
1.I’ll start with my favorite muse, Emily Dickinson, who said that wonder is not knowledge, neither is it ignorance.
我的缪斯,美国女诗人艾蜜莉狄金森这么说 她说:奇想不是来自知识,也不是来自无知
2.It’s something which is suspended between what we believe we can be, and a tradition we may have forgotten.
而是一种悬念 悬吊在在我们的自我认知 和我们已经遗忘的传统中
3.And I think, when I listen to these incredible people here, I’ve been so inspired, so many incredible ideas, so many visions.
从屋子里的这些出色的演讲中 我得到了许多灵感,看到许多可能性
4.And yet, when I look at the environment outside, you see how resistant architecture is to change.
但是当我往外一看 我们看到的建筑是多么死板
5.You see how resistant it is to those very ideas.
6.We can think them out. We can create incredible things.
7.And yet, at the the end, it’s so hard to change a wall.
但最终 连改变一道墙都是这么困难。
8.We applaud the well-mannered box.
9.But to create a space that never existed is what interests me.
10.To create something that has never been.
11.A space that we have never entered except in our minds and our spirits.
12.And I think that’s really what architecture is based on.
13.Architecture is not based on concrete and steel and the elements of the soil.
建筑不是建立在水泥 钢铁,和泥土
14.It’s based on wonder.
15.And that wonder is really what has created the greatest cities, the greatest spaces that we have had.
是奇想创建了伟大的城市 和伟大的空间。
16.And I think that is indeed what architecture is. It is a story.
17.By the way, it is a story that is told through its hard materials.
建筑是一个借着 实体来诉说的故事
18.But it is a story of effort and struggle against improbabilities.
它也是一个和不可能 拔河及挣扎的故事。
19.If you think of the great buildings, of the the cathedrals, of the temples, of the pyramids, of pagodas, of cities in India and beyond,
想想那些伟大的建筑,大教堂,庙宇 金字塔,宝塔 印度的那些城市之类
20.You think of how incredible this is that that was realized not by some abstract idea, but by people.
这些不可思议的城市和建筑不是来自 一个模糊的概念,而是人
21.So, anything that has been made can be unmade.
22.Anything that has been made can be made better.
23.There it is: the things that I really believe are are of important architecture.
这些是我认为对建筑来说 真正重要的事。
24.These are the dimensions that I like to work with.
25.It’s something very personal.
26.It’s not, perhaps, the dimensions appreciated by art critics or architecture critics or  city planners.
这大概不是评论家会喜欢的概念 建筑评论家,城市设计者大概也不苟同
27.But I think these are the necessary oxygen for us to live in buildings, to live in cities, to connect ourselves in a social space.
但我认为当我们生活在建筑里,城市里 和公共空间有所联系时 它们就像空气一样必要。
28.And I therefore believe that optimism is what drives architecture forward.
29.It’s the only profession where you have to believe in the future.
30.You can be an general, a politician, an economist who is depressed, a musician in a minor key, a painter in dark colors.
你可以做一个悲观的将军、政治家、或是经济学者 一个忧郁的音乐家、一个阴暗的画家
31.But architecture is that complete ecstasy that the future can be better.
32.And it is that belief that I think drives society.
33.And today we have a kind of evangelical pessimism all around us.
34.And yet it is in times like this that I think architecture can thrive with big ideas.
但就算在这样的时代 我仍然相信建筑可以为一个伟大的目的而奋斗
35.Ideas that are not small. Think of the great cities.
36.Think of the Empire State Building, the Rockefeller Center.
37.They were built in times that were not really the best of times in a certain way.
它们都是建立在 那些绝非最好的时机
38.And yet that energy and power of architecture has driven an entire social and political space that these buildings occupy.
但建筑的精神和力量 领导着这些社会和政治
39.So again, I am a believer in the expressive.
40.I have never been a fan of the neutral.
41.I don’t like neutrality in life, in anything.
42.I think expression.
43.And it’s like espresso coffee. You know, you take the essence of the coffee.
44.That’s what expression is.
45.It’s been missing in much of the architecture because we think architecture is the realm of the neutered, the realm of the kind of a state that has no opinion,
很多建筑都缺少这种精神 因为我们认为建筑是一个中立的领域 一个没有看法的领域
46.that has no value.
47.And yet, I believe it is the expression, expression of the city, expression of our own space, that gives meaning to architecture.
但我相信表现 一个城市和个人空间的表现 赋予建筑意义
48.And, of course, expressive spaces are not mute.
49.Expressive spaces are not spaces that simply confirm what we already know.
表现空间不只是 表达那些我们已经知道的事情
50.Expressive spaces may disturb us.
51.And I think that’s also part of life.
52.Life is not just an anesthetic to make us smile.
53.But to reach out across the abyss of history, to places we have never been, and would have perhaps been, had we not been so lucky.
而是越过历史的深渊 到一些未竟之地 如果我们不试,可能也无法到达的境地。
54.So again, radical versus conservative.
55.Radical, what does it mean? It’s something which is rooted.
56.And something that is rooted deep in a tradition.
57.And I think that is what architecture is, it’s radical.
58.It’s not just a conservation in formaldehyde of dead forms.
而不是一些死去的形态 安全地包装在传统里
59.It is actually a living connection to the cosmic event that we are part of, and a story that is certainly ongoing.
它是一个活生生的 与宇宙的关联性 一个正在进行的故事
60.It’s not something that has a good ending or a bad ending.
61.It’s actually a story in which our acts themselves are pushing the story in a particular way.
而是我们正参与着的故事 我们的行为影响着故事
62.So again I am a believer in the radical architecture.
63.You know the Soviet architecture of the that building is the conservation.
你们都见过苏联的建筑 那就是传统
64.It’s like the old Las Vegas used to be.
65.It’s about conserving emotions, conserving the traditions that have obstructed the mind in moving forward and of course what is radical is to confront them.
保存情绪,保存传统 阻碍我们的思想进步 激进便是面对这些保守
66.And I think our architecture is a confrontation with our own senses.
建筑便是以我们的知觉 去面对
67.Therefore I believe it should not be cool.
68.There is a lot of appreciation for the kind of cool architecture.
69.I’ve always been an opponent of it. I think emotion is needed.
70.Life without emotion would really not be life.
71.Even the mind is emotional.
72.There is no reason which does not take position in the ethical sphere, in the philosophical mystery of what we are.
没理由它不能出现在我们的伦理观 或用以哲学地解释我们是谁
73.So I think emotion is a dimension that is important to introduce into city space, into city life.
我认为情绪是一个次元 将它带进城市空间、城市生活非常重要
74.And of course, we are all about the struggle of emotions.
75.And I think that is what makes the world a wondrous place.
76.And of course, the confrontation of the cool, the unemotional with emotion, is a conversation that I think cities themselves have fostered.
冷酷无感和情绪之间的对峙 便是一种城市 所兼容的对话。
77.I think that is the progress of cities.
78.It’s not only the forms of cities, but the fact that they incarnate emotions, not just of those who build them, but of those who live there as well.
不只是城市的形态 而是这些情绪的具体化 不只是那些盖这些建筑的人 更是那些居民的情绪。
79.Inexplicable versus understood. You know, too often we want to understand everything.
80.But architecture is not the language of words.
81.It’s a language. But it is not a language that can be reduced to a series of programatic notes that we can verbally write.
它是一个语言,但不是一种能被简化为 一些问题百出的文字的语言
82.Too many buildings that you see outside that are so banal tell you a story, but the story is very short.
外面有太多平庸的建筑 它诉说故事,故事很短
83.Which says, “We have no story to tell you.”
84.(Laughter) So the important thing actually, is to introduce the actual architectural dimensions, which might be totally inexplicable in words.
(笑声) 重要的是 带进一种难以言喻的 建筑次元
85.Because they operate in proportions, in materials, in light.
这语言是以比例、面积 材质、光线组成的
86.They connect themselves into various sources, into a kind of complex vector matrix that isn’t really frontal but is really embedded in the lives,
它们以不同元素组成 像一种复杂的矢量矩阵 它不是平铺直述 但深入我们的生活
87.and in the history of a city, and of a people.
88.So again, the notion that a building should just be explicit I think is a false notion, which has reduced architecture into banality.
那些认为建筑应该直截了当的想法 我认为是错误的 那只能把建筑简化为平庸
89.Hand versus the computer.
90.Of course, what would we be without computers?
91.Our whole practice depends on computing.
92.But the computer should not just be the glove of the hand, the hand should really be the driver of the computing power.
但计算机应该像是手套 手才是真正赐予计算机力量的东西
93.Because I believe that the hand in all its primitive, in all its physiological obscurity, has a source, though the source is unknown,
因为我相信手 在它原始的、生理的难解下 仍然有种力量。虽然我们不知从何而来
94.though we don’t have to be mystical about it, we realize that the hand has been given us by forces that are beyond our own autonomy.
虽然我们不需要故作神秘 我们知道手是由 一种超越我们能力的力量所赐予
95.And I think when I draw drawings which may imitate the computer, but are not computer drawings, drawings that can come from sources
我用手描绘的时候 它有可能在模拟计算机,但它仍不同与计算机所绘 它是来自于
96.that are completely not known, not normal, not seen, Yet the hand — and that’s what I really, to all of you  who are working — how can we make the computer respond to our hand
一种未见,未知,无解的力量 我想告诉在这个领域工作的你们 如何让计算机根据手来描绘
97.rather than the hand responding to the computer.
98.I think that’s part of what the complexity of architecture is.
99.Because certainly we have gotten used to the propaganda that the simple is the good. But I don’t believe it.
因为我们都太习惯于 简单为上的束缚啊。但我不这么想
100.Listening to all of you, the complexity of thought, the complexity of layers of meaning is overwhelming.
听你们演讲,这些复杂的思考 这些意义的多重层次是惊人的
101.And I think we shouldn’t shy away in architecture, You know, brain surgery, atomic theory, genetics, economics are complex complex fields.
我们不该在建筑上逃避 脑科手术、原子论 遗传学、经济学 都是一些非常复杂的领域
102.There is no reason that architecture should shy away and present this illusory world of the simple.
建筑不该逃避 去呈现一个虚假的简单世界
103.It is complex. Space is complex.
104.Space is something that folds out of itself into completly new worlds.
105.And as wondrous as it is, it can not be reduced to a kind of simplification that we have often come to be admired.
它如此神奇 它不能被简化成那些 我们往往过分赞扬的作品。
106.And yet, our lives are complex.
107.Our emotions are complex.
108.Our intellectual desires are complex.
109.So I do believe that architecture as I see it needs to mirror that complexity in every single space that we have, in every intimacy that we posses.
我相信建筑应该反应那些 环绕我们的复杂 在我们所有的亲密空间
110.Of course that means that architecture is political.
111.The political is not an enemy of architecture.
112.The [unclear] is the city.  It’s all of us together.
113.And I’ve always believed that the act of architecture, even a private house, when somebody else will see it, is a political act.
我往往相信建筑本身 就算是私人住宅,当有人见到它,便成为一个政治行为
114.Because it will be visible to others.
115.And we live in a world which is connecting us more and more.
116.So again, the evasion of that sphere which has been so endemic to that that sort of pure architecture, the autonomous architecture that is just an abstract object
逃避这个层面 而普遍的选择一种纯粹建筑 那种看上去像个抽象物件,出于自发的建筑,
117.has never appealed to me.
118.And I do believe that this interaction with the history, with history that is often very difficult, to grapple with it, to create a position that is beyond our normal expectations and to create a critique.
我相信与历史产生的相互作用 和历史对话是困难的 尝试掌握它,创造一个 超越一般预设的立场,成为一种评判
119.Because architecture is also the asking of questions.
120.It’s not only the giving of answers.
121.It’s also, just like life, the asking of questions.
122.Therefore it is important that it be real.
123.You know we can simulate almost anything.
124.But the one thing that can be ever simulated is the human heart, the human soul.
但有一件事是永远不能模拟的 便是人心,便是人的灵魂
125.And architecture is so closely intertwined with it because we are born somewhere and we die somewhere.
建筑和它们息息相关 因为我们生于建筑,死于建筑
126.So the reality of architecture is visceral. It’s not intellectual.
127.It’s not something that comes to us from books and theories.
128.It’s the real, that we touch, the door, the window, the threshold, the bed.
是我们可触碰的真实,一扇门,一扇窗 门槛,床
129.Such prosaic objects. And yet, I try, in every building, to take that virtual world, which is so enigmatic and so rich, and create something in the real world.
这些平凡的物件 我在每个作品中尝试把这个 深奥又多元的虚拟世界 带进真实世界中
130.Create a space for an office, a space of sustainability that really works between that virtuality and yet can be realized as something real.
创造一个办公环境 一个永续空间 存在于虚拟世界中 也能在真实世界中存在
131.Unexpected versus habitual.
132.What is a habit? It’s just a shackle for ourselves.
133.It’s a self-induced poison.



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