
1.What we’re really here to talk about is the “how.”
2.Okay, so how exactly do we create this world-shattering, if you will, innovation?
好的,那么我们究竟是怎么创造这 世界震惊的创新,如果你愿意
3.Now, I want to tell you a quick story.
4.We’ll go back a little more than a year.
5.In fact, the date — I’m curious to know if any of you know what happened on this momentous date?
事实上,关于那个日子,我很好奇地想知道 你们当中是否有人知道在哪个重大的日子发生了什么
6.It was February 3rd, 2008.
7.Anyone remember what happened, February 3rd, 2008?
有人知道那天发生了什么, 2008年2月3号
8.Super Bowl. I heard it over here. It was the date of the Super Bowl.
9.And the reason that this date was so momentous is what my colleagues, John King and Hailey Fischer-Wright, and I noticed as we began to debrief various Super Bowl parties,
正是这个原因这个日子才如此重大 我的同事,约翰.金 和 海利,华特和我注意到 当我们开始调查一些超级碗团体时
10.is that it seemed to us that across the United States, if you will, tribal councils had convened.
我们发现似乎 贯穿全美 如果你愿意,部落委员会已经召集了
11.And they had discussed things of great national importance.
12.Like, “Do we like the Budweiser commercial?”
13.And, “Do we like the nachos?”  And, “Who is going to win?”
14.But they also talked about which candidate they were going to support.
15.And if you go back in time to February 3rd, It looked like Hilary Clinton was going to get the Democratic nomination.
如果把时间倒回2月3号 当时希拉里看似将要得到民主党的提名
16.And there were even some polls that were saying she was going to go all the way.
17.But when we talked to people, it appeared that a funnel effect had happened in these tribes all across the United States.
但是当我们与民众交谈时 我们发现貌似一个漏斗效应已经发生 在这些遍布在美国大地上的部落之中
18.Now what is a tribe? Tribe is a group of about 20 — so kind of more than a team — 20 to about 150 people.
那么部落是什么呢?  部落是一个小组 包括20人,看上去更像一个团队 20到大约150人
19.And it’s within these tribes that all of our work gets done.
20.But not just work. It’s within these tribes that societies get built, that important things happen.
不仅仅是研究工作。由于这些部落 社会得以建立 重要的事情得以发生
21.And so as we surveyed the, if you will, representatives from various tribal councils that met, also known as Super Bowl parties, we sent the following email off to 40 newspaper editors the following day.
所以如果你愿意,当我们调查一些代表 他们来自各种部落委员会,他们相见 他们也知道超级碗团体 第二天我们发送了如下的电子邮件给40位报纸编辑
22.February 4th, we posted it on our website. This was before Super Tuesday.
23.We said, “The tribes that we’re in are saying it’s going to be Obama.”
我们说:我们所在的部落表明 胜出者将会是奥巴马
24.Now the reason we knew that was because we spent the previous 10 years studying tribes, studying these naturally occurring groups.
我们知道这个结果的原因是 我们花费了过去的十年 研究部落,研究自然地形成的团体
25.All of you are members of tribes.
26.In walking around at the break many of you had met members of your tribe. And you were talking to them.
当你在休息散步时 你们中的许多人会遇见你们部落的成员,然后你们相互交谈
27.And many of you were doing what great, if you will, tribal leaders do, which is to find someone who is a member of a tribe, and to find someone else who is another member of a different tribe,
并且,如果你们愿意,你们当中许多人做着一些伟大的部落领导者所作的事 那就是找到 你部落的一个人 然后找到一个属于另一个的部落的人
28.and make introductions.
29.That is in fact what great tribal leaders do.
30.So here is the bottom line.
31.If you focus in on a group like this — this happens to be a USC game — and you zoom in with one of those super satellite cameras,
如果你关注一个像这样的部落 它刚好是终极格斗冠军赛 你拉近那些超级人造卫星照相机的镜头
32.and do magnification factors so you could see individual people, you would in fact see not a single crowd, just like there is not a single crowd here,
放大图像直到你可以看到单一的个人 事实上你看到的将不再是一个单一的群组 就像这儿也没有一个单一群组一样
33.but you would see these tribes that are then coming together.
34.And from a distance it appears that it’s a single group.
35.And so people form tribes.
36.They always have. They always will.
37.Just as fish swim and birds fly, people form tribes. It’s just what we do.
好比鱼儿水中游,鸟儿天上飞 人类组成部落。天性使然
38.But here’s the rub.
39.Not all tribes are the same.
40.And what makes the difference is the culture.
41.Now here is the net out of this.
42.You’re all a member of tribes.
43.If you can find a way to take the tribes that you’re in and nudge them forward, along these tribal stages to what we call Stage Five, which is the top of the mountain.
如果你可以找到一途径带领你所在部落 并推动他们向前 沿着部落的那些发展阶段 直到我们所谓的顶峰——阶段五
44.But we’re going to start with what we call Stage One.
45.Now this is the lowest of the stages.
46.You don’t want this. Okay?
47.This is a bit of a difficult image to put up on the screen.
48.But it’s one that I think we need to learn from.
49.Stage One produces people who do horrible things.
阶段一产生 做出可怕事情的人
50.This is the kid who shot up Virginia Tech.
51.Stage One is a group where people systematically sever relationships from functional tribes, and then pool together with people who think like they do.
阶段一是一些人 他们系统地从功能性的部落切断联系 然后汇集到一起 和那些认同他们所作所为的人一起
52.Stage One is literally the culture of gangs and it is the culture of prisons.
阶段一仅仅是字面意义上的一群人 并且还是犯罪的温床
53.Now, again, we don’t often deal with Stage One.
54.And I want to make the point that as members of society, we need to.
但我同时需要指出的是 作为社会的成员,我们有这个必要
55.It’s not enough to simply write people off.
56.But let’s move on to Stage Two.
57.Now, Stage One, you’ll notice, says, in effect, “Life Sucks.”
58.So, this other book that Steve mentioned, that just came out, called “The Three Laws of Performance,”
这是史蒂夫提到的另一本书 这本书刚刚出版,书名是《执行的三条定律》
59.my colleague, Steve Zaffron and I, argue that as people see the world, so they behave.
我的同事,史蒂夫和我 探讨认为人们怎么看待世界,他们就怎么做
60.Well, if people see the world in such a way that life sucks, then their behavior will follow automatically from that.
如果人们以生活糟透了的方式来看待世界的话 然后他们的行为就会自动地遵循这个
61.It will be despairing hostility.
62.They’ll do whatever it takes to survive, even if that means undermining other people.
为了生存他们会做任何事 哪怕这意味着要伤害其他人
63.Now, my birthday is coming up shortly, and my driver’s license expires.
我的生日快到了 并且我的驾照已经期满了
64.And the reason that that’s relevant is that very soon I will be walking into what we call a Stage Two tribe.
这一切相关的原因是很快 我将会步入一个我们称之为 阶段二的部落
65.Which looks like this.
66.(Laughter) Now, am I saying that in every Department of Motor Vehicles across the land, you find a Stage Two culture?
现场笑声 我有说过在每一个车辆管理局 在全国各地,你会发现一个阶段二的文化
67.No. But in the one near me, where I have to go in just a few days, what I will say when I’m standing in line is, “How can people be so dumb, and yet live?”
不,(我没这么说),但是在我附近的那一个 最近几天我不得不去的那一个 当我排队时我会说 “怎么会有人这么笨,但还活得好好的呢?”
68.(Laughter) Now, am I saying that there are dumb people working here?
(现场笑声) 我有说是一帮蠢人在这工作吗?
69.Actually, no, I’m not.
70.But I’m saying the culture makes people dumb.
71.So in a Stage Two culture — and we find these in all sorts of different places — you find them, in fact, in the best organizations in the world.
所以在阶段二 我们可以从所有不同的地方发现这一点 实际,你可以从世界上最优秀的组织中发现这些
72.You find them in all places in society.
73.I’ve come across them at the organizations that everybody raves about as being best in class.
我已经在一些组织中遇到这种情况 在组织中,所有人都叫嚷着要成为最棒的
74.But here is the point. If you believe and you say to people in your tribe, in effect, “My life sucks.
但问题是,如果你相信这一点并向 你所在部落其他人说了,那事实上 我的生活糟透了
75.I mean if I got to go to TEDx USC my life wouldn’t suck. But I don’t. So it does.”
我的意思是如果我去TED南加州大学演讲, 我的生活不会变糟。但我没去,所以它变糟了。
76.If that’s how you talked, imagine what kind of work would get done.
77.What kind of innovation would get done?
78.The amount of world-changing behavior that would happen?
79.In fact it would be basically nil.
80.Now when we go on to Stage Three: this is the one that hits closest to home for many of us.
那么,我们转移到阶段三,这个阶段 与我们每个人的家庭联系最紧密
81.Because it is in Stage Three that many of us move.
82.And we park. And we stay.
83.Stage Three says, “I’m great. And you’re not.”
84.(Laughter) I’m great and you’re not.
(现场笑声) 我很伟大,但你没有
85.Now imagine having a whole room of people saying, in effect, “I’m great and you’re not.”
想象一下,一整个屋子的人 都在说,“我很伟大,但你没有”
86.Or, “I’m going to find some way to compete with you and come out on top as a result of that.”
或者“我将找到一些与你竞争的方法 并且得到最好的结果”
87.A whole group of people communicating that way, talking that way.
88.I know this sounds like a joke. Three doctors walk into a bar.
89.But, in this case, three doctors walk into an elevator.
90.I happened to be in the elevator collecting data for this book.
91.And one doctor said to the others, “Did you see my article in the ‘New England Journal of Medicine’?”
一个医生说道:“你们看到了我的论文 发表在了新英格兰医学期刊上了”
92.And the other said, “No. That’s great. Congratulations!”
93.The next one got kind of a wry smile on his face and said, “Well while you were, you know, doing your research,”
下一个人面带扭曲的微笑说道, “你知道的,当你做你的研究时
94.notice the condescending tone — “While you were off doing your research, I was off doing more surgeries than anyone else in the department of surgery at this institution.”
注意那种居高临下的语气 当你做研究时,我做了更多的手术 比其他任何在这个部门的人还要多
95.And the third one got the same wry smile and said, “Well, while you were off doing your research, and you were off doing your monkey meatball surgery,
第三个人面带同样扭曲的微笑说道 当你做你的研究时 而你做你的猴子肉丸手术时
96.that eventually we’ll train monkeys to do, or cells or robots, or maybe not even need to do it at all, I was off running the future of the residency program
最终我们将训练猴子做那个手术 或者是细胞,或者是机器人,或者其他可能的需要 我一直在运作居民项目的未来
97.which is really the future of medicine.”
98.And they all kind of laughed and the patted him on the back.
99.And the elevator door opened. And they all walked out.
100.That is a meeting of a Stage Three tribe.
101.Now we find these in places where really smart successful people show up.
我们发现这些 会在一些真正聪明和成功的人中发生
102.Like, oh I don’t know, TEDx USC.
103.(Laughter) Here is the greatest challenge we face in innovation.
(现场笑声) 这里我们将遇到革新中的最大的挑战
104.It is moving from Stage Three to Stage Four.
这就是从阶段三 过渡到阶段四
105.Let’s take a look at a quick video snippet.
106.This is from a company called Zappos, located outside Las Vegas.
107.And my question on the other side is just going to be, “What do you think they value?”
我的问题将会是 “你认为他们珍惜的价值是什么”
108.It was not Christmas time. There was a Christmas tree.
109.This is their lobby.
110.Employees volunteer time in the advice booth.
111.Notice it looks like something out of a Peanuts cartoon.
112.Okay, we’re going through the hallway here at Zappos.
113.This is a call center. Notice how it’s decorated.
114.Notice people are applauding for us.
115.They don’t know who we are and they don’t care. And if they did they probably wouldn’t applaud.
他们不知道我们是谁,他们也不在乎。如果他们是的话 他们很可能就不鼓掌了
116.But you’ll notice the level of excitement.
117.Notice, again, how they decorate their office.
118.Now, what’s important to people at Zappos, these may not be the things that are important to you.
那么,对Zappos的员工来说什么是重要的 那也许并不是对你来说很重要的事
119.But they value things like fun. And they value creativity.
120.One of their stated values is, “Be a little bit weird.”
121.And you’ll notice they are a little bit weird.
122.So when individuals come together and find something that unites them that’s greater than their individual competence, then something very important happens.
所以当个体聚集 并且发现一些团结起他们的事 这比他们间的竞争更伟大 然后一些很重要的事发生了
123.The group gels. And it changes from a group of highly motivated but fairly individually centric people, into something larger, into a tribe that becomes aware of its own existence.
这个团体凝聚成一体,而且它从 一个团体高动力 但是平均个人自我为中心 变得更大 变成一个开始关注自我存在的部落
124.Stage Four tribes can do remarkable things.
125.But you’ll notice we’re not at the top of the mountain yet.
126.There is, in fact, another stage.
127.Now, some of you may not recognize the scene that’s up here.
128.And if you take a look at the headline of Stage Five, which is “Life is Great,”
129.this may seem a little incongruous.
130.This is a scene or snippet from the Truth and Reconciliation process in South Africa for which Desmond Tutu won the Nobel Prize.
这是一个场景或片断 摘自于 在南非的真相与和解的进程 因为这个德斯蒙德 图图获得了诺贝尔奖
131.Now think about that. South Africa, terrible atrocities had happened in the society.
现在想一想,在南非 社会中,过去曾经发生过可怕的暴行
132.And people came together focused only on those two values: truth and reconciliation.
人们走到一起 仅仅关注两条价值:真相与和解
133.There was no road map. No one had ever done anything like this before.
那里没有道路的地图。以前没有人曾经做过 任何像这样的事
134.And in this atmosphere, where the only guidance was people’s values, and their noble cause, what this group accomplished was historic.
在这种氛围中,唯一的指导 就是人们的价值,他们的崇高事业 这个团体完成的是历史性的
135.And people, at the time, feared that South Africa would end up going the way that Rwanda has gone.
在那时,人们担心南非 会在卢旺达曾经走过的那条路上走向灭亡
136.Descending into one skirmish after another in a civil war that seems to have no end.
不断分解的小冲突 在内战中似乎没有尽头
137.In fact, South Africa has not gone down that road.
138.Largely because people like Desmond Tutu set up a Stage Five process to involve the thousands and perhaps millions of tribes in the country, to bring everyone together.
很大程度上是由于像德斯蒙德 图图这样的人 建立起一个阶段五程序 涉及到上千个也可能是上百万个 这个国家中的部落,来让每个人到一起



2024-3-18 14:45:17



2024-3-19 13:18:58

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