1.Walk around for four months with three wishes, and all the ideas will start to percolate up.
这四个月来我一直怀着三个愿望到处奔走 所有的思路都在这段时间中慢慢清晰
2.I think everybody should do it — think that you’ve got three wishes.
3.And what would you do? It’s actually a great exercise to really drill down to the things that you feel are important, and really reflect on the world around us.
如果给你三个愿望,你希望实现什么? 思考这样一个问题,除了让我们知道自己想要什么 还可以让我们意识到自己拥有什么
4.And thinking that, can an individual actually do something, or come up with something, that may actually get some traction out there and make a difference?
思考这样一个问题,除了能在思想上有所获益 还可以让我们行动起来 有所行动,也许就能让生活变得不同
5.Inspired by nature — that’s the theme here.
6.And I think, quite frankly, that’s where I started.
7.I became very interested in the landscape as a Canadian.
8.We have this Great North. And there was a pretty small population, and my father was an avid outdoorsman.
千里冰封万里雪飘的北国风光 我的父亲非常热衷于户外运动
9.So I really had a chance to experience that.
10.And I could never really understand exactly what it was, or how it was informing me.
11.But what I think it was telling me is that we are this transient thing that’s happening.
但是我想至少我懂得了一点 在这苍茫天地之间,我们都只不过是一个过客
12.And that the nature that you see out there — the untouched shorelines, the untouched forest that I was able to see — really bring in a sense of that geological time,
看着面前的大自然 那些人烟罕至的海岸与森林 前不见古人,后不见来者
13.that this has gone on for a long time, and we’re experiencing it in a different way.
念天地之悠悠 我想每个人的感受都会有所不同
14.And that, to me, was a reference point that I think I needed to have to be able to make the work that I did.
我现在所做的一切便是源于当时的感受 我觉得自己应该这么做,而且也有能力这么做
15.And I did go out, and I did this picture of grasses coming through in the spring, along a roadside.
于是,在一个春天的早上,我走上了自己的征途 我在路上拍摄了这样一丛野草
16.This rebirth of grass. And then I went out for years trying to photograph the pristine landscape.
这些原生态的风光画面 成为了我随后几年的拍摄重心
17.But as a fine-art photographer I somehow felt that it wouldn’t catch on out there — that there would be a problem with trying to make this as a fine-art career.
但是作为一位摄影艺术家,我始终感觉到 这样的作品离我所要表达的内容还有一段距离 同时,这样的作品也不利于一位艺术家的职业发展
18.And I kept being sucked into this genre of the calendar picture, or something of that nature, and I couldn’t get away from it.
长期以来我的作品总难免被人 当作挂历照片或者别的类似照片
19.So I started to think of, how can I rethink the landscape?
20.I decided to rethink the landscape as the landscape that we’ve transformed.
我决定重新定位自己的拍摄方式 专注于那些被人类力量改造的景观
21.I had a bit of an epiphany being lost in Pennsylvania, and I took a left turn trying to get back to the highway.
当我一次迷失在宾夕法尼亚州的时候 我突然发现了一丝灵感
22.And I ended up in a town called Frackville.
23.I got out of the car, and I stood up, and it was a coal-mining town. I did a 360 turnaround, and that became one of the most surreal landscapes I’ve ever seen.
结果却来到了一个叫做弗兰克威尔的小镇 这儿曾经是一片矿区,当我下车四顾 我看到了一幅前所未见的超现实场景
24.Totally transformed by man.
25.And that got me to go out and look at mines like this, and go out and look at the largest industrial incursions in the landscape that I could find.
在这一幕的驱使下,我开始出发 在我所能找到的风景带中 寻找其它类似的矿区或大型工业痕迹
26.And that became the baseline of what I was doing.
27.And it also became the theme that I felt that I could hold on to, and not have to re-invent myself.
也成为了我始终坚持的作品主题 这和我拍摄的初衷并不相违背
28.That this theme was large enough to become a life’s work — to become something that I could sink my teeth into and just research and find out where these industries are.
追寻大型工业的足迹 是一个很大的主题 足够我认认真真做上一辈子
29.And I think one of the things I also wanted to say in my thanks, which I kind of missed, was to thank all the corporations who helped me get in.
我想借这个机会 对那些曾经帮助过我的公司 表示衷心的感谢
30.Because it took negotiation for almost every one of these photographs — to get into that place to make those photographs.
基本上,大家看到的每一张照片 都需要经过协商才可能获得拍摄许可
31.And if it wasn’t for those people letting me in at the heads of those corporations, I would have never made this body of work.
如果不是他们的帮助 如果不是公司领导们的首肯 我也许永远无法拍摄这些作品
32.So in that respect, to me, I’m not against the corporation.
33.I own a corporation. I work with them, and I feel that we all need them and they’re important.
我本身也是一个公司的老板,和他们合作时 我能感觉到他们对人们日常生活的重要性
34.But I am also for sustainability.
35.So there’s this thing that is pulling me in both directions.
36.And I’m not making an indictment towards what’s happening here, but it is a slow progression.
我并不想在这里控诉他们的所作所为 因为所有这一切,并不是突然发生的
37.So I starting thinking, well, we live in all these ages of man: the Stone Age, and the Iron Age, and the Copper Age.
于是我开始思考,人类已经走过了很多个时代 石器时代,铁器时代,青铜时代
38.And these ages of man are still at work today.
39.But we’ve become totally disconnected from them.
40.There’s something that we’re not seeing there.
41.And it’s a scary thing as well. Because when we start looking at the collective appetite for our lifestyles, and what we’re doing to that landscape —
这是一件非常可怕的事情 当我们回过头来看看我们荒淫无度的生活 对这片土地带来了什么样的后果
42.that, to me, is something that is a very sobering moment for me to contemplate.
43.And through my photographs, I’m hoping to be able to engage the audiences of my work, and to come up to it and not immediately be rejected by the image.
我希望观众面对我的照片时 能够感受到我这样的感觉 而不是对这些影像感到排斥与抗拒
44.Not to say, “Oh my God, what is it?” But to be challenged by it.
45.To say, “Wow, this is beautiful on one level.
46.But on the other level, this is scary. I shouldn’t be enjoying it.”
47.Like a forbidden pleasure. And it’s that forbidden pleasure that I think is what resonates out there, and it gets people to look at these things,
把这样的景象当作一种美,是不道德的 我想这就是我所要表达的 我希望人们不光是欣赏这些作品,而是思考与体会
48.and it gets people to enter it. And it also, in a way, defines kind of what I feel, too.
49.Is that I’m drawn to have a good life.
50.I want a house, and I want a car.
51.But there’s this consequence out there.
52.And how do I begin to have that attraction, repulsion?
53.It’s even in my own conscience I’m having it, and here in my work, I’m trying to build that same toggle.
我不得不承认这让我感到羞愧 而我试图通过自己的作品让我有所转变
54.These things that I photographed — this tire pile here had 45 million tires in it. It was the largest one.
看看这张照片,这片废旧轮胎厂 这是最大的一片废旧轮胎厂,大约有四千五百万只旧轮胎
55.It was only about an hour-and-a-half away from me, and it caught fire about four years ago. It’s around Westley, California, around Modesto.
这儿位于加州维斯特利,靠近莫德斯托 离我家只有一个半小时路程,但四年前毁于一场大火
56.And I decided to start looking at something that, to me, had — if the earlier work of looking at the landscape had a sense of lament to what we were doing to nature,
我决定去寻访一些类似的场景 如果说以前的作品仅仅是关注自然 那么现在则是为我们的行为向自然传达一种歉意
57.in the recycling work that you’re seeing here was starting to point to a direction. To me, it was our redemption.
照片中大家看到的垃圾回收站 对我来说是一个好的开端,是一种救赎
58.That in the recycling work that I was doing, I’m looking for a practice — a human activity that is sustainable.
我把这些关于垃圾回收的作品 当做是人类可持续性发展的一种实践
59.That if we keep putting things, through industrial and urban existence, back into the system — if we keep doing that — we can continue on.
只有我们在生产生活当中 持续保持发展的可持续性 人类才有可能继续生存下去
60.Of course, listening at the conference, there’s many, many things that are coming. Bio-mimicry, and there’s many other things that are coming onstream —
当然,在这次大会上 我听到了很多这方面的内容 仿生学,其它学科
61.nanotechnology that may also prevent us from having to go into that landscape and tear it apart.
以及纳米技术的应用 都有望保护我们的大自然
62.And we all look forward to those things.
63.But in the meantime, these things are scaling up.
64.These things are continuing to happen.
65.What you’re looking at here — I went to Bangladesh, so I started to move away from North America.
在北美拍摄一段时间以后 我开始把目光投向了世界
66.I started to look at our world globally.
67.And this came about — these images of Bangladesh — came out of a radio program I was listening to.
这些画面,这些关于孟加拉的画面 源自我听到的一个广播节目
68.They were talking about Exxon Valdez, and that there was going to be a glut of oil tankers because of the insurance industries.
当时里面谈到埃克森石油公司的瓦尔迪兹油轮泄露事件 由于这次事件引起的索赔事件 导致了全球油轮数量需求下滑
69.And that those oil tankers needed to be decommissioned, and 2004 was going to be the pinnacle.
所有这些多余的油轮 都必须在2004年之前销毁
70.And I thought, “My God, wouldn’t that be something?”
71.To see the largest vessels of man being deconstructed by hand, literally, in third-world countries.
一艘艘大型油轮由人工一点点将其拆毁 这一切就在第三世界国家中真实发生
72.So originally I was going to go to India.
73.And I was shut out of India because of a Greenpeace situation there, and then I was able to get into Bangladesh.
不过由于当地绿色环保组织的活动,我被印度拒之门外 因此我将目的地改为孟加拉国
74.And saw for the first time a third world, a view of it that I had never actually thought was possible.
这是我与第三世界的第一次亲密接触 这一切对我来说如此不可思议
75.130 million people living in an area the size of Wisconsin, people everywhere, the pollution was intense, and the working conditions were horrible.
一亿三千万人,居住在和威斯康辛面积相等的一处地方 到处都是人,到处都是污染 工作环境极度恶劣
76.Here you’re looking at some oil fields in California, some of the biggest oil fields. And again, I started to think that — there was another epiphany —
这是加州最大的油田之一 看到这样的场景 我又萌生了新的想法
77.that the whole world I was living in was being created as a result of having plentiful oil.
我们所生存的整个世界 都是建立在石油工业基础之上
78.And that, to me, was again something that I started building on, and I continued to build on.
因此我也想以石油作为基础 做一些新的作品
79.So this is a series I’m hoping to have ready in about two or three years, kind of, under the heading of The Oil Party.
这是我在未来两道三年内 想要完成的一个项目 名字也许叫“石油当道”
80.Because I think everything that we’re involved in — our clothing, our cars, our roads, and everything — are directly a result.
我觉得我们身边的一切,无论衣食住行 都和石油有着直接或间接的联系
81.I’m going to move to some pictures of China.
82.And through China — I started photographing it four years ago, and China truly is a question of sustainability in my mind.
我在四年前开始拍摄中国 就我看来,中国是可持续发展的一个老大难问题
83.Not to mention that China, as well, has a great effect on the industries that I grew up around.
另外,中国还给我从小熟悉的那些产业 带来了巨大的冲击
84.Because I came out of a blue-collar town, a GM town, and my father worked at GM.
我来自一个工业城市 通用汽车是当地的支柱产业,我爸爸就为其工作
85.So I was very familiar with that kind of industry.
86.And that also informed my work. But you know, to see China and the scale at which it’s evolving, is quite something.
这也同样影响到了我的作品 但是同样的行业,以中国式规模出现,就完全不同了
87.So what you see here is the Three Gorges Dam, and this is the largest dam by 50 percent ever attempted by man.
这里大家看到的是三峡大坝 这是人类制造的最大大坝,规模超过第二名一倍以上
88.And most of the engineers around the world left the project because they said, “It’s just too big.”
全球大部分工程师都认为这项工程是不可能完成的 原因只有一个,“这项工程太大”
89.In fact, when it did actually fill with water a year and a half ago, they were able to measure a wobble within the earth as it was spinning.
事实上,当这项工程于一年半前竣工蓄水 人们确实能侦测到其诱发了地层深处的地震
90.It took fifteen days to fill it.
91.So this created a reservoir 600 kilometers long, one of the largest reservoirs ever created.
蓄水库区长达六百公里 这也是人类历史上最大的水库之一
92.And what was also one of the bigger projects around that was moving 13 full-size cities up out of the reservoir, and flattening all the buildings so they could make way for the ships.
这项巨大工程同时带来了另外一项巨大工程 迁移库区内十三个城市的所有居民 并将城市捣毁为平地以便船只通行
93.This is a before and after. So that was before.
94.And this is like 10 weeks later, demolished by hand.
95.I think 11 of the buildings they used dynamite, everything else was by hand. That was 10 weeks later.
我印象中有十一栋楼房在拆除过程中使用了炸药 其余完全靠人工进行,这仅仅只用了十周时间
96.And this gives you an idea.
97.Again with — and it was all the people who lived in those homes, were the ones that were actually taking it apart and working, and getting paid per brick to take their cities apart.
正是住在这里的居民 亲手将自己生活的城市拆为一地瓦砾 每拆一块石头,他们都能获得一定的报酬
98.And these are some of the images from that.
99.So I spent about three trips to the Three Gorges Dam, looking at that massive transformation of a landscape.
我一共用了三次旅行 记录三峡地区的大规模地貌变化
100.And it looks like a bombed-out landscape, but it isn’t.
101.What it is, it’s a landscape that is an intentional one.
102.This is a need for power, and they’re willing to go through this massive transformation, on this scale, to get that power.
这是何其强大的力量,才能让他们心甘情愿的承受这一切 承受这样翻天覆地的变化
103.And again, it’s actually a relief for what’s going on in China because I think on the table right now, there’s 27 nuclear power stations to be built.
不过这也许还算是好的 就我所知,中国现在正计划 再建二十七座核电站
104.There hasn’t been one built in North America for 20 years because of the NIMBY problem — not in my backyard.
北美地区已经有二十年时间没有建立过一座核电站 因为没有人希望给自家后院放上这么一把火
105.But in China they’re saying, “No, we’re putting in 27 in the next 10 years.”
106.And coal-burning furnaces are going in there for hydroelectric power, literally weekly.
而且火力发电厂 依旧在以每周一座的速度兴建
107.So coal itself is probably one of the largest problems.
108.And one of the other things that happened in the Three Gorges — a lot of the agricultural land that you see there on the left was also lost.
三峡工程导致的另一问题 就是许多农田,大家可以在上图左边看到,永远流失了
109.Some of the most fertile agricultural land was lost in that.
110.And at one point, two million people were relocated, depending on whose statistics you’re looking at.
大约两百万人流离失所 这还仅仅是官方提供的数据
111.And this is what they were building.
112.This is Wushan, one of the largest cities that was relocated.
113.This is the central headquarters, or the town hall, for the city.
114.And again, the rebuilding of the city. To me it was sad to see that they didn’t really grab a lot of, I guess, what we know here, in terms of urban planning.
在城市再造过程之中,我很遗憾的发现 在我看来,这些建设者们完全没有任何 我们所谓的城市规划的概念
115.There were no parks, there were no green spaces.
116.Very high-density living on the side of a hill.
117.And here they had a chance to rebuild cities from the bottom up, but somehow we’re not connecting with them.
他们本有机会从头建立一个美丽的城市 不过似乎他们并没有想过要这么做
118.Here is a sign that, translated, says, “Obey the birth control law.
119.Build our science. Civilized and advanced idea of marriage and giving birth.”
120.So here, if you look at this poster, it has all the trappings of Western culture.
初看这张海报,你会发现 上面充满了西方文化的诱惑
121.You’re seeing the tuxedos, the bouquets.
122.But what’s really, to me, frightening about the picture and about this billboard is the refinery in the background.
但让我感到害怕的是 隐藏在海报背后的文化入侵
123.So it’s like marrying up all the things that we have and it’s an adaptation of our way of life, full stop.
他们仿佛在一瞬间不分香花毒草 将我们的生活方式照单全收
124.And again, when you start seeing that kind of embrace, and you start looking at them leading their rural lifestyle with a very, very small footprint and moving into an urban lifestyle
当你回过头来重新审视 他们是如何慢慢的抛弃了自己旧式的田园生活 大踏步的迈向西方式的城市文化
125.with a much higher footprint, it starts to become very sobering.
126.This is a shot in one of the biggest squares in Guangdong — and this is where a lot of migrant workers are coming in from the country.
这张照片拍摄于广东最大的广场之一 这里布满了进城务工的农村人口
127.And there’s about 130 million people in migration trying to get into urban centers at all times.
目前在中国广大国土上 大约遍布着一亿三千万外来务工人员
128.And in the next 10 to 15 years, are expecting another 400 to 500 million people to migrate into the urban centers like Shanghai and the manufacturing centers.
而在未来十到十五年时间内 外来务工人口可能会攀升至四到五个亿 他们纷纷涌入上海这样的大都市或生产制造中心
129.The manufacturers are — the domestics are usually — you can tell a domestic factory by the fact that they all use the same color uniforms.
这些生产制造企业 通常来自本地,或者说大部分都是中国本土企业 他们都习惯使用相同颜色的制服
130.So this is a pink uniform at this factory. It’s a shoe factory.
131.And they have dorms for the workers.
132.So they bring them in from the country and put them up in the dorms.
133.This is one of the biggest shoe factories, the Yuyuan shoe factory near Shenzhen. It has 90,000 employees making shoes.
这是深圳周边最大的鞋厂之一,裕元鞋厂 大约有九万名生产员工
134.This is a shift change, one of three. At every change — there’s two factories of this scale in the same town.
这张照片拍摄的是换班的场景,这里每天分为三班 公司有两个厂区,位于同一地区
135.This is one with 45,000. So every lunch, there’s about 12,000 coming through for lunch.
这里大约有四万五千名员工 所以在午餐时间,同时进餐人数大约达到一万二千人
136.They sit down, they have about 20 minutes.
137.The next round comes in. It’s an incredible workforce that’s building there. Shanghai — I’m looking at the urban renewal in Shanghai,
然后轮到下一轮工人用餐 这是一股巨大的劳动力 这里是上海,一个新旧交替之中的城市
138.and this is a whole area that will be flattened and turned into skyscrapers in the next five years.
这片区域很快将会被铲平 五年之内,新的摩天大楼将从这里拔地而起
139.What’s also happening in Shanghai is — China is changing because this wouldn’t have happened five years ago, for instance. This is a holdout.
这张照片同样能显示出上海 或者说中国在另一方面的转变 如果在五年前,这样的人是不可能出现的
140.They’re called dengzahoos’ — they’re like pin tacks to the ground.
141.They won’t move. They’re not negotiating.
142.They’re not getting enough, so they’re not going to move.
143.And so they’re holding off until they get a deal with them.
144.And they’ve been actually quite successful in getting better deals because most of them are getting a raw deal.
和那些得到搬迁通知就拿钱走人的住户比起来 他们都得到了一笔更高额的补偿金
145.They’re being put out about two hours — the communities that have been around for literally hundreds of years, or maybe even thousands of years,
随后这些房子也会跟着周边 那些存在了上百年甚至上千年的古楼一样 在短短两个小时之内被夷为平地
146.are being broken up and spread across in the suburban areas outside of Shanghai. But these are a whole series of guys holding out in this reconstruction of Shanghai.
同样的故事在上海的整个周边地区发生着 这是在上海旧城重建过程中 顽强坚持的一系列钉子户
147.Probably the largest urban-renewal project, I think, ever attempted on the planet.
我想这也许是这个星球上 规模最大的一次旧城改造工程
148.And then the embrace of the things that they’re replacing it with — again, one of my wishes, and I never ended up going there, was to somehow tell them that there were better ways to build a house.
但是他们并没有找到一条合理的道路 这是我的一个心愿,同时也是我反复去那里的目的 我想要告诉他们,房子是可以建造得更好的
149.The kinds of collisions of styles and things were quite something, and these are called the villas.
这种四不像的风格非常值得一说 他们管这样的房子就叫做别墅
150.And also, like right now, they’re just moving.
151.The scaffolding is still on, and this is an e-waste area, and if you looked in the foreground on the big print, you’d see that the industry — their industry — they’re all recycling.
脚手架还没有拆除,如果是大照片 你还可以看到前景中的电子垃圾 从中你可以判断出他们的职业,一群拾荒者
152.So the industry’s already growing around these new developments.
随着城市化进程的慢慢推进 这一行业也在蓬勃发展
153.This is a five-level bridge in Shanghai.
154.Shanghai was a very intriguing city — it’s exploding on a level that I don’t think any city has experienced.
上海市一座充满魅力的城市,也是一座高速发展的城市 其发展速度之快,我想没有任何城市可以与之媲美
155.In fact, even Shenzhen, the industrial, or the economic zone — one of the first ones — 15 years ago was about 100,000 people, and today it boasts about 10 to 11 million.
即使是深圳这样一座十五年前仅有十万人口的小渔村 在成为第一批经济特区与生产基地后 今天人口数额也已增长至一亿
156.So that gives you an idea of the kinds of migrations and the speed with which — this is just the taxis being built by Volkswagen.
移民规模之大,发展速度之快,仅从这张图片就可见一斑 这里一共停放了九千辆
157.There’s 9,000 of them here, and they’re being built for most of the big cities, Beijing and Shanghai, Shenzhen.
大众汽车公司生产的的士 这些汽车将被运往北京、上海、深圳等各大城市 这只是中国国内汽车市场的一个缩影
158.And this isn’t even the domestic car market, this is the taxi market.
159.And what we would see here as kind of a suburban kind of development — a similar thing, but they’re all high-rises.
这是一张高速发展中的城市边远地带 这里,建筑业也以同样的速度发展着
160.So they’ll put 20 or 40 up at a time, and they just go up in the same way as a single-family dwelling would go up here in an area.
二三十栋楼房 同时拔地而起 等待一户户人家蜂拥而至
161.And the density is quite incredible.
162.And one of the things in this picture that I wanted to point out is that when I saw these kinds of buildings, I was shocked to see that they’re not using a central air-conditioning system.
不过我在照片中想指出来的并非这一点 当我看到这些建筑 我首先想到的是 他们居然没有中央空调
163.Every window has an air conditioner in it.
164.And I’m sure there are people here who probably know better than I do about efficiencies, but I can’t imagine that every apartment having its own air conditioner
我想这里一定有人 比我更明白什么叫做效率 对于这么大一个小区而言
165.is a very efficient way to cool a building on this scale.
166.And when you start looking at that, and then you start factoring up into a city the size of Shanghai, it’s literally a forest of skyscrapers.
当我们将这样的景象放大到上海这样规模的城市 你就会发现目力所及之处 只剩下一片钢筋水泥的森林
167.It’s breathtaking, in terms of the speed at which this city is transforming.
168.And you can see in the foreground of this picture, it’s still one of the last areas that was being held up.
在这张照片的前景中 还有一小片尚未开发的地块
169.Right now that’s all cleared out — this was done about eight months ago, and high-rises are now going up into that central spot.
八个月前那里已经被夷为平地 新的摩天大楼正从此处拔地而起
170.So a skyscraper is built, literally, overnight in Shanghai.
171.Most recently I went in, and I started looking at some of the biggest industries in China.
最近我开始拍摄 中国的一些大型工业基地
172.And this is Baosteel, right outside of Shanghai.
173.This is the coal supply for the steel factory — 18 square kilometers.
174.It’s an incredibly massive operation, I think 15,000 workers, five cupolas, and the sixth one’s coming in here.
这里的员工很多,我想至少有一万五千人 拥有五处高炉,这里是在建中的第六座
175.So they’re building very large blast furnaces to try to deal with the demand for steel in China.
他们正在不断建设新的大型高炉 以试图跟上中国的钢铁需求
176.So this is three of the visible blast furnaces within that shot.
177.And again, looking at these images, there’s this constant, like, haze that you’re seeing.
178.This is going to show you, real time, an assembler. It’s a circuit breaker.
179.10 hours a day at this speed.
180.I think one of the issues that we here are facing with China, is that they’re using a lot of the latest production technology.
我想到这样的一个问题 我们在这里谈论中国的时候 总是只提到他们已经拥有了最先进的生产技术
181.In that one, there were 400 people that worked on the floor.
182.And I asked the manager to point out five of your fastest producers, and then I went and looked at each one of them for about 15 or 20 minutes,
我请他们的主管带我去看看工作效率最高的几名员工 我在每个人前面站了十几二十分钟
183.and picked this one woman.
184.And it was just lightning fast, the way she was working was almost unbelievable.
她的操作速度之快 完全令人难以想象
185.But that is the trick that they’ve got right now, that they’re winning with, is that they’re using all the latest technologies and extrusion machines,
其实中国真正所拥有的 真正让他们从东方崛起的 不光是他们所拥有的高新技术与设备
186.and bringing all the components into play, but the assembly is where they’re actually bringing in — the country workers are very willing to work. They want to work.
不光是这些设备的简单相加 而是这个国家广大的劳动人民 他们愿意工作,想要工作
187.There’s a massive backlog of people wanting their jobs.
188.That condition’s going to be there for the next 10 to 15 years if they realize what they want, which is, you know, 400 to 500 million more people coming into the cities.
如果每个人都不改变他们的想法 那么这样的情况还要持续十到十五年时间 迟早还有四五亿人口会涌入城市
189.In this particular case — this is the assembly line that you saw, and this is a shot of it.
让我们回到这张照片 就是大家看到的这张生产线的照片
190.I had to use a very small aperture to get the depth of field.
191.I had to have them freeze for 10 seconds to get this shot.
192.It took me five fake tries because they were just going. To slow them down was literally impossible.
我在他们工作时一共拍摄了五张 但是他们在工作状态中很难真正固定下来
193.They were just wound up doing these things all day long, until the manager had to, with a stern voice, say, “Okay, everybody freeze.”
因为他们已经习惯了每天紧张的工作节拍 于是我只好请来一位主管,他大吼一声 “OK,大家都不许动”
194.It wasn’t too bad, but they’re driven to produce these things at an incredible rate.
这张照片看上去不错 遗憾的是这是一张摆拍的照片
195.This a textile mill doing synthetic silk, an oil byproduct.
196.And what you’re seeing here is, again, one of the most state-of-the-art textile mills.
大家在照片中看到的纺织厂 代表了当前纺织厂的最高水准
197.There’s 500 of these machines, they’re worth about 200,000 dollars each.
198.So you have about 12 people running this, and they’re just inspecting it — and they’re just walking the lines.
只需要十二个人就可以管理 他们只需要在生产线上来回检查即可
199.The machines are all running, absolutely incredible to see what the scale of industries are.
机器正在工作之中 这样的工业场景是非常具有震撼力的
200.And I started getting in further and further into the factories.
201.And that’s a diptych, so I do a lot of pairings to try and get the sense of scale in these places.
把两张照片拼在一起,我做了不少类似的处理 以图更好的表现此类场景的规模之大
202.This is a line where they get the threads and they wind the threads together, pre-going into the textile mills.
这里是来料车间 工厂在这里统计来料 送入纺织车间
203.Here’s something that’s far more labor intensive, which is the making of shoes.
这是一间制鞋工厂 劳动力更加密集
204.This floor has about 1,500 workers on this floor.
205.The company itself had about 10,000 employees, and they’re doing domestic shoes.
整个工厂的员工超过一万人 主要面向国内市场