
1.What I’d like you to do is, just really quickly, is just, sort of, nod to the person on your right, and then nod to the person on your left.
我想请你们仅仅是,迅速地, 稍微,向你右边的人点个头, 然后再向你左边的人点个头。
2.(Laughter) Now, chances are that over the last winter, if you had been a beehive, either you or one of the two people you just nodded at would have died.
(笑声) 注意啊!假如一个人是一箱蜂的话,去年冬天,(蜜蜂死亡的)可能性就像, 你或你朝着点头的人中的一个 去世了一样。
3.Now, that’s an awful lot of bees.
4.And this is the second year in a row  we have lost over 30 percent of the colonies, or we estimate we’ve lost 30 percent of the colonies over the winter.
而且这才是(蜂群开始死亡的)第二年我们就已经损失了超过30%蜂群, 或者我们看成在一个冬天内我们损失了30%的蜂群。
5.Now, that’s a lot, a lot of bees, and that’s really important.
6.And most of those losses are because of things we know.
7.We know that there are these varroa mites that have introduced and caused a lot of losses, and we also have this new phenomenon, which I talked about last year, Colony Collapse Disorder.
我们知道这些蜂螨导致 和造成了大量损失,我们还有新的问题 就是去年我介绍过的蜂群崩溃失调症。
8.And here we see a picture on top of a hill in Central Valley last December.
9.And below, you can see all these out yards, or temporary yards, where the colonies are brought in until February, and then they’re shipped out to the almonds.
你能看到照片下部这些(房)外庭院, 或者说临时庭院,2月份之前蜂群被运到这里, 后被船送到杏树园中。
10.And one documentary writer, who was here and looked at this two months after I was here, described this not as beehives but as a graveyard, with these empty white boxes with no bees left in them.
在我到这儿以后,一位纪实作家来到这儿做了两个月的调查, 他/她笔下这些不是蜂箱 这里是摆满没有蜜蜂的空空的白盒子的(蜜蜂的)墓地。
11.Now, I’m going to sum up a year’s worth of work in two sentences to say that we have been trying to figure out what the cause of this is.
现在,我来用两句话总结一下一年来的工作, 告诉大家我们一直在努力寻找 造成这种结果的原因。
12.And what we know is that it’s as if the bees have caught a flu.
13.And this flu has wiped through the population of bees.
14.In some cases, and in fact in most cases in one year, this flu was caused by a new virus to us, or newly identified by us, called Israeli Acute Paralysis virus.
有的,不,实际上是一年中的大部分流感 是由一种病毒引起的,这种病毒对我来说是新的 或者说最近近才被我们鉴定的,它叫以色列急性麻痹病毒。
15.It was called that because a guy in Israel first found it, and he now regrets profoundly calling it that disease, because, of course, there’s the implication.
这一名字的由来是因为以色列的一个家伙首先发现了它, 但是他现在很后悔给这种病起了那个名字,因为, 很显然,名字本身暗含着某种意思。
16.but we think this virus is pretty ubiquitous.
17.It’s also pretty clear that the bees sometimes catch other viruses or other flus, and so the question we’re still struggling with, and the question that keeps us up at night,
另外,毋庸置疑,蜜蜂有时候也会感染其它病毒 或其它流感,所以我们还在艰难研究的, 还在令我们彻夜难眠的问题是 why have the bees suddenly become so susceptible to this flu, and why are they so susceptible to these other diseases?
为什么这些蜜蜂突然变得对这场流感没有抵抗力, 为什么它们在这些其它疾病面前也如此不堪一击?
19.And we don’t have the answer to that yet, and we spend a lot of time trying to figure that out.
但是我们还没有答案, 虽然已经付出了很多时间来研究。
20.We think perhaps it’s a combination of factors.
21.We know from the work of a very large and dynamic working team that, you know, we’re finding a lot of different pesticides in the hive, and surprisingly, sometimes the healthiest hives
我们从一个庞大而活跃的工作组得知, 蜂巢中有很多种杀虫剂, 不可思议的是,有时候最健康的蜂巢
22.have the most pesticides. And so we discover all these very strange things that we can’t begin to understand.
有最多杀虫的剂种类。我们发现的所有这些 非常奇怪的现象令我们费解。
23.And so this opens up the whole idea of looking at colony health.
24.Now of course, if you lose a lot of colonies, beekeepers can replace them very quickly.
毫无疑问,如果损失了很多群蜂, 养蜂人当然能很快进行补充。
25.And that’s why we’ve been able to recover from a lot of loss.
26.If we lost one in every three cows in the winter, you know, the National Guard would be out.
大家知道,如果我们在冬天损失三分之一的奶牛, 应急部队就要出动了。
27.But what beekeepers can do is, if they have one surviving colony, they can split that colony in two.
但是养蜂人怎么办呢,即使他们只剩下一个蜂群, 他们还能将那个蜂群分成两个。
28.And then the one half that doesn’t have a queen, they can buy a queen.
29.It comes in the mail; it can come from Australia or Hawaii or Florida, and you can introduce that queen.
蜂后是邮寄来的;而且不管它是来自澳大利亚还是夏威夷还是佛罗里达, 你都可以把它变成那半群蜂的蜂后。
30.And in fact, America was the first country that ever did mail-delivery queens and in fact, it’s part of the postal code that you have to deliver queens by mail
实际上,美国是第一个 通过邮件运送蜂后的国家,而且, 必须要通过邮件邮寄蜂后是邮政法的一部分 order to make sure that we have enough bees in this country.
32.If you don’t just want a queen, you can buy, actually, a three-pound package of bees, which comes in the mail, and of course, the Postal Office is always very concerned when they get,
如果你不只是想要一只蜂后,你还可以买到 一包三磅重的蜜蜂。当然, 邮局会很小心的 know, your three-pound packages of bees.
34.And you can install this in your hive and replace that dead-out.
35.So it means that beekeepers are very good at replacing dead-outs, and so they’ve been able to cover those losses.
这意味着养蜂人非常擅长更新死光的蜂群, 所以他们有承受那些损失的能力。
36.So even though we’ve lost 30 percent of the colonies every year, the same number of colonies have existed in the country, at about 2.4 million colonies.
所以即使我们每年都损失30%的蜂群, 我们国家还依然会有 相同数量的蜂群,
37.Now, those losses are tragic on many fronts, and one of those fronts is for the beekeeper.
大约2,400,000群蜜蜂。 虽然如此,那些损失在很多方面还是惨痛的,
38.And it’s really important to talk about beekeepers first, because beekeepers are among the most fascinating people you’ll ever meet.
其中一方面就是养蜂人的损失。 首先说说养蜂人是很重要的,
39.If this was a group of beekeepers, you would have everyone from the card-carrying NRA member who’s, you know, live free or die, to the, you know, the self-expressed quirky San Francisco
因为他们将会是你遇到的最让人着迷的人之一。 如果这儿有一群养蜂人,你会(从中)找到各种各样的人, 从来福枪协会会员
40.backyard pig farmer.
41.(Laughter) And you get all of these people in the same room, and they’re all engaged and they’re getting along, and they’re all there because of the passion for bees.
(笑声) 他们在同一屋檐下, 他们都很投入而且相处的很好, 他们是因为喜欢蜜蜂而到一起的。
42.Now, there’s another part of that community which are the commercial beekeepers, the ones who make their livelihood from beekeeping alone.
现在谈谈,养蜂人中另外一部分人 他们是商业养蜂人, 也就是那些仅靠养蜂来养家糊口的养蜂人。
43.And these tend to be some of the most independent, tenacious, intuitive, you know, inventive people you will ever meet.
他们将可能是你碰到的人当中一些最独立、最顽强、 最感性、最富创造性的人。
44.They’re just fascinating. And they’re like that all over the world.
45.I had the privilege of working in Haiti just for two weeks earlier this year.
46.And Haiti, if you’ve ever been there, is just a tragedy.
47.I mean, there may be 100 explanations for why Haiti is the impoverished nation it is, but there is no excuse to see that sort of squalor.
我是说,即使有100条理由解释 为什么海地是那样贫穷, 它也没有理由那样的破败不堪。
48.But you meet this beekeeper, and I met this beekeeper here, and he is one of the most knowledgeable beekeepers I’ve ever met.
但是你会碰到这个养蜂人,我在那儿遇到了他, 他是我曾经遇到过的最有知识的养蜂人中的一个。
49.No formal education, but very knowledgeable.
50.We needed beeswax for a project we were working on; he was so capable, he was able to render the nicest block of beeswax I have ever seen
我们的一个项目需要蜂蜡;他非常能干, 他做出了我所见过的最好的一块儿蜂蜡,
51.from cow dung, tin cans and his veil, which he used as a screening, right in this meadow. And so that ingenuity is inspiring.
使用了牛粪、锡罐和他的盖头,他把盖头当作纱网使用, (他)就在这片草甸上(做蜂蜡块的)。他的技术让人很受启发。
52.We also have Dave Hackenberg, who is the poster child of CCD.
我们还有戴维-海肯伯格(Dave Hackenberg),他是蜂群崩溃失调症的代表人物。
53.He’s the one who first identified this condition and raised the alarm bells.
是他首先发现了蜂群崩溃失调症 并敲响了警钟。
54.And he has a history of these trucks, and he’s moved these bees up and down the coast.
他很早就使用这些卡车 沿着海岸线上下转运这些蜜蜂。
55.And a lot of people talk about trucks and moving bees, and that being bad, but we’ve done that for thousands of years.
虽然许多人认为转运蜜蜂 不好,但是转运蜜蜂已经有数千年的历史了。
56.The ancient Egyptians used to move bees up and down the Nile on rafts, so this idea of a movable bee force is not new at all.
古埃及人就曾就用筏子沿着尼罗河上下转运蜜蜂, 这说明运动的蜜蜂大军一点儿也不新鲜。
57.And one of our real worries with Colony Collapse Disorder is the fact that it costs so much money to replace those dead-out colonies.
蜂群崩溃失调症让我们真正忧心的原因之一 是更新那些死亡的蜂群要花费大量的钱财。
58.And you can do that one year in a row, you may be able to do it two years in a row.
我们有能力更新一年, 也许还能连着更新两年。
59.But if you’re losing 50 percent to 80 percent of your colonies, you can’t survive three years in a row. And we’re really worried about losing this segment of our industry.
但是如果损失50-80%的蜂群, 连续三年就垮了。我们确实很担心 损失掉这部分产业。
60.And that’s important for many fronts, and one of them is because of that culture that’s in agriculture.
因为养蜂业在很多方面都很重要, 其中之一就是在农业上。
61.And these migratory beekeepers are the last nomads of America.
62.You know, they pick up their hives; they move their families once or twice in a year.
大家知道,他们带着蜂箱, 一年内搬一次或两次家。
63.And if you look at Florida, in Dade City, Florida, that’s where all the Pennsylvania beekeepers go.
你们看佛罗里达州,达迪市(Dade city) 是宾夕法尼亚州养蜂人的去处。
64.And then 20 miles down the road is Groveland, and that’s where all the Wisconsin beekeepers go.
然后从达迪市(Dade city)顺着这条路往下20英里是哥如福兰德(Grovelan), 那里是所有威斯康辛州养蜂人的去处。
65.And if you’re ever in Central Valley in February, you go to this caf谷 at 10 o’clock in the morning, Kathy and Kate’s.
要是你二月份在中央峡谷, 请在早上10点去这间咖啡馆,店名是凯西和凯特之家。
66.And that’s where all the beekeepers come after a night of moving bees into the almond groves.
那里是所有养蜂人在忙了一夜将蜜蜂 移到杏树林
67.They all have their breakfast and complain about everyone right there. And it’s a great experience, and I really encourage you to drop in at that diner during that time,
他们在那里一边吃早餐 一边互相抱怨。那种经历很棒, 我真的鼓励大家那时候去那个小餐馆,
68.because that’s quite essential American experience.
69.And we see these families, these nomadic families, you know, father to son, father to son, and these guys are hurting.
我们再来看那些家庭,那些游牧家庭, 从父母到子女都在忙着侍弄蜜蜂。
70.And they’re not people who like to ask for help, although they are the most helpful people ever.
他们不喜欢求人, 但却最乐于助人。
71.If there’s one guy who loses all his bees because of a truck overhaul, everyone pitches in and gives 20 hives to help him replace those lost colonies.
比如有人因为卡车大修而损失了所有蜜蜂, 养蜂人们都会过来送给他20群蜂 帮他弥补损失。
72.And so, it’s a very dynamic, and I think, historic and exciting community to be involved with.
所以,我觉得这是一个很有活力、 历史而且让人振奋的社区,很值得交往。
73.Of course, the real importance for bees is not the honey.
74.And although I highly encourage you, all use honey.
75.I mean, it’s the most ethical sweetener, and you know, it’s a dynamic and fun sweetener.
因为它是最“道德”的甜味剂, 它是有生命的好甜味剂。
76.But we estimate that about one in three bites of food we eat is directly or indirectly pollinated by honeybees.
而且据估计差不多在我们的每三口食物中就有一口 是直接或是间接由蜜蜂传粉的。
77.Now, I want to just illustrate that in the fact that if we look at the breakfast I had yesterday morning — a little cranberry juice, some fruits, some granola,
现在,我想用事实证明它, 看一下我昨天的早餐: 一点红莓汁、一些水果和一些格兰诺拉麦片,
78.I should have had wholewheat bread, I realized, but you know, jam on my Wonderbread, and some coffee — and had we taken out all those ingredients,
我也意识到我应该吃全麦面包,但是, 面包加果酱还有一些咖啡, 如果我们把那些食物拿走
79.– except for the almonds I wasn’t going to pick out from the granola — if we had taken out all those ingredients the bees had indirectly or directly pollinated,
只有杏肉我没有从格兰诺拉麦片中拿出去— 如果我们拿走那些 直接或间接由蜜蜂授粉的东西,
80.we wouldn’t have much on our plate.
81.So if we did not have bees, it’s not like we would starve, but clearly our diet would be diminished.
所以,如果没有蜜蜂,我们好像还不至于挨饿, 但毫无疑问的是我们的食谱将会缩小。
82.It’s said that for bees the flower is the fountain of life, and for flowers bees are the messengers of love.
人们说花是蜜蜂的生命之源, 而蜜蜂是花爱的使者。
83.And that’s a really great expression, because really, bees are the sex workers for flowers. They are, you know — they get paid for their services.
说的真是太好了,因为蜜蜂的确 是花的“性工作者”。它们,要知道, 它们的服务是有偿的。
84.They get paid by pollen and nectar, to move that male sperm, the pollen, from flower to flower.
它们“收取”花粉和花蜜, 才来把雄性配子,也就是花粉, 从一朵花传给另一朵花。
85.And there are flowers that are self-infertile. That means they can’t — the pollen in their bloom can’t fertilize themselves.
有些花不能自我受精。就是说它们不能……, 同一朵花的花粉不能使自己的受精。
86.So in an apple orchard, for instance, you’ll have rows of 10 apples of one variety, and then you have another apple tree that’s a different type of pollen.
如果在一个苹果园里,你有10行 同一个品种的苹果树,然后还有一棵苹果树 它有不同的花粉型。
87.And bees are very faithful.
88.When they’re out pollinating or gathering pollen from one flower, they stay to that crop exclusively, in order to help generate.
当它们出去传粉或从某种花上采集花粉时, 它们会专门针对那种植物来帮助它结果。
89.And of course, they’re made to carry this pollen.
90.They build up a static electric charge and the pollen jumps on them and helps spread that pollen from bloom to bloom.
它们在身上积累静电,这样花粉就会跳到它们身上, 它们就帮着把那个花粉丛一朵花带到另一朵花。
91.However, honeybees are a minority.
92.Honeybees are not native to America; they were introduced with the colonialists.
蜜蜂的老家不是美国;它们 是被殖民者带来的。
93.And there are actually more species of bees than there are mammals and birds combined.
实际上蜂的种类比 哺乳动物和鸟类加起来种类还多。
94.In Pennsylvania alone, we have been surveying bees for 150 years, and very intensely in the last three years.
单单在宾夕法尼亚州,我们已经对蜂类尽行了150年的调查, 并且最近这三年的调查非常详细。
95.We have identified over 400 species of bees in Pennsylvania.
96.32 species have not been identified or found in the state since 1950.
97.Now, that could be because we haven’t been sampling right, but it does, I think, suggest that something’s wrong with the pollinator force. And these bees are fascinating.
那可能是因为以前采集方法不当, 但是,我想这确实让人觉得 传粉者们出了什么问题。这些蜂类们让人着迷。
98.We have bumblebees on the top.
99.And bumblebees are what we call eusocial: they’re not truly social, because only the queen is, over winter.
熊蜂是群居性的,但是它们不是真正的社会性昆虫, 因为只有蜂后活过冬天。



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