.
19.And I was born in Zambia.
20.Even though I left when I was only three years old, I really felt that Africa was this big part of my life.
虽然我三岁时就离开了那里 但我真的觉得非洲是我生命中的一大部分
21.And it really was a place where I learned to walk.
22.I think I uttered the first words, and my family bought their first home.
开始呀呀学语的地方 家人买了他们的第一间房子
23.So when we came back to Italy, and one of the things that I remember the most is my family having this hard time to share stories.
因此当我们回到意大利后 我记忆最深刻的一件事情 是我的家庭很难与人分享非洲的故事
24.It seemed that for our neighbors and friends, Africa was either this exotic place, this imaginary land that probably exists only in their imagination,
似乎对我们的邻居和朋友而言 非洲要么是一个富有异国情调的虚构之地 只存在于他们的想象当中
25.or the place of horror, famine.
26.And so we were always caught in this stereotype.
27.And I remember really this desire to talk about Africa as a place where we lived and people live and go about their lives, and have dreams like we all have.
我记得我有一种强烈的愿望,就是讲讲非洲 一个我们曾经住过的地方,那里的人们同样过着他们的日子 有着跟我们一样的梦想
28.So when I read in a newspaper in the business page the story of Nollywood, I really felt this is an incredible opportunity to tell a story
因此当我在一家报纸的商业版看到一则 关于「尼莱坞」的故事 我知道这是一个难得的机会
29.that goes against all these preconceived notions.
30.Here I can tell a story of Africans making movies like I do, and actually I felt this was an inspiration for me.
这里我可以讲一个非洲人如何和我一样拍电影的故事 对我來說,这实际上是一种启发
31.I have the good fortune of being a filmmaker-in-residence at the Center of Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University.
凑巧的我是在波士顿大学数码影像艺术中心 做驻中心的制片人
32.And we really look how digital technology is changing, and how young, independent filmmakers can make movies at a fraction of the cost.
我们看到数码技术是如何不断的改变 而年轻独立制片人 可以制造成本低廉的电影
33.So when I proposed the story, I really had all the support to make this film.
因此当我提议拍这个故事 我得到大力的支持制作这部影片
34.And not only had the support, I found two wonderful partners in crime in this adventure.
不仅有支持 我还找到两个很棒的的合作伙伴, 跟我一起开始这次历险
35.Aimee Corrigan, a very talented and young photographer, and Robert Caputo, a friend and a mentor, who is a veteran of National Geographic,
一个非常有才华的年轻摄影师-艾米科里根 另一位是我的朋友和导师:罗伯特卡普托 他是一位資深的「国家地理」制作人
36.and told me, “You know, Franco, in 25 years of covering Africa, I don’t know if I have come across a story that is so full of hope and so fun.”
他说,佛朗哥,我在非洲工作了25年 我不确定我曾经遇到过如此充滿 希望和有趣的故事」
37.So we went to Lagos in October 2005.
38.And we went to Lagos to meet Bond Emeruwa, a wonderful, talented film director who is with us tonight.
与邦德艾玛鲁华会面 一位才华横溢的导演,他今晚也在场
39.The plan was to give you a portrait of Nollywood, of this incredible film industry, following Bond in his quest to make an action movie
我们打算给大家展现尼莱坞的情景 这个神奇的电影工业 我们追随邦德拍摄一部动作片的过程
40.that deals with the issue of corruption, called “Checkpoint.”
他的电影涉及贪污问题 影片名叫「检查站」
41.Police corruption.
42.And he had nine days to make it.
43.We thought this was a good story.
44.In the meantime, we had to cover Nollywood, and we talked to a lot of filmmakers.
与此同时,我们也记录了尼莱坞 我们访问了许多电影制片人
45.But I don’t want to create too many expectations.
46.I would like to show you six minutes.
47.And these are six minutes, they really prepared for the TED audience.
48.There are several themes from the documentary, but they are re-edited and made for you, OK?
这个纪录片有好几个主题 我们重新编辑了给大家看
49.So I guess it’s a world premier.
50.(Video) Action.
「影像」 开拍
51.You cut a nice movie with just 10,000 dollars in Nigeria here.
在尼日利亚 你可以用1万美元拍一部不错的电影
52.And you shoot in seven days.
53.We’re doing films for the masses.
54.We’re not doing films for the elite and the people in their glass houses.
我们不是为精英一族 和那些住在玻璃屋里的人而拍
55.They can afford to watch their “Robocop” and whatever.
56.I think filmmaking in Nigeria, for those who work in it, is a kind of subsistence filmmaking — what they do to make a living.
我觉得在尼日利亚,制作电影,对于这个行业的人来说 是一种维持生存需求的电影制作 – 他们以此为生
57.It’s not the fancy filmmaking where you say, oh, you want to put all the razzmatazz of Hollywood, and where you have big budgets.
不像好莱坞那种的大手笔的制作 搞的越华丽堂皇越好 因为你具备雄厚的资本
58.Here is that you make this films, it sells, you jump on to the location again to make another film, because if you don’t make the next film, you’re not going to feed.
在这里你拍一部电影 如果卖得好,你就立刻开拍下一部新戏 因为如果你不拍下一部电影,你会没饭吃
59.So while we’re entertaining, we should be able to educate.
60.I believe in the power of audiovisuals.
61.I mean, 90 percent of the population will watch Nollywood.
62.I think it’s the most viable vehicle right now to pass information across a dedicated cable.
我认为这是目前利用专用电缆 传递信息的最可行方法
63.So if you’re making a movie, no matter what your topic is, put in a message in there.
因此如果你拍一部电影,不管内容是什么 都应包含一个发人深省的道理
64.You still have to report the incident.
65.He needs proper medical attention.
66.I keep trying to explain to people, it’s not about the quality at the moment — the quality is coming.
我一直试图向人们解释 目前的问题不是质量好坏 – 质量会逐渐提高
67.I mean, there are those films that people are making for quality, but the first thing you have to remember about this society is that Africa still has people that live on one dollar a day,
我是说,有些电影是为追求质量而制作的。 但是首先你别忘了非洲这个社会 很多人的生活标准一天只有一美元
68.and these are the people that really watch these films.
69.Nollywood is a fantastic industry that has just been born in this part of the world.
尼莱坞是一个神奇的行业 刚刚在世界的这个角落诞生
70.Because nobody believed that Nollywood can come out of Africa.
71.But our films, they are stories that our people can relate to themselves.
但我们的电影 讲述的故事可令人们产生共鸣
72.They are stories about our people, for our people.
73.And consistently, they are glued to their screen whenever they see the story.
所以每当他们观看这些故事的时候 他们总是目不转睛
74.Suspense, fun and intrigue.
75.It’s the blockbuster comedy.
76.You’ll crack your ribs.
77.We have been so deep into the foreign movies.
78.It’s all about the foreign movies.
79.But we can do something too.
80.We can do something, something that when the world see it, they say, wow, this is Nigeria.
我们可以创作一些东西,当世界看到我们的创作 他们会说,哇,这才是尼日利亚
81.Just arrest yourself, sergeant.
自首吧, 上士
82.Don’t embarrass yourself.
83.Come on. Don’t run away. Come back. Come back.
来吧, 别跑了, 回来,回来
84.You can now walk the street and see a role model.
85.It’s not just what you see in picture.
86.You see the person live.
87.You see how he talks. You see how he lives.
88.He influences you really good, you know.
89.It’s not just what you see in the picture.
90.It is not what you hear, you know, from the Western press.
91.See you. Bye.
93.I was so fascinated, you know, with those cowboy movies.
94.But then when I discovered the situation in my country, at that time there was so much corruption.
但是当我认识到我的国家的处境 那时腐败猖獗
95.For a young man to really make it out here, you got to think of some negative things and all that, or some kind of vices.
一个年轻人要想出人头地, 就不得不寻找歪门邪道 做坏事
96.And I didn’t want that, you know.
97.And I discovered that I could be successful in life as an actor, without doing crime, without cheating nobody, without telling no lies.
后来我发现我可以当个成功的演员 不用犯罪,欺骗别人,或者撒谎
98.Just me and God-given talent.
99.Let’s go.
100.OK, it’s time to kick some ass.
101.Cover this. It’s your own.
102.Move it.
103.In big countries, when they do the movies, they have all these things in place.
大国制作电影的时候 他们设备精良
104.But here, we improvise these items, like the gunshots.
105.Like they go, here, now now, you see the gun there, but you won’t see any guns shot, we use knock-out.
他们说,现在, 马上开枪, 你看到枪支, 却看不到开枪射击, 我们用剪接的办法
106.What I’m scared of is just the [unclear] will come up in my face.
107.That’s why I use enough masking tape.
108.The masking tape will hold it.
109.Wat, wait. Just hold this for me.
110.I’m just telling her to make sure she places it well so that it won’t affect my face — the explosion, you know.
我只是在告诉她一定要放在合适的位置 以免爆炸伤到我的脸
111.But she’s a professional. She knows what she’s doing.
112.I’m trying to protect my face too.
113.This ain’t going to be my last movie.
114.You know, this is Nollywood, where the magic lives.
要知道,这里是尼莱坞, 是充满神奇魔力的地方
115.So now you’re about to see how we do our own movies here, with or without any assistance from anybody.
现在你马上就要看到我们如何制作电影 不管有没有别人的帮助
118.(Applause) Franco Sacchi: So many things to say, so little time.
掌声 要说的太多,时间太少
119.So many themes in this story.
120.I just can’t tell you — there’s one thing I want to tell you.
我无法尽述, 我只想说一件事
121.I spent, you know, several weeks with all these actors, producers, and the problems they have to go through are unimaginable for, you know, a Westerner, a filmmaker who works in America or in Europe.
我和这些演员们,导演们,一起度过好几周的时间 他们遇到的问题是 一个西方导演,比如美国或者欧洲导演,无法想象的
122.But always with a smile, always with an enthusiasm, that is incredible.
但是他们总是用微笑,和热情面对 真让人叹服
123.Werner Herzog, the German filmmaker said, “I need to make movies like you need oxygen.”
德国电影制作人沃纳赫尔佐格说过 我需要拍电影,就像你需要氧气
124.And I think they’re breathing.
125.The Nigerian filmmakers really, really, are doing what they like.
126.And so it’s a very, very important thing for them, and for their audiences.
因此拍电影对他们是一件非常重要的事情 对他们的观众也很重要
127.A woman told me, “When I see a Nollywood film, I can relax, I really — I can breathe better.”
一位女士告诉我,“当我看一部尼莱坞电影时, 我能放松,真的呼吸都更顺畅
128.There is also another very important thing that I hope will resonate with this audience.
另一件重要的事 我希望今天的听众更深有体会的
129.It’s technology. I’m very interested in it and I really think that the digital non-linear editing has slashed, you know, the cost now is a fraction of what it used to be.
就是技术,我对此很有兴趣 而且我相信数码非线性编辑技术大大削减了电影制作成本 现在电影成本是过去很小的一部分
130.Incredible cameras cost under 5,000 dollars.
131.And this has unleashed tremendous energy.
132.And guess what?
133.We didn’t have to tell to the Nigerian filmmakers.
134.They understood it, they embraced the technology and they run with it, and they’re successful.
他们理解并欣然接纳了技术 他们在使用新技术上得心应手
135.I hope that the Nollywood phenomenon will go both ways.
136.I hope it will inspire other African nations to embrace the technology, look at the Nigerian model, make their film, create jobs, create a narrative for the population, something to identify,
我希望其他非洲国家能受到启发充分利用技术 以尼日利亚为榜样,拍电影,创造就业机会 为自己的人民创作能让他们感同身受的故事
137.something positive, something that really is psychological relief and it’s part of the culture.
积极正面,并且能够提供心灵慰籍的故事 并且是他们自己文化里的东西
138.But I really think this is a phenomenon that can inspire us.
139.I really think it goes both ways.
140.Filmmakers, friends of mine, they look at Nollywood and they say, “Wow, they are doing what we really want to do, and make a buck and live with this job.”
我的电影制作人朋友们, 他们看到尼莱坞, 就会感叹 哇, 他们做的正是我们真正想做的 挣点儿钱, 以拍电影为生
141.So I really think it’s a lesson that we’re actually learning from them.
所以我认为 是我们实际上从他们身上学到了东西
142.And there’s one thing, one small challenge that I have for you, and should make us reflect on the importance of storytelling.
有一件事,我给你们提出一个小小的挑战 它能使我们反思讲故事的重要性
143.And I think this is really the theme of this session.
144.Try to imagine a world where the only goal is food and a shelter, but no stories.
145.No stories around the campfire.
146.No legends, no fairytales.