1.I don’t speak English.
2.I start speaking English, learning English, about a year ago.
3.I speak French and I grew up with French, so my English is Franglais.
4.I’m born in the Western Congo in an area around here, and then went to university in Kisangani.
我出生在刚果西部一个离这不远的地方 后来去念了基桑加尼大学
5.And after I finished I went to this area, the Ituri Forest.
6.But what I’ve been doing — when I was about 14, I grew in my uncle’s house.
但是我一直在从事的 – 在我大约14岁的时候,我是在叔叔家长大
7.And my father was a soldier, and my uncle was a fisherman and also a poacher.
我的父亲是一个士兵 我的叔叔是一个渔夫同时也是一个偷猎者
8.What I’ve been doing from 14 to 17 was, I was assisting them collecting ivory tusk, meat and whatever they were killing, poaching, hunting in the forest,
我在14到17岁间一直做的是 帮他们收集象牙和肉 还有任何他们在森林里所猎杀,偷盗,捕捉的猎物
9.bring it in the main city to get access to the market.
10.But finally, I got myself involved.
11.Around 17 to 20 years I became myself poacher.
12.And I wanted to do it because I believed to continue my studies.
13.I wanted to go to university, but my father was poor, my uncle even …
14.So I did it.
15.And for three to four years I went to university.
16.For three times I applied to biomedical science, to be a doctor.
17.I didn’t succeed.
18.I was having my inscriptions, my admission to biology.
19.And I said, no way, I’m not doing it.
20.My family’s poor, my area don’t have better health care.
21.I want to be a doctor to serve them.
22.Three times, that means three years, and I start getting old.
23.I say, oh, no, I continue.
24.So I did tropical ecology and plant botany.
25.When I finished, I went to Ituri Forest for my internship.
26.It’s where I really getting passion with what I’m doing right up to now I’m standing in front of you, doing botany and wildlife conservation.
就是在那我开始对现在所从事的工作充满激情 一直延续到现在出现在你们面前 还在做植物学和野生动物保护工作
27.That time the Ituri Forest was created as a forest reserve with some animals and also plants.
那时伊图里森林建成了一个森林保护区 有一些动物及植物
28.And the training center there was built around the scientific Congolese staff and some American scientists also.
还建了一个训练中心 有一些刚果的科研人员 还有一些美国的科研人员
29.So the Okapi Faunal Reserve protects number — I think that is the largest number of elephant we have right now in protected area in Congo.
所以 Okapi 动物保护区防护数量 – 我认为那时数量最多的象群 我们现在正在一个刚果受保护的地区
30.It has also chimpanzees.
31.And it has been named Okapi Faunal Reserve because of this beautiful creature.
它被命名为 Okapi 动物保护区 是源于这种美丽的物种
32.That is a forest giraffe.
33.I think you guys know it quite well.
34.Here we have savanna giraffe, but through evolutions we have this forest giraffe that lives only in Congo.
这是草原长颈鹿 但在进化过程中演变成林地长颈鹿 它们只生活在刚果
35.It has also some beautiful primates.
36.13 species — highest diversity we can find in one single area in Africa.
有13种 – 是我们在非洲能找到密度最大的地方
37.And it has the Ituri Forest itself — about 1,300 species of plants, so far known.
还有就是伊图里森林本身 据我所知有将近1300种植物
38.I join the Wildlife Conservation Society working there in 1995, but I started working with them as a student in 1991.
我是在1995年加入野生动物保护协会的 但是在1991年,当我还是学生的时候就开始为他们工作了
39.I was appointed as teaching assistant at my university because I accomplished with honor.
我那时被任命为我大学的助教 因为我获得了学位
40.But I didn’t like the way the instruction I got was very poor.
41.And I wanted to be from to a training center and a research center.
42.With the end of dictatorship regime of Mobutu Sese Seko, that most of you know, life became very, very difficult.
在Mobutu Sese Seko是独裁统治结束时 大家都知道,生活变得非常非常困难
43.And the work we have been doing was completely difficult to do and to achieve it.
而我们的工作 完全无法完成
44.When Kabila started his movement to liberate Congo, so Mobutu soldiers started moving and retreated, so they started fleeing from the east to the west.
当 Kabila 开始他的解放刚果运动的时候 Mobutu 的士兵开始转移和撤退 所以他们开始从东往西撤
45.And the Okapi Faunal Reserve is there, so there was a road from Goma, somewhere here, and coming like this.
而 Okapi 动物保护区正好在那 那有一条通往 Goma 的路,在这附近 就是这样过来的
46.So they might go through, pass through Okapi Faunal Reserve.
所以他们可能会从 Okapi 动物保护区通过
47.Congo has five of world’s richest sites of protected area, and Okapi Faunal Reserve is one of them.
刚果有5个世界上最丰富的保护区 而 Okapi 动物保护区就是其中之一
48.So soldier was fleeing in the Okapi Faunal Reserve.
那些士兵撤到了 Okapi 动物保护区里
49.On their way they looted everything.
50.Torture, wars — oh, my God, you can’t believe.
折磨,战争 – 噢,我的上帝,你们不会相信
51.Every person was looking his way where to go, we don’t know.
52.And it was for us young, the first time really, we hear the language of war, of guns.
特别是对我们这些第一次经历的年轻人 我们感受到了枪林弹雨的滋味
53.And even people who faced the rebellion of 1963, after our independence, they didn’t believe what was happening.
甚至所有经历1963年那场叛乱的人 在我们独立后,他们都没有办法相信当年所发生的事
54.They were killing people, they were doing whatever they want because they have power.
他们屠杀百姓,胡作非为 因为他们手中有权利
55.Who have been doing that?
56.Young children. Child soldiers.
57.You can’t ask him how old he is because he has guns.
58.But I was from the west, working in the east, I even that time was not speaking Swahili.
但我是从西部来的,工作在东部 在那时候我甚至不会说斯瓦希里语
59.And when they came they looted everything.
60.You can’t speak Lingala because Lingala was from Mobutu, and everyone speaking Lingala is soldier.
你不能说林格拉语,因为那是 Mobutu 所用的语言 所有说林格拉语的都是士兵
61.And I was from the same area to him.
62.All my friends said, we are leaving because we are a target.
63.But I’m not going to the east because there I don’t know Swahili.
64.I stay. If I go I will be killed.
65.I can’t go back to my area — it’s more than 1,000 kilometers.
我不能再回到我的地盘 – 那有1000公里远
66.I stayed after they looted everything.
67.We have been doing research on botany, and we have a small herbarium of 4,500 sheets of plants.
我们一直在开展植物学方面的研究 我们有一个小干燥标本集,上边有4500种植物
68.We cut, we dry and we packed them, we mounted them on a folder.
我们采摘,干燥,然后把它们包好 我们把它们附在一个夹子上
69.Purpose — so that we start them for agriculture, for medicine, for whatever — and for science, for the study of the flora and the change of the forest.
目的 – 这样我们就能够用它们于农业 于医药,于天气 – 还有于科学 于花卉和森林的变化方面的研究
70.That is people moving around, that’s even Pygmies.
71.And this is a bright guy, hard-working person, and Pygmies.
72.I’ve been working with him about 10 years.
73.And with soldiers, they went to the forest for poaching elephants.
74.Because he’s Pygmies, he know how to track elephant in the forest.
75.He have been attacked by leopard and they abandon him in the forest.
76.They came to told me I have to save him.
77.And what I did, I gave him just antibiotics that we care for that tuberculosis.
而我所做的就是给他们一些抗生素而已 那时我们用来治疗肺结核的
78.And fortunately, I saved his life.
79.And that was the language of the war.
80.Everywhere there have been constant extraction of mineral, killing animals, the logging timbers and so on.
所有的人都在不断的采伐资源 捕杀动物,砍伐树木等等
81.And what of important things, I think all of you here have a cell phone.
而重要的是 我想再座的每一位都有一个手机
82.That mineral have killed a lot — five millions of Congolese have gone because of this Colombo-Tantalite, they call it Coltan.
那个玩意已经让很多人丧命 五百万的刚果人因为这个而丧生 铜镍合金,他们叫做 Coltan
83.That they use it to make cell phone and it have been in that area, all over in Congo, extraction, and good, big business of the war.
他们就是用这个来制造手机 这那个地区可以找到这种矿,开采,遍布刚果 这是引起战争的一个重要原因
84.And what I did for the first war, after we have lost everything, I have to save something, even myself, my life and life of the staff.
在第一次战争过后我们失去了所有东西,我所做的是 我挽救了一些东西,包括我自己,我的生命和同事的生命
85.I buried some of our new vehicle engine, I buried it to save it.
86.And some of equipment went with them on the top of the canopy, to save it.
一些设备被他们带走 放在在天棚顶上,以保存它
87.He’s not collecting plants, he’s going to save our equipment on the canopy.
他不是在采摘植物,而是将要保护我们的设备 在天棚上
88.And with the material that’s left — because they wanted to destroy it, to burn it.
至于那些剩下的原料 因为他们想销毁它,烧掉它
89.They didn’t understand it, they didn’t go to school.
90.I packed it.
91.And that is me, going to, hurrying to Uganda, try to save that 4,000 material, with people carrying them on the bikes, bicycles.
那是我,将要,赶往乌干达 设法保存那4000个标本 跟人们一起用摩托和单车运
92.And after that we succeeded.
93.I housed that 4,000 material at the herbarium of Makerere University.
我把那4000个标本存放在 Makerere 大学的标本集里
94.And after the war, I have been able to bring it back home so that we continue our studies.
在战争过后,我可以将它们带回来 那样我们就能够继续我们的研究
95.The second war came while we didn’t expect it.
96.With friends we have been sitting and watching match football, and having some good music with Worldspace radio, when it started, I think.
我们和朋友正坐在一起看足球比赛 在用Worldspace收音机收听一些美妙的音乐 当它爆发的时候,我想
97.So, it was so bad.
98.We heard that now, from the east again the war started, and it’s going fast.
我们正听到那,在东部战争又爆发了 它来临得很快
99.This time I think Kabila will go in place of, as he did with Mobutu.
这次我想 Kabila 会去跟 Mobutu 相同的一个地方
100.And the reserve was target to the rebels.
101.Three different movements and two militia, acting in the same area and competing for natural resources.
3个不同的运动和两支民兵队,在同一地区活动 争夺自然资源
102.And there was no way to work.
103.They destroy everything.
104.Poaching — oh, no way.
盗猎 – 噢,难以置信
105.And that’s the powerful men — we have to meet and to talk to them.
106.What’s the regulation of the reserve and what is the regulation of the parks?
什么是储备规定 什么是公园的规定?
107.And they can’t do what they are doing.
108.So we went to meet them.
109.That is Coltan extraction, gold mining.
110.So we started talking with them, convincing them that we are in a protected area.
所以我开始跟他们谈 说服他们我们是在一个受保护的地区
111.There is regulations that it’s prohibited to do logging, mining and poaching, specifically.
这是规定 砍伐,开采和盗猎都是被特别禁止的
112.But they said, “You guys, you think that soldier who are dying are not important and your animals you are protecting are most important.
但是他们说:“你们” 你认为那些士兵的牺牲都不重要吗 而你们所保护的动物是最重要的
113.We don’t think so.
114.We have to do it because to let our movement advance.
115.I say, “No way, you are not going to do it here.”
116.We started talking with them and I was negotiating.
117.Tried to protect our equipment, tried to protect our staff and the villages of about 1,500 people.
试着保护我们的设备,试着保护我们的人员 这个村庄大概有1500人
118.And we continued.
119.But I was doing that, negotiating with them, sometimes we are having meeting and they are talking with Jean-Pierre Bemba, with Mbusa Nyamwisi, with Kabila, and I’m there.
但我正在做的是,跟他们谈判 有时我们会开会 他们在跟 Jean-Pierre Bemba 对话 和 Mbusa Nyamwisi, 和 Kabila, 那是和我
120.Sometimes they talk to my own language, that is Lingala.
121.I hear it and what strategy they are doing, what they are planning.
122.Sometimes they are having helicopter to supply them with ammunition and so on.
有时他们有直升机 来补给他们的弹药等等
123.They used me to carry that and I was doing counting, what comes from where and where and where.
他们用我来搬运那些还有我在计算 什么要来,是从哪来等等
124.I had only this equipment — my satellite phone, my computer and a plastic solar panel that I hide it in the forest.
这是我唯一的设备 – 我的卫星手机,我的电脑 和一个被我藏在森林里的太阳能板
125.And every time, daily, after we have meeting, what compromise we have, whatever, I go, I write a short email, send it.
每一次,每天,当我们开会的时候 我们做出的任何妥协 我去,写一个简短的邮件,发送